After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 147.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 147.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

“Then what exactly is this marriage about?”

Bai Lixin walked out of the palanquin and sat down on the thin palanquin pole with a slight bend in his leg.

He looked at the tall man in front of him.

It was the familiar face he knew so well, but his hair was now ink-black, cascading behind him like a satin waterfall.

Half of his hair was tied up in a neat bun.

He was wearing a wide, pure black, ancient-style robe, on which he could vaguely see a dark dragon pattern.

The man was standing by the river, the moonlight shimmering behind him, as if he was among a thousand stars.

His eyes were deep, his shoulders were straight, and he exuded an aura that was impossible to ignore. It seemed as if he could raise his hand and turn clouds into rain.

“It’s the living souls that do it.”

The man took a few steps closer and looked down at the young man sitting on the thin pole, his body lazily leaning against the palanquin, saying, “No matter who it is, it’s certainly not King Yama.”

Bai Lixin casually looked around; the group of people who had been singing and carrying the palanquin had all disappeared, and it was only them and the big red palanquin by the silent river.

This was the river they had crossed last night, and he could see Yanwang Town across.

Bai Lixin opened the taskbar, and the time in the top right corner showed there were less than ten hours before the appointment with the proprietress of the paper-tying shop, and less than forty hours before the deadline for finding out why the family in the east had disappeared.

The man followed Bai Lixin’s gaze and asked, “Do you want to cross the river?”

Bai Lixin stood up from the pole of the palanquin, took off his wedding dress, and placed it on the pole, “Yes, thank you for your help today. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?”

Man: “My name is Dijia.”

Ahem, I know.

Bai Lixin was still wearing his sweater and slacks, and he stood hesitantly by the river.

He had consumed the floating card, there was no bridge on the river, and there were no props like kayaks in the backpack, so how should he cross the river without having to swim?

Dijia: “Do you not know how to swim?”

Bai Lixin stared at the sparkling water: “No, I can, but …… ” It’s not easy to get dry after.

“So that means you’re afraid of water?” Dijia said before Bai Lixin could finish his sentence: “Why don’t I carry you over? I can float on water so you won’t get wet.”

Before Bai Lixin could react, the man had already walked up to him and half crouched down, exposing his back to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin’s hesitated for a moment, then his hands naturally wrapped around the man’s neck, and the man immediately stepped on the surface of the water.

There wasn’t even a ripple on the surface of the water, as if they had no presence.

Bai Lixin’s clear voice, like a warm spring, whispered, “You are so kind, Dijia.”

Dijia suddenly stumbled on his feet, and half of his foot plunged into the water. With a blush on his face, he quickly pulled his leg out of the water and continued to walk on expressionlessly, as if the embarrassment he had just experienced was an illusion.

The clear, gentle voice of the young man on his back rang out again, “Are you alright? Did you bump your foot? Does it hurt? Is it injured?”

“Did you get hurt because you saved me? I feel sad.”

Dijia: “……”

Who can stand that? I’ll go get hurt now!

The river suddenly began to tremble, and the originally ripple-free surface looked as if a big red-hot iron ball had been dropped inside, it was bubbling and spitting bubbles.

With the boiling bubbles, a thick vapor rose from the river and soon completely enveloped the two.

The young man tightened his arms around the man’s neck and asked in surprise, “What’s going on?”

Dijia took a deep breath, suppressing the scorching heat in his body, and the boiling waters slowly calmed down.

He coughed lightly and said with a serious expression on his face, “There are monsters in the water, hold me tighter.”

The young man obediently moved his body closer to the man, his slender body firmly pressing against the man’s back. They were so close that the man could feel the young man’s body heat through the layers of clothes between them.

The man’s breath hitched, and the water beneath his feet boiled again.

“I’m going to pick up the pace, it’s going to get a little bumpy.” Dijia tentatively pulled the arms holding Bai Lixin’s thighs upwards and said, “I’ll hold on to you so you won’t fall off.”

With that, the man ran across the water as if he were on level ground.

A minute later, the two finally reached the shore, and the river stopped boiling.

He put down the young man with some reluctance, and spoke with a serious face, “Okay, we’re here.”

“Thank you,” Bai Lixin looked out over the river in puzzlement: “The river is not wide, and the water isn’t fast, so why not build a bridge over it? Wouldn’t it be more convenient?”

Dijia looked at Bai Lixin and said, “There is a bridge near Yanwang Town, and that is the Mengpo Bridge.”

“If you do see the Mengpo Bridge one day, it means you are not far from death.”

Yanwang Town behind them was very quiet, the town was clearly close at hand, but there wasn’t a single light streaming out of the gate.

Dijia’s voice was a little detached, and the content seemed businesslike: “You don’t belong in this place. I don’t know why you’re here, but you have to leave by tomorrow morning.”

Bai Lixin looked at Dijia in confusion and said, “What?”

Dijia put his hands behind his back and explained, “You still have a very fresh breath of life in you, and you still have a heartbeat. You are still alive and should not be here at all.”

“I have made it clear, so you should understand what I mean, right?”

He looked up at the night sky and said, “It’s too dark now, Yanwang town, and the woods are dangerous, so I’ll protect you tonight. But you should leave as soon as it’s light tomorrow. I don’t know why you were getting married in someone else’s place, and I don’t want to know.”

“Don’t let me see you around this town after tomorrow; at least, I don’t want to see you for the next seventy or eighty years.”

Although he did not understand why he was so attached to the young man, he could not allow a living to appear in his jurisdiction.

Bai Lixin nodded obediently: “Okay, I’ll listen to you; I’ll leave the town as soon as I’m done with my business.”

Dijia: “Why on earth did you come to Yanwang Town?”

Bai Lixin: “I came to find my companion who came to Yanwang Town. I heard there was danger and came to investigate. His name is Samael, and he always wears a huge hood that covers his face, have you seen him?”

Dijia frowned slightly. “I’ve never seen him, but will you go if I find him?”

Bai Lixin said seriously, “Of course, you said that Yanwang town is dangerous and are asking me to leave for my own good. I am not stupid; I wouldn’t have come here if it weren’t for finding my companion.” The first time I found it, I would have left.”

I just don’t know when you’ll find him.

Dijia stared at the young man’s face in deep thought.

He looked pure and sincere, but those in Yanwang town were more shrewd than one another; would he be okay?

“Why did you ask to get rich overnight at the Yama Temple today? Did you encounter some difficulties?” The more Dijia thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and he blurted out the question in his mind.

The young man’s expression looked even more innocent: “Huh, how did you know I asked to get rich overnight?”

“Uh, ah, a……” the man was somewhat dumbfounded, yeah, why would he know that?!

The young man suddenly showed an expression of realization, saying, “Oh! I know, you must have been next to me when I made the wish, but I didn’t notice. Wow, you’re really nice; you even care about a stranger like me.”

Dijia’s expression froze for two seconds.

How more unsettling!

Not only did he believe it unconditionally, but he even found an explanation for it!

You’re the one who’s being sold and helping to count the money!

“I accidentally signed a contract with Li Niang, the proprietress of the paper tying shop; it needed me to raise 200 incense tiles in one day.” A sad expression appeared on the young man’s innocent face, “I had no choice but to try and beg King Yama. ”

‘Now that things have already happened, I can’t think of another reason why I would be so stupid, other than to act simple and innocent.’

Dijia looked shocked.

‘I see!

So there was a reason!

How could there be such a simple and pure boy in the world?’

“Then why did you put on someone else’s wedding dress?” Dijia took a deep breath and said, “I hope it wasn’t to really marry that fake King Yama.”

Bai Lixin: “Well, how can someone disappear for no reason? I can’t ignore it, even if I wanted to. If I don’t care, how will the truth be made public? Someone has to step up and do something, so why not me?”

“But I failed,” Bai Lixin bowed his head, his expression waning, “if only I were stronger.”

It looks like the simple and ignorant act won’t hold up forever.

Dijia stared at the young man before him, and at that moment, he seemed to see a dazzling light behind him.

King Yama of the underworld has had no heartbeat for a long time, but for some reason, his chest cavity was suddenly filled with a hot and rising sensation, something fluttered as if it were a heart beating violently.

How could there be such a perfect and pure child?

He is good-looking, good-natured, well-behaved, and so kind. Dijia’s eyes were flooded with a layer of mist. He gripped Bai Lixin’s arm, and spoke word by word solemnly: “Don’t worry, I will definitely protect you!” I will never let your goodness and purity get tainted.

Bai Lixin: “……”

‘I don’t believe it myself, how can you believe it?

The old attacker in this copy is so pure!’

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