After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 169.1

Chapter 169.1

Xi Niang took a deep breath, and her expression gradually returned to normal.

She patted the baby in her arms and said, “I hid hundreds of secrets so well, only to be exposed because of the smell.”

“It’s my bad luck.”

Bai Lixin shook his head: “No, more than that, you have quite a lot of loopholes.”

“Like your hand.”

“You carefully disguised your face but ignored one point. Hands are your second face, and each hand is different.”

Xi Niang frowned slightly and said, “But my hands aged too.”

“Yes, you are aging.” The two looked at each other from across the room like old friends having a heart-to-heart conversation. Bai Lixin’s eyes fell on Xi Niang’s wrist, and he said, “Everyone’s palm lines and fingerprints are uniquely theirs.”

In the live broadcast room.

[Oh~ that’s why God Xin kept looking at her hands over and over again, I kept wondering why.]

[Huh, God Xin was watching her hands? I didn’t even notice. I just thought that Meng Po and Xi Niang were weird; it never crossed my mind that they could be the same person.]

[Yeah, speaking of it, they have never appeared at the same time.]

[But isn’t Meng Po cooking Meng Po soup by the Naihe Bridge all year round? How did she leave the underworld? ]

In the game, Xi Niang also asked the same question: “Since you are so smart, tell me how I left the underworld.”

Bai Lixin rubbed the center of his eyebrows: “If you drink too much of any drug, you will develop drug resistance. You have been drinking Meng Po soup all the time, so you have developed resistance. It minimizes the effects, right?”

“To verify this, I made a few small preparations.”

“First, I asked King Yama how long the effects of Meng Po soup would last to cross the Naihe Bridge. The answer I got was 8 hours.”

“Second, I wanted to verify whether you could recover your memory during those few hours.”

“It’s been 5 hours since I fed you the processed Meng Po soup, but you have already recovered your memory.”

“As far as how you managed to go back and forth between these identities, it’s not difficult once you figure this out.”

“Old Meng Po’s job is just to cook soup, and her attire usually consists of a thick cloak with a hood that covers her face all year round. When you leave, you just need to find a substitute paper figurine to replace you.

“As for Li Sanniang, she is always sleeping.”

“Both the fake King Yama and the master of the ghost market are mysterious, so it is better to conceal their identities and activities. These two identities don’t even need you to show their faces, the subordinates under you can do everything.”

Xi Niang’s dark eyes were fixed on Bai Lixin by the window. She suddenly threw her head back and laughed and brought her hands together to make a crisp slapping sound, “Smart, you are really smart.”

“I’ve worked hard for so many years, and King Yama didn’t find any problems; his ghost messengers didn’t notice anything, but you, a little turtle whom I only saw a few times, found a flaw.”

“I never even thought that was a flaw.”

Bai Lixin recalled those in the Yama’s Palace and silently complained: They are all a group of fish that slipped through the net of nine-year compulsory education.

“Although I have figured things out, there are a few things I don’t understand, so I want to ask you for advice.” Bai Lixin straightened his face and looked at Xi Niang in front of him with the attitude of a good student.

Xi Niang chuckled and asked with a soft murmur, “There’s something you don’t know? What is it?”

Bai Lixin asked without much deliberation: “First of all, why did the stewed body parts suddenly appear in Yanwang Town?”

Xi Niang: “To find an excuse to smash Yama’s statue. Gods have incarnations, and Yama is no exception. The statues are the eyes of Yama. As long as the statue of Yama existed, everything I did in Yanwang town would be discovered.”

“So I found an excuse, smashed the statue, and sent a replacement. Although the saint is not good, the body is still a good thing, and the half-saint’s body can just confuse Yama’s sight.”

“My child died early in my womb. To resurrect him, I had to collect a lot of living souls.”

“Yanwang Town was the nearest slaughterhouse.”

“But there is another reason. The town that led to my death was the predecessor of this Yanwang Town. My child was resurrected with those dirty lives, which can be regarded as consummated merits and virtues, killing two birds with one stone.”

“My ancestor was a formation master, and I never planned to open the forbidden book he left me.”

“But they forced me. Since I was having a hard time, why should they have a good life? It’s just an eye for an eye.”

Bai Lixin didn’t say much and continued to ask the next question, “I checked earlier, and the baby in your arms is not a demon baby, but a very healthy and normal baby.”

Xi Niang looked down at the child in her arms affectionately and said, “Yes, my hard work for so many years is not in vain. He is very healthy and will have an endless life.”

Bai Lixin: “If the child in your arms is your child, then where did the saint you rescued go?”

Xi Niang’s dark eyes rolled around, probably trying to create a cunning state, but the result was too much force, and the eyeballs inadvertently fell out of the eye sockets.

Bai Lixin: “…”

The scene was a little out of control for a while.

Xi Niang hurriedly picked up the eyeballs and put them back, coughing to cover up her embarrassment, “Yes, aren’t you very smart? Guess where the saint went.”

Bai Lixin looked at Xi Niang for a few seconds and then suddenly laughed at himself, saying, “I’m still stupid. You have worked so hard for so long; how could it be just revenge and resurrecting the child? The effort you put in wouldn’t be worth it.”

“You have done so many bad things that even if you are not in the book of life and death, you will be punished. How can you not be punished? Unless you are the punisher.”

“You want to kill Yama and replace him.”

Xi Niang froze for a moment, then narrowed her eyes, looking at Bai Lixin coldly.

Bai Lixin cupped his chin habitually, and his eyes were a little preoccupied because of the high concentration of thinking.

“Yama is not a fool, how could he let a stranger approach him?”

“Unless it is a person he won’t be wary of.”

“And on the list of people he is unguarded against, the only one that can be transformed into a demon baby is Tuanzi.”

Bai Lixin looked at Xi Niang with sharp eyes: “The saint is in Tuanzi’s body, right?”

The moment he spoke, the world outside suddenly shook.

The moon overhead, which had been milky white a moment ago, now has an eerie red color. Cracks gradually appeared on the ground, and endless hot and ferocious magma rushed up from the cracks.

Xi Niang, who now had a satisfied expression, suddenly said, “Yes, what you said is correct. Tuanzi is a spirit formed by absorbing the auras of heaven and earth, and he is also a natural vessel.”

“I caught him in the sea of flowers and brought him to the demon baby formation, allowing him to absorb a lot of demon qi. I sealed this demonic qi in the deepest part of his body, and only when his body is occupied by the saint can the demonic qi run rampant, making the whole body the most perfect demon baby.”

“What’s the use of knowing this? It’s too late, the sky is falling, and the world is upside down. This is the same as what happened in the underworld thousands of years ago, it is a sign that Yama is dead.”

“Hahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded in killing Yama. That’s great.”

Xi Niang’s expression became more ferocious, and the charming face from earlier no longer existed because of her arrogance.

Kill Yama and replace him.

The grand plan to dominate the underworld had begun.

After so many years of dormancy and planning, it finally came to light today.

Bai Lixin remained by the window sill, supporting his chin and looking at Xi Niang’s expression indifferently.

Xi Niang laughed for a while before calming down.

She even had tears in the corners of her eyes because of too much force.

She looked at Bai Lixin in surprise for a while, then cackled, “I thought you liked that bullshit Yama so much, but we are indeed the same kind. On the surface, we look affectionate, but in reality, we are both theatrical and selfish.”

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, with a tangled and embarrassed expression, as if he was ashamed because the disguise was seen through, “But, it was Tuanzi who killed the King Yama… No, the saint. If you really want to be King Yama, shouldn’t you personally kill King Yama? Isn’t it your turn to rule?”

“Do you think the 18th level of hell is a playground? After so many years of punishment, the saint was so worn out that he became my plaything. If he dares to disobey me, I can take his life at any time.’

“But he is immortal; he lives the same life as heaven and earth; how could you take his life?” Bai Lixin frowned: “Although I was hypocritical to Yama, I was sincere to Tuanzi. Now that the world is settled, I just want to know if the saint can still leave Tuanzi’s body before I die.”

“So you want to know this,” Xi Niang raised her eyebrows haughtily, “I can tell you. Although the evil spirits in the River of Forgetfulness sound scary, they have a characteristic in that they can separate souls.”

“You see, they need to lock the soul in order to make it a substitute. But even if you know how to separate it, it is useless, because once the soul enters the River of Forgetfulness, no matter how strong the soul is, it will be divided by the mass of resentment.”

“Whether it is the saint or Tuanzi, they will sink to the bottom of the River of Forgetfulness forever and ever.”

“Hee hee hee, your dumpling will never turn back into the real dumpling.”

“But I can consider sparing your life. We are very similar, and I like you very much.”

“I’ll let you go as long as you promise to be mine. How about it?”

However, Bai Lixin stood up straight, snapped his fingers toward the sky, and the trembling ground immediately returned to calm.

The red on the moon faded, and the mottled ground fissures quickly retracted and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xi Niang failed to react, and she stared blankly at the clear sky, asking, “What…what’s going on?”

She was answered by a cold and terrifying snort.

A pitch-black figure appeared behind Bai Lixin without warning. The man looked at her with frosty eyes, his gestures and movements full of the nobility and arrogance of a superior.

Bai Lixin: “I think, you must not have studied the history of the underworld well.”

“When the previous Yama died, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. In order to prevent the collapse of the sky and the earth, Dijia poured half of his power into the earth, and his life has since merged with the underworld.”

“That is to say, he can control the changes in heaven and earth if he wants to.”

Xi Niang’s eyes widened, and she glared at the two men across the room, “How dare you lie to me!”

Dijia disdained the concern: “What’s wrong with lying to you? I still have to catch you back. Your child’s life is life? But the lives of other humans are not?”

“Ying Niang, you have committed too much killing; you’ll have to go to Abyssal Hell and spend the rest of your life there.”

As he spoke, a dense crowd of ghost messengers had already appeared behind Dijia.

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