After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 139.1 - Campus Oddities

 ***Warning!!: The first half of this chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence amd bullying.***

—“You’re so ugly, why do you have his favor?”

—“What’s wrong with your face? Why is it so ugly, you ugly bastard?”

—“It’s full of lumps of flesh; it’s disgusting. Don’t scare me, okay? I had nightmares after seeing you yesterday.”

—“I saw him at the playground today, he made the class next door cry. Hahahaha, you’re so vicious, can’t you hide yourself in the shadows and stop following young master Huang? He’s so good-looking while you’re so hideous!”

The screen kept moving at 32 times the speed.

As Huang Xiaolian had predicted, the boy returned to school after recovering from his injuries and became even more isolated, and he himself became even more gloomy. The desks in the classroom were covered with words like “ugly” every day.

Unlike the students who tormented him at every turn, Huang Xiaolian was as nice as ever.

–Why are you covering your face? Do you think you’re ugly like this? Look, I bought you a mask; do you like it?”

In the video, a spirited boy stood in front of the gloomy, ugly boy.

It was a lacerating image of them standing on a rooftop. The sun shone down and hid the ugly boy in the shadows while the spirited youth stood in the sunlight.

The edge of the line was visible, half dark and half light.

At that moment, the ugly boy was like a mouse that wanted to hide, while the other was like a summer flower growing in the sun.

How inferior the ugly boy was, and how confident the other was.

The boy gave the other party the plastic rabbit mask, compelling him to wear it: “Wear this mask and the students won’t be afraid of you. Look, there is a rabbit on it, isn’t it cute? This rabbit looks a lot like you, ah.”

The boy looked at Huang Xiaolian reverently and took the mask with both hands respectfully, as if he were a believer: “Thank you, Huang Xiaolian.”

Huang Xiaolian: “Why are you thanking me? We’re good friends, there’s no need to say thank you between good friends.”


They were short on time, so Bai Lixin fast-forwarded to 64x speed.

—“Why are you putting a mask on your face? You cherish it so much, did Young Master Huang give it to you?”

—“Heh, you shouldn’t wear a cute rabbit mask, a bedbug mask is more suitable for you only.”

—“You can’t even look at your own face.”

—“House dog, we got you a present too. Look, it’s a custom-made mask for you. It’s a titanium mask that will last for a hundred years.”

—“We’ll put it on for you.”

—“Tsk, you might waste our time and lose the mask, so why don’t we just burn it onto your face, and drive it in with a few nails in the process? You don’t mind, do you?”

Many people were standing inside and outside the classroom in the scene, a dozen or so perpetrators stood in the middle of the crowd, placing a red-hot metallic mask on the face of the terrified and screaming boy, the rest looking on with numb expressions.

They did not inflict violence, but neither did they save the victim.

They acquiesced to the situation since it was not their suffering.

The sounds of static mixed with the smoke coming out of the boy’s burning face, it was like hell on earth, and the boy roared with pain.

Mixed in with these sounds were the cruel laughter and abuses from the perpetrators.

The red-hot steel nails were ruthlessly slammed into the boy’s mask, and with each blow of the hammer, the boy let out a harsh scream.

He stopped begging for mercy, and his frightened eyes swept over the people in the classroom. His eyes became filled with resentment, and they turned blood-red in the burning smoke.

“How dare you stare at me like that? You’re looking for death!” The perpetrator cursed, trying to hammer down yet another steel spike.

Just as the red-hot steel nail landed in him, an unknown burst of strength erupted from the weak boy, and he let out a growl as his body forced itself free of its bonds and the strangely elongated beastly claws slashed right through the other party’s throat.

A fountain of blood immediately gushed out.

The atmosphere of the originally noisy classroom suddenly changed as screams of terror rang out.

The perpetrators and the unconcerned onlookers all had looks of fear on their faces as they pushed and shoved each other to get out of the classroom.

The indifferent finally stopped being indifferent as the students started scrambling about.

The boy, unaware of what was happening, began to undergo an immense change in his body.

He walked on all fours like an animal, and the smoking mask couldn’t even hide his anger and ferocity.

His hands grew long, and muscles started to burst out of his thin limbs.

He became a complete and utter monster.

The bestial boy blocked the only exit, and it was already red with blood.

Those fragile humans were nothing before him, he could crush any throat with a single lift of his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the prey became the hunter, and the perpetrators became the prey.

The monster slaughtered with abandon, and the brazier used to heat the nails and mask fell over as the students fled.

There were pleas for mercy, wails, screams, falls, and the roaring sound of fire curling up the curtains and wooden tables.

At the end of the day, some of the sounds were finally swallowed up by the flames, disappearing into the angry curls of fiery red.

The camera, damaged by the flames, went completely black at the last moment.

Bai Lixin looked at the duration, there were still about ten minutes to go, and sure enough, it wasn’t long before the black screen began to flicker and the young Huang Xiaolian’s face reappeared in the frame.

The boy’s face was half exposed to the light and half hidden in the shadows.

“I didn’t expect House Dog to surprise me so much. How did he turn out like this?”

“And I have him to thank for such a wonderful sight.”

“But it looks like I need to lay low for awhile.”

“What a tragedy! He killed so many students.”

The boy covered his face, as if he was mourning.

However, in the next second, he lowered his head, his hand dropped, and a hideous grin like that of a demon appeared on the camera.

Su Fan: “This Huang Xiaolian looks like a psychopath.”

Bai Lixin: “And a highly intelligent psychopath at that, he has a strong sociopathic personality, but it’s not the same as the general sociopathic personality.”

“A person with a sociopathic personality would not be able to control the cruel desires within himself and will satisfy himself with constant actions. But he learned to put on the mask of hypocrisy at such a young age, he is very planned and patient, accomplishing his ultimate goal step by step.”

Su Fan took the tape out and walked over to the shelves, deep in thought: “He was very meticulous at a young age; why did he suddenly become stupid when he rejoined the school as a teacher?”

“With his style, he wouldn’t just rape someone in a dance studio.”

Bai Lixin: “I did another investigation on that girl in the dance studio, including the PE teacher who was wrongly accused.”

“My guess is there are two possibilities.”

“The first is that one method could no longer satisfy his more perverted tendencies and the hollowness within, so he began experimenting with different forms of crime.”

“As for the PE teacher, I have not been idle these days and went to the archives. I found that PE teacher’s file, and in it, I found his diary.”

“That PE teacher accidentally discovered Huang Xiaolian’s criminal tendencies, but had no direct evidence, so he started investigating Huang Xiaolian secretly, and was getting closer and closer to the truth.”

“So the second reason could be that Huang Xiaolian’s attack on that girl was not necessarily aimed at her, but to frame that PE teacher.”

“He was already in a leadership position at the time and it was easy for him to arrange who was on night duty. And the surveillance handled the rest.”

“One was a tiger-backed grassroots P.E teacher, while the other was a high and rather well-regarded leader. In the face of false evidence and a supposed persona, public opinion immediately lined up in favor of Huang Xiaolian. I searched the library for newspapers from those years and discovered that the PE teacher had exposed Huang Xiaolian’s true colors in front of the media back then, but it was all dismissed as slander.”

“When burdened with scandal, every word he said was questioned.”

“After all I’ve said, would you still think Huang Xiaolian doesn’t have a brain if you went back and looked at the case?”

Su Fan wanted to say, “My wife is great.”

He didn’t even know when Bai Lixin had done these investigations.

Bai Lixin walked over to the shelves, which were divided into fifty different categories.

He looked at them carefully, from the bottom row upwards, and his gaze stopped on the fourth row from the bottom.

[Pretty Boy in Women’s Clothing Collection – Scene.]

Still in the form of a cassette tape, this set had a total of five tapes, which were not too many, but not too few either.

Bai Lixin took a dark breath and continued to look upwards.

There were tapes on both males and females, and Huang Xiaolian wasn’t picky about gender, nor was there a definite type.

Some were well-behaved, some were cool, and some were slutty.

He would label each one differently and make sets of them.

He looked at the top row and saw a familiar name.

[The Highly Arrogant Schoolgirl – Han Li]

Bai Lixin was taken aback upon seeing the name Han Li.

This name belonged to the first corpse he had seen. She was unmarried and had an early pregnancy; the class teacher had locked her in the small, dark room to punish her, but she never said who the father was.

Bai Lixin had taken pity on the girl for being silly and for having to cover for the boy when things went down.

He always thought that the father was Han Li’s classmate and had even made a point of secretly sifting through them, but didn’t find a suitable candidate.

It seems that he still underestimated the ugly side of human nature.

When threatened with the video, how could Han Li dare speak out?

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