After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 164.2

Chapter 164.2

Bai Lixin swept a glance over the living souls pushing and shoving each other and asked, “Do you think I should be given to the Ghost Market Master?”

One of the living souls shouted, “Of course! You were the one who was wrong in the first place.”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and continued, “How much incense did the Ghost Market Master promise to give you?”

One of the living souls said, “Ten thousand!”

“Ten thousand in total?” Bai Lixin snorted, “I’m only worth 10,000 incense tiles? Well, let’s not mention that, ten thousand incense tiles is a lot, but I have a lot more.”

“Are ten thousand incense tiles enough for all of you to share?”

The group below him froze for a second and then shouted, “That’s a lot! We can almost split two per living soul.”

Bai Lixin simply sat down on the edge of the roof and asked, “Only two per person, and you guys are satisfied?”

“So, if I give you five each,” Bai Lixin said, grabbing a large handful of incense tiles from his backpack and casually tossing them into the group, “would it be enough?”

The group suddenly stirred, “Enough is enough!”

Bai Lixin propped his hands on the roof and said, “Good, then let’s first go back to the first question. Do you think I should be sent to the Master of the Ghost Market?”

They looked at each other for two seconds, and almost in unison, they replied, “No, no!”

“The Ghost Market Master is the big bad guy, and you are a pitiful person who entered the Living Soul area by mistake, how can you be sent to the Ghost Market Master?”

Lao San & Lao Si: “……”

I put my hands down.

With just these few moves, how could King Yama be his match?

Bai Lixin stood up from the eaves of the roof, and just as he was about to say something, he felt a gust of wind around him.

A second later, a familiar black cloak appeared before him.

The moment he saw the other man, Bai Lixin suddenly felt guilty.

“It’s been a long time, Samael.”

Samael’s entire face was hidden in his cloak, with only his lips showing.

He swept a glance at Bai Lixin, his low voice very meaningful, “It’s been a long time, but I finally found you.”

“Follow me.”

While the crows were still waiting, Bai Lixin turned his head and prepared to leave with Samael.

A roar of anger came from the group, “You liar, didn’t you say you were going to give us five incense tiles each?”

Bai Lixin twisted his head and gave the greedy living souls behind him a look, “I said ‘if’, it is you who have misunderstood.”

“I will go to the Master of the Ghost Market, but not in the form of escorted cargo.”

With that, Bai Lixin and Samael disappeared from the edge of the roof, leaving an incredulous group of living souls.


In the live broadcast room

[Samael: Heh, I finally caught up with you!]

[Samael: He ran and he chased, but in the end, he couldn’t keep up with the rabbit. The rabbit won this one.]

[He is the Vice President of the Sand Sea Guild, why is he chasing after God Xin like a licking dog?]

[Who wouldn’t want someone like God Xin? He’s already trapped the vice presidents of the guild; even the president of the Sand Sea Guild would probably run after God Xin if he saw him]

[…… I wouldn’t.]

[Hahaha, but what’s going on recently? Why does it seem that someone from the Sand Sea guild appears in the barrage every time I make a joke? ]

[ Nuh, how could that message be from the Sand Sea Guild? I guess that’s a substitute.]

[I can accept it when you say that.]

[So Samael is like this; isn’t God Xin afraid that Big Boss will get jealous? He seems like the jealous type.]

[Isn’t it normal to be jealous?]

[Big boss: I’m going to have to show you what happens when I get jealous.]


Bai Lixin opened the taskbar while following Samael.

The time in the top right corner showed it was the fifth day, so there were only three days left until the end of the task.

There were several more tasks in the taskbar.

As Bai Lixin checked the tasks’ progress, Samael in front of him stopped in an alleyway of nothing.

The youth also came to a stop and froze at the sight at the end of the alley.

At the end of the alley was the paper tying-shop that he had almost forgotten about.

The door had two white lanterns hanging from it, and the door to the shop was open.

“Let’s talk from inside,” Samael glanced back at Bai Lixin, “you should know the place better than I do.”

The two pushed their way into the paper shop, and Bai Lixin caught a glimpse of the four players from earlier.

They were gathered together, looking down and cutting something.

On hearing the movement at the door, the four rushed over in unison, and when they reached Bai Lixin, they quickly stood straight, and one of them said pleasantly, “God Xin, it’s good to see you again.”

“Long time, no see,” Bai Lixin’s eyes fell to their fingers, and in their hands was a pile of roughly cut stickers.

“The proprietress asked us to cut this.” One of the players shook the sticker in his hand and said, “The proprietress said that although the shop is yours, we can’t live here for free, so we need to pay something in exchange. Which we’re fine with.”

Bai Lixin let out an “Oh.” “You’ve been here all this time?”

“Yes, we think it’s safe here,” another player nodded a little, “we’ve actually been out, but we’ve found nothing.”

“So we just stayed here, and not long after, Senior Samael also came over.”

“Where is Li Sanniang?” Bai Lixin looked around and couldn’t find the proprietress’s figure, so he asked out loud.

“Oh, the proprietress is sleeping upstairs. She sleeps a lot, probably because she’s old.”

“She only comes down when there are customers, but she’s upstairs most of the time.”

Bai Lixin surveyed the room while listening.

The paper figurine with the cut on the ankle was still there, but the bride and the children were gone.

On the shelves, the paper money and other things were still there and arranged in categories, there was no change from before.

“Hey, you ghost, you still know to come back.” A hoarse and shrill voice suddenly rang out from overhead. Bai Lixin looked up and saw Li Sanniang, her face covered in thick powder, slowly walking down the wooden staircase.

Bai Lixin looked at Li Sanniang for two seconds and said in a raised voice, “It’s been a hard time.”

Li Sanniang’s voice was filled with regret: “I didn’t work hard, but you, how are you still alive, I thought you had died out there?”

“Hehe,” Bai Lixin’s gaze followed Li Sanniang down the steps, “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

Li Sanniang rubbed her wrist and said, “But it’s good you’re alive, the paper shop is a lot livelier now because of you.”

“I used to be the only one in the paper shop, and although I was used to it, it was quite lonely now that I think about it, I’d even talk to myself.”

“I used to do all the work myself, but now I have help, which is good.”

As Li Sanniang spoke, she arrived in front of Bai Lixin. Where she passed by, she scattered powder all over the ground.

The powder on her face seemed endless, so much of it fell off, but her face was still covered by a thick layer, looking no different.

“The paper bride and the children are gone,” Bai Lixin pointed to the side, “were they sold?”

Li Sanniang: “Yes, we have to open for business. Small profits bring quick turnover, but it’s hard for me, my hands hurt.”

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on Li Sanniang’s spinning wrist and quickly averted his gaze, saying, “I’m tired.”

“Hehehe,” Li Sanniang suddenly laughed, “With your words, I can imagine.”

Lao San and Lao Si, who were hiding in the shadows, “…”

Lao San: “Do you have the feeling that Wangfei and this proprietress are strange and weird?”

Lao Si: “Are you saying that Wangfei is wronging King Yama again? Huh, strange—why did I use ‘again’? But with the proprietress being so polite, won’t Wangfei prefer to stay here?”

“He has seen the charm of our King Yama, he has eaten delicacies from the mountains and seas, how can he go back to simple dishes?”

Lao San: “Besides that, there is that man named Samael, who is also suspicious. Did you hear that ‘long time no see’ just now? The resentment was heavy, as if our wangfei is a heartless person.”

“Ai,” Lao Si suddenly sighed, “No wonder King Yama instructed us to follow Wangfei, it wasn’t for protection; there was another deep meaning.”

Lao San: “What deeper meaning?”

Lao Si: “What else could it be? Of course it is to keep a close eye on our wangfei.”

Lao San used two fingers to point to his eyes and then pointed to Bai Lixin, saying, “Be careful; if such a good Wangfei is abducted by others, King Yama will cry to death.”

“He’ll turn into a wangfushi.”

*Wangfushi is a famous landmark. It is said that in ancient times, a chaste woman saw off her husband, then stood on the top of the hill and waited for him to come back, until she turned into a stone. Pic wt the end of the chapter.


Bai Lixin stood to the side as the four players began to move the scissors again with great diligence.

He glanced at Li Sanniang, who immediately smiled sullenly and said, “I’ll go up and catch up on my sleep; this shop is not mine anyway, so why should I care?”

With that, Li Sanniang pulled her fat body up the stairs and left a white line in her wake.

One of the players glanced in the direction where Li Sanniang left and then complained, “It’s like a row of footprints made by a cat coming from the outside.”

When Li Sanniang had completely left, Bai Lixin asked Samael, “What did you want to tell me?”

Samael: “I used my skills to foresee a little something that concerns you.”

Bai Lixin was walking in the direction of the male paper figurine when he heard this and suddenly turned around, “What?”

Samael took a crystal ball out of his backpack and said, “See for yourself.”

Samael’s crystal ball was somewhat similar to Bai Lixin’s, it was about the same size, but Samael’s was transparent white.

He approached Samael, and a vision slowly appeared in the clear crystal ball.

In the image, he is surrounded by the blood-red water of the river, and he is as insignificant as a mayfly in the boiling water.

Countless hands reached out to him, grabbing his limbs and trying to tear him to pieces.

At the end of the scene, these hands grabbed him amidst his struggle and slowly pulled him into the blood-red water.

The crystal ball reverted to transparency, and although Samael’s expression couldn’t be seen, his tone was very serious. “I have used this skill a million times and never was it wrong.”

“Even for you.”

“You can’t change the prophecy, you can only try to survive after the prophecy happens.”

Samael finished this, paused, and continued, “From the look on your face, you seem to know where this is.”

Bai Lixin: “I know.”

He had just passed through there half an hour ago.

Samael: “You must not die, I promised the president I would keep you alive. Where is this? Let’s think of a way to break it together.”

Compared to Samael’s nervousness, Bai Lixin was much calmer.

He simply told Samael about the River of Forgetfulness and the situation at the center. After listening, Samael kept quiet for a long time before he said, “It’s a bit tricky.”

Bai Lixin smiled gently, “We’ll see when the time comes. Let’s take one step at a time, I feel like I’m pretty lucky here. Maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll just be a false alarm.”

Samael: “……”

Do you have some kind of misconception about yourself?

Bai Lixin: “Uh, I haven’t slept for two days, I’ll go up and rest for a bit; I have a trip to the other place later.”

“Make yourselves at home.”

Samael’s exposed lips pursed slightly, “Where are you going again?”

Bai Lixin: “A trip to the ghost market.”

Samael looked like he remembered something: “Speaking of the ghost market, Bai Lixin, I really have to admire you. What the hell did you do to make the master of the ghost market put out a city-wide hunt for you.”

“It’s not like I broke into his family’s ancestral graves,” Bai Lixin shrugged indifferently, “I’d actually like to know why.”

Samael: “Now that all the warring forces in the ghost town are looking for you, why on earth are you thinking of going to his door at this time? Knowing that there’s a tiger on the mountain, you’re just going to walk toward it?”

Bai Lixin: “This is how I am. My purpose in going to see a certain person must be because I want to go, not be escorted.”

“I am actually quite interested in this Master of the Ghost Market, and I hope to have the chance to meet him.”

“No more chit-chat; I’ll go upstairs to rest now.”

As Bai Lixin went upstairs, Samuel thought about it and followed behind him.

Samael trailed behind, and as Bai Lixin slowed his steps, he saw Samael pointing in the direction of the bedroom.

Bai Lixin’s mouth, which was ready to speak, slowly closed again. The two went into the bedroom one after the other, and with the slow closing of the door, the signal in the live broadcast room was cut off.

Wangfushi pic

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