After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 11.2 - Bride of the River God

Chapter 11.2 - Bride of the River God

Xia Chi came running up to Bai Lixin wearing coarse clothes, “Brother, those five people haven’t come down yet.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the sound of an angry red spider’s roar came from the mountain.

[Ding! Player death X1, 12 players remaining.]

[Ding! Player death X1, 11 players remaining.]

[Ding! Player death X1, 10 players remaining.]

A series of prompts ran out one after another. A few minutes later, two panicked figures emerged from the dark mountain gap.

Behind those two figures were several huge black shadows.

Seeing the two leave the mountain, the black shadows did not continue to chase them. They rubbed their claws restlessly in place a few times before turning their heads and disappearing into the dark, dense forest.

The two players run out of the woods without stopping, shouting as they run across the bridge and then into the village, quickly blending into the darkness.

The quiet village regained its dead silence, and the people by the river looked at each other with no joy on their faces.

The atmosphere was somewhat strained.

They were not familiar with those players, and they even had some conflicts. Hypocritical talk of sadness was false; there was just empathetic fear.

As long as the mission was not cleared, they had not struggled out of the abyss of death yet, and they would soon end up like these people.

Forty-five hours had passed and only the last 27, no, it should be 26 hours, remained.

The darkness of this copy was extraordinarily long; there were 13 hours between now and the next rooster’s crow, after which they were to enter mandatory working hours.

It was not yet known how long tomorrow’s mandatory work would be, but it could well be 8 hours or more.

If it’s eight hours, it meant that work would be done just before dark. In addition, the work intensity was getting heavier and heavier, so they had to stay well rested and physically fit in order to cope with the work.

It was best to fish for corpses during the day when the light was good, but they didn’t have any options available and there wasn’t much time.

After a long time, Zhou Guang took a deep breath and slapped himself heavily on the cheek.

“Everyone cheer up! There’s only the last 10% left. We can definitely get out alive!”

Liang Xi and Xia Chi also quickly calmed down, but only Li Cancan’s face still looked a little ugly.

Xia Chi couldn’t bear it, “Sister Cancan, why don’t you just wait for me and Brother Xin up there?”

Li Cancan pulled the corner of her mouth and shook her head, “No, I’m fine. If I can’t overcome this, what will I do when I meet the many more hurdles ahead of me? I can’t meet such good partners like you guys in every game copy.”

Xia Chi, “Alright then, come on.”

Five minutes later, all three were fully dressed. They all had ropes wrapped around their waists so that Zhou Guang and Liang Xi could pull them up on the river bank if they noticed something was wrong.

They stepped into the river with their flippers.

The icy water immediately rolled around their ankles, freezing Xia Chi from head to toe.

Before coming here, Bai Lixin had asked Grandma Sang where Bao’er had fallen into the water, and the three split into two from this location.

Xia Chi and Li Cancan went one way, while Bai Lixin was positioned in the opposite direction.

The river was muddy and visibility was very low. Even with the underwater searchlights, they could only see items two or three meters in front of them.

The three just dived and moved in the water. They constantly clawed at the bottom of the river and moved forward in their search.

The river had long since accumulated silt after months of scouring by the current, as well as sand and gravel being brought down from upstream to cover the bottom of the river. What had sunk to the bottom of the river thirty years ago had long been buried beneath this mud and sand. It would be impossible to find the bones from back then if the sand and mud weren’t pulled away bit by bit.

In the live broadcast, viewers could only see a few heads emerging out of the water for air from time to time.

[Is there a mistake? Is there a default shield even underwater? This live broadcast is toxic, right?]

[I saw Bai Lixin reveal his head! Did you notice how long Bai Lixin held his breath? Xia Chi and Li Cancan pop up an average of two times, while Bai Lixin only does it once.]

[Worthy of being my idol! What else can he not do?]

[Fishing for a corpse in the middle of the night is terrifying. It’s painful to find it, and it’s also painful if they don’t.]

[I hope they get it, but I also hope they don’t. I’m suffering too.]

[I just got some gossip. The Sand Sea Guild has secretly released a message saying that if Bai Lixin enters the game hall, he will be invited to join the union.]

[The Sand Sea Guild? Did I hear that right? That’s the third highest ranked union! Don’t they usually have to go through layers of vetting and selection to get in?

[It’s true, the president of the Sand Sea Guild said so himself.]

[What’s Sand Sea Guild? I heard that the Raging Flames Guild is also planning to steal people.]

[Damn, the Raging Flames? The second highest ranked guild!]

[My idol is really awesome! Ordinary people can’t get in even if their heads are sharpened. But the guild is already prepared to scramble for someone before he even comes out of the trial. I’m worshipping Bai Lixin more and more.]

Bai Lixin meticulously searched the ground, pulling away the dense water plants beneath him and poking his hands into the mud and sand.

Suddenly, he felt a hard, circular object in the pile of mud.

With a slight effort, Bai Lixin pulled the object out and found it to be a ring.

Because it was made of pure gold, the ring was a little warped but not rusted.

On the inside of the ring were also two words engraved.

Sang & Huang.

It was the wedding ring of Sang Bao’er and Huang Youcheng.

The ring was here. Were the two corpses also around here?

Bai Lixin’s held breath had reached its limit. After recognizing his current position, he was ready to swim upstream, intending to take a breath and continue his search near where he had just found the ring.

But just as he wiggled his flippers and prepared to swim, a clean stream of water forcefully and gently pried Bai Lixin’s mouth open.

The clean water burrowed into his mouth in an instant, and with it, a mass of fresh air poured into his chest.

Bai Lixin’s pupils shrank slightly.

At the bottom of the cold river, the clear water slowly spread a dense and ample shield around Bai Lixin. All the water inside the shield was pushed out, leaving only dense oxygen and several streams of clean water flowing continuously.

One of the currents wrapped around Bai Lixin’s back while another turned into a palm and cupped his jaw.

A stream of water moved wantonly through every corner of Bai Lixin’s mouth, grinding the other man’s delicate lips.

The stream of water on his back slowly moved down and wrapped itself around Bai Lixin’s waist.

Bai Lixin let out a soft cry, and his body tensed abruptly. Because of the tension of the current, he had to raise his neck hard. Ripples swirled in his eyes, and the ends of his beautiful eyes were gradually tinted pink.

It took an unknown amount of time for the water to let go of Bai Lixin, sliding over his lips and cheeks before leaving.

All the water tightened up and finally fell around Bai Lixin’s neck, turning into a crystal clear water necklace.

Bai Lixin gasped for air within the barrier, his eyes slightly misty.

There were faint gasps in the hoarse low laugh, ”That was the interest when I helped you before, and I’ve now claimed it. But I’ve just helped you get oxygen, so you owe me again.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Fuck! It’s not gentlemanly to take advantage of someone’s danger!

He was still in a trance when the rope around his waist was suddenly pulled up heavily, and then Bai Lixin’s body was yanked out of the water by an uncontrollable force.

As Bai Lixin burst out of the water, he heard Zhou Guang’s anxious cry, “Bai Lixin, are you alright?!”

Bai Lixin coughed lightly, his voice slightly hoarse, “I’m fine. I found Sang Bao’er and Huang Youcheng’s wedding ring.”

Zhou Guang on the river bank breathed a sigh of relief, “You didn’t come up after going down for seven minutes. I was worried that something had happened to you.”

Bai Lixin shouted to the bank, “I’m fine. I’m good in water and have a long time of breath retention. I’ll be fine.”

With that, Bai Lixin turned around and plunged into the water again.

The barrier once again opened up and wrapped around Bai Lixin, helping him to flush away the turbulent river water and mud. Like a swimming fish, Bai Lixin moved nimbly through the water and soon arrived at the spot where he had found the ring.

He fished around in the mud for a while and soon felt a long, thin, hard object.

With a sharp look in his eyes, Bai Lixin pulled the object out of the mud with a firm tug.

It was a skeleton.

It was a skeleton that had been pulled out of the mud. Or to be precise, two skeletons.

One large and one small skeleton were entwined with the other, their torn and faded clothes wrapped around them like a mass of seaweed.

On the finger of one of the skeletons was a ring, the same as the one Bai Lixin had just picked up.

The two skeletons in front of him must be Sang Bao’er and Huang Youcheng.

Without further hesitation, Bai Lixin dragged the two skeletons towards the shore.

Dijia’s voice came again in his ears, “You’re leaving now? Don’t you want to play a little longer? I can give you oxygen again, I have more than enough to keep you alive.”

Bai Lixin glared around.

Childish, only children play with water!

Ten minutes later, Xia Chi and Li Cancan also came ashore.

The five people held up their searchlights over the two skeletons, somewhat dumbfounded.

Zhou Guang, “Why… Why are their bones so dark?”

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