After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 143.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 143.1 - Strange Yanwang Town


The scene before Bai Lixin’s eyes gradually cleared up from the darkness.

Before him was a lush campus filled with youthful and energetic students.

Everything was just like most ordinary schools, with a lot of color added to the busy and boring school life.

Gradually, things changed.

The headmaster stood on the lectern and said, “Dear teachers and students, we must strive to be number one!”

“Become a role model in education.”

“The school is my home, the home of the teachers, and the home of the students. These are the new school rules and regulations to be observed from today onwards, the good image of the school must be maintained by all.”

From that moment on, the atmosphere in the school became heavier, while the school’s ranking went higher and higher.

Late at night, the headmaster sat alone in his office, stroking the chair he was seated on as he sighed, “I’ll be transferred tomorrow, it’s been a relief to see you grow to what you are now.”

“I sincerely hope the school will get better and better.”

In the darkness, the headmaster packed his bags and slowly left the school.

In the depths of the earth, the ground trembled and let out an inhuman sigh.

At that moment, something came to life, or rather, an obsession.

After that, there were voices in the darkness that often compelled the people in the school. The school began to develop in an extreme direction, and with the emergence of student suicides, the school was closed for renovation and then renamed.

The school’s consciousness was becoming clearer in its thinking, it had a glorious time when the stars were aligned, but also a painful time when it was completely shut down and closed.

A few years later, the high school came back into existence and became Wensong High School.

Wails were heard in the darkness, fuelled by the obsession to be number one, making the change even more intense.

This time, it didn’t stop at the people in the school, it even went to those outside to tempt them to enter.

More than fifty years ago, Huang Xiaolian felt the school’s obsession in his heart.

One man and one school hit it off, and with his destructive personality, young master Huang finally found his paradise in the school.

That was until a large number of students encountered misfortune, and Wensong High School was asked to close again.

And this time, it will be completely bulldozed in order to give it a new look. This school, which represented both fortune and disaster, would be razed to the ground.

The school roared, its unrealized obsessions clamoring and wailing.

‘The school is one big family, I obviously want what’s best for the school, why should this be done to me?

All I want is for Wensong High School to be number one. Look at the kids who have gone out from here, which one hasn’t washed their hands of it?

‘I’m unwilling, I’m very unwilling!’

Powerful resentment spread around the school, enveloping it in a white mist.

All the students and teachers who were ready to leave the school were stunned in place for a moment, and in the next second, their expressions turned blank as they stopped packing and slowly walked to their classrooms, listening to the lectures in silence.

Outside, people soon noticed the abnormality at Wensong High School. They sent in the police force to investigate, but it didn’t take long for those who went in to get lost.

Over the intercom was scream after scream, and the rescue teams would only scream “monster” and “big scorpion monster” before they died.

There was nothing but darkness on the synchronized screen, so no one knew what was going on inside.

A hundred-man rescue team went in, but there were no survivors!

However, the teachers and students in the mist knew what was happening outside, and they knew that the rescue team had lost their lives trying to save them, but they didn’t do anything.

All had lost a part of their memories and were trapped in the school, turned into puppets under Wensong High School’s obsession.

The satisfaction of watching the high school come alive again filled their hearts.

However, this satisfaction lasted only a few years, and after a few years, Wensong High School realized a very important problem, there were fewer and fewer students with each passing year.

Since schools are supposed to have students and graduates, it has been a long time since Wensong High School has had a fresh injection of new blood.

Just when Wensong High School was once again in mourning, a black mist suddenly appeared in the sky above the school.

Like a sharp bow and arrow, the black mist easily broke through the white fog that had frightened countless people and entered the school.

Looking down on Wensong High School from above, a man’s voice rang out, “I can bring you more students.”

“They have better reflexes, better intelligence, and stronger physiques than these students.”

“They will be the future of the school.”

Wensong High School eyed the black mist warily, “What are you? What are your terms?”

Black Mist: “I am a messenger of the gods, they heard your prayers, and I have appeared here.”

“I can help you, but there is a condition needed to achieve what I said above; you need to open a passage that will connect you to the outside world.”

“That way, students will appear in a steady stream.”

Wensong High School: “How do I open the passage?”

Black Mist: “As long as you nod your head in agreement, leave the rest to me. After the passage is connected, you can summon students at any time, the number of summons will be 100 at a time, these 100 people will stay here and study for only 18 days, and leave after that.”

Wensong High School: “And then I can continue to summon a second group of students? A steady stream of students?”

Black Mist: “Yes.”

Wensong High School: “Yes, I agree!”

Black Mist: “The contract is reached, the connection between the independent dimension and the game lobby is successful, and you can start summoning students.”

As he spoke, a band of light appeared in the sky; it looked like a rift leading to the end of the sky.

“Through thick and thin, may all the teachers and students of Wensong High School be of one heart and one mind, and live in eternal glory.”

After saying the last sentence, the black mist disappeared without another word.

The screen went black for a long time, and then the system’s prompt suddenly rang out in Bai Lixin’s mind.

[Ding! An abnormal playback is invading the player’s brain.]

[The screen is encrypted; the system cannot recognize the content of the screen.]

The system prompt rang out twice, and the darkness lingered before Bai Lixin’s mind lit up again.

When the black mist left, the band of light also slowly disappeared.

But just as the band of light was about to completely dissipate, a small dot fell through, and burrowed deep into the depths of Wensong High School without being noticed……

The screen went completely black, and after a moment of silence, the system’s prompt rang out again.

[Ding! The [Campus Oddities] episode has been played in its entirety.]

[Congratulations to Player Bai Lixin for winning MVP, the performance rating was judged to be S level, and you have been awarded 230,000 performance points.]

[Within 100-200, 2000 performance points = 1 floor, 200-500 floors, 5000 performance points = 1 floor.]

[Your previous floor was 185, congratulations, you have been upgraded to the 240th floor.]

[You’re awesome! Even a rocket is not as fast as your speed, please keep up the good work!]


[Ding! Congratulations, player, you have received 200,000 mall points. Congratulations! You have achieved freedom of wealth, please feel free to buy as much as you like!]

Bai Lixin: [……]

Although he has listened to it many times, such a passionate marketing speech gives a different experience each time.

[Sister system], Bai Lixin called out in his mind, [I have a question.]

The escape system’s voice became soft in seconds: [I’m here, Master Bai Lixin.]

Bai Lixin: [After the death of Wensong High School, what will happen to the students and teachers inside?]

Escape System: [Wensong High School’s obsession caused a belt of spatial distortion to appear around this school, and the terrifying obsession has drawn monsters like the Black Scorpion to it. With its death, the spatial distortion zone will disappear, and the Black Scorpion will also follow.]

[The mist will clear and the light will return.]

[The NPCs will successfully leave the school afterward, only the ones that died inside really died. Moreover, Wensong High School has controlled this distorted space for almost ten years.]

[For ten years, while the outside grew step by step, the inside of Wensong High School stopped at the moment of distortion.]

[They will soon discover that the outside has changed forever. Some teachers have killed people inside, and as there are student witnesses, those teachers will soon be duly punished.]

Bai Lixin walked to the window and looked out into the white mist outside, he had gone from the bottom of the tower to the clouds: [Oh, I see, thank you.]

There was once a bizarre plane accident on the Blue Star.

A plane flew into the clouds and suddenly lost contact with the control tower, only to return 23 years later with a rusty fuselage.

The passengers inside were intact, even after 23 years had passed. To them, they had only passed through the clouds.

The world had long since changed during the 23-year gap, and it took them a long time to adapt before they could reintegrate into society.

The same goes for the students and teachers of Wensong High School, beyond the end, bigger and tougher challenges await them.

The escape system hesitated for a couple of seconds, [Huh, huh,? Master Bai Lixin?]

Bai Lixin: [What’s wrong?]

The escape system was a bit guilty: [That, did I tell you that the game lobby is actually connected to a real dimensional space?]

‘Why did your mouth go bald just now and suddenly say so much?

Hehe, strange, why didn’t I receive a warning alert from the master brain?’

Bai Lixin held onto the cold windowsill and slowly opened the window.

The cold wind wrapped in moisture instantly swept in, he poked his head out, and his hair was instantly wet by thick clouds. [You didn’t say that, but I guessed it, don’t be nervous.]

[Sister system,] Bai Lixin narrowed his eyes towards the white expanse below, [What would happen if I jumped from here?]

Escape System: [The system will judge your action as dangerous, and the game lobby protects the lives of all players, including those who want to commit suicide.]

[You will be plunged into darkness the moment you jump out, and when you wake up, you will find yourself back in your quarters.]

Bai Lixin turned his head and looked up.

The lofty cylindrical building stretched upwards and blended into the cloudy mass.

Here, he saw the top of the tall tower and the bottom of it.

Dijia probably saw the same thing. What was he thinking as he stood at the window and looked down but saw nothing?

Bai Lixin pulled his head back from the window and hit the group chat interface.

Bai Lixin: [Where are you now?]

Xia Chi: [Huh, brother, you’re so proactive this time, we were just about to start looking for you.]

Xia Chi: [We discussed going to our usual place on the 1st floor to get together, come, come, I was planning to tell you something.]

Zhou Guang: [Ah, God Xin, come down for a moment if you have time.]

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