After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 150.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 150.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Seeing that he won’t get an answer from Dijia, Bai Lixin decided to ask the systems.

[Which one of you knows?]

Escape system: [I know, I know.]

[Thousands of years of Yama, ten thousand years of the demon baby. The demon baby is the nemesis of all King Yamas, it can kill and devour the king of the underworld. At that time, if someone strong enough to become King Yama doesn’t appear to kill the demon baby, the demon baby will take its place, and become the new demonic king of the underworld.]

Bai Lixin secretly glanced at the gloomy-faced Dijia: [? What will happen if it becomes the Demon King? ]

Escape System: [The world of the living be in ruins, and the underworld will be turned upside down, the night fork will open the way, and a hundred ghosts will walk at night.]

[On our side, it will be the end of the world, maybe this copy will be destroyed.]


[Congratulations, player, for discovering the s-rank hidden task: [Demon Baby]. Please find the demon baby, kill it, and then save the world of the living and the dead.]

[This is a hidden task, failure will mean the collapse of the copy, and there is a 90% chance for players to get disconnected from the game lobby, and players will not be able to return to the game lobby. In order to ensure safety, please be sure to complete the task.]

[The task will be automatically accepted.]

[Upon completion of the task, you will receive an S-grade mystery tool and several mall points.]

The escape system’s voice began to shake: [Damn, Master Bai Lixin, the person who gave you this copy card is simply not nice.]

[I remembered this copy, it was closed a long time ago.]

Bai Lixin: [Why was it closed?]

Escape System: [Let me think for a second. Oh, come to think of it, it was the same issue—a demon baby appeared, and all the players were wiped out. It was one of the most horrible scenes among the 100 billion copies. If there are players who saw it, it is a horror that cannot be forgotten.]

[Woe is me, there were mountains of corpses, hell is not even a third as scary.]

[The game lobby re-evaluated the danger level of the copy after that time, and later ruled it [ultra-dangerous], the master brain’s analysis determined that this copy could possibly go berserk and then reverse the threat to the game lobby. It dropped a bomb through the passage to this copy, cutting off the connection.]

[The black card that Song Tianyuan gave you must have had a set of viruses that interfered with the master brain’s judgment and reconnected to this copy.]

[Fuck, he has bad intentions!]

Bison didn’t say anything, but just glanced at Dijia again: [……]

Was it really done with bad intentions?

If that was the case, he shouldn’t have met Dijia in this copy.

Was it possible that Dijia’s soul fragment followed that bomb into this world back then?

Dijia noticed that Bai Lixin kept glancing at him, and he turned to look back at him. His expression had returned to normal, and he asked, “Why do you keep looking at me?”

Bai Lixin shook his head. “You’re so good-looking, I can’t help but want to look at you more.”

Dijia’s face instantly flushed, and all the black clouds that had been weighing down on his heart instantly dissipated.

He felt like Bai Lixin’s mouth was as sweet as honey, and he wanted to taste it to see if it was really that sweet.

Before leaving, Dijia destroyed the palace, and he could vaguely hear the sound of something screaming amidst the thick flames.

The flames turned the sky a fiery red, and the black smoke rose into the air, soon merging with the dense blackness of the night.

The hot tongues of fire greedily licked their surroundings, but the barrier they created stopped them from spreading. Without anything more to burn, the tongues could only move around the barrier viciously.

Bai Lixin stripped off his red robe, threw it with all his might, and it was engulfed in flames.

The fire lasted three hours.

It was not until the fire in the palace was completely extinguished and the palace was reduced to a ruin that Bai Lixin and Dijia left.

Bai Lixin had also noted the road he took when he came, and they soon met the four players by the river.

The four players were sitting by the river with sad faces, and he could hear them arguing from a distance away.

“What do we do now? It’s death if we go, and death if we don’t. If we don’t go to Yanwang Town in time, we’ll get attacked by these zombies. If we go over to deliver them, we’ll get killed by that old man from the coffin home.”

“Damn, it’s death on both sides, does this copy need to be so shameless? We *really beeped the dog.”

*A catchphrase said when one is angry or feeling unlucky. It has no particular meaning.

“So why don’t we throw these corpses away and escape?”

“Escape my ass, the task says that we shall receive a penalty if we don’t complete the escort task.”

“So the system is forcing us to go to Yanwang town, why don’t we just hurry up and leave? It’s almost dawn, and that note may not be true. We can still have a chance if we go there, otherwise, if we don’t, the corpses will either eat us or the system will kill us.”

“Fuck,” one of them threw a stone into the water, and with a “thud,” a vortex immediately sank into the water, “Build a raft and cross the river!”

The water rippled for a moment and then returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The players were looking for materials to build a raft when they suddenly heard footsteps behind them. They turned around and saw Bai Lixin, who had gone alone and returned with an extra person by his side.

Four pairs of eyes quickly moved from Bai Lixin’s face to the other man. He was dressed like an ancient nobleman and did not look like a player at first glance.

The player who had watched Bai Lixin’s live stream widened his eyes and excitedly shook the arm of his teammate beside him, his voice trembling as he whispered, “It’s the big boss! God Xin’s golden CP!”

His voice was in a whisper, but it still reached Bai Lixin and Dijia’s ears.

Dijia frowned and looked at the man suspiciously.

He was certain that he hadn’t seen this man before, but this man seemed to know him.

Bai Lixin raised his voice: “Are you planning to cross the river?”

The zombies around were resting in place, but as soon as Bai Lixin approached, they suddenly raised their heads in unison and turned in his direction, their noses sniffing tentatively.

Seeing this, Dijia immediately removed the robe from his body and placed it over Bai Lixin’s head, saying in a deep voice: “You smell like the living; come closer to me, my scent can cover yours.”

Bai Lixin immediately leaned over to Dijia’s side and pressed close to the other party.

Dijia’s body stiffened for a moment, and his expression quickly returned to normal.

“Just cross the river,” the zombies had lowered their heads the moment Dijia put his robe over him, and he turned to the players, “Go but leave as soon as you’ve finished the errand, I’ll direct you to a safe place.”

With that, he took out a piece of paper and a pen from his backpack and drew a simple map on it. Then he pulled out four jade tiles and gave one to each of them.

“Just follow the map. Go up north, down south, left west, right east, the place where the triangle is drawn is the destination. Turn down the alley and you’ll see a paper-tying shop, going inside should save you from disaster.”

The players were immediately overjoyed, they glanced at Bai Lixin gratefully, and one of them plucked up the courage to speak, “God Xin, I’m a fan of yours, can I add you as a friend?”

Bai Lixin glanced at that player. He wore glasses, looked about twenty-three or twenty-four years old, and looked gentle. “That’s fine, you can tell me if you face any danger.”

After adding him as a friend, Bai Lixin continued, “The jade tiles I’ve given you are the trading currency of this world, you should be able to reach it.”

“I have some business to attend to, so I’ll leave you guys alone, goodbye.”

The players looked at each other in blank dismay, the panic from earlier was gone, and they looked at Bai Lixin gratefully, saying, “Okay, goodbye.”

When they finished, they saw Bai Lixin being carried in the arms of the handsome man, and then they floated lightly across the river.

The crowd stared at the raft material in their hands: “…”

Fuck, the sheepskin raft instantly stopped looking good, damn it!

Dijia and Bai Lixin didn’t linger much after crossing the river, but headed straight for the paper tying shop.

Since Bai Lixin now owned the paper tying shop, he had complete control over the conditions for its appearance, and it appeared whenever he wanted it to.

When they entered, Li Niang was making paper figurines.

The bamboo weaving twirled nimbly in her hands, and she had woven a living outline in moments.

Li Niang was so engrossed that she didn’t even notice Bai Lixin’s return.

As she weaved, she mumbled under her breath.

“Bad thing, don’t ever come back!”

“Jie Jie Jie Jie, as long as you don’t come back, the paper tying shop is still mine.”

“Hiss, it’s the bad stuff that can’t die; I don’t want to be buried with him yet.”

“Damn, it’s so hard, it doesn’t matter whether he deserves to die or not.”

As she spoke, the white powder fell like snow. Bai Lixin looked at the woman seriously before suddenly speaking out, “Now that you see me, should you look happy or sad?”

Li Niang jumped with fright, the sharp tip of the bamboo weave almost piercing her hand.

She looked over awkwardly, “Oh, you’ve come back, Master? That’s wonderful.”

She looked over, and her eyes fell on the man behind Bai Lixin for two seconds, her smile stiffened slightly, and her gaze returned to Bai Lixin.

“Master, who is the man behind you?”

Bai Lixin waved his hand and responded casually, “A very kind man named Dijia.”

“This is my friend, don’t you dare cheat him!”

Li Niang: “????”

I dare? I wouldn’t dare even if I had a hundred guts!

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