After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 170.1

Chapter 170.1

Bai Lixin was in a trance for a second, and then his consciousness was pulled back to reality by Dijia’s dragging.

These arms were like flies that had smelled the blood, they didn’t care if the other party was a ghost or King Yama, they were desperately swarming toward the three of them.

The black waters around them were gradually stained with blood red, and the redness was like the bloody mouth of a ferocious beast, greedily and ferociously trying to swallow the three of them into its belly.

Even Dijia, who was the King of the Underworld, was unable to stop his body from sinking.

Tuanzi’s face was pale, his chubby little hands gripping Bai Lixin and Dijia’s hands.

The three of them held hands, forming a circle in the turbulent vortex, and looked at each other.

As the torrent continued to batter the three of them, Dijia subconsciously opened his arms to protect Bai Lixin and Tuanzi.

As the rapids pounded against their temples, strange and familiar memories appeared in Dijia’s mind one after the other.

The youth who had become a saint, the graceful and enchanting youth in a cheongsam, the youth as a young and lively student ……

He obviously never had such experiences, but they were so real and familiar.

It was not until the youth in the Red Apple House appeared in his mind that all the memories were finally revived.

And he also heard a voice that he could not hear before.

Escape system: [Master Bai Lixin, you still have a ‘substitute doll’ in your backpack, this prop ignores weakening buffs so you can use it to survive.]

Bai Lixin: [What about them?]

The escape system: [*If people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed. They are only NPCs, and this child is your target for the task “kill the demon baby.” He will die, and you will be able to complete the task. ]

*Idiom to mean defending selfishness.

Bai Lixin replied firmly: [No, there must be other ways. ]

[There’s [portal] on cool down under the prop bar. Can’t you get it out for me?]

The escape system: [No, there is no permission to do this unless a higher authority intervenes. Alas, it’s too late, there’s less than half a minute before you’re completely consumed by the resentment here, so act quickly, Master Bai Lixin!]

Bai Lixin looked around, his expression was calm, but his mind was in a frenzy of brainstorming.

What was the best way to get out of there?

[Portal] was still under cooldown; it couldn’t just be a coincidence.

Samael also foresaw that he would appear in other copies in the future, so he didn’t die in this one.

But how did he escape?

As if remembering something, Bai Lixin suddenly looked at Dijia and realized that Dijia was also staring at him steadily.

He contemplated.

If Samael had the power of foresight, how could Dijia, who was many times stronger than Samael, not have it?

If he was right, he should have foreseen this current situation as well.

Then the deadly situation might not necessarily be a deadly situation.

Dijia’s eyes, which were like frosty, cold pools, looked somewhat strange and mysterious in these blood-red waters. He kept staring at Bai Lixin, then, to Bai Lixin’s surprise, reached down into the water.

His hand miraculously disappeared into the water, as if he had reached into some transparent sack.

The system’s prompt suddenly rang out.

[Ding! Warning warning, high-level intervention has been detected and is invading the player’s backpack.]

[The system will activate defense mode in three seconds, the player can choose to reject the activation within three seconds.

[Countdown begins. 3–]

Without waiting for the system to say another word, Bai Lixin replied directly: [Refuse to activate.]

[Ding! The defense program has been closed and will enter a dormant state.]

In the midst of the turbulent and raging current, the two people looked at each other with affection.

It was as if the surroundings were not some flooding beast but a romantic and warm sea of flowers.

Tuanzi looked at Bai Lixin and then at Dijia, silently thinking: is this the saccharin manufacturing industry? How sweet.

*Saccharine is an artificial sweetener.

Under Bai Lixin’s watchful eye, Dijia drew the square [portal] prop item from the void in the water.

The pale white arms around them went wild, small mountains of them gathered in all directions, then wrapped around their sides, under their feet, and above their heads, enveloping them like balloons.

[Ding! Warning, 3 seconds left before the player is engulfed by the resentments.]

[The countdown to death begins below. 3, 2, 1——]

The system counted down to “1,” and at the same time, Dijia, Bai Lixin, and Tuanzi opened the portal door.

A moment before the huge wave of arms in the water pressed towards them, the three figures disappeared through the portal.

The arms slapped heavily on the closed portal door.

The arms roared silently as they didn’t get the expected meal, slapping frantically against the water around them to vent their frustration.

As the portal was used by three people, it couldn’t take them far and could only teleport them next to the river of forgetfulness, right on the shores of the river.

When they stepped out of the portal, they saw Yung Niang dive headfirst into the River of Forgetfulness.

The moment Ying Niang fell into the water, the arms swept up in a fury, and she was pulled into the river before she could utter a wail.

The judge was standing not far from where Ying Niang had fallen into the water. He turned his head and saw Dijia, then hurried to his side, “King Yama! It’s great that you’re okay!

Dijia, Bai Lixin, and Tuanzi were all drenched. Dijia simply said, “You take care of the rest,” and rushed back to the palace with Bai Lixin and Tuanzi, who were soaked to the skin.

While on the move, Bai Lixin opened the taskbar.

In the taskbar, there was still a task that had not been completed.

The four words [Kill the Demon Baby] in red were bright and conspicuous, and it was hard for Bai Lixin to ignore them.

There was still a day and a half left before the end of the game.

The escape system’s voice rang out in his head again.

[Master Bai Lixin, you still have one more task left to complete. The demon baby has just formed and is now at its weakest. As long as you gently stab the dagger into his chest, your task will be completed.]

Bai Lixin looked at the pale Tuanzi, who had just gone through a possession, demonic Qi revival, and soul-tearing, and was now very weak.

Sensing Bai Lixin’s gaze, Tuanzi blinked his eyes. His big black eyes were still blood red due to the demonic qi.

But even the color change could not weaken the purity and attachment in his watery eyes.

Tunazi blinked his big watery eyes at Bai Lixin, and tears fell one by one in grievance, whimpering as he cried, “I knew you would come to save me, Papa!”

“Father is here too. Father, I will never say you’re a bad father again.”

“Wuuu, Papa, I won’t let you dump Father anymore. He almost gave up his life for you, he is worthy of you.”

“Father’s not very kind to me, but he’s tolerable since it’s for Papa’s happiness.”

Dijia: “……”

If I may ask, where did you learn this green tea attribute?

Oh, wait, it turns out that he learned it from me.

Bai Lixin smiled at Tuanzi and continued to sink his consciousness to ask the escape system, [Is beheading the system’s only method of punishment?]

The escape system was silent for two seconds, then it said: [There is another way.]

[But getting beheaded would be a better option than that.]

Bai Lixin: [What way?]

Escape System: [In the deepest part of the game, there is a special time cage.]

[There, life is worse than death.]

[You feel endless loneliness, somewhat similar to the eighteenth level of hell.]

[But why should you choose to be punished? You’re so strong, it’s easy for you to kill this child, you shouldn’t be so kind.]

Bai Lixin shook his head, [Not out of kindness, but out of principle. The moment I pick up the dagger to clear this copy, it will no longer be me.]

[Killing is easy, but what is behind the killing?]

[Take this saint as an example; he has been cultivating and saving several beings since he was born.]

[But all his persistence and beliefs began to disintegrate after that one small waver.]

[He didn’t hurt anyone else, but himself.]

[If I can kill Tuanzi because of a task today, then tomorrow I can kill the players, teammates, and possibly even Dijia on another task.]

[I can kill some evil spirits without mercy, but not Tuanzi, who is innocent.]

[It’s not about stopping for someone else, it’s about stopping for myself.]

The escape system sighed: [What will you do then?]

Bai Lixin: [Tell me more about that cage.]

Escape System: [Since this is your choice, then fine.]

[The cage, although terrifying, has a very nice name: “Eternal Diamond Mountain”.]

[I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this fairy tale. In the ancient past, the king asked a shepherd boy three questions.]

[In the third question, the king asked the shepherd boy what eternity was.

The shepherd boy said, “In a faraway land, there is a mountain of diamonds, and every hundred years, a bird flies in, and by the time the bird has pecked away the mountain of diamonds, the first second of eternity has passed. ]

[This is the source of the inspiration for this cage].

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