After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 21.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 21.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 21.1

Bai Lixin took out a flashlight from his inventory.

This was something he had spent 50 points to redeem before entering the copy, and kept it inside the system backpack.

The aluminum flashlight was cool to the touch and had a small line at the bottom that read: [A system production, it must be the best].

I don’t know if it’s the best, but it’s quite functional.

It had three levels of brightness and alternating flashing lights.

The first level of brightness was 3 metres, the second level was 5 metres, and the third level was 10 metres.

Bai Lixin turned on the faintest first setting to shine onto the staircase. The light, which should have reached three metres away, melted away into the darkness as soon as it entered.

He tried the second setting, but it was still the same. Even when he switched to the third setting, which was the strongest, it did not illuminate the darkness one bit.

The darkness seemed to be similar to a black hole in the cosmic sense, swallowing everything.

The wrist holding the aluminium torch was raised slightly, revealing the red mark on it that was as bright as the sun. Bai Lixin’s eyelashes fluttered slightly as he looked at Dijia, who had emerged holding his pocket, “What does it feel like?”

Dijia: “Something is wrong here. We Bloods have night vision, but I can’t see anything in the face of this darkness. I just feel uncomfortable looking at it, but I can’t feel what’s inside. “

Remembering the effect of the Blood Pact on Dijia, Bai Lixin said hesitantly, “Or you don’t want to go in?”

The little white bat spread its wings and flew to Bai Lixin’s shoulder, “Are you afraid?”

Bai Lixin stroked the blood contract on his wrist, “No, do you want to go in?”

Dijia: “What about you?”

Bai Lixin: “I’m fine.”

Dijia: “Well, go on in. Let me see what’s in there that even I, a True Ancestor, finds mysterious.”

Since the torch was useless, Bai Lixin simply turned it off and threw it into his backpack.

Just as he was about to walk down, a weak voice suddenly came from behind him.


His slender body paused slightly. Bai Lixin turned around, and he saw Xia Chi hurrying from the distance.

His face was even paler than yesterday, and his blood-red eyes stood out under his pale skin like a lone wolf in the dead of night.

Xia Chi stumbled over to him, “I knew you were going to risk yourself!”

“Weren’t you sleeping?” Bai Lixin swept his eyes across Xia Chi’s face.

Xia Chi’s lips had begun to dry and crack, and his entire body was in a strangely poor state.

Xia Chi lowered his voice and moved closer to Bai Lixin, “That’s a coffin! I’m not dead yet, why should I sleep in a coffin!”

He glanced towards the dark staircase, and a chill went down Xia Chi’s head, causing his whole body to shiver, “Shit, this is like a black hole.”

Bai Lixin glanced at Xia Chi with some surprise.

Xia Chi didn’t notice Bai Lixin’s look and pointed at the stairs, “Let’s go, brother!”

Bai Lixin: “You’re going in?”

Xia Chi: “Of course, I have an A in luck. You might come across something good with me around. You’re not going to leave me to fly solo, are you brother?“

The white bat shook its fur on Bai Lixin’s shoulder.

Xia Chi hurriedly changed his tone, “You’re not planning to leave me and this pretty bat to fly together, are you?”

The white bat retracted its wings and groomed its fur compliantly.

This was Xia Chi’s choice, so Bai Lixin didn’t insist any more: “Okay, let’s go.”

The two of them, and one bat, stepped into the darkness at the same time.

At the same time, a system prompt rang out in everyone’s system.

[Ding! Player death X2, currently 28 players remaining.]

The crowd that was still chatting in the dormitory suddenly fell silent.

“Isn’t everyone here? Did anyone die again?“

“I saw a guy go out just now.”

“It seems to be the newcomer who made a big splash in the trial copy before, a good-looking player called Bai Lixin.”

“He’s dead?! Oh my god, no? I thought he was a great fighter. He didn’t even join our team, so I thought he was some big shot, and he’s gone? “

“Yesterday, he caught the Count’s eye and was later snatched by the True Ancestor. Sure enough, he looks so good that even the bosses are fond of him.”

“I’m laughing to death. Doesn’t that make him a special target? Do you want that kind of favor?“

“Guys, he was the only one who went out just now. How come two players died?”

“We came in with 50 players, but there are only 49 people living here. I didn’t notice it at first when there were so many people, but then the number of beds got smaller and smaller, and the count just didn’t feel right. There was always one missing.“

“The one who died was the remaining player? Where was he hiding all this time?“

“Maybe he wasn’t hiding, it’s possible he turned into a Blood.”

This comment immediately drew the approval of other players, “That’s the only explanation.”

One player slapped the bedpan, “So they both died together?”

“Who knows, they died anyway. I even heard before that several big guilds wanted him, but I didn’t expect him to die like that. He was so powerful right out of the gate, I thought he could create a second 999 myth.”

“It’s better to die well than to live.“

The crowd was chattering, but Wen Ziqing didn’t say a word.

He hid his head under the quilt, his lips pursed on his hidden face, and his ink pupils devoid of warmth.

Huo Yunjun hid his body in the corner and hurriedly brought up the friend chat window.

He couldn’t believe that the person who had died was actually Bai Lixin.

However, in the friend bar, the two words [Bai Lixin], which had previously glowed red, had turned grey and darkened.

Friends in the [Friends] column needed to be added face-to-face, and communication was not always possible.

Only when two people are in the same space can they communicate via private chat.

For example, they can communicate without barriers when everyone is away from the copy and in a safe area.

Another example is the ability to chat privately when in the same copy.

The friend bar is one way for players to find out what their friends have been up to. When in the safe zone, the friend’s name is white.

Once you enter a copy, the name turns red.

If they die, the name turns grey and dims.

Huo Yunjun looked at it again in disbelief and even opened Bai Lixin’s chat box.

Huo Yunjun: [Bai Lixin, are you there?!]

He got nothing but silence in response.

Even if he didn’t want to believe it , he had to accept the fact that Bai Lixin was really dead.

Panic suddenly flashed across Huo Yunjun’s eyes.

He had been so calm before because he was certain that Bai Lixin could take them out on his own.

He had seen Bai Lixin’s performance in the trial copy, and whether it was intelligence or force, he was not inferior to those senior guild presidents.

Even if this copy was as evil as it was, it was only a mid-tier bureau copy, so it shouldn’t be a problem for Bai Lixin.

He was a businessman, and he knew how to maximize his profit. He had decided on Bai Lixin as his partner immediately upon entering the copy.

Who would have thought that Bai Lixin would die so silently.

Huo Yunjun glanced at Bai Lixin’s bed in annoyance, his eyes stopping abruptly when he saw something.

It was a book.

He had secretly observed Bai Lixin in the past few days, and the other party had been studying this book for the past two days. Could it be that this book had something to do with clearing the copy?


The live broadcast room.

[What’s going on?]

[How come they died when they went in?]

[!!! Holy shit, no way, my God Xin!]

[I’m breaking.]

 [I’m stunned.]

[I’ve gone stupid.]

[No, what’s going on here? Can someone explain this]

[Does it mean that if you go in there, you’ll be sucked to a cinder? Is it a fucking black hole?]

[ I suddenly don’t know what to follow…]


While countless people were shocked by their “deaths”, the two parties involved were still unaware of what had happened.

Bai Lixin stood on the concrete road, looking at the unfamiliar town with a look of surprise in his eyes.

They had entered the darkness and blacked out, and when they regained their sight, they were in this space.

It was a small, busy town, with crowds of people coming and going in ancient European dress.

Some had blonde hair and blue eyes, others had dark hair and eyes, but all had overly angular western faces.

And all were human.

The people walking around cast curious, inquisitive glances towards Bai Lixin, and all froze when they saw his face. A few young girls even blushed and ran away.

Dijia had already reentered his pocket, and the pocket was bulging slightly. The white bat, only four or five centimeters long,  came out with twitching ears.

“It’s a human town.” Dijia’s voice was a little lazy.

A tuft of hair stood up as he wiggled, and Bai Lixin stretched out an index finger to smooth it out for him.  He enjoyed the smoothness passing through his fingertips and couldn’t help but touch it a few more times.

Bai Lixin: “We came here via that staircase. Is that a teleportation array?”

Dijia shook his wings and simply flew into Bai Lixin’s hand, lazily lying down to enjoy his massage.

Dijia: “Do you think everyone has a teleportation array like you? There’s no such thing as a teleportation array in the Blood World. “

Bai Lixin’s fingertips stiffened, and he pulled out an awkward but not overly polite smile. “Uh, you were quite calm.”

Dijia spat, “That was me being confused.”

Bai Lixin: “….”

“Ah, Xia Chi is gone.” Bai Lixin laughed awkwardly as he calmed the exploding Dijia and started to look for Xia Chi’s whereabouts.

He hadn’t taken more than a few steps when he was stopped by two men dressed in police outfits.

The two men looked at the bat in his hand with disgust and said sternly, “Give it to us.”

It was two human NPCs.

“What’s the reason?” Bai Lixin tucked Dijia into his shirt pocket.

One of the dark-haired guards saw Bai Lixin keeping the bat close and his expression grew even angrier, “It is a symbol of evil. They are all vampires’ lackeys, and if found, they have to be executed!“

“You strange traveller, why do you keep such evil things? Are you one of those vampires’ lackeys?“

A loud bell suddenly rang out, and the two guards looked at each other. They surprisingly stopped questioning Bai Lixin and ran wildly towards the place where the bell had rung.

The pedestrians who were coming and going also ran in unison towards the same place, as if they had been given some signal, as if there was something there that attracted them.

In his ears came Dijia’s sulking voice: “Stupid human.”

Bai Lixin immediately stuck his fingers into his pocket to appease him.

The back fur was stroked, and Dijia’s voice immediately showed signs of softening. He shifted a few times in the pocket and found a comfortable position to curl up in.

Bai Lixin’s eyes flickered slightly as he withdrew his fingers.

Dijia seemed to be getting more and more sleepy.

Bai Lixin quickly blended himself into the crowd and followed the tide of people to where everyone was running to.

It was a gallows with a table behind it.  An elderly man wearing judge’s robes was standing behind the table. 

An executioner responsible for pulling the floor stood behind the switch beside the pillar next to the gallows.

Behind the gallows was a huge hanging bell, and on the gallows was a man half-kneeling at the moment.

The man’s clothes were in tatters, his arms were tied behind him, and a huge iron ball was wrapped around both legs.

A two-finger-thick, bronze-coloured rope had been placed around the man’s neck. If the executioner standing beside him flicked the switch, the man on the gallows would immediately fall through the floor of the lower limit and get strangled.

All around them, people were shouting in ecstasy.

“It’s a vampire!”

“Kill him!”

“How dare a vampire come out in daylight. Does he treat us as decorations?!“

“Look at his teeth. They’re showing. He must be hungry. He probably came down to look for food. “

“Demon! Vampire! Kill him!“

In stark contrast to these cheering men was Bai Lixin, whose lips were slightly pursed.

Bound to the gallows was none other than Xia Chi!

Bai Lixin darted through the crowd quickly.

On the gallows, the elderly judge spoke.

“To the most sincere God of Light, I declare that we will hang this demon today.”

“Vampires are the evil of this world. They only bring death and doom.”

“Oh my great God, let him burn and die with fiery flames!”

Bai Lixin had arrived at the front of the crowd, and the two guards who had just left noticed his presence.

The judge: “The execution of the demon begins now!”

At the same second, the executioner pulled the switch, and the two constables rushed to Bai Lixin, who jumped up from the ground.

Before anyone could react to what was going on, Bai Lixin had steadily held Xia Chi, who should have fallen.

To Xia Chi’s surprise, Bai Lixin quickly untied the noose and the iron ball, and without saying a word, he jumped into the crowd with Xia Chi on his shoulders, nimbly weaving through like a flying fish in the deep sea.

Xia Chi cried out in excitement, “Brother! My dear brother! I almost thought I was going to die!“

As he ran, Bai Lixin asked, “Where did you fall?”

Xia Chi complained, “I fell into that old man’s house just now.”

Bai Lixin stumbled on his feet and his voice was slightly mocking, “A-luck?”

Xia Chi was even more aggrieved.

Behind him were the soldiers and villagers who were in hot pursuit. Bai Lixin was not familiar with this town and could only weave through the alleyways by instinct.

He was so fast that ordinary men could not catch up with him. They could only watch as his shadow disappeared into the darkness of the alleyway.

The judge was furious and shouted, “Draw portraits of those two and put them on a city-wide manhunt immediately! Distribute their portraits to all residents and taverns, and no one shall harbour them!“


In the dark alleyway, Bai Lixin leaned against the wall and called up the task bar.

[Task: Survive for 4 days and 4 nights. (1.7 days and 2 nights / 4 days and 4 nights).

 Task 2: Find Lady Rose’s murderer. (Answer: _______)]

[Hidden Mission: Kill Mr. Mo.]

His eyes swept over the time display in the top right corner, and the time that had been moving before paused.

He opened his friends’ bar and found that his and Xia Chi’s names had turned grey.

Liang Xi’s was still white, while Zhou Guang’s and Li Cancan’s showed red, so they must be in a copy.

Bai Lixin tried sending a message to Huo Yunjun, who was in the same copy.

Bai Lixin: [Hello.]

However, after the word “hello” was typed in, a small waiting circle appeared in front of it.

The circle spun a few times, and then a red exclamation mark popped up.

[This message failed to be sent.]

Bai Lixin opened Xia Chi’s chat box again and also typed in “Xia Chi.”

It worked for a second.

Xia Chi was lying on the ground in a state of distress and without any strength, “Brother, I’m here. What’s wrong?”

Bai Lixin: “….. nothing, its fine.”

Bai Lixin called out in his mind, [System, are you there?]

There was a prickly electric sound in his head. It was only a few seconds later that a blurred, cold electronic voice sounded: [Hello player, the assistance system is happy to serve you.]

Bai Lixin: [Is this also part of the copy?

System: [Yes.]

Bai Lixin: [I can’t communicate with the other players in the copy right now.]

The system explained: [It is like this, player. This is a secondary extension of the copy, which you can also understand as the Inner World. It is a past of the original copy you are currently in. This is a hidden copy, so finding this copy means you have good luck.]

Bai Lixin: “……“

Are you sure the word “good luck”… applies to him?

Bai Lixin: [Then how do we get out of here?]

System: [I don’t know about that either. Players have to find their own way back to the surface world.]

System: [I’m sorry, because it’s the inner world, the system cannot be maintained for so long, I wish the player a happy game.]

System: [Oh, right. A friendly reminder to the player. If you have not left the inner world before the final node, you will never be able to leave this place, and you will be judged as completely dead in the surface World].

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