After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 23.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 23.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

The present Mr. Mo was much younger than the one he had seen in the surface world. Mr. Mo on the surface world was already in his thirties, while the current Mr. Mo looked only twenty-five.

He was still dressed in black noble garb, with a huge cloak draped over his back that was black on the outside and red on the inside. The two huge vertical collars almost enveloped his face.

Mr. Mo looked indifferent, but his face showed fatigue.

He leaned on his throne and clapped both hands together, “A fine dance, and it is an honor to have you all here to enjoy yourselves.”

“And delicious food has been prepared for you all.”

Mr. Mo raised both arms and clapped them twice.

The dull sound of wheels rolling was heard coming closer in the deep corridor.

In a few moments, three carts were wheeled in, and the Blood guards lifted eighteen cages off of them and placed them on either side of the hall.

Bai Lixin suddenly had a feeling of being in a different world as he watched the guard’s actions.

Not long ago, he had been one of those in the cages.

From the maid’s positive comments about Mr. Mo, he had imagined that Mr. Mo’s past self might not be as absurd and cruel as he was in the surface world.

But the truth was in front of him; from the very beginning, cruelty and killing had been written in Mr. Mo’s DNA.

And those supposedly positive comments from the maid had only come from Miss Sophia’s descriptions.

So, in Miss Sophia’s perception, Mr. Mo was a “kind-hearted” Blood.

Bai Lixin suddenly felt some sympathy for Miss Sophia.

She wanted to escape from her controlled life and engagement, and she put all her hopes in Mr. Mo, who had fallen from the sky.

Perhaps Mr. Mo was only gentle and considerate in her presence, which made her fall completely in love with him, to the extent of stealing the forbidden fruit and conceiving a child.

If you just look at the beginning, it would be a happy ending where the prince and princess break through the world and bravely walk together.

But this was not the case. Life after marriage is where the real challenge starts.

When will the princess, who followed the prince to the castle, find out who he really was?

Her handsome, kind prince cruelly devours her kind, and she is just a special presence among the food.

The cage was lowered and a man suddenly grabbed it and shouted at Mr. Mo, “Mr. Mo! Let Sophia go; she’s my fiancée and the two of us have been engaged since childhood!”

Bai Lixin looked over at the voice. In the middle of the cage, a young man glared angrily at the Blood on the throne with hatred.


Then this young man was the judge’s son.

Judging from the behavior of the judge’s son, the dissolution of the engagement must have been a unilateral decision by the judge.

This youth had appeared here regardless of his death, clearly coming for Sophia.

“Your fiancée?” Mr. Mo looked grimly at the judge’s son, and instead of getting angry, he laughed.

He laughed as if he was mocking the youth in front of him.

“I remember that you are the judge’s son and that your family has a deep hatred for the Bloods. I assume you know about my relationship with Sophia, and you still want to take her back?”

The judge’s son gritted his teeth, “That was because you bewitched her.”

Mr. Mo, “Heh, how affectionate. If Sophia wasn’t my wife, I’d be moved to make you both whole.”

“But unfortunately, she doesn’t love you, she loves me. Not only is she pregnant with my child, but she has decided to be transformed into a Blood.”

“Are you, a lowly human, worthy to compete with me?” Mr. Mo’s expression suddenly went cold, and his eyes had taken on a murderous intent.

He spoke slowly, using the fewest words to utter the cruelest words, “Eat him.”

The cage door was opened and the expressions of the Bloods suddenly became frantic and greedy.

The previous grace was gone, replaced by the most primitive barbarism.

The judge’s son was easily carried out of the cage door by the Blood guards.

He was lifted high above his head, his stubbornness turning to terror and panic as he saw the eyes looking at him like food.

His body began to tremble, and his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

His face was pale, his teeth chattered up and down, and a slight tremble could be seen on his lips.

He was still too young, after all.

He came here with a passionate heart but had overlooked the might and cruelty of his opponent.

It was not until death came that he realized how small he was.

The guards easily lifted the judge’s son and brought him up to the guests.

Some of the Bloods were already impatient, their handsome faces turning into hideous sharp beastly heads, their lips vibrating up and down rapidly with piercing, shrill cries.

Several of the beastly heads grinned at the corners of their mouths, and they stretched out bright red tongues like snakes.

One of the beastly heads approached the judge’s son and, with a flick of his tongue, sticky saliva was left on his face.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” The judge’s son was utterly dumbfounded as his pupils shrank, his hands danced around, and he screamed frantically.

Just when the crowd was about to enjoy the young food, a small panicked female voice rang out, “Stop!”

Bai Lixin looked up as a woman in a red dress rushed in.

She had big, wavy blonde hair, and her innocent-looking face was slightly pale. She looked exactly like Lady Rose from the surface world. Only, Lady Rose looked to be in her thirties and the girl in front of her was only eighteen or nineteen years old.

This should be Sophia.

Bai Lixin looked at her stomach, which was slightly bulging and looked to be five or six months pregnant.

From the entries in the diary, she should only be two months pregnant now. Why was her belly growing so fast?

They were both in red dresses, but each gaze had different feelings. Bai Lixin was cold and beautiful, and his beauty had a sense of impact. At a glance, he was as dazzling and blinding as the fiery red sun in the sky.

However, the girl in the red dress was like a rose in a garden that had not yet bloomed, budding, shy and simple.

Sophia darted to Mr. Mo, “You promised not to hurt my friend. Let him go.”

Mr. Mo hesitated for two seconds, “Fine, put him in a cage and let out the other humans to be enjoyed.”

The Count took the girl into his arms, “I can spare your friend, but humans are our food and we need to survive.”

The scared son of the judge was put back in his cage, but the other seventeen were not so lucky.

The young girls screamed as they were led out of the cage, and countless Bloods swarmed over them. Their terrible beastly heads came out as they maniacally bit into one human after another.

Blood flowed from the humans, staining their clothes and the high-grade white porcelain floor beneath them.

Sophia looked on in horror.

Mr. Mo, “You need to adapt, Sophia. When you become a Blood, you’ll be sucking humans too. You will become a Blood, right? You wouldn’t betray me, would you?”

Sophia turned pale and nodded stiffly, “No, I won’t betray you.”

It was too conspicuous not to eat, and in the chaotic atmosphere during the feeding, Dijia and Bai Lixin quietly withdrew.

They walked a long way out and could still hear the screams and munching in the hall.

Before returning to the room, he made a point of checking on the other players who had been locked up.

Probably because they had already experienced two defeats, these players were quite calm and collected, even when they were locked up.

After a brief exchange of information with these players, Bai Lixin left.

Xia Chi did not end up sleeping in the coffin. The boy was really pitiful, and after Bai Lixin’s strong request, the butler finally arranged a bedroom for him.

It wasn’t large, but it had a normal bed, and Xia Chi could finally sleep peacefully.

Mr. Mo and Sophia’s wedding was in seven days, and the timeline for Sophia’s death was also seven days.

Bai Lixin asked Dijia, who was beside him, “Sophia’s stomach looks a bit big; how long is the pregnancy cycle for Bloods?”

Dijia hesitated for a moment, “You reminded me. If I remember correctly, it should be three months.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes drooped.

More and more doubts were solved after going back in time.

But as these doubts were cleared up, more questions were raised.

The current Sophia was Mr. Mo’s deceased wife, and the information he had received from the surface world indicated that Sophia had died in childbirth.

This coincided with the information he got from the inner world that “Blood babies can quickly take away nutrients from human mothers”.

So was the cause of Sophia’s death seven days later due to dystocia?

If it was due to dystocia, how could there be so much resentment in this castle?

Or was there another reason for the death and the external story was simply that of a difficult birth?

This was the first question.

The second question was about the relationship between Lady Rose and Sophia.

It was surprising that they both looked exactly alike.

When he saw the portraits in the painting studio, he thought that it was Lady Rose, or even that Lady Rose had been human before and later converted into a Blood.

But now it seems that those portraits must have been Sophia.

Sophia, the human, and Sophia, who became a Blood.

And who was Lady Rose? Was she a substitute for Sophia?

Or… was she Sophia?

If Lady Rose was Sophia, what was the explanation for Sophia’s death in the surface world?

One of the tasks was to find Lady Rose’s murderer.

A person is not killed for no reason, so there must be a logical link.

By finding out who Lady Rose was and following her network, there was a chance to find out why she had been killed.

The third question is, who was the second painter?

Then came the fourth question, and the most important one.

The Third generation of Bloods in this world were not yet dead. He was now in the inner world, and he may be able to find Mr. Mo’s origin name.

After getting hold of his name, he would have a 60% chance of killing Mr. Mo.

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, “Since a Blood fetus can harm the human mother, Mr. Mo should have converted Sophia into a Blood as soon as possible for the health of the mother. But Sophia was still human when we saw her today. Was she actually unwilling to convert?”

He paused for two seconds and quickly dismissed his suspicion.

“She is desperate, and the only thing awaiting her if she returns to the human world pregnant is death. And she mentioned it several times in her diary that she wanted to become a Blood. Whether from reality or from her own point of view, becoming a Blood is the only option.”

Bai Lixin looked at Dijia, “Is it because she is pregnant and will be in danger when she is transformed?”

The two were walking down the empty corridor. The window at the side of the corridor was open, and an evening breeze blew through, blowing a flaming red rose petal down into Bai Lixin’s dark hair.

Dijia helped Bai Lixin remove the rose petal, “A baby in the mother’s womb is constantly absorbing nutrients. This amount of absorption is bearable for the Bloods; after all, a Blood’s physique is strong enough. But humans would have trouble.”

“During transformation, the Blood clan needs to drain all of the human blood before injecting some of their own blood into the human veins. At this point, the human will fall into a coma, the heart stops beating and they enter a state of false death.”

“The small amount of Blood fluid injected into the body will rapidly divide and multiply in the human body. When it multiplies enough, the heart beats again and the transformation from human to Blood is complete. This process usually lasts for three days.”

“Not all humans can be easily transformed into Bloods; if a human is killed during this time, he or she will die completely. The transformed person’s body is very fragile during this process of transformation and shouldn’t be exposed to sunlight, so the Bloods usually put the transformed person in a coffin.”

“Sophia is pregnant now, and if she suddenly goes into cardiac arrest, the baby will immediately sense the danger and proceed to absorb the mother’s nutrients even more desperately. By then, Sophia would not only fail to transform into a Blood, she would also die. Neither she nor the baby would survive.”

Bai Lixin, “But if Sophia gives birth to the child as a human, will she live to complete the birth?”

Dijia, “The chances are almost null. A Blood has to lose half her life to give birth to a child, let alone a human. Before she can fully give birth, Sophia will be consumed to death.”

“If one is to save the child and ensure Sophia’s survival at the same time, there is only one way to do it.” Dijia twisted the rose petals in his hand and played with them. The bright red sap stained his fingertips like rouge had been smeared on them.

Djia looked at Bai Lixin. His heart trembled slightly, and he moved his fingertips closer to Bai Lixin, smearing the “rouge” onto his lips as he looked at him in astonishment.

The soft lips were slightly deformed under the fingertips. Dijia’s movements were slow and deliberate, as if he was treating the world’s most precious treasure.

He removed his fingers reluctantly. Dijia stared at Bai Lixin’s sweet red lips with satisfaction and said with a light smile, “That’s much better. I noticed that the other young ladies were all painted. You were too plain just now.”

Bai Lixin’s eyelids twitched twice. He gave Dijia a sidelong glance and asked, “Tell me quickly, what is the solution?”

Dijia, “Cut the stomach open, take out the child, and then transform her.”

“When the child reaches a certain month, take it out early. That way, both the mother and the child can live. The mother is then transformed, and she will safely become a Blood.”

Bai Lixin remembered a question, “Can one abort a Blood fetus?”

Dijia, “Not really. Bloods are a very tenacious and greedy race. Even if it is only a fetus, it will not simply die. No medicine can kill the fetus, and it will instead harm the mother. Once the fetus realizes that the mother is attacking him, the fetus will in turn take control of the mother, manipulating her to take in and replenish her nutrients as it plunders them from her in large quantities.”

Dijia, “Even many of the Bloods are saying that carrying a pregnancy is like raising a parasite that devours the body.”

Bai Lixin, “Actually, it’s not just Bloods, I think, it’s any mother. I remember that the saying goes that the embryo is an invader to the mother. When the embryo is just implanted, the mother shows all kinds of discomfort and rejection. It is actually the mother’s body treating the embryo as a virus and performing rejection and elimination.”

Bai Lixin, “The role of “mother” gives the mother too many shackles and burdens. It is both great and tragic.”

Dijia looked at Bai Lixin’s in silence for two seconds and changed the subject slightly, “My blood, is it good to drink?”

Bai Lixin looked up abruptly, his eyes twinkling, “Eh, it’s not bad.”

Dijia remembered what he had overheard in the hall, “Although I am over a thousand years old and have not eaten in all those years, my body has always been healthy.”

He paused and whispered, “I have good stamina as well.”

Bai Lixin, “Oh.”


Why are you saying this all of a sudden? There is no introduction or ending to the topic. It is inexplicable.

They were slowly walking down the corridor and had just turned the corner on the first floor when they heard the sound of rapid footsteps behind them.

The sound of leather shoes on the floor made a crisp “tap, tap, tap”. The next second, a fiery red figure rushed straight over, colliding with the fiery red Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin quickly grabbed Sophia, who was about to fall over.

When Sophia saw that there were two Bloods in front of her, her already pale face turned even whiter, but then she saw their faces and froze.

Bai Lixin helped Sophia to her feet and said softly, “Be careful, Miss Sophia, the fall will hurt.”

Sofia thought the other party was concerned about the baby. Her face was embarrassed for a moment, and she spoke with some annoyance, “Don’t worry, this child is so strong that it just can’t fall out no matter what!”

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