After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 158.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 158.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

“But how did you end up here, Master Bai Lixin? Someone as good as you should have ascended directly, so how did you enter the sixth level?”

The red mother fox tilted her head and asked as her tail flicked behind her.

Bai Lixin looked down at the furry little fox cubs and couldn’t resist taking them in his arms and stroking them several times. “It’s a long story, and I’m not dead either, I just had something to investigate and entered here by mistake.”

“I never thought we’d meet again and in this way.”

“How did you get in?”

The red mother fox scratched her pretty, pointed face with her front paws in shame: “You know my family’s situation, my husband killed some of the Madam’s people with a charcoal fire, which is a sin. He was sentenced to three hundred years of punishment in Copper Pillar Hell.”

Dijia’s brow furrowed slightly without a trace: “Abyssal Hell is the home of the punished, how did you get in?”

The fiery red fox tilted her head and looked at Dijia suspiciously.

She looked at him for a while, then hurriedly retreated two steps back with the tail pinned down and the front legs prostrate, saying in a trembling voice, “Please forgive us, my lord, we sneaked in here through a crack in space.”

“I just wanted to wait here for the children’s father to come out, we have no bad intentions at all.”

Bai Lixin tilted his head and pretended to ask, “Do you know each other too?”

The red fox did not dare to speak at all, her beautiful red fur trembling in the air, like a red dandelion in full bloom.

Dijia coughed lightly: “No, they should be mistaken.”

The little foxes quietly huddled in Bai Lixin’s arms, enjoying the long-lost petting.

The three fluffy tails couldn’t help but open up and happily sweep back and forth in Bai Lixin’s arms.

The soft, fluffy fur landed on Bai Lixin’s long, slender neck and tickled him, causing him to laugh.

Dijia suddenly pursed his lips.

‘I’m not jealous, they’re just a few beasts.’

Bai Lixin asked the mother fox, while putting the tails away from his neck, “What kind of crack is it? How did you find it?”

Mother Fox: “Maybe it’s because I have been sealed in the painting for so long, I am very sensitive to tiny spatial cracks.”

“We were waiting outside for my husband when I suddenly smelled the scent flowing through the cracks near the banks of the river of forgetfulness, and I burrowed in with the children.”

“It was also strange that some of the cracks happened to escape all the guards, and we got into the sixth level so easily.”

“We still cared about my husband, he went down the wrong path because of us; we will suffer whether inside or outside, so it didn’t matter where we were. We didn’t plan to go out after we came in, so we found a safe place to build our nest.”

“Although we can’t help him share the burden of the punishment, there is a void in the depths, and we can wait there with some peace in our hearts…”

Bai Lixin: “How long have you been here?”

Mother Fox: “It’s been over two hundred years since we entered the Underworld, it’s only been a few years since we entered the sixth level here.”

Bai Lixin and Dijia looked at each other.

“You went through the spatial crack recently,” Bai Lixin caressed the soft ‘fur of the small foxes in his arms, because of the high temperature around, the fur was warm and felt like a comfortable hand warmer, “Have you seen anyone else pass through the crack beside the four of you? ”

“And please get up, don’t kneel, it’s weird and embarrassing.”

The children were in his arms, but the mother was kneeling in front of him—how unreasonable!

He looked like a bully who had taken a virtuous woman by force.

Bai Lixin glanced at the culprit.

Dijia tilted his head, unaware of what Bai Lixin was thinking.

The mother fox secretly took a glance at Dijia before slowly getting up, saying, “If the two lords do not mind, why not move to our house? My home is right next to the crack.”

Bai Lixin hugged the constantly moving little foxes in his arms and nodded, “Okay, lead the way.”

As they moved forward, Bai Lixin found that they were moving close to the edge of the hill, and the rugged terrain was just perfect to cover their figures.

After about ten minutes of walking, the red fox gradually slowed her pace.

She tilted her head gracefully and looked at Bai Lixin behind her, saying, “Master Bai Lixin, follow me.”

On finishing these words, she slammed her head into the hard stone wall, and her body instantly disappeared into it.

Bai Lixin and Dijia looked at each other and also walked through the place where the red fox had disappeared.

While the outside looked rocky, the inside was something different, like a cave.

It was a modest, albeit humble, cave. Without the excessively hot air outside, the air inside was very cool.

There were many beautiful and colorful crystals dotted around the roof, which instantly made the originally dark cave dreamy and colorful.

Who would have thought that such a beautiful cave would be situated in the middle of Abyssal Hell.

Bai Lixin looked up at the crystals, and a little fox opened its pointed mouth and yawned, chirping, “These are crystals we collected from all over, it took a long time to find enough to fill the cave.”

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

“This is a gift we have prepared for Papa when he returns.”

A smile flashed in Bai Lixin’s eyes as he reached out and rubbed the little fox’s head, admiring from the bottom of his heart, “It’s beautiful, really beautiful.”

Even deep inside hell, the surroundings would still be paradise as long as you had a radiant heart.

Beneath the colorful haze was a straw bed made of thatch, twigs, and planks in the distance. At its side were several toys, which, although old, looked well taken care of.

There were swings, wooden horses, straw balls, and so on.

“Mamma made all these with us.” The other little fox spoke up, “It’s fun, Mama’s hands are very clever.”

Bai Lixin nodded and said, “They came out really well.”

As they spoke, the mother fox had pushed in two small benches made of wood.

She raised her head somewhat restrainedly towards Bai Lixin and Dijia, and stood on two legs like a human, its front paws twitching nervously, “My abode is humble and simple, but please take a seat, my two lords.”

This was the best furniture she could get her hands on.

Bai Lixin smiled and thanked her without any disdain, and he pulled Dijia to sit down with him. The bench was a little short, and once the two of them were sitting, it was surprising to see how big it made them feel.

A few moments later, the three little foxes came bouncing over with bunches of crystal clear grapes held in lotus leaves.

The grapes still had shiny droplets of water on them, obviously from having just been washed.

“Master Bai Lixin, try this, it’s sweet.”

The three pairs of round eyes stared at Bai Lixin, the anticipation almost spilling out of them.

It was hard to decline such hospitality, Bai Lixin picked a grape and stuffed it into his mouth.

The thin skin was bitten off, and the sweet, moist fragrance instantly filled the corners of the mouth.

Bai Lixin: “It’s very sweet, I like it very much, thank you.”

On hearing Bai Lixin’s compliment, the three little foxes hurriedly and carefully placed the lotus leaf on the ground, then danced around in excitement, saying, “Master Bai Lixin said he likes it very much; it’s great; it’s so great.”

The three little foxes jumped and ran to the toy area and began to play, their playful hearts having long forgotten the reason they were dancing earlier.

The mother fox gave a gentle glance at the innocent children, and was once again grateful to Bai Lixin. She prostrated herself to the ground and solemnly kowtowed three times toward Bai Lixin.

“Master Bai Lixin, please accept my three obeisances.”

“You rescued us and then parted in such haste that we did not even have time to express our gratitude to you.”

“If it weren’t for you, we might still be trapped in the chains of the white-clothed Taoist, and become stepping stones for his plots and forever doomed.”

“Though we are beasts, we know the truth of gratitude.”

“Not having the opportunity to see you again has been a knot in our hearts since we came here. These children have often talked about you too, and whenever they have something good, they will suddenly say, ‘If only Master Bai Lixin were here’ and ‘I would love to share something so good with Master Bai Lixin.”

“We thought that we might never be able to repay the favor before reincarnation. Unexpectedly, you showed up before we lost our memories and reincarnated.”

Bai Lixin looked at the mother fox in front of him and the little foxes that had suddenly quieted down in the corner, and suddenly felt emotional.

He had saved them just to save them, and had never thought of asking the other party to return the favor.

What might have been a mere lifting of a finger for him might have been a lifesaving straw for them.

He had only helped them a little, but they used the rest of their lives to remember his kindness.

What kind of sentiment was this?

A warm current suddenly surged into Bai Lixin’s chest, it was either hot or raging, but comfortable and warm.

As Bai Lixin looked at the mother fox, Dijia was also secretly observing him.

Under his serious expression and calm eyes, his heart had long been churning and surging like seawater.

Hot lava gushed out from his chest, invading every inch of his limbs and bones aggressively.

The seven-colored rays of light overhead fell on the youth’s hair and face, wrapping him in a halo as if he were a god.

He was like the creator’s favorite creation, good on the outside but even better on the inside.

Although he did not know exactly what Bai Lixin had done, he guessed through their conversation that Bai Lixin must have done something extraordinary.

Dijia’s deep, dark eyes looked into Bai Lixin’s radiant ones, The beautiful eyes seemed to have a black hole hidden in them, easily drawing all his attention to them every time, making him unable to extricate himself from them.

Greed and ambition, which he had never felt before, were clamoring wildly in his heart.

Get him! Get him!

You can’t let him go; if you do, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

You like him.

When Bai Lixin looked over, Dijia licked the corners of his dry lips and quietly withdrew his gaze.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Strangely, for a moment, he felt as if he were a fleshy bone being coveted by a dog.

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