After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 171.1

Welcome back from the weekend everybody!  (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠) We have come to the end of this arc!! Yay!

Small streams flowed one after another from between the mountains made of jade, and before they could converge into the sea, they were mercilessly licked up.

The only thing left on the jade were countless red plums in full bloom.

The youth’s arms were suspended high in the air; one end of the red ribbon was wrapped around his wrists, and the other was tied to the top of the sturdy bed frame.

The man lifted his head from where it was buried in the jade, his thick thumb wiping the wine stains at the corners of his lips.

“This is the best wine I’ve ever tasted in my life,” the man’s eyes were sharp as a hunting beast in the hot air, “would you like a taste?”

The youth’s shoulders trembled uncontrollably, his lips were swollen, his cheeks flushed, and there were two imperceptible lines of tears at the corners of his eyes.

His whole body was a ripe red.

Eyes brimming with watery mist looked at the man helplessly, and Bai Lixin’s hoarse voice was tinged with a faint tremble and a cry: “Where did you learn so many tricks?”

Do you know that your persona has collapsed?

Something is wrong with you!

Dijia laughed and lifted Bai Lixin’s leg, and in response to his question, there were fiercer bites and attacks.

Bai Lixin’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body tensed up like a dying fish. He tried to reach out and push back to escape, but it was all in vain.

He didn’t know what material the fragile red ribbon was made of, but it was so strong that no matter how much he struggled, it remained tightly wrapped around his jade-colored wrist.

The youth’s wrist was strangled with faint red marks. He screamed, and the red ribbon hanging in the air also trembled rhythmically with his screams…


In the live broadcast room.

[I declare this TV show over; it’s now time for the finale!]

[Woo hoo! The big boss and God Xin are finally married; I’m so moved I want to cry.]

[The big boss has changed. He was still a male bodhisattva before, and would show us some exciting kisses, but now he doesn’t even allow us to see. It’s been less than an hour since they got married, and he’s already revealed his true colors. Damn, he cheated us.]

[Hey, we celebrated to early. It’s only been a while, and he’s already treating us like outsiders.]

[Here, the big boss and God Xin are in the bridal chamber, right?]

[These gutless guests don’t even dare to make a scene in the bridal chamber, if I were there,…]

[What if you were there?]

[If I were there, I would have drunk myself to death and then listened to the action in the bridal chamber from the corner with the help of alcohol!]

[I thought you were powerful, but you’re just a drunken coward.]

[But the big boss is too good to God Xin. For God’s sake, he even went to the trouble of finding all the NPCs from the old copies.]

[ But the NPCs from the Merman and Undead Magician copies didn’t appear.]

[Uh, I have a guess. Perhaps they are in way more ancient worlds, or… they are in the Western system and have gone to a Western Hell after death?]

[Hey, the little thing’s got a quick mind, that’s a very plausible possibility!]

[That means you’re not even as good as a thing.]

[Who are you calling out?

[Hey, what’s with the fighting? We’re all God Xin’s fans; let’s love each other as a family.]

[But Tuanzi is still alive, does that mean God Xin didn’t complete his task? If he hasn’t completed the task…]

The barrage in the broadcast room suddenly fell silent for two seconds.

[How is that possible? That is God Xin; there must be a reversal. I’m already waiting for the reversal.]

[Perhaps God Xin might be able to get the demonic qi out of Tuanzi’s body. After getting it out, wouldn’t he no longer be a demon baby? Doesn’t God Xin like to exploit loopholes in the system?]

[But, quantitative changes produce qualitative changes, and qualitative changes are irreversible. Tuanzi has already become a demon baby because of all the demonic qi. Can he degrade to an infant spirit?]

[…… I got it! God Xin refused to do it with the hope that someone else had also received this task. What if someone else ended up killing Tuanzi?]

[This is also possible, but not very likely. The only player who can enter the underworld is Samael. Where is Samael by the way?]

[I just cut to the rest of the live streams of this copy, he is looking everywhere for God Xin.]

[….The little tadpole is looking for its mother?]

[Someone else’s copy: horror, thriller, screaming, running, breaking, and entering.God Xin’s copy: falling in love, flirting, teasing, kissing, doing tasks, and, by the way, getting laid.]

[Samael’s copy: Find God Xin, Find God Xin, Find God Xin, Find God Xin…]

[Hehe, I’ll just die laughing; why is the summary so incisive?]

[So does that mean that only one can live between Tuanzi and the God Xin? Why do they have to make such a cruel choice? He’s so cute, and he didn’t do anything wrong.]

[Don’t worry, a moment in the spring is worth a thousand yuan; let God Xin finish his personal matters first. He’s our spiritual leader, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that it’s because of him that I’ve been able to keep going so far.]

[Me too, I was ready to give up a month or so ago.]

[I used to be afraid of the monsters and clearing copies. But after watching God Xin, I realized that those monsters are also afraid, they are not invincible, and they can also be bullied. If you are weak, they are strong, if you are strong, they are weak. It turns out that the ugly and horrible-looking monsters may not always be vicious, they may also have a touching past. I started to change my perspective, imitating God Xin’s way of clearing copies, and the world in front of me changed.]

[Perhaps God Xin could lead us, overthrow the system’s strong oppression, tear it down, and take us all out of here.]

[That’s right, that’s right, he was sent by the heavens to save us.]

Without their notice, the embers of hope were rising. One by one, the brilliant light of freedom was lit.

One may be small, but a thousand flames burning up can dispel the horrible, oppressive darkness.


In the hall, there was a mingling of drinks.

A small red figure suddenly appeared in the back garden.

The formerly depressingly monotonous back garden was now decorated into a sea of flowers, with colorful flowers dotted around it and red ribbons woven above the rippling sea.

In the back garden, a man was standing with his hands folded.

“Why did you call for me?” Tuanzi came to the man’s side and tilted his head to ask.

On hearing Tuanzi’s voice, the man raised his head and turned gently towards Tuanzi. “Good evening, Master Tuanzi.”

The little dumpling’s blood-red eyes seemed to merge with the blood-red moon overhead. He frowned impatiently, “Lord judge, you’re too tall; I don’t like talking to people with my head up.”

The judge hurriedly gave an “oh” and crouched down on one knee, making his eyes level with Tuanzi.

Today was King Yama’s wedding day, and everyone was in the inner hall, so only the Judge and Tuanzi were in the large back garden.

Tuanzi asked again, “Why did you call for me?”

The judge smiled gently and said, “Master Tuanzi, I heard that you were captured by Meng Po and lost a piece of your memory. I am compiling all the evidence of Meng Po’s guilt, do you remember anything now?”

Tuanzi’s blood-red eyes blinked innocently. He frowned, and he said casually, “I seem to remember a little.”

“I remember that I ran away from home and passed by the sea of flowers. Then …… then ……”

The judge’s voice deepened as he said persuasively, “And then…?”

Tuanzi clutched his temples, and his face was full of pain. He frowned and stumbled over his words, “Then I saw it!”

The judge held his breath, and his expression tensed up, “Saw what?”

Tuanzi: ” I saw two people plotting on the other side of the river.”

Judge: “Very good, think deeper, do you have a clear picture of what they look like?”

Tuanzi wailed in pain, his features were all tangled together, and his blood-red pupils showed confusion. He struggled to open his dusty memories and spoke slowly and uncertainly, “One of the hooded people had Meng Po’s face, and the other….”

Tuanzi looked up abruptly, his blood pupils contracted abruptly, and he said in shock and disbelief, ” It was you?!”

The moment he uttered these words, the judge’s normally gentle face suddenly became murderous. His hand reached out like a sharp claw and grabbed Tuanzi’s shoulder.

Tuanzi opened his mouth and was about to scream, but the judge swiftly covered his mouth, and Tuanzi immediately went mute.

Judge: “Heh, give up; no one is coming to save you tonight. Your dearest father and papa are busy in the bridal chamber, who has the heart to care about you?”

Tuanzi gritted his teeth and scratched at the air, his face tinged with anger.

Judge: “From the moment you survived, I knew you were the time bomb. I’ve been on tenterhooks for the last two days, afraid you’d suddenly remember something and tell all.”

“Those who know current affairs are Junjie, and you shouldn’t blame me for helping Meng Po in the first place. She promised me what Yama couldn’t, like power over half of the underworld.”

[T/N: Those who know current affairs are Junjie meaning: only a wise man submits to circumstances..]

“Aren’t I more capable than Black and White Wuchang and Ma Mian and Niu Tou? Why should I have a lower rank than them? It’s not fair, I just wanted my own share back.”

“But now that Meng Po has failed, a gentleman can stretch and bed, it’s not bad to remain a judge for the time being. I was careful in all my dealings with Meng Po and left no clues, except for you.”

“I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity, Tuanzi. I’m sorry; you are innocent, but if a person is not selfish, the world will not tolerate him, so for my sake, I’ll have to condemn you to death.”

With that, the judge took out a dagger from his pocket.

The moment he saw the dagger, Tuanzi’s expression changed once again.

The judge placed the dagger in his hand and played with it, saying, “You’ve noticed, haven’t you? I’ve built this dagger in equal proportions to that of Bai Lixin’s. When the time comes, I’ll use your death to frame Bai Lixin for attacking and killing a ghost messenger.”

“The last one who did that was the saint.”

“Heh,” the Judge frowned, “I dislike Bai Lixin, he’s too smart—so smart that it scares me. It’s as if he can see through everything, making me feel like I have nowhere to hide.”

“Master Tuanzi, don’t you feel I’m killing two birds with one stone like this? Isn’t this perfection?”

With deep malice in his eyes, the judge opened his mouth in a silent laugh and mercilessly brought the dagger down on Tuanzi’s chest.

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