After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 133.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 133.3 - Campus Oddities

Given its aversion to bottles, it was easy to believe it had been injured by someone using acid in a bottle.

The mask was attached to its face not only by thread, but also by steel nails that were brutally driven in.

There wasn’t a single good piece of skin on what was exposed, and every spot was scarred from the torture.

The scars were all a part of its past.

Bai Lixin reached through the gate and soothed the other party’s head, despite not knowing why this had happened to the little one.

The little creature didn’t even flinch this time and even came forward to let Bai Lixin pet it.

From what he could see from today’s encounter, the little creature’s attitude towards him had changed a lot.

From the initial wariness, to the current dependence.


In the live broadcast room.

[It feels like God Xin is keeping a pet.]

[You’re looking at God Xin raising a pet; I’m more concerned with how much tasty food God Xin has in his backpack. Is his backpack similar to Doraemon’s? How is it that everything and anything can be extracted? Isn’t this emptying out the mall?]

[God Xin: Sitting on a mountain of food.]

[Hahaha! Brother, don’t use idioms if you don’t know how to use them.]

[Who is this little kid? He’s made so many appearances, I think he’s an important character.]

[There’s no need to rush; everything will be revealed. It’s strange; whenever they encounter a ghost or monster, I initially find them frightening and intimidating, but after interacting with God Xin, they somehow become cute.]

[Hahahaha, laughing my ass off.]

[Weird – Cute – Ghosts.]


Class C.

It was another day of casual classes.

First, Dr. Dijia came before lunchtime again, the timing of his visits were almost like clocking in at work.

Teacher Zhao was now numb to this.

Dr. Dijia stood at the door, and Teacher Zhao knew exactly what he wanted without him saying anything.

“Bai Lixin!” Teacher Zhao yelled at the top of his lungs like a receptionist in a hospital, “come out for a moment.”

Amidst the strange looks from the crowd, Bai Lixin walked out of the classroom.

Teacher Zhao, Dr. Dijia and Bai Lixin all walked out of the classroom and the classroom bristled with gossip.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, why does it feel like something is not right with Dr. Dijia and Bai Lixin.”

“Right? It’s weird.”

“What’s weird? Didn’t they say Bai Lixin has a heart condition?”

“Are you stupid? There’s nothing the gaming hall can’t cure, even a missing arm or leg can be regrown, so why can’t it cure a heart problem?”

“Tsk, you make a good point, what’s their relationship then?”

“Who can say, it can’t be a love relationship, could it?”

“So what? One is handsome and the other is pretty.”

“Tsk, despite his good looks, Dr. Dijia is an NPC, ah.”

“He’s an NPC, not a clay figurine, what we have, he has.”

Su Fan: “……”

Xia Chi was lying on the table to catch up on his sleep when his ears suddenly heard a “bang”, and a cold wind blew past his face.

He opened his eyes in a daze and saw that the window had shattered again.

Xia Chi turned and found a new position to sleep in, his head in the crook of his arm.

Teacher Zhao stood outside the corridor, frowning at the shattered window. “Bai Lixin, I said I’d ignore it if you wander around the dormitory at night, but I didn’t say you could leave the building! Do you consider Wensong High School to be in your backyard?”

“Do you know that I had to get up early in the morning to go to the surveillance room to modify the surveillance content?”

“I don’t know if it’s the right decision to work with you. Don’t get me killed.”

Bai Lixin was a little embarrassed, “Teacher Zhao, shouldn’t you be saying these things to me in private? There is someone else here.”

Dijia spoke indifferently, “I opened the door to the surveillance room, I helped change the video, any problem?”

“……” Bai Lixin rubbed his face, “Oh, no problem.”

Dijia ordered, “Come with me.”

Bai Lixin smiled at Teacher Zhao, who was thoroughly ignored, and slowly followed Dijia’s pace.

Teacher Zhao: “……”

Fuck! You guys should pay me for the glass!

“It just so happens that I wanted to ask you something.” Bai Lixin quickly followed Dijia’s footsteps and came to the other man’s side.

Dijia slowed his pace and turned his head to glance at Bai Lixin’s face, and he couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “What is it?”

Bai Lixin: “I remember seeing a group photo in your examination room, there was a school leader named Huang Xiaolian in the photo, where is he now?”

Dijia: “Why are you asking?”

Bai Lixin: “It’s something to do with a case, so do you know?”

Dijia: “Huang Xiaolian was the vice headmaster of Wensong High School thirty years ago. So much happened in that year; the old headmaster retired, the school was reevaluated and was rated S in excellence, and Huang Xiaolian was made the new headmaster because of this.”

“After more than ten years as headmaster, he retired about five or six years ago.”

Bai Lixin frowned slightly: “He retired? So he left the school?”

“That’s not true,” Dijia glanced at Bai Lixin and continued, “After retiring, he joined the board because of his outstanding achievements and was voted in as the president of the board and he now manages the school.”

“He is still in school but he lives in seclusion and is not seen by the general public.”

Bai Lixin: “Where is his office?”

Dijia stopped and pointed to the red building next to the laboratory building, saying, “That’s the office building; see the third floor? It’s right there; his office is on the far side of the third floor with [Council President] written on it; you can see it right away.”

“I’ve told you everything you wanted, now can you tell me why you’re asking?”

Bai Lixin looked at the office building and took note of the location before telling Dijia about last night.

Dijia sneered as he listened, “I know about that case thirty years ago;the evidence that pointed to that PE teacher was not clear, do you know who was the witness that identified that teacher?”

There was a sudden pause and his dark eyes stared at Bai Lixin.

Beg me quickly, beg me and I’ll tell you the clue.

Aren’t you curious to death!

Bai Lixin: “It was Huang Xiaolian, right?”

Dijia: “……”


Bai Lixin went over the information Dijia had given and asked, “Do you remember exactly when Wensong High School was rated excellent?”

Dijia: “If I remember correctly, it should have been the winter of s400.”

Bai Lixin: “What was the criteria for merit assessment?”

Dijia: “Excellent performance, healthy students physically and mentally, rich campus culture, a neat and tidy environment ……”

Bai Lixin suddenly thought of something and looked up at Dijia: “Will a student committing suicide have any effect on the evaluation?”

Dijia thought for a moment: “Yes, one of the aspects of the evaluation was the physical and mental health of the students. The girl’s suicide already had a bad impact.”

Bai Lixin: “Then, was the dismembered body found after the evaluation?”

Dijia didn’t even think twice, “Indeed.”

“It’s rare for those models to be taken out for use because soaking in formalin hinders decay, it is impossible to tell the time of death when they’re found.”

The girl, Fearful, suicide, dismemberment, evaluation….

A timeline appeared in Bai Lixin’s mind, and all the clues obtained so far were placed on the timeline accordingly. “The biggest beneficiary of the evaluation was Huang Xiaolian,” Bai Lixin said solemnly as the final block was placed.

“Is it possible that Huang Xiaolian discovered Fearful and, fearing that this would affect his evaluation, secretly disposed of Fearful body?”

Dijia chuckled and there seemed to be a radiance in his eyes.

“I’m not going to lie, I thought of that possibility when you talked about that girl and boy.”

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