After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 146.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 146.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Just when Bai Lixin thought it was over, the jade tiles came crashing down again.

The jade tiles poured down, and Bai Lixin’s expression was numb: “……”

This weight of an overnight surge of wealth was heavy.


In the live broadcast room.

[The old attacker shows up to mess things up!]

[The old attacker who heard that someone was begging for overnight riches: That is an idle scum!

The old attacker who saw God Xin begging to be rich overnight: He must be having some difficulties, I must help him.]

[“The Universe’s Definition of Double Standard” – By Old Attacker.]

[“Difficulties of life”]

[Only state officials are allowed to set fire, and ordinary people are not allowed to light a lamp, this is a world where only the dumpling gets wronged.]

[The actual fact is, I can’t remember the big boss’s name. He always said it, and God Xin also always called it out, but I just can’t remember.]

[Me too, maybe that’s the mystery of the big boss.]

[So the small dumpling left home in anger, and the old attacker not only didn’t go after him, but also took over the banner of the money thrower? Let’s just say the old attacker is a dog.]

[Sit back and wait for the old attacker to get punched in the face.]


S419M: [Lord host.]

Bai Lixin dodged the last jade token and woefully straightened his hair, [Mmm?]

S419M: [Try using the Lost Beauty, it should be able to hold so many jade tiles.]

Bai Lixin paused while brushing his hair back, and immediately pulled out the crystal ball from his backpack.]

I was really smashed silly, I even forgot about this bug artifact.

The rain of jade tokens had attracted a crowd of living souls, they stood on the steps outside the Yama Temple but didn’t dare pick up the jade tiles that fell to their feet.]

Incense was locked to the person, and one should be pure and righteous to get incense. To steal incense from others will not only fail, but it will also make them lose their own merit.

He didn’t know what material Dijia used to make the crystal ball, as he easily collected all the incense tiles into it.


[Congratulations, player, you have been awarded 100,000 pieces of incense, the special currency in [Strange Yanwang Town.]]

[Ding! Congratulations to the player, for achieving the achievement – the richest man in Yanwang Town.]

[The player went from rags to riches so quickly, it’s so inspiring!]

Bai Lixin: [……]

You tell me, where is the inspiration?

The moment he collected all the jade tokens, Bai Lixin fled and left the Yama Temple.

He was afraid that jade tiles would be thrown at his head if he stayed for another second.

Under the crowd’s dumbfounded gazes, Bai Lixin quickly disappeared into the busy streets.

The natives, who had been standing around in excitement, suddenly swarmed into the temple. They looked up at the empty roof, their eyes full of expectation.

That living soul had been given so much incense, so King Yama must be drunk today.

Maybe they could catch a leak here.

A few minutes passed, but there was no movement at all in the temple, only the wind was whistling and blowing, seemingly laughing at their shallowness.


Bai Lixin walked through the crowds of people coming and going, and felt a gaze on his back.

He looked back without a trace, but saw nothing.

This feeling was similar to the one he had in the paper tying shop, but not exactly the same.

In the shop, he could feel the direction of the source of the sight, but here, he could only feel the sight looking at him, but could not find the source.

After staring into the distance for a moment, Bai Lixin’s gaze slowly moved as far as his eyes could see.

He started by looking up the street, from left to right. Then his eyes moved up and down.

Suddenly, his gaze became sharp, and he stared at a point in the sky above him.

There was nothing there, not even a single white cloud above the clear, washed-out sky.

But Bai Lixin just quietly stared there, and after a few seconds, he slowly hooked his lips and showed a seductive smile at the sky.


In the Incense Hall, the man propped his hands on the edge of the water mirror, staring at the young man in the mirror in amazement.

The young man in the water mirror had stared at him without warning.

How did he get discovered?

Who the hell was this young man?

This water mirror was a prop used to inspect the outside world, even the ghost messengers could not detect his presence, but this mere living soul was able to find his location so easily.

Damn it, and why are you smiling like that?

The man carefully looked at the young man through the water mirror, inspecting him from head to tail.

Suddenly, his gaze stopped at the young man’s chest, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

The living dead?

Bai Lixin decided to ignore the stare from the sky, instead following his memory to find the location of the paper-tying shop.

The red wall at the end of the alley was still there, but there was no sign of the paper tying-shop.

The vendor he had just chatted with saw Bai Lixin coming and greeted him warmly, “Little brother, you’re back?”

Hearing the call, Bai Lixin walked up to the vendor and asked, “May I ask if there is a paper-tying shop in this alley?”

The vendor followed Bai Lixin’s gaze and glanced inside the alley, his pupils shrinking as he hastily lowered his voice, “How do you know about it? You’ve seen it?”

Bai Lixin: “I’ve been inside.”

The vendor drew a cold breath and looked even more nervous, “Did you take anything from the shop?”

Bai Lixin: “Not yet.” It was only a reservation.

The vendor heard only the word “no” and let out a long sigh of relief, “That’s good.”

Bai Lixin: “So there’s a problem with the paper tying shop?”

The vendor: “That’s not an ordinary paper tying shop, it’s a stowaway shop. It houses evil spirits who had done evil in their lives and would have been sent to the eighteenth-level prison. In order to get away with it, they want to swap their lives with other clean spirits.”

“Those evil spirits will first look for a substitute, and then bring the other person into the paper-tying shop. As long as the other person is willing to spend incense to buy that evil ghost, it is equivalent to spending money to buy the other person’s fate, and the two people’s fates are exchanged.”

“The evil ghost sheds its shell and becomes a normal ghost, but the other party has to carry everything the evil ghost did, thus becoming a substitute.”

“But it’s fine that you didn’t buy anything.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Should I tell the vendor that not only did I buy something, but I also bought a lot of it?

The vendor: “You must be tired after just arriving, right? Yanwang restaurant behind me has accommodation; it only takes one-fiftieth of one incense a day.”

“In the old days, we could just find an unoccupied room in the town for the night, but these days are different, the town is no longer safe.”

“A few more living souls went missing from the east yesterday.”

“Fuck, we were bullied when we were alive, but they still come after us when we are dead.”


[Congratulations to the player for triggering the task [Disappearing Living Souls of the East], please go to the East and find out why the living souls there have disappeared. Time limit: 2 days and 2 nights.]

[The difficulty of this task is B. Upon completion, you will receive 6,000 bonus mall points.]

[Friendly reminder: In S-ranked copies, triggered tasks are automatically accepted. Please complete the mission within the time limit. Failure of the mission will lead to punishment. Punishment method: beheading.]

Bai Lixin opened the taskbar and took a look, the task he had just triggered was already lying in the taskbar.

Following this task was a diagram with a red dot marking the direction of the task.

Was this the oppressiveness of an S-rank copy?

“You said living souls are disappearing, how exactly did it happen?”

The vendor looked around with some hesitation.

Bai Lixin saw this and took a jade tile from his backpack and handed it to the vendor: “This painting looks good, I’ll buy it.”

The vendor instantly changed his expression, he took the jade tile with a smile and replied seriously, “It was two days ago, a family of three; a mother with two children, suddenly disappeared.”

“Originally, the three were living peacefully in Yanwang Town, waiting to be reincarnated. The mother suddenly received an engagement letter and wedding clothes from King Yama, saying that he would come to marry her in three days.”

“Tonight is the third day.”

The vendor stole a glance in the direction of the Yama Temple and lowered his voice to a whisper, “This King Yama is really something, he always marries a wife every now and then. Moreover, he takes them by force and doesn’t care whether they have a family or not.”

“This morning, we heard news from the East of the town that the three family members disappeared, and we don’t know where they went.”

“Look at this mess.”

“We don’t know whether they have gone into hiding, or she was taken away by King Yama early.”

Bai Lixin looked at the red point in the diagram and asked, “Does King Yama often marry a wife?”

The vendor: “That’s not true! That should be called “robbing people’s daughters by force”, not marrying!”

“Hiss,” the vendor looked Bai Lixin up and down, “Hey, you should be more careful, with your looks, King Yama will be after you sooner or later.”

“No, not sooner or later, you might already be under his target,” the vendor frowned, “I’ve heard all that happened at the temple, King Yama never does that for anyone, you should be careful, you might already be a target.”

“Ai, the beautiful are unlucky, ah.”

The vendor wiped the corner of his eyes and gave Bai Lixin a wooden sign: “Do you want to take a wooden sign for protection? It’s been blessed by King Yama.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

‘I should hold something blessed by King Yama to protect myself from King Yama?

Do I look sick?’

“Thanks.” Bai Lixin stiffly accepted the wooden sign.

The other party was being sincere, so not taking it would really break the other party’s heart.

The vendor wiped the corners of his eyes and changed his color in a second, he smiled: “You’re welcome, that’s one-tenth of an incense tile; the price is fair and transparent, there’s no deception! No refunds or exchanges once goods are sold!”

Bai Lixin’s face cracked, “……”

I’m really sick!

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