After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 140.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 140.2 - Campus Oddities

In the live broadcast room.

[Tsk tsk, who said there is no winner after the gun goes off, God Xin is the winner; look at these two superb male gods, how well behaved they are].

[I never thought that when the snipe and the clam fight, the rabbit is the one that profits.]

[The hunter can always become the prey.]

[So God Xin was the one casting the line to catch the big fish, a master is a master.]

[Hahaha, why didn’t you guys say that when God Xin was crying and shouting earlier? I’m laughing my ass off.]

[Uh, as a loyal fan of God Xin, there’s always a way to grab all the details to get back to our God. Even if he’s being crushed, he’s still at the top of the food chain!]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Don’t blame me for not warning you, but zoom in a bit to see his eyes and earlobes. Tear marks at the ends of his eyes and bite marks on his earlobes… I have dedicated my powers of observation, hopefully, someone will give his creativity for free, come on all know-it-all raconteurs.]

[I’m writing. I’m writing.]

[I want to see an Oreo! Write for me!]

[???? Fuck, I won’t be able to look at that biscuit in the same way from now on.]

[Before I met God Xin, I thought I was a sunflower just born to the sun, but now I realize that my XP is so all-encompassing.]



The results came out during the evening self-study.

Su Fan’s foreign language score was almost full, and he was promoted from class B to class A.

Xia Chi and the others were a little short, so they had to stay in Class B.

Bai Lixin stayed in class B for the time being as he had not yet taken the make-up exam.

After the foreign language exam, the space in class B became even more cramped.

Just as all of them thought they were about to be squeezed to death, a section of students from each class in class B was taken out and placed in the abandoned corridor on the fifth floor.

Bai Lixin was among the players who were moved.

The corridor was cleaned, and although the facilities were very old, there was plenty of space.

Bai Lixin woke up the next day and took out his notebook to find that no players had disappeared between last night and today.

It was now day 13 of the game, and at 2 p.m., Bai Lixin’s make-up exam began.

There were no listening comprehensive questions; the exam lasted 150 minutes and was worth 300 points.

He answered quickly and took only 50 minutes to answer all the questions.

The teacher marked him on the spot. He scored 297 points, with 3 points deducted for the essay, and he was successfully admitted to class A.

Teacher Zhao, who was promoted to a class A teacher because he solved the resource problem of class B: “…”

Fuck, he was being haunted, wasn’t he?

Because Bai Lixin had entered class A, someone was asked to leave the class.

After displacing the student in last place, Bai Lixin ended up sitting next to Su Fan again.

Su Fan: “What a coincidence, classmate Bai Lixin.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Su Fan: “According to the order, not only are we desk mates, but we are also in the same dormitory, so please take care of me, roommate.”

‘Guess you didn’t expect me to predict your moves.’

Su Fan had guessed early on that since Bai Lixin had solved the crisis in class B, his next step was to go to class A.

And sure enough, hasn’t he come after waiting for awhile?

Bai Lixin looked up at Teacher Zhao on the podium and suddenly grinned at him, mouthing, “Our teacher-student relationship is so deep.”

Teacher Zhao subconsciously looked at the tempered glass window on the window: “……”

‘The windows have tempered glass this time; they wouldn’t break, right?’

Having moved all the way from class C to class A, Bai Lixin sat at the end of the room and surveyed the classroom with curiosity.

Pure white walls, state-of-the-art silent air conditioning, electric lights, projectors, and so on—even each desk had a laptop.

The laptops were hidden when not in use and only telescoped out of the hidden compartment under the desk when needed.

The classroom was large, and all nine students, including Su Fan, were wearing tailored uniforms with white trim on a red background, making his class B uniform look so out of place.

Next to each student sat a chaperone teacher with the head held high and sitting upright, their cold eyes constantly watching every move of the students around them, their tense, frozen expressions seemingly ready to shout out in the next moment.

‘Having experienced Class C and Class B, I can say that the teachers in Class A were indeed beyond compare, and the pressure to study was more intense out of the three class types.’

“Ahem,” Teacher Zhao stood in front of the podium and spoke, “I’ll say one thing.”

“In preparation for the All Intelligence Test, the city plans to hold a city-wide intelligence simulation competition in three days.”

Teacher Zhao spoke with a hard expression, “Our Wensong High has been chosen as the test venue; this is the trust the city leaders have in us, and we, as the host of this competition, must also win with an outstanding ranking.”

“Each school will send 3 participants and 2 substitutes, and the school leaders have already given word that we must win first place in the city!”

“Now that the three regulars have been confirmed, the next step is to select the two substitutes.”

Teacher Zhao pulled out a stiff smile, the cold eyes on his pale cheeks sweeping around the podium.

The players in the audience went pale and all instantly lowered their heads.

Bai Lixin noticed that every player had heavy dark circles under their eyes and looked depressed.

Teacher Zhao’s gaze finally fell on Bai Lixin and Su Fan: “Bai Lixin and Su Fan had the highest score in the last mock exam, they will be the substitutes.”

The players who were not named secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To say that class C was free-range teaching, class B was cram teaching, and then Class A was oppressive teaching.

There were cameras overhead, and the teacher didn’t have to worry about students getting distracted when teaching, because if they did, the chaperone teacher would notice and issue a warning.

This was not the chaperone teacher’s only role, they even escorted the students to the toilet.

Bai Lixin looked at his chaperone and said helplessly, “Are you going into the toilet with me?”

The chaperone had a stopwatch in his hand and spoke mechanically, “I’ll wait outside; you only have 30 seconds to go to the toilet, the countdown starts now.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

30 seconds for him to take off his trousers and fart?

I don’t have kidney problems!

Thirty seconds later, Bai Lixin had just pulled up his trousers and hadn’t even fastened his belt when the toilet door was kicked open.

Bai Lixin froze, and the cold chaperone stared at the stopwatch in his hand, saying, “Time’s up, hurry up and go back in the classroom.”

“Time is like water in a sponge, how will it come out if you don’t squeeze it?”

“You are the hope of the future, the flower of our ancestors, the head of the train, the rising dawn, and every extra second wasted, is one lost point of knowledge!”

“Hurry up and go back to studying!”

Bai Lixin: [ Sister system……]

Escape System: [I’m here, Master Bai Lixin. What are your orders?]

Bai Lixin: [Is this chaperone teacher related to you systems in any way?]

Escape System: [No, they are just characters in a very insignificant world. What’s wrong?]

Bai Lixin: [This very subtle and familiar mode of distribution, don’t you feel it’s familiar? Are you sure there isn’t a place you study from and then get a certificate?]

Escape System: […]

A square book was suddenly shoved into Bai Lixin’s hand. Bai Lixin flipped it open and found that it contained mathematical formulas in a foreign language.

Chaperone: “Walking is also a waste of time, you should spend all your energy on studying. Revise as you go, and make the most of every second!”

They had just taken two steps when Bai Lixin returned the book to the chaperone.

The chaperone’s already dark face became even more oppressive, he opened his mouth and was about to start lecturing when Bai Lixin blocked his words, “Finish reading.”

The chaperone teacher, who was about to give a lecture: “……”

I suddenly feel unfulfilled.

The chaperone didn’t believe him and asked, “You don’t just have to finish it, you have to memorize it all word for word, did you?”

‘How is that possible? This student hasn’t learned these things yet, there’s no way he could have memorized them straight away.’

Bai Lixin: “Feel free to give me a test, let’s do a father-son game, if I can recite it, you’ll call me dad, if I can recite it, I am your dad.”

Chaperone teacher: “???”

‘Heh, you dare provoke the teacher? Come on, who’s afraid of you?’

The chaperone teacher flipped to a random page and said, “So, first question, the equation for the manipulation of two-way foil.”

Two minutes later, the chaperone teacher: “Dad.”


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahahaha, this fucking father-son game.]

[Help, I’m dying of laughter, was he serious about being called “dad”?]

[You guys only see God Xin being called dad, but all I see is this damn pressure to study. Is this kind of learning experience real?]

[Haha, don’t even talk about it. When I was in high school, my high school teacher also made us memorize foreign words during morning exercises. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t remember any of them because I’d just woken up from sleep, so aside from studying during the day, I’d be dreaming about the entrance exams at night. To this day, I still feel the pressure whenever I look at Class A’s daily routine, I can still feel the sense of oppression, it fills me up and makes me unable to breathe.]

[Don’t mention it; the college entrance examination is a pain that many people don’t want to bring up.]

[Haha, it’s because I worked hard, I don’t want to mention it, but it shows how hard we worked, so look on the bright side.]

[Mmm, that’s right.]


When Bai Lixin returned to his seat, all the other students were already seated.

The chaperone teacher’s face didn’t look good. He sat down with a puff of anger and took out a thick stack of books from his pocket and placed them in front of Bai Lixin: “Again!”

‘This is the study content of the master’s class, I do not believe he knows it.’

Bai Lixin looked at his chaperone and contemplated for two seconds before asking tentatively, “Then this time…a grandpa-grandson game?”

The chaperone teacher pursed his lips and said, “Yes, I’ll give you an evening, and I’ll test you when the evening study is almost over.”

He is a chaperone teacher, who wants to be someone’s son?


When the evening study was almost over, the chaperone teacher’s chest rose and fell violently with his hands holding the book. He silently closed the book and called out stiffly, “Grandpa.”

Teacher Zhao just happened to be patrolling Bai Lixin’s side and heard this name. He nearly stumbled and looked at Bai Lixin and his chaperone in disbelief.

The chaperone teacher, who was known as a mechanical warrior, not only had red eyes but also called Bai Lixin “Grandpa.”

There’s nothing wrong with him, right?


“Here, this is your dormitory, although classes B and C are on the same floor, the treatment is worlds apart.”

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