After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 20.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 20.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

As if possessed by a demon, Dijia lowered his head and kissed the small blood bead.

The warm lips fell on the white swan neck, moistening and sliding over the wound as the crystal bead of blood was swept up.

The sweet and savory flavors instantly filled every corner of his mouth, stimulating Dijia’s taste buds and provoking his sanity.

Dijia refused to let go of this mouthful of food and sighed tersely as he latched onto the wound in his mouth.

Not enough, it’s not enough!

It was too little; he wanted more!

The teeth struck at Bai Lixin’s neck once again. The veins were right before his eyes as the delicate skin was unable to block the freshness and lusciousness of the blood hidden within.

The warm, rough touch fell on his neck, and Bai Lixin could even feel the sharp, pointed teeth hidden beneath the warmth.

“Wait..” Bai Lixin came back to his senses and he pushed Dijia away, trying to escape from the True Ancestor, who was already controlled by his appetite.

Bai Lixin’s body had just sat up from the bed when a pair of wide arms suddenly reached out from behind.

One hand tightly encircled Bai Lixin’s waist, while the other hand pinched Bai Lixin’s chin in a very quick movement.

Even if he had not eaten for a thousand years, he could still inspire unprecedented strength under temptation and at the same time choke out the last vestiges of sanity left.

Under the strong power of the True Ancestor, Bai Lixin was like a canary in his hands, unable to move at all.

Teeth fiercely pierced the skin, and Bai Lixin’s pupils suddenly shrank. His body suddenly tensed up, and he trembled uncontrollably.

Instead of pain, there was an indescribable tingling in the wound. Something entered his body along the wound and flowed through his bloodstream, making him feel like he was in nectar. His whole body was paralyzed and his soul felt like it was melting.

He could feel the blood rapidly draining from his body, and he knew he was being dragged into the abyss by the devil. However, both his body and his soul were going crazy in an indescribable surge.

His head struggled to rise, and Bai Lixin subconsciously covered his mouth to hide the sound that wanted to pour out.

A broad, slightly calloused palm slid across Bai Lixin’s chin, sweeping away the hand covering the mouth and clasping it against the delicate lips.

The sound almost came out, and Bai Lixin immediately bit the corner of his lips, suppressing himself from making a sound.

His other hand gripped Dijia’s wrist, and he tried to force it away, but his limp strength only allowed him to barely hold on to the steel-like arms.

His lips accidentally broke free from the grip of his teeth, and a soft voice cascaded out from Dijia’s fingers, “Dijia…”

The voice was as soft as a cat and as melodious as a lark.

But it was this voice that fell on the uncontrolled man’s ears and suddenly awakened his long lost sanity.

Dijia suddenly stiffened, and he withdrew his teeth to look at Bai Lixin, who was now limp and soft in his arms.

Ripples fell at the end of the youth’s eyes. Those blazingly bright eyes were now overflowing with water, and their expression was pitiful.

Bai Lixin moved a pair of wet eyes to look godlessly at Dijia, his teeth biting hard on the corner of his lips. His lips were beaded with blood, yet he still stubbornly refused to make a single cheap sound.

After drinking so much blood, he should have been satisfied. But for some reason, the more he drank, the deeper his heart only grew more lost and empty.

Dijia’s blood-red eyes stared fixedly at Bai Lixin’s sweet red lips. He should have been looking at the blood seeping out from them, but at the moment, all he could see was those lips that had been bitten to the point of distortion.

With great difficulty, his eyes moved away from the young man’s lips and swept meaningfully across the other man’s forehead, his slightly red eyes, his delicate nose, his slender neck, and finally fell back on Bai Lixin’s lips.

The beautiful blood-red eyes faded to a dark red, as dark as the mysterious deep sea.

In Bai Lixin’s helpless gaze, Dijia slowly dropped down and kissed Bai Lixin’s lips.

At this moment, all the loss and emptiness were filled to the brim.

Dijia released Bai Lixin’s jaw and his fingers gently stroked the back of Bai Lixin’s neck.

It was the wound he had bitten out, and there were still beads of blood oozing out of it.

The shallow wound was touched, and Bai Lixin, who was trapped in Dijia’s arms, instinctively shuddered, and his whole body felt like it had been electrocuted.

It took a long time before Dijia let Bai Lixin go with a contented look on his face, and he let go of the soft waist.

“Fear will spoil the blood, so the Bloods usually inject venom into humans along the wounds when they suck the blood, so that they produce the sweetest blood in the ultimate pleasure,” a dark and suppressed hoarse voice slowly rang in Bai Lixin’s ears.

Bai Lixin raised the ends of his pretty eyes and swept them feebly at Dijia, whose heart jumped as if something was violently hitting his insides.

He cast a glance at Bai Lixin’s wrist and noticed that the chain mark that had previously been black had now turned bright red.

The strongest contract was completed.

Dijia bit his own wrist and placed it next to Bai Lixin’s mouth as the latter looked on in amazement.

The fishy-sweet taste of fresh blood immediately filled Bai Lixin’s mouth, choking him and causing him to cough.

Dijia stiffened and patted Bai Lixin’s back with very rusty movements, explaining, “In my blood is an antidote to the venom. I am the True Ancestor, so your body will take awhile to regain its strength after being poisoned by me, drink it.”

Bai Lixin had to take a few more mouthfuls of Dijia’s blood.

Dijia leaned down and watched Bai Lixin’s well-behaved movements, his eyes softening unnoticeably.

After ten minutes, Bai Lixin finally felt his body’s strength return, and he touched his neck. Two small bite marks remained, but they had now scabbed over and were no longer bleeding.

Perhaps it was out of shame that Dijia sat on the sofa furthest from Bai Lixin, his body stiff, and he turned his head to look away.

Bai Lixin, “What are you looking at?”

Dijia’s eyes drifted, “I’m looking at the night view.”

Bai Lixin, “There’s a night view on the wall?”

Dijia: “……”


Bai Lixin, “Did you suck enough?”

Dijia, “Oh, yes, thanks for the hospitality.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Bai Lixin also noticed the change in the mark on his wrist. He pointed to it and asked Dijia, “What’s going on here?”

It was already done, so Dijia had nothing to hide, “It’s a blood contract. The origin name will only allow you to enter into a not quite stable contractual relationship with me. I can be free whenever you die.”

“This blood contract is that you know my name, and I have your blood incorporated into me. The two of us now have a blood bond, so I won’t live if you die, but you will be fine if I die.”

“Unlike a normal contract, a blood bond can only be made with one person and is a very popular contract between lovers. Some Bloods will create blood bonds with each other in order to prove their loyalty to their lovers.”

Bai Lixin was a little surprised as he looked at the mark on his wrist and then at Dijia, who was sitting far away, and said, “Is that why you refused to suck my blood before?”

Dijia, “Mmm.”

After the natural conversation with Bai Lixin, Dijia’s body was not so stiff anymore. He leaned lazily against the sofa, his slender legs folded. Just by sitting casually, he showed an awe-inspiring feeling of arrogance.

He was the one who had suddenly descended from the sky and saved him from Mr. Mo.

In the Live broadcast room

[Help, what did they just do in the room? Why did the live feed just go black?]

[Ah ah ah, I can’t take it anymore, their faces are too good, I can get high! I can’t believe I’m getting high on the CP of a player and copy boss in the live stream. Something is wrong with me!]

[Look guys, Bai Lixin has a wound on his neck and on his lip. Oooooooh, I already have the picture.]

[His clothes are still messy, his eyes are wet and red. The way the True Ancestor appeared earlier almost made me blow up my camera. He was too handsome. Is this the legendary hero saving the beauty? He came just in time.]

[I really want to move the Civil Affairs Bureau for them. I want them to get married there.]

[The True Ancestor is so dramatic, but he is also so cute and tough at the same time.]

He was sucked of blood and his body drifted off after being dragged into the room by Dijia.

Now that he had regained consciousness, Bai Lixin had time to observe his surroundings.

It was a very luxurious room, with an exquisitely ornate European-style white bed covered in soft velvet.

Dijia slowly stood up, “You should stay here tonight, don’t go out.”

Bai Lixin watched as Dijia walked to the door, “What about you? Where are you doing?”

Dijia, “I got a little out of control just now and drew a lot of your blood, so I’ll help you find something to replenish your strength.”

He paused and added, “Don’t think too much. I won’t survive if you die.”

The door to the room was opened and slowly closed again, leaving Bai Lixin alone in the room.

Bai Lixin straightened his slightly disheveled shirt and sat up in bed.

Dijia was right; he was indeed a little drained now.

This room should be the guest room that Mr. Mo used to entertain his distinguished guests, and all the decorations revealed one word: trench.

*Slang for local tyrants/ the rich.

Outside, the corridor was very quiet. It was 10 pm, only half an hour after he had left the hall.

He got a notification for a private chat.

Bai Lixin opened the notification and found that it was a message from Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Brother! Are you alright?!]

Xia Chi: [Brother, which room are you in? I’m coming to rescue you now. I’ll rescue you even if I have to risk my life!]

Bai Lixin’s eyelids jumped: [I’m fine, I’m still alive.]

Xia Chi: [That’s good, that horrible True Ancestor didn’t do anything to you, did he?]

Bai Lixin: [No, he just drew a little bit of my blood. How about you? Are you okay?]

Xia Chi: [Not too good. Brother, if you want to kill Mr. Mo, you’d better pick daylight. I found out that although Bloods are not afraid of sunlight, their power will be weakened by 50% after every 100 days.]

Bai Lixin: [Where were you during the day?]

Xia Chi: [They all went back to the coffins to sleep, but I stayed awake. I was hungry and I had gotten a scare from the Senior Sister in Red. In addition, I’ve never slept in a coffin before in my life, so I was afraid that I’d fall asleep and really go into the coffin.]

Xia Chi: [And brother, on my side, the Senior Sister in red hasn’t reappeared! I don’t know what’s going on.]

Bai Lixin: [I found the curser during the day, and the curse naturally disappeared after the cursed person committed suicide.]

Bai Lixin briefly told Xia Chi about the circumstances.

Xia Chi: [So that’s how it is. Thank you for saving my life!]

Xia Chi: [By the way, Mr. Mo’s expression wasn’t so good after that True Ancestor arrived. The dinner party that he meticulously prepared didn’t go on. He simply dismissed everyone and left in a hurry. I think he went to Lady Rose’s room.

Bai Lixin: [I see. There is a staircase leading underground next to the hall. Have you ever been there?]

Xia Chi: [No, I asked the other Bloods and they said that it was a forbidden area and no one was allowed to enter. I was going to ask you to go down there with me to see if there were any clues. But I was taken up by the curse before I could call you and I forgot everything.]

Bai Lixin remembered the team that all died: [A small team of six people went down there yesterday and were all wiped out.]

Xia Chi: [Dang, that vicious? What do we do then?]

Bai Lixin didn’t say anything more: [Let’s talk about it later.]

Bai Lixin came to the window while chatting with Xia Chi.

Bai Lixin scanned the outside through the window and realized that from here he could actually see the windows of the painting studio and the long corridor that he had investigated with Huo Yunjun during the day.

The lights were on in the painting studio, and he could see the back of a man from this angle.

That person was sitting in the middle of the room, holding a paintbrush and working on the unfinished canvas bit by bit.

Bai Lixin’s body turned to the blind side of the window and watched the person in the drawing room.

The person sitting in the studio was not Mr. Mo, whose figure was a little more masculine and broad. The person sitting in the studio wore a black cloak and was obviously much slimmer.

After painting for a while, the man seemed to sense that someone was watching him as he suddenly put down his brush, put on his hood, and left in a hurry after putting out the light.

The figure quickly walked down the corridor, the hem of his wide cloak curling up as he walked.

He immediately opened a private chat.

Bai Lixin: [Xia Chi.]

Xia Chi’s reply was very quick.

Xia Chi: [Brother, I’m here.]

Bai Lixin: [Where is the Count’s son right now?]

Xia Chi: [He was unconscious from before, and I sent him to his room to rest.]

Bai Lixin: [You sent him back yourself?]

Xia Chi: [Yes, I just dropped him off. That kid is really timid, but I can’t blame him. Who let him be so close to that True Ancestor?]

Bai Lixin: [Okay, I understand; where are you now?]

Xia Chi: [I just returned to the hall. What’s the arrangement, brother?]

Bai Lixin: [Go down the corridor at your nine o’clock and you will pass through a corridor to a drawing room. See if you can meet anyone along the way.]

Xia Chi: [Okay, I’ll go now.]

After finishing the chat, Bai Lixin stood by the window, his dark pupils unblinkingly looking in the direction of the painting studio.

He originally thought that the people who could use that room should be Mr. Mo and his son, but Mr. Mo was now in Lady Rose’s room, and his son was unconscious, but someone had appeared in the painting studio.

So the mysterious person who had just been there was one of the two painters.

It didn’t take long for Bai Lixin to catch sight of Xia Chi in the corridor.

Xia Chi’s message was sent over.

Xia Chi: [Brother, I went and there was no one there].

Bai Lixin pondered for two seconds: [Okay, I got it.]

Xia Chi: [What’s going on?]

Bai Lixin told Xia Chi what he had found in the painting studio previously and what he had just seen.

Xia Chi pondered for a few seconds before replying: [I was in the hall the whole time and didn’t see anyone wearing a cloak. That basement was the only place he could have gone.Could that person have gone into the basement? Should we go to the basement and check it out?]

Bai Lixin remembered the basement he had seen during the day; the dark staircase reeking of decay and the foul smell of blood.

Even standing outside, the smell of death in it was shocking, and he wasn’t 100 percent sure of Xia Chi’s safety.

Bai Lixin: [No need, since it’s a restricted area, no one should be able to get in. The other party probably had another way of leaving].

Xia Chi: [Okay, I’ll listen to what you say, brother.]

As he finished his conversation with Xia Chi, Bai Lixin’s body became more and more tired.

He sat on the sofa where Dijia had just sat, and his eyelids began to flutter up and down uncontrollably.

The sofa was large, and Bai Lixin leaned lazily into it, his eyes slightly closed as he dozed off.

It was this scene that Dijia saw when he returned.

The good-looking young man was now a little pale; even his previously sweet lips had turned a less than healthy shade of pink. The white shirt wrapped around his slim body, and his skin, which was already a little fairer than others, was now almost fused with the shirt.

Dijia’s heart suddenly trembled.

The hand that held the nourishment shook for a moment.

Black leather boots stepped gently on the carpet without making a single sound.

The man walked over to the young man and gently placed the nourishment on the coffee table next to the sofa. Thrusting his hands under the young man’s armpits, he easily brought the other man into his arms.

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