After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 19.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 19.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Time flew by, and by 8:50 pm, all the players had showered and were standing by their beds waiting for the Bloods’ dinner to begin.

At 9:00 pm sharp, a heavy metal thump slowly approached from the end of the corridor.

A few minutes later, the door to the room opened.

A few players shivered uncontrollably at the sight of the Bloods who opened the door.

The man who came to pick them up was the same leader of the guards from last night. Seeing his grim, cold, and sharp face made many players recall how he had easily dragged the crying player away last night and they shivered.

All the players did not dare to make a rash move as they got into their cages in an orderly fashion.

The cages were placed on trolleys back to back, and six cages were placed on each trolley.

When everyone was in their cages, a dozen guards pushed the carts and marched to the hall.

There were two guards standing opposite each other every five meters in the corridor. The guards held silver-glowing Western-style swords in their hands, and their pale faces were cold.

There were more guards tonight than there had been last night when they had been sent back.

Bai Lixin subconsciously looked down, but found that Dijia was not in his pocket.

He searched around for a long time again, even putting his feet up to look. He was puzzled after ascertaining that Dijia was indeed not there.

The cart was soon wheeled down the hall, and Bai Lixin finally caught sight of Xia Chi in the corner of the hall.

Xia Chi already looked particularly weak, and being a Blood, his face was much paler than the faces of the other Bloods around him.

Xia Chi did not see Bai Lixin. His eyes were vacant as he looked ahead; his lips were dry and his throat was in a constant swallowing motion.

The powerful Mr. Mo was still sitting in his majestic and luxurious chair from last night, his red eyes full of indifference and disdain. Next to Mr. Mo was a young man.

He had handsome features and looked to be in his early twenties. His appearance was seven or eight percent similar to Mr. Mo’s, so he must be Mr. Mo’s son that Xia Chi mentioned.

In and around the hall were men and women in fancy dress. All were dressed in the most fashionable European costumes of the eighteenth century, each trying to make themselves the center of attention for the evening.

The men were tall and handsome.

The women were graceful, and their eyes were flirtatious.

If they hadn’t already seen these Bloods devouring their “food” last night, some players would probably still be able to bow down to their face value.

Bai Lixin noticed that among these handsome men and beautiful women, quite a few of them actually kept stealing glances at Mr. Mo with certain hints in their eyes.

The cage was soon pushed into the middle of the hall.

The Bloods were strangely strong, and the guards easily lifted the cages and placed them one by one in the middle of the hall in an orderly fashion.

The three Bloods who had been monitoring them since the morning meal were among them.

The cages were divided into two groups, one group had more cages than the other, and both were placed on opposite sides of the hall.

When it became clear who was in the group with less, the faces of the players, who had just accepted their fate of being sucked for blood, gradually became terrified.

As the cages were moved one by one, people soon realized that the ones being moved were the same ones who had made noises during the meal this morning.

They were looking left and right, each one clutching the bars of the cage in panic.

Why were they separated?

Weren’t they allowed to make noises in the morning?!

What the hell were the Bloods after?!

Were they waiting until evening to settle the score?

One after another, thoughts swept through their minds uncontrollably, and one of the players, unable to bear the mental torture, grabbed the railing and shouted, “Why? Why did you move me out?

Mr. Mo on the high seat gave him a cold glance and spat out four words, “You’re noisy, shut up.”

With four short words, the player immediately stopped shouting.

He dropped his hands and sat honestly in the cage with both arms wrapped around his knees, as obedient as a lifeless puppet doll.

His expression went from terrified to dazed, and his eyes were dull.

The other players paled at the sight and exchanged messages with each other.

Bai Lixin’s lips were pursed, and beneath his clear eyes were dark waves.

This was Mr. Mo’s ability to control people with his eyes. The domination ability of the Bloods themselves was already a bug, but there was Mr. Mo, who could completely control a player’s mind with just one glance and make them his puppet. It was simply an abnormal ability.

To kill him, one must absolutely not lock eyes with him.

The guards stood to one side after putting aside all the players who had made noises in the morning.

The leader of the guards went on one knee, “Respected master, these on the left are the high quality ingredients for tonight, and these on the right are the rude and inferior ingredients for tonight.”

Bai Lixin was secretly observing the movements of all the Bloods. When the head guard spoke these words, the faces of the finely dressed Bloods immediately showed an expression of greed and excitement.

Mr. Mo folded his legs and tilted his head to the side, his arm lazily propped up on his forehead, “Hmm, then let’s start the warm-up game for tonight, let them out.”

Around them, the low roar of excitement resounded from the Bloods.

The cage doors of the lesser group were opened one by one. The player’s reaction was different from that of the frightened players last night. Instead of trying to run away like those players, they hid inside the cages, and none of them came out.

One player held onto the cage in a death grip, stiffly pulling out a smile that was going to make him cry, “Why do you want me to come out? I wasn’t rude when I ate this morning, I just accidentally scratched the steel fork on the dinner plate and only made a small noise ah.”

“I–I have something to say.” A player with the glasses shrank back into the cage and shouted, “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me who made the noise. I was bumped into and the chair made a noise. The person who bumped into me should be the one over here!”

Mr. Mo seemed to be amused by these words. He held his crane and leisurely walked over to the player with glasses, “Really? Show me who pushed you.”

Glasses swept his eyes around the opposite side of the room. His finger quickly locked on the target and he said hatefully, “It was him! That’s him!”

The player he was pointing at was very tall, and his face turned white as he shouted across the large hall, “Didn’t I apologize to you? I didn’t mean it! Besides, why didn’t you hold on to your chair?!”

“Bullshit, you try and see if your chair won’t move if I push you! You bastard, why should I take the blame when it’s you who made the mistake?! You are the one who deserves to die!”

“Heh,” Mr. Mo smiled compassionately as he turned to the large hall, “Get them and him out, give them their weapons.”

No matter how reluctant these players were, they could only succumb to the strong power of the Bloods. One by one, they were carried out like chickens.

Including the tall one who was pointed out later, there were seven players in total.

They stood in the middle of the hall in panic and at a loss for what to do. Some of the players sent a look of help to the players in the cages next to them, only to be met with one helpless look after another.

These players were even more miserable, not knowing what awaited them. The feeling of being executed later was even more unbearable than killing them outright.

“The rules of the game are simple; you will be handed weapons and the one who stands last will be granted immunity from death.”

Mr. Mo resumed his seat, his eyes sweeping over the crowd.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Bai Lixin felt like those eyes lingered on him for an extraordinarily long time.

Mr. Mo, “Label them with numbers. As usual, place your bets. The Bloods who guess correctly will get their first choice of food tonight and can enjoy a separate meal. Those who guess wrong will have to eat dead scraps.”

Cards with numbers written on them were quickly glued to the backs of the seven players.

Several guards holding numbered cards took up different positions in the hall. The excited Bloods observed the players and began to move towards the back of their preferred numbered cards.

After a few minutes, all the Bloods had taken up their positions.

The player who had been silenced by Mr. Mo was still in a daze, but on hearing Mr. Mo say “Game Start”, the controlled player took the lead in launching an attack.

Before the other players could react, he had already picked up the knife at his feet and thrust it into the chest of the player next to him with quickness and precision.

[Ding! Player death X1, 35 players remaining.]

This was open abuse.

The aloof Bloods, standing at the top of the food chain, abused their food inhumanely, just to satisfy a momentary thrill.

Bai Lixin hid his gaze under his eyelashes. His eyes were getting more turbulent, and the huge waves lapped unrestrainedly against the cliff.

“I *sharked you!” On seeing blood, the tall man suddenly shouted in irritation and then slashed at “glasses”, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have to do this at all! You could have died by yourself. Why did you drag me along with you?!”

*I’ll kill you

Glasses, also red-eyed, dodged the tall man’s blade and attacked with the short sword in his other hand, “You blame me? I blame you; it’s your fault and I’m the one who’s going to die, why? But even if I die, I will take you with me!”

Under the extreme fear and desire for survival, these seven players gradually became crazy.

Bai Lixin frowned at these seven players and suddenly noticed that one player’s body stiffened for a moment.

It lasted for a very, very short time.

Bai Lixin was stunned. Fearing that he was mistaken, he frowned and stared more closely.

After watching for a while, he noticed that this didn’t happen to only that player, but also the other five players. Aside from the player who had been controlled with a glance at the beginning, they would all freeze every few seconds.

For a moment, it was as if they were under control, making movements that their bodies didn’t want to make, and then, their bodies would break out of control, although the break was brief.

If they were being controlled, when did they fall under control?

Had they been controlled when Mr. Mo spoke earlier?

Did that mean that Mr. Mo’s domination ability was not limited to just looking at a person, but he could even directly control others with just a few mere words?

The accidental discovery made Bai Lixin realize that the difficulty of assassinating Mr. Mo had increased again.

But he had also gained more information.

Any ability would have some flaws, and Mr. Mo’s control ability should not be insurmountable. If he could control people by just opening his mouth, then he could have easily dominated the Blood clan world, instead of killing the third generation of Bloods because they held his weakness.

How did these players break out of control every few seconds?

Bai Lixin looked over again and noticed a detail.

Every time they pulled a wound or received a serious injury, the players would wake up for a moment due to the pain, but then they would fall back into the abyss of being controlled.

Pain could help temporarily break free of control.

What about completely breaking free of control?

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