After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 27.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 27.2 - Affectionate Blood Clan

He would lose control every time he turned into his beast form, and every time he lost control, he would lose his memory and become the most primitive of beasts. Which is why he always restrained his emotions.

He hadn’t lost control in over ten years, but he had lost control twice yesterday.

But he had forgotten why he had lost control both times. When he came back to his senses, he only vaguely recalled that Miss Xin’s beautiful body was scarred and that someone had broken his most precious collection.

“Miss Xin, you…” Mr. Mo pondered for two seconds before finally speaking in a gentle tone, “There have been assassins in the castle for the past two days, so you had better not walk around to avoid getting hurt. “

Bai-the true-assassin-Lixin did not panic at all. He even had the most perfect smile on his face, “Thanks for the reminder.”

“Then I will leave you two ladies to your private time, farewell.” Having dispelled his doubts, Mr. Mo did not remain long and went out the door with the baby in his arms.

Sofia breathed a long sigh of relief when the door closed and she looked at Bai Lixin gratefully, “You’re great, Miss Xin, and you’ve helped me solve a problem. This baby was growing so fast that it might have bit me within another half day. You didn’t see the way he looked at me. That look was like a lioness in the grasslands staring at her prey.”

Goodwill 120.

A few hours later, when it was almost dark, Sophia’s wound was completely healed.

She changed into light clothes and knocked on the door of Bai Lixin’s room, “Miss Xin, I’m all healed up! We can go!”

Dijia, who was just about to eat: “……”


“Okay, let’s go.” Dijia turned into a bat and Bai Lixin placed him on his shoulder before stepping out.

Sophia navigated the corridors with ease. It was like she had a radar planted on her body, knowing where the guards would appear next in advance. With Sophia leading the way, Bai Lixin came to the end of a corridor without a hitch.

This corridor was made of large and small stones, and the walls were uneven.

Sophia skilfully found a few small stones on the wall and pressed them, and the small, seemingly solid stones retracted into the wall in one smooth motion.

The next moment, the wall opened from the gap between the stones and an irregular door was revealed.

Bai Lixin glanced at Sophia secretly.

Sophia said eagerly, “This is it, let’s go.”

The door connected to an underground staircase, under which was a long corridor. On the left and right of the corridor hung torches, from which a faint, dim firelight emanated.

The two stepped through the concealed door. Sophia pressed the wall a few more times, and the open concealed door closed with a bang.

“Be careful, the steps are a bit slippery,” Sophia walked carefully, not forgetting to remind Bai Lixin, “I asked the butler, and he said that Mr. Mo needed to recuperate after being injured. He will lie in the coffin for a day and a night, so we have plenty of time.”

Sophia pulled a torch from the wall and led Bai Lixin forward, “The place where I had my surgery is just up ahead.”

Bai Lixin silently followed behind Sophia, and they soon came to an antique brass iron door.

The iron door was a bit heavy, and Sophia couldn’t push it.

Bai Lixin pushed the door open and the two walked in.

Sofia turned on the light by hand.

The room was small, with an operating table in the middle and a lot of medical machinery and tools around it.

In the corner next to the operating table was an iron barrel. The contents were sticky and fishy, stirring together in a murky mess.

But Bai Lixin recognised what it was.

It was a fresh placenta.

Sophia’s body trembled at the sight of the placenta, fear flashing across her face.

She quickly adjusted, though, and after a quick sweep around the room, she took a big step towards a corner.

“The girl was here.”

Sophia held the torch, bent down and called in a whisper, “Don’t be afraid, little sister, we’re here to save you. Come out, I know you’re here.”

“You are also a victim caught by Mr. Mo, right? Don’t worry, we will get you out.”

Her voice was so gentle and pleasant that even stones would soften a little.

However, she only got silence in response.

Bai Lixin looked around.

The operating theater was not large, but it had other doors.

Bai Lixin opened one door and stood in the doorway with a slight pause.

Sophia was still desperately calling for the girl behind him, and he turned back to Sophia and asked, “Sophia, was the girl you said was wearing a white gauze dress, bare-footed and with blonde hair?”

Sophia, “Yes! Huh, I only told you she was wearing a white dress and barefoot. How did you know she had blonde hair.”

“……” Bai Lixin stepped aside, “Because I’ve seen her.”

Sophia brightened up, “So let her out! Is it because you’re scared or because you’re just being a bit mean? Let me talk to her!”

She rushed forward with a single stride and was about to cross the door and rush inside.

Bai Lixin’s body abruptly turned around, blocking Sophia outside the door of the room.

“Sophia,” Bai Lixin looked at Sophia with a complicated expression, “Prepare yourself mentally. The scene inside may be very shocking… and terrifying for you.”

Sophia was puzzled as Bai Lixin made room for her.

What did Miss Xin mean by that?

Shocking? Had something untoward happened to the girl already?

Concern flashed across Sophia’s face, and she rushed through the door.

There were no lights in the room, but the light from the operating theater could provide some illumination.

When she saw what was in the room, Sophia covered her mouth hard. Her eyes widened and tears streamed from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably.

It was hard for her to tell what the tears meant.

There was fear, there was horror, and there was a strong sense of sympathy and sadness.

In the room were sixteen beds.

On each bed lay a person.

Let’s call them people, but their bodies had all shriveled up into dried up corpses.

Bai Lixin pressed the switch on the side of the wall, and the dimly lit room was suddenly filled with light. 

The scene that could only be vaguely seen a moment ago was ripped off its last piece of cover, and completely exposed to Sophia’s eyes.

Bracing her numb legs, she slowly made her way to a bed.

There was a mummified corpse lying peacefully on the bed, wearing a pure white gauze dress, exactly the same as the girl she had seen in the operating theater yesterday.

The hair had not yet fallen out, but it had also lost its original luster.

It was vaguely visible that it was pale blonde hair spread out, and it made the mummy look even thinner.

The other party looked like she had been dead for a long time, so who was the girl she had seen yesterday?

This mummy was missing a section of her neck.

Sophia’s breath hitched, and she suddenly felt a wave of dizziness as the lights overhead swirled and swayed around her.

Sophia opened her mouth and breathed heavily. She slumped on the edge of the bed, her expression mournful as she looked up at Bai Lixin.

“Was it this girl’s neck I stepped on in that pervert’s room yesterday?”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips, suppressing something in his chest, “Probably.”

Sophia covered her face woefully as she curled herself into a thin ball, her body trembling as she cried silently.

Bai Lixin walked over and looked intently at the mummified corpses on the sixteen beds.

Each one was dressed in a beautiful dress, colorful and flamboyant. Some of the mummies were missing their arms, some were missing their legs.

Some had lost their eyes, and some had lost their internal organs.

In each mummy, the body had lost a certain item.

The room was large, but Bai Lixin felt unusually cramped and oppressed.

The light in the room flickered twice, and darkness suddenly fell around them, but light soon returned.

The light reappeared, but the room was suddenly filled with many more figures that should not be there.

“Help us.”

The translucent girls slowly approached the two and surrounded them.

Sophia lifted her head, her weeping red eyes sweeping earnestly over one pretty face after another.

“Help us.”

The translucent girls spoke again.

Bai Lixin, “How shall I help you?”

“Help us get our bodies back. That demon turned us first into Bloods and then imprisoned our souls here so that our organs would stay alive in order to create the most perfect ‘Lady Rose’.”

“We are now neither ghosts nor humans, and only by taking back our bodies and killing us can our souls be freed.”

“Please, please help us. We are in so much pain. It really hurts.”

Sixteen girls, sixteen souls.

Step by step, they slowly approached the two, releasing the pleading and cries of their souls.

Sophia, “I promise you! I will bring you your organs.”

Bai Lixin, “I will help too.”

The word “Mr. Mo” was already on the list of the “most damned”.

It was completely dark outside when Bai Lixin and Sophia left the underground operating theater. Not long after leaving this corridor, they heard the melodious sounds of a piano in the hall.

The two looked at each other, peeping secretly. They saw about twenty guests dancing in the hall.

There were far fewer guests than on the first day because there was no food supply. Mr. Mo did not appear in the hall and seemed to be still healing.

Sophia, “I asked the butler and he said that Mr. Mo was in the coffin in his room healing. I heard he was badly injured this time and had to rest for at least a day and a night. Should we wait for him to leave before we steal the organs?”

“Steal?” Bai Lixin sneered, “How can you call that stealing? It’s clearly going to get the stuff and return it back to its rightful owners.”

Sophia’s face sank slightly, “Yes, that’s right! We are going to fetch some things!”

Bai Lixin, “When do you want to go and get them?”

Sophia, “I want to go now! They’re in too much pain for me to wait a day. I want to put them out of their misery now, but I don’t dare!”

Bai Lixin, “Why are you panicking? There’s me. I’m looking for something to let off some steam too. So let’s go now.”

Sophia gave Bai Lixin a shocked look.

She was sure that the “something” Bai Lixin was talking about was definitely “Mr. Mo”.

Because there were so many jars, Bai Lixin asked Xia Chi to bring them a cart before they went there. 

When Xia Chi learned of Bai Lixin’s destination, he made a subtle expression, recalling the gray-haired ugly bat.

He didn’t know why, but if someone else was to go into Mr. Mo’s room, he’d be afraid that they would get hurt.

But if his brother was to go into Mr. Mo’s room, he was worried that his brother would beat Mr. Mo to death.

But wouldn’t it be okay for him to die?

Then he should get beaten up! I might even be able to join and add a kick to the mix.

That would be a direct kick to the boss! Only when I am with my brother do I get this kind of treatment. It’s exciting just thinking about it!

Xia Chi followed behind Bai Lixin with excited little steps.

The door to Mr. Mo’s room was unlocked and slightly open.

This was the third copy that Bai Lixin and Xia Chi had cleared together, and they now had a tacit understanding of each other.

Bai Lixin pointed to himself and then to the coffin.

Then he pointed to the bookcase after pointing at Xia Chi.

Xia Chi immediately understood.


Brother is responsible for beating up the monster; I am responsible for getting the “goods”!

Sophia originally wanted to go, but Bai Lixin placed her in the corridor under the name of “watching out”.

Of course, the main reason was that the scene would get a bit gory and he was afraid of causing discomfort to the young girl.

It was the first time that the girl had been trusted so much, and without saying a word, she took up her post seriously.

As she stood in the corridor, the sound of battering and roaring kept coming to her ears.

Ten minutes later, the door of the room opened again. Sophia took the opportunity to peek inside and saw an ugly gray-haired bat lying on the floor with several teeth scattered around it.

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