After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 168.1

Chapter 168.1

“Which way do you want to go?” Three masked people stood by the place where the corridors intersected, and one of them, asked with a cold voice.

The one with the most petite body among the three stopped and sighed from under the mask, “I don’t know either.”

In front of them was a horizontal and vertical crossroad. The three paths extended out of sight, and everything dissolved into darkness.

“Or should we move separately and try them all?” Xi Niang suggested.

Bai Lixin looked at Xi Niang with concern and asked, “Can you handle it?”

Xi Niang: “If I’m in real danger, I’ll shout for help. You’ll come back to save me, right?”

Instead of answering Xi Niang’s question, Bai Lixin asked another: “If you had to choose, which path would you choose?”

Xi Niang froze, and after ten seconds of serious examination, she pointed to the road directly in front of her and said, “This road.”

Bai Lixin: “Okay, then we’ll take this road.”

Xi Niang froze again, “Hey, how can you let me make the decision? What if I chose the wrong one?”

Bai Lixin: “It doesn’t matter; we’ll come back if we’re wrong. As the saying goes, mother and child are linked. If you want to find your child so badly, maybe the gods will guide you.”

When Xi Niang thought about it, it did seem that way, and she didn’t hesitate any longer. “Okay, then let’s follow my instincts.”

The three decided on a path and started moving.

They had just come out of the underground, and the path was familiar to Bai Lixin and Dijia. However, while walking, they took a strange corridor that they had never seen before and encountered a century-old problem of three choices.

And then there was the earlier scene.

Dijia walked at the front, Bai Lixin walked at the end, and Xi Niang, who needed the most protection in the group, was in the middle.

They had been walking for a few minutes when they heard the faint sound of smashing from ahead.

This was followed by roars of anger and the cries of a frightened baby.

Upon hearing the child’s cries, Xi Niang immediately rushed over.

If not for Bai Lixin’s quick eyes and hands, she would have rushed to the front and confronted the situation head-on.

Bai Lixin lowered his voice: “Be cautious, don’t be impatient.”

Xi Niang stomped her foot anxiously and asked, “Why shouldn’t I rush over? My child, why is my child crying? What do they want with my child?”

As she struggled, the mask slipped off her face, revealing her true features and leaving the helpless tears on her face uncovered.

Looking at the increasingly agitated Xi Niang, Bai Lixin directly hit her with the back of his hand, and Xi Niang’s eyes rolled back before she slid limply down the wall.

Dijia: “……”

The first time I saw him, I was able to see him.

Sure enough, it was another day of falling for Bai Lixin even more.

Bai Lixin lowered Xi Niang to the floor and glanced at Dijia, “Are you watching her or should I?”

“???” Dijia asked, “Why must I watch her? It’s not like she’s some kind of treasure.”

Looking at you is better than looking at her.

Bai Lixin: “Since you don’t want to look at her, then should I stay and you go in?”

Dijia looked at the room where the crying was getting louder and louder and then at Bai Lixin, and although there was still some reluctance, he tolerated jealousy in the face of danger.

The man glanced at the woman and said, “Okay, I’ll go, and if there is a situation, call out for me; I will hear you.”

Bai Lixin nodded to indicate that he had heard, and then Dijia turned away and walked in.

Bai Lixin vaguely heard the mysterious man’s shocked voice coming from inside the room.

“Who are you?”

“What are you doing?”

“You stop!”

Loud bangs rang out, and Bai Lixin listened to the fight while looking down at the woman’s face.

Even though she was unconscious, the woman’s face was still locked in a frown as she mumbled, “My child, my child.”

“Father, mother, Xi Niang is unfilial.”

“Please, don’t hurt me.”

He didn’t know what the woman was dreaming of, and the tears rolled down again.

Bai Lixin crossed his arms over his chest, his back leaning lazily against the wall, and one foot propped back against the wall. His eyes were fixed on the direction where the fight was taking place.

It didn’t take long for the fight to stop.

He heard the sound of something heavy being dragged across the floor, and the door to the room was soon thrown open. A tall man walked out with a newborn baby in one hand and a man in the other and slowly walked towards Bai Lixin.

Before Bai Lixin could get any closer, the man flung his arm up, throwing the man he was dragging before Bai Lixin’s feet.

The mask on the man’s face fell off, revealing the beaten and bruised features inside. At the base of his neck was a red mark.

He was not yet completely unconscious, and his eyes were staring at Bai Lixin with resentment, as if he wanted to nail him to the wall behind him.

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on the man’s neck, “Are you the master of the auction house?”

The man looked at Bai Lixin and didn’t open his mouth to say yes or deny it.

Bai Lixin leaned over and looked at the man seriously. “He looks too weak, weren’t the evil spirits that ran after us that day bred by the master of the ghost market? The power he possessed then was much more powerful than it is now. This man just looks like a substitute.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Dijia spoke coldly, “hand him over to me and I will take him back to the Underworld for severe torture.”

“Even if he’s not the master of the ghost market, there’s still a connection. He was just about to throw the child into the furnace when I entered, and he has probably done it more than once.”

“He has to go to Abyssal Hell.”

Dijia frowned at the unconscious woman on the ground and asked, “Is she awake?”

Bai Lixin: “No yet, I’ll wake her up so she can see if the child is hers.”

The moment the woman was woken up, she immediately flung herself in front of the child and cried, “My child! My child!”

“Thank you, thank you.”

The woman cried as she held the helpless baby in her arms. In between sobs, she even moved to stomp on the grim-faced man.

The man had been quiet because of Dijia’s strength, but when he saw the woman stomp on him twice, he roared in anger, frightening the woman into retreating with the baby in her arms, her face pale.

He glared at the woman, then at Dijia, and finally stopped at Bai Lixin.

“Don’t think you’ve found my master just because you’ve caught me! I’ll tell you, my master is omnipotent! I’ll endure the humiliation for my master today, but I will make you pay back twice as much on another day! I curse you, you will be devoured by an endless stream of spirits! And you will become a part of the spirits, a puppet of my master! Hahaha, you fools, you will never find my master!”

“Hahaha, die! You have to die, you have to die with me!”

With those last words, the man’s body filled with air like a balloon and began to expand.

Bai Lixin reacted quickly and summoned his shield a second before the man exploded, shielding the three of them within it.

With a loud bang, the sound of flesh and blood rang out.

The sticky scarlet residue was everywhere, looking creepy and eerie.

The woman screamed, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she passed out in the middle of this hell. Even though she was unconscious, she held the child firmly to her body, protecting it to the end.


In the live broadcast room.

[Hiss, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a large-scale bloody scene.]

[…… A monster blew itself up, how did you make it sound so YHSQ?]

*YHSQ is an abbreviation of the words Yín Huì Sè Qíng which mean obscenity and pornography.

[So, this person that the big boss brought out is not the master of the ghost market, so where is the true master?]

[ Bai Lixin never got any clues when he went to the auction house last time. The master of the ghost market has always been very mysterious, and he used puppets or something to make an appearance. It seems that the copy boss this time is much smarter than the previous ones.]

[The master of the ghost market is unknown; the fake King Yama is unknown; and where did the sage go? Also, where is the demon baby? Isn’t there a task that requires God Xin to find the demon baby and kill it? God, we have three days left; why does it feel like there’s a hole everywhere?]

[What do we do? I feel like God Xin won’t be able to finish this mission.]

[Actually, I feel that way every time, but God Xin always manages to slap me in the face.]

[Well, let’s hope he slaps us in the face even this time.]


When Xi Niang woke up, the first thing she did was look at the baby in her arms. Seeing the child lying intact in her arms, she let out a long sigh of relief before noticing that there were many figures around her.

Among the women who had been rescued from the auction house, the only one she knew was the one called Qu’er.

Qu’er handed her a bowl of soup, the rich aroma of the soup was wrapped in a slightly astringent, bitter smell. “You are finally awake, you slept for a long time.”

“Take the medicine and drink it, it will drive away the cold and also calm your emotions.”

Xi Niang glanced at Qu’er hesitantly, and the other party smiled and said, “I know you are afraid; don’t worry, we’ll all be together. Lord Bai Lixin told us that your parents are no longer alive. Hey, it’s good that you are also a hardworking person; we only have each other to tide over the difficult times from now on.”

At these words, Xi Niang took the bowl and drank it down.

The soup was slightly bitter and then sweet, and after she finished it, she became a little drowsy; even Qu’er’s voice became hazy and indistinct.

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