After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 142.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 142.2 - Campus Oddities

The player tentatively said, “You’re wearing a red uniform; are you a class A student?”

NPC student: “Yeah, studying is really tiring, especially when it comes to Bright Top, I have to act like I love studying.”

The player’s eyes lit up: “Bright Top? You guys call the headmaster Bright Top too?”

NPC student: “Huh, did you guys give him a nickname too? What a coincidence, hahaha.”

“Yeah, hahaha.” The player laughed out loud.

More and more players exchanged words with the NPC students. None of them ever thought that they would instantly get closer to the NPC students because of an earthquake.

The tremors beneath their feet continued to intensify, and along with the waves of tremors, the crowd could hear one violent rumble after another, as if something were being blasted.

Xia Chi stared at the locked door impatiently, and looked at the man beside him: “Brother Zhou Guang, how can we get out?!”

Zhou Guang: “You can’t get out, just stay put.”

Xia Chi: “But Brother is out there, those sounds must have been made by Brother, it’s definitely not a simple earthquake. Nothing will happen to Brother, right? I know Brother is very strong, but I am a little worried.”

Compared to the nervous Xia Chi, Zhou Guang was obviously much calmer: “Those words I said earlier were something Bai Lixin sent me in private chat, asking me to say them.”

Xia Chi froze, then his face showed an expression of sudden realization: “What? Ah, so it is like that! I wondered. How could Brother Zhou Guang suddenly get so knowledgeable?”

Zhou Guang: “…”

‘I feel offended.’

“Wait,” Xia Chi came back to his senses and looked at Zhou Guang with a sad face, “Brother Zhou Guang, why did brother chat with you but not with me?”

‘Damn plastic brotherhood.’

Zhou Guang hesitated for two seconds before saying, “Perhaps there is a possibility that among the players, my words carry more weight than yours?”

Xia Chi: “……”

The possibility is great, ahem.

Liang Xi was so nervous that he was sweating: “Were Dr. Dijia’s words also from God Xin? I hope God Xin is alright.”


In the live broadcast room

[They’re worried about the God Xin, but I’m just worried about the final boss not dying a horrible death.]

[Hahahaha, iron ropes connecting rivers, awesome, to come up with that? Isn’t that better than waves on the grassland?]

[Although, don’t you guys think it’s a nice change for players and NPC students to chat like that? I used to think that NPCs were cold and icy, but to think that NPCs are also very human, the game setting is also strong, right?]

[Maybe it’s not a game setting? Maybe they are alive and well?]

[What do you mean by that?]

[I’m going to be banned again if I say too much. Just observe by yourselves.]

[Why were you banned, man? The game even has bans?]

[ I know right? Hey, look closely, you guys! Look at those NPC expressions! How can data be ……]

[? What? How can data be what?]

[…… Oh, let’s just watch the broadcast.]


What was once a campus of green grass and trees was now in shambles.

The majestic school building had turned into a ruin, and among the broken walls, only a four-square steel-built warehouse stood there.

The crumbling walls had raised a cloud of dust, and amidst the yellow dust was a young man with his jacket sleeves fluttering in the wind.

He held a t-shaped switch in his hand, and his eyes, like a sea of stars, stared at the school indifferently.

With a single press of his finger, the last laboratory building went up in smoke.

Beside him, the white-haired young man stood in a protective position.

With his hands in his uniform pockets, the white-haired young man looked at the youth indulgently, as if he were not blowing up the school but folding paper.

When the last building was also destroyed, the ground, which should have been quiet, was suddenly in turmoil.

Along with that wave of violent turmoil, there was a roar.

Something seemed to emerge from the ground.

As the ground shook, the ground split open and a huge crater was created. It surged up like a swift and greedy snake, moving towards Bai Lixin.

However, Bai Lixin and Su Fan jumped away and easily dodged the crater.

The buildings that had been blown to pieces suddenly seemed to come to life, flying into mid-air and slowly gathering to one side.

Soon, the stones turned into a giant textbook.

The textbook let out a violent roar and flew toward the two of them.

As it flew, several tiny letters of debris flew out of the textbook and attacked the two men.

Bai Lixin drew his scythe from his backpack and handed a bow and arrow to Su Fan.

The huge black shield wrapped around the two from above, and they nimbly stepped on the rocks, dodging attack after attack like two nimble hummingbirds, arriving at the textbook in the blink of an eye.

The scythe in Bai Lixin’s hands waved in the shape of a moon wheel, and as the cold light fell, the textbook was instantly reduced to pieces.

The broken pieces remained suspended in mid-air for a moment, then they suddenly fell to the ground with a big bang.

The two gasped as they watched the greenery and tree trunks come together once again.

This time, they formed a long whip.

The whip was flung in the air and immediately emitted an ear-piercing sound that cut through the long air.

The sound was sharp and high-pitched, as if it were mocking the two men, but also as if it were exercising its duty as a whip – to spank students from on high.

However, as the whip fell, Su Fan shot out an arrow of light, and the whip instantly went up in smoke.

On the ground, there was nothing left.

Bai Lixin stared at the crack in the ground and sneered, “Why are you hiding and acting like a shrinking turtle, Wensong High School?”

The earth trembled violently at the name, like a wave overturning a ship in the deep sea!

Two withered hands burst out of the bottomless crevice.

The monster was so big that the two hands alone were ten meters long.

The two pitch-black hands braced the sides of the crevice, and the monster roared out in fury as it slowly crawled out.

Its face was a blackboard, its hair was a whip, its upper clothes were pages of books, and its chest was made of tables and chairs.

The blackboard was painted with an angry expression on its face. The monster raised its hair and was about to deliver a furious blow to the two insignificant humans when Bai Lixin rushed out like a meteor. Without saying a word, he raised the scythe in his hand and slashed it into the monster’s blackboard face, directly cutting the monster in half from top to bottom.

The tremors in the earth suddenly stopped.

The face on the blackboard was divided into two; half of it was shocked, and the other half was angry.

It never imagined that before it could even have a chance to strike, it was sent back to its old home.


In the live broadcast room.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Although the big boss’s actions are always clean and expected, I just never get tired of watching.]

[Laughing to death, winning with one slash, he really is different, God Xin is God Xin.]

[Wow, so the final boss is Wensong High School. It felt unexpected and justifiable.]

[Yeah, I originally thought it would be a combination of evil spirits like the River God copy, after all, there are so many resentful spirits, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they all gathered. I never expected the monster to be the school.]

[I’m shocked! The school actually became a spirit!]

[I have to say, God Xin is God Xin; I always wondered what he was tossing around, but it turns out that he was using the materials in the lab to assemble the explosives to blow up the cowardly Wensong High School.]

【God Xin has done what I have wanted to do since I was a child. God Xin, I have a crush on you, and I will never forever be your fan!]


The tremors outside suddenly stopped.

All the players’ minds resounded with a system tone at the same time.

[Congratulations to player Bai Lixin for killing the hidden boss – Wensong High School. The player rating for this copy- is MVP.]

[The exploration tasks of the copy [Campus Oddities] have been fully unlocked, but as this copy is opened for the first time, the preparation is not yet complete. After the player experience, the system has determined that this copy is of poor applicability and playability, so it will be permanently taken down.]

[The remaining time is 10 hours, after 10 hours, the system will teleport players out of the copy.]

[I wish you all a happy game.]

The players looked at each other, a little confused.

What’s going on?

Hidden boss, Wensong High School?

The bewildered players came back to their senses, and their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

If Wensong High School was the boss, then wouldn’t they have been in the boss’s stomach the whole time?


The boss had actually swallowed them.

The high school had already turned into a rumble, and from the wreckage flew out a white aura that hovered steadily in front of Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin took a closer look and found that there was a four-square black box inside, with a total of six sides, each with a number.

The system’s private prompt rang out in his mind.


[Congratulations, player, obtained a hidden prop, please will you open it? Yes/No]

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