After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 166.2

Chapter 166.2

The man’s eyes were gradually tinged with arrogance. “Just a bunch of ants want to find my whereabouts? How delusional.”

Bai Lixin breathed heavily, and he saw Dijia wave his hand in the direction of the snake man.

The next second, the snake man’s shrewd eyes were lost in thought for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, the snake man collected his tongue and shook its head, “Hiss, I smelled wrong; it’s just the smell of water, not a human.”

Horned Man: “But I clearly just saw a light.”

Snake Man: “With your glazed eyes, what can you see clearly? You must have made a mistake. Hurry up; there is a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, and the master said that it’s likely the demon baby will be born this time. We have to hurry over.”

Only then did the horned man put away the paraffin lamp, saying, “Okay, you’re right, we must think of priorities. Maybe I really am wrong, there are heavy guards outside, how could anyone slip in.”

The two paper figurines pulling each other came to Bai Lixin’s mind: “……”

You call those heavy guards?

The horned man and the snake man went down the stairs and retraced their steps to the corner.

Bai Lixin pricked up his ears and listened intently to the sound of their footsteps slowly disappearing, while whispering to remind Dijia, “We should go, we have to follow them, they’ll lead the way.”

He reached out and tried to lift the cloak.

The next second, a powerful force hit, locking him firmly to the wall.

The man’s hot, lingering kiss followed, and a moist force entered the youth’s lips. They tangled with urgency, affection, and telling eagerness.

Bai Lixin struggled just a little before the man locked his wrists in a strong grip.

He lifted a leg and easily intervened between the youth’s legs, pinning the other man firmly against the wall.

The youth was instantly like a fish on a chopping board, unable to move a muscle and only able to silently suffer Dijia’s attack.

It was only after a long time, as the youth’s body was gradually faltering, that the man released his grip on the other man’s hand and easily brought him into his arms, allowing the other man’s full strength to rest on his own body.

“I’m sorry.” The man’s voice was gruff, and his tone was so sincere, “I just couldn’t help myself.”

“I obviously have a deep connection with you, which should be a happy thing, but I’m always anxious inside.”

“It’s as if being with you is short-lived like you’ll be around for a few days before disappearing forever.”

“But how can you disappear like an ethereal cloud when you are clearly right in front of me?”

“I have waited so long in this world for you, how can I resign myself to your departure?”

“I can only suppress the trepidation and anxiety in my heart by constantly kissing you.”

Bai Lixin’s legs were trembling a little. He put his arms around the man’s shoulders, and buried his head in the other man’s arms, breathing heavily for the long-lost air.

But he didn’t say anything, just wordlessly patting Dijia’s neck soothingly.

Dijia was right, it was indeed almost time to leave here.

Three days only.

Forgetting about clearing the copy, and forgetting the tasks, Bai Lixin and Dijia just hugged each other in the darkness, drawing strength and courage from each other.

At this moment, Bai Lixin didn’t want to care about the mission.

He entered this game for Dijia, but when Dijia showed up, he was only focused on the tasks, forgetting his original purpose.

Yes, Dijia was right—the time spent with him in this fast-paced world could be counted on a stopwatch.

It had only been a few days since he appeared in the copy world, but the other party had existed in this world for a long, long time, just waiting for these few days when they would meet.

Previously, Bai Lixin would question the behavior of Dijia’s soul fragments, wondering why they were so engrossed in him, even to the extent that they didn’t care about the existing situations.

But at this moment, he suddenly understood Dijia’s thoughts.

To him, he could see Dijia whenever he opened a copy.

But for Dijia, it was a hundred or even a thousand years of waiting.

After such a long wait, it was not surprising for him to spare no effort to get him the moment he felt the tremble of his soul.

So each time, Dijia would appear before himself as fast as he could.

He would sometimes be perverse, sometimes brutal, and sometimes arrogant.

A mayfly lives for half a day, and dies by dusk.

Perhaps in the minds of all the Dijias, the time spent with him was like a mayfly’s life.

Short, yet passionate.

Waiting several years to be together for a few short days.

Bai Lixin’s nose was suddenly sour, he pinched Dijia’s firm shoulder and said, “What nonsense! You said that the two of us are destined for each other. Even if it’s a short duration, we’ll make long term memories”

“You’re right,” Dijia finally let go of Bai Lixin, “let’s not waste our short time together.”

Bai Lixin: “Haven’t we lost them?”

Dijia: “No, I just placed a mark on the snake man, his body will leave clues for us. I’m covetous, but I never forget what matters, don’t worry about it.”

“To be so facetious yet thinking about that,” Bai Lixin rubbed his brow, “you deserve to be King Yama.”

Dijia: “Hahaha.”

The two turned the corner and caught a glimpse of the faint, white, glowing scaly powder on the ground.

Dijia: “Follow these scaly powders.”

Bai Lixin: “Okay.”

They followed the scaly powder through rugged and winding tunnels and soon came to an open area.

It was a huge circular space, with transparent glass at intervals on either side of the walls.

Behind the glass were rooms, the full view of which could be clearly seen from the outside.

Some of the rooms had women, while others were empty.

The women had blank expressions; some were carrying a child in their arms, some were pregnant, and others were so weak that they could only lie numbly on the bed, waiting to die.

One of the women was lying limp on the floor. She looked like she had just given birth, but the delivery methods used were brutal and rough.

The woman’s belly was cut open and left unstitched, but there was no sign of the baby she just delivered.

Blood was flowing all over the place, and intestines and some internal organs were already exposed from the location of the cut.

Bai Lixin stopped by the woman, who felt the movement and just gave the stranger a numb glance; her beautiful face was devoid of any glow, only despair.

The woman was not yet dead, but her heart was already dead.

A stone pressed heavily on Bai Lixin’s chest, he did not speak, but his gradually darkening and gloomy eyes revealed what was in his heart.

Bai Lixin: [System, can I still save her?]

The escape system was silent for two seconds: [Sorry, Master Bai Lixin. The healing card can only be used on players, it will have no effect on NPCs.]

[If your Mermaid Heart was still working, you may still be able to save them, but… you can’t save them even if the Great Gods were to come down.]

[Why don’t I just try?] Even though the escape system had said it was impossible, Bai Lixin still found the prop card in his backpack, [What did they do wrong? Just because these women can give birth, they have to become vessels for those evil people to breed demons?]

[That’s so un.]

Escape System: [But this is inherently unfair. Isn’t the law of the jungle that the strong triumph over the weak? They are just NPCs, even those NPCs have not shown them any kindness, so why do you need to do it? Wouldn’t it be better to keep the prop card for yourself? After all, even you could get hurt.]

[It’s because no one is helping them that I want to help them even more. As she spoke, Bai Lixin had already used five healing prop cards, and as a green light lit up on the woman’s body, the wounds on her body did not change, [I wanted to show her that she should not give up.]

Bai Lixin’s frowned as he pulled out a few more higher-grade healing cards from his backpack, [They are not just NPCs, they aren’t just data, they are living souls. Don’t they deserve the rights that others have?]

Another green light lit up on the woman’s body, and the warm green light finally caught the woman’s attention, and she turned her head back to the youth outside the glass window with puzzlement and surprise.

He was clean, and he didn’t look like her at the moment.

The card in his hand lit up and then dimmed.

Sad? Why is he feeling sad?

Is it for… me?

The woman’s dull eyes gradually began to focus, and her empty brain began to have the ability to think.

Her eyes fell on the youth’s mouth, which was opening and closing as he said something.

—“Don’t give up.”

—“Live on.”

—“You can do it.”

The woman stared at the youth in a daze, and tears suddenly flowed out of the corners of her eyes in an uncontrollable manner.

She reached out with all her might and covered her face, tears wetting her face and her heart.

Live on.

Yes, she lived.

She could still die, but since she was not at fault, why should she be the one to die?!

She wanted to live!

Save her! She wanted someone to save her!

The woman’s desire to live rang out in her heart, and with the reappearance of her will, Bai Lixin began to use his next prop card.

The green light appeared around the woman once again.

But this time, a miracle happened.

The wounds on the woman’s body began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye, her shriveled body gradually filled up, and her haggard, pale face glowed with life.

Soon, the woman slowly got up from the ground amidst the dense green light.

With hobbling steps, she walked over and pressed her hands against the clear glass window, telling her frustration over and over again, how grateful she was, and how she wished she could be taken away.

Bai Lixin pointed towards the corner, motioning for the woman to retreat.

The woman immediately understood and quickly moved over to shrink into the corner.

The second she crouched and hid in her ragged clothes, Bai Lixin took the indestructible dagger out of his backpack.

The youth gripped the sharp dagger and made a few random strokes on the glass window, and a square door immediately appeared in the window that had been intact a moment before.

Dijia behind him quickly held the glass that was cut down and falling towards the youth.

The whole time, not a single sound was made.

The woman couldn’t believe it. She had lost all hope, but in the blink of an eye, she was reborn and given hope.

Bai Lixin made a “shhh” gesture toward the woman and whispered: “I’ll get you all out, just a little longer. Please help me wake the others and calm them down, I can only save them if their will to live is strong enough, okay?”

The woman nodded vigorously, “Yes!”

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