After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 118.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 118.1 - Campus Oddities

“The dining hall is connected to the dormitory building.” Teacher Zhao pointed to the dining hall where students were already entering, “but it’s not yet your meal time.”

“All resources are tilted towards class A first, and meals are no exception.”

“Only when class A has finished eating, can the students from class B and C go to eat.”

“I will take you to the dormitory first.” A class A teacher happened to be leading the class A students to the dining hall when they met Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao froze and immediately lowered his head and gave a respectful bow.

When the Class A teacher had disappeared with the Class A students, Teacher Zhao straightened his back and said coldly, “See, even the Class A teachers are treated better.”

“If you want to be respected, you have to keep remembering your self-worth, those who have no value are rubbish.”

“As class C, you should understand that too, right? You live in the worst environment among all student dormitories.”

Teacher Zhao paused in front of the dormitory building, “Heh, but you guys got lucky this year.”

“The school has just received a grant from a trustee to renovate all the dormitories. You’ll be seeing him in the future, he is also the director of the school’s infirmary, Dr. Jia. Since all dormitories were to be renovated, that of course includes your dormitories.”

“Class A dormitory has two people per dormitory, Class B dormitory has four per dormitory, and as for Class C ……”

Teacher Zhao led the students forward, “It used to be 8 people a room, but as I said earlier, all the dormitories have been renovated, and the dormitories that were previously uninhabitable can now be inhabited. In addition, the trustees have given more money this year and the school has purchased a lot of accommodation facilities, so for the first time, Class C will receive the same treatment as class B.”

“There are 25 students in our class, 8 girls and 17 boys. The boys will be in this building and the girls are in the next building. The extra boy will have to squeeze in with the other students for a while. It won’t take long, some dormitories will soon be vacated anyway.”

The players who were following behind all trembled.

Soon, vacated?

How? Because of dead students?

Wuuu wuuu!

“Your school uniforms are ready and are placed on your beds. The beds are arranged according to your school numbers, which are posted at your bedsides.”

“The girls will wait for me for a moment, I’ll take the boys to their dormitories first and then take you to yours.”

Although Teacher Zhao was impatient throughout the process, there was still something to be said about his efficiency and attitude.

He soon settled in all the students according to their student numbers, and only the last five were left.

No one lived on the ground floor, class A was on the first floor, class B on the third and fourth floor, while the most pathetic class C took the fifth floor.

The unlucky Class C would always have to climb the highest stairs.

Teacher Zhao led the last five people in front of dormitory 501 which was closest to the common toilets.

The room was new, and the beds inside looked brand new. There were only two bunk beds in the room and Liang Xi couldn’t help but speak up, “Teacher, the beds aren’t enough, how do we squeeze in?”

Teacher Zhao: “This is the last dormitory, even if there are extra beds, there is no extra space. You three have the highest numbers among the five, so you will each get a bed.”

Teacher Zhao paused and tsked at Bai Lixin and Su Fan: “As for you two, you deserve treatment as the first and second from the bottom. I’ll allow you to squeeze in together for the next three days.”

Bai Lixin: “???”

Su Fan: “……”

Liang Xi: “!!!”


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahahah. Su Fan: No grievances, no grievances at all.]

[God Xin’s expression, hahahahaha, I’m laughing my ass off. God Xin: I think you’re teasing me.]

[God Xin: Never in a million years did I expect this.]

[The big boss will faint, hahaha.]

[I think the big boss’ thoughts were simple when he had the dormitories renovated. But as a result, he made a wedding dress for others. 】

[How did it happen that there were no more rooms? How could this be a coincidence? I’m going to die laughing.]

[Big boss: I never dreamed of this!]


After Teacher Zhao left, the three men stared at the beds in front of them with complicated eyes.

No. 21 and No. 22 had already found their names by their beds, and Bai Lixin expressed a little envy.

Su Fan did not move either, his expressionless gaze was on the table nearby.

Liang Xi: “Or, you could hit the floor?”

“It should be no problem if I put my mattress and yours on the floor, right?”

Liang Xi’s words had just fallen when Teacher Zhao, who had gone and returned, opened the door as fast as he could, “By the way, to remind you guys.”

“No making extra beds in private, you must sleep according to the school’s arrangement. Otherwise, it is considered a violation of the school rules and regulations and you will be locked up in a small dark room.”

“The small dark room is not a place for people to stay, I advise you not to try it casually.”

After saying this, Teacher Zhao quickly closed the door, leaving behind five dumbfounded people.

He came in a hurry, and he left in a hurry.

What kind of teacher was this, a tornado?

Liang Xi stole a glance at Bai Lixin. Bai Lixin looked tangled and he had lost his calm.

Liang Xi was a little distressed.

After a long time, Bai Lixin rubbed his face, “It’s fine to squeeze into one bed, but couldn’t they at least give two quilts?”

Su Fan answered in seconds, as if he had already made a draft and didn’t need his words to go through much thought, “You use the quilt, I’ll just sleep on the outside.”

Bai Lixin looked at Su Fan, “I guess that’s the only solution.”

The bed was a standard bed for a boys’ dormitory.

It was 2 meters long and 1 meter wide, and Su Fan, who was 1.9 meters tall, had to curl up to sleep, not to mention squeeze into a bed with Bai Lixin.

There were two sets of clothes on the bed. They were grey half sleeves shirts, jackets with zips, and trousers with leather straps on them so there was no need for belts.

Fortunately, there was a white line sewn on the leg line and the jacket, so as not to make the uniform look unsightly.

Number 21, a somewhat short boy that looked well-behaved and had big eyes on his round apple face suddenly spoke.

“I haven’t lived in a dormitory for a while so I’m a bit embarrassed.” He smiled coyly, “I’ll go and change first.”

For the privacy of the students, there was a curtain on each bed.

Once it was drawn, it was their own private little space.

Of course, Bai Lixin and Su Fan could not enjoy this treatment as they had to share a bed.

The dormitories all had their balconies and bathrooms. The bathroom had a shower and toilet and all were in this one small room.

Bai Lixin looked at Su Fan, and then at the bed, and finally held the clothes in his arms. He was about to speak when he saw Su Fan casually pick up another set of clothes and directly walk towards the bathroom.

“I’ll go inside and change, you go up and change from the bed.”

For a moment, Bai Lixin even felt ashamed for treating a gentleman as if he had the heart of a villain.

Bai Lixin climbed onto the top bunk, pulled the curtain closed, and had just taken his top off when the bed shook a little.

The next moment, a pale hand lifted the curtain and came in with vigor.

The bed creaked and shook twice because of the man’s movements.

The man was still fully clothed, and as soon as he came in, he sat on the bed and look at Bai Lixin with one hand on his cheek.

Bai Lixin was stunned. “Didn’t you go to the bathroom? Why did you come back?”

The man’s whole body was all in white, and he casually picked up something in his hand and threw it in front of Bai Lixin, “I took the wrong school uniform, let’s exchange.”

Bai Lixin quickly opened the label on the back collar of the school uniform and read it, it was indeed the wrong one.

When Su Fan took the school uniform, his eyes fell on Bai Lixin’s waistline, “Tch, I didn’t expect it, it looks thin when wearing clothes, and still looks good when you take them off.”

Bai Lixin only looked at Su Fan and did not feel the shame Su Fan expected. He quickly put on the shirt and then the outer jacket.

Seeing that Su Fan had no intention of leaving, Bai Lixin didn’t hesitate in his actions. He leaned against the wall and prepared to remove his trousers.

When his hands went on his half-undone belt, Su Fan picked up his clothes and quickly stepped down from the top bunk, “Take your time, I’m going to change.”

Two minutes later, all five people had changed into their school uniforms.

No. 21, No. 22 and Liang Xi had just come down from their beds when they saw two long legs coming down from the top bunk, and at almost the same time, the bathroom opened and another pair of long legs also stepped in.

Seeing the two pairs of long legs made the three instantly envious.

They all wore the same school uniform, why did the three of them look like they were going to serve a prison sentence, while these two looked like they were going to participate in the fashion week?

The thing about temperament and face value is that it really does save the day.

No. 21’s apple face was a little twisted. “So, what are we going to do next? Clean the dorm?”

There was a sudden sound of flushing from the toilet next door.

Apple-face sighed, “We’re so miserable, we only have the area near the toilets left, how are we going to sleep if people keep going to the toilet at night?”

Number 22 was a chubby young man with a meaty, bald head.

His bald head made his small eyes look narrow. “I don’t think anyone goes to the toilet at night, do they? The school rules say that the lights go out at 10 pm. No one is allowed to leave the dormitory after lights out, and those who break the rules will be punished.”

“The dormitories all have bathrooms, so no player would be stupid enough to go to the outside toilet.”

It would be best if players did that. What will happen when you hear the sound of flushing yet you know no player will dare get out of their room.” The cold voice snickered, “Won’t you be afraid when the time comes?”

“Just like now, you just heard the sound of a toilet flushing, do you think it’s a player in the toilet? Or a ghost?”

Su Fan’s voice was already low, and with this cool tone, a sense of terror immediately filled the room.

Apple face and bald head instantly had a jolt all over their bodies.

The bald head’s eyes widened: “You, don’t scare people. It’s only the first day, don’t do anything, please don’t do anything.”

Su Fan’s tone was indifferent, “I’m not doing anything, I’m just giving you guys a heads up, don’t act stupid enough when you hear a commotion outside.”

The bald man took a long breath and boldly walked out, wanting to check out the toilets.

The moment he walked out, a player who had changed into his school uniform happened to walk by. He was shaking the water from his hands as he went, his expression a little agitated.

The bald player saw this and the heart that was hanging in his throat immediately dropped.

“Don’t you have a toilet in your dorm?” The bald man called out to the male player and asked, “Why did you come here to use the toilet?”

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