After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 116.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 116.2 - Campus Oddities

Su Fan stopped in his tracks. “I haven’t.”

The doctor, “Hurry up and come in, where are you going without finishing the measurements?”

With that, the doctor put his head back inside the room.

Su Fan regretfully said to Liang Xi, “Sorry Liang Xi, I can’t accompany you there.”

He patted Liang Xi on the shoulder, “Go for it.”

Only after seeing Su Fan walk into the medical examination room did Liang Xi take a long, deep breath, braced himself on his knees and panted heavily.

Fuck, he thought Su Fan was going to choke him when he reached over.

It was so scary.

The waiting area, which had been full of people just a moment ago, became deserted in the blink of an eye, and he was the only one left.

The only sound in the empty room was the rhythmic “tick-tock” of the clock on the wall. He went past the two medical examination rooms and stopped by the dark operation room.

Finally, with heavy steps, Liang Xi walked back and sat on the wooden bench.

His body sunk into the bench, and he crossed his legs and rubbed them together to ease the fear in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a creak from the closed door of the operation room.

Liang Xi stiffened and twisted his head to see that the closed door to the operation room was now opened by a crack.

The cool breeze blew in from outside, and in the overwhelming silence of the surroundings, the ticking of the clock overhead and the sound of his heartbeat gradually became louder.

The two sounds were chasing each other as if they were competing to see who could beat a little faster.

Liang Xi looked into the doorway for a second and boldly asked, “Who is there?”

He was answered by silence.

The wind was already blowing coolly and the door was blown open some more.

Liang Xi suppressed his inner fear and stood up from the bench. He dragged his stiff legs over to it, and his trembling fingers reached out and slowly closed the door.

“I guess it was the wind.” He muttered in a whisper and retraced his steps to the bench. His trembling hands continue to rub each other to ease his inner fears.

Ever since he was a child, he had been particularly afraid of dead silence.

It made him feel like he was the only one left between heaven and earth.

That was why he had chosen to become a veterinarian, and liked to keep pets. Their companionship would help him get through that desperate loneliness.

His trembling eyes stared at his trembling hands, he rubbed them over his face to ease the uncontrollable trembles.

Just as the spasms were about to stop, there was another “creak” in his ears.

In the silence, the sound was like a steel needle cutting through the air, piercing into Liang Xi’s chest without warning.

Liang Xi stiffened his neck and turned his head. The door, which had just been closed tightly, was opened again.

It was still the same thin crack and the same cool breeze.

After the door was opened, it even swayed twice.

Through that slit, Liang Xi could only see the dark corridor and the gray concrete floor.

Liang Xi gulped, got up again and closed the door in a panic.

But this time, the door was opened before he could even sit on the bench.

The door opened faster than the previous times, and the “creaking” sound was a little louder.

Liang Xi stared fixedly at the slit, and suddenly remembered what the player in the white shirt had said in the classroom.

-“Turn on the camera, and scan with it .”

His hands trembled as he brought the smartphone from his pocket and fumbled to turn on the camera.

He even failed to unlock it several times because of the trembling.

Finally, he turned on the camera and switched the rear lens before pointing it at the door of the room.

Liang Xi’s heart beat like a drum, it was so beating so hard that it was almost jumping into his throat.

His panicked gaze kept switching between the phone screen and the door in reality. The image on the phone was even chaotic because of the trembling hands.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared on the phone.

The shadow kept moving because of the shaking of the camera, but it was always situated in the dark slit.

It was as if an invisible person was standing at the doorway, opening the door and looking out!

In that instant, Liang Xi’s pupils suddenly contracted, and his face, which was already pale from loneliness, became even more bloodless, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

The invisible filth, the loneliness and the fear that was there at that moment all pressed down on Liang Xi from all sides.

The scene around him began to shake and tremble in his eyes, and his vision began to go black.

His brain was buzzing and even breathing began to hurt.

Liang Xi staggered back and stumbled over the bench. He used his last bit of strength to turn off the phone, grabbed his neck with both hands, and tilted his head back as he took deep breaths.

‘Don’t scream

Calm down, Liang Xi.

You’ve been through so many spooky things, you’re not the same timid Liang Xi you were when you first entered the game.

Nothing is going to happen, you’re only scaring yourself.

God Xin was able to even save the dead Zhou Guang, how could he leave me unattended?

If God Xin is around, there won’t be any fatal danger.’

‘Yes, it will not be dangerous.’

While the verge of despair and fear, Bai Lixin’s calm and carefree face suddenly appeared in Liang Xi’s mind.

In that instant, all the fear faded away and Liang Xi found his breath again.

His tense shoulders gradually relaxed, and even his stiff limbs were much more relaxed.

He exhaled a long breath and waited for the residue of fear to dissipate from his body.

His eyes fell on the doorway again. Liang Xi opened his somewhat dry mouth and asked tentatively, “Who are you?”

–-“My name is Xian Guang.”

A voice suddenly appeared in Liang Xi’s mind.

Liang Xi’s shoulders, which had just relaxed, tensed up again.

But in the next second, he relaxed once again.

His voice still trembled a little, but Liang Xi was not so scared anymore. He restrained his instinct to run away and continued, “Hello, Xian Guang.”

–-“I’m sorry, did I scare you earlier?”

–-“I didn’t want to.”

Liang Xi: “It’s okay, I’m fine. Why are you in here?”

–-“I’m lost. I only remember going to the toilet at night. When I woke up, I was like this, I want to go home.”

Liang Xi froze and hurriedly asked, “You’re a student at school?”

–-“Student? I’m a student? I don’t know. I forgot, I don’t remember anything.”

—“I just miss home, can you help me?”

[Ding! Congratulations to the player, now discovering the task [Help Xian Guang find the way home], this task has a difficulty of level B. After completing the task, you will receive 6000 mall points.]

[Friendly reminder: As this is an exploratory task, there will be no system penalty for failure.]

[Accept / Reject]

Liang Xi hesitated for a long time.

If he agreed, Xian Guang would have to follow him the whole time.

It was scary to think about.

If he refused him…

Xian Guang’s voice came again.

–-“Wuuu, I miss home. It’s so dark and scary. I’ve been lost for ages, I’m alone and I can’t even walk there.”

—“You’re the only one who can hear my voice. Can you help me?”

–-“So lonely, I’m so lonely.”

So lonely, all alone?

The pain that Liang Xin had once suffered suddenly came in a tidal wave, and Liang Xi finally pressed [Accept].

As Liang Xi was accepting the task, Bai Lixin, whom he had much faith in, was also facing a difficult challenge.

The man in the white lab coat sat back in the chair with a straight back. He wore gold-rimmed glasses that made him look svelte, and his mouth and nose were hidden behind a blue mask.

Fingers covered by white latex gloves held a fountain pen, the tip of which was lightly scratching smooth lines of black ink on paper.

“Bai Lixin, male, 21 years old.”

The man’s voice was husky and low, with a touch of ascetic grooming.

As he spoke, he quickly wrote on the paper.

Within a few moments, the words he had spoken appeared on the medical examination record form.

The man finished writing and placed the medical examination form on the table beside him.

The chair swiveled around, and faced the direction in which Bai Lixin stood.

The toe of his black leather shoe tapped the floor, controlling the rotation of the chair.

Then, the man lazily crossed a leg over the other.

Through the transparent gold-rimmed glasses, the doctor’s gaze fell on Bai Lixin’s face.

His eyes slowly moved down the length of Bai Lixin’s body.

There was an inexplicable sense of oppression in those eyes, as if enjoying a trophy.

For a moment, Bai Lixin even felt like he was not wearing any clothes.

His eyes flickered and he took a step back.

The doctor looked Bai Lixin up and down once again before he spoke indifferently, “Why are you backing up? Do you think that I’ll eat you?”

As he said that, he stood up from the chair and slowly walked towards Bai Lixin.

At a height of 1.9 meters, he immediately towered over Bai Lixin’s 1.8 height.

A huge shadow loomed down as the man looked at Bai Lixin from above, “I am your doctor, I save your little lives when it matters.”

“You have reason to be afraid of the teachers, but you shouldn’t be afraid of me.”

“Anyone in the school would punish you, only I would save your life.”

The man’s fingers went to Bai Lixin’s shoulder and slowly moved up to his collar.

Bai Lixin grabbed the man’s fingers and immediately felt the cold latex texture. “Doctor, what are you doing?”

The man’s fingers had already hooked over the button on Bai Lixin’s collar and he smiled gently, “Of course I’m helping you with a medical exam. Didn’t I tell you? I’ll save you.”

“You seemed nervous, so I came up to help you.”

Bai Lixin looked into the man’s eyes.

Even with the latex gloves on, they couldn’t hide the man’s long knuckled fingers.

“Aren’t we taking measurements for the school uniforms?” Bai Lixin grabbed the man’s fingers and pulled them off the buttons one by one, then took two steps back, “How did it become a medical examination?”

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