After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 28.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Chapter 28.1 - Affectionate Blood Clan

Mr. Mo, who had been injected with anesthesia, sat slumped on the operating table.

However, the effect of the drug was still a little too small for him, and he glared at Bai Lixin fiercely, “Did you do that on purpose?”

Of course, Bai Lixin did it on purpose. This matter started a day ago.

Because he had been attacked three times in two consecutive days, Mr. Mo increased the security around him. He locked the rooms that were not locked and placed guards in the corridors where his room was located.

The corridor and the room were protected by forty Bloods.

It was not as easy for Bai Lixin to enter Mr. Mo’s room unnoticed as it had been on two previous occasions. He was confident of retreating, and he had a dozen or so players behind him.

The node was not in the castle, but on Sophia’s side. Sophia’s wish was to return to the human world, and the teleportation array would only appear if Sophia was brought back to the human world and her long-cherished wish was fulfilled.

Since this was the case, there was no need for the players to remain here, and sending them out of the castle as soon as possible was the most important thing to do.

Xia Chi had been responsible for the food of the sixteen players during their stay at the castle. There were other humans in the castle as well, humans who had been captured to provide blood, so Xia Chi would go to the kitchen and get food from the surplus of those humans.

Since discovering the true node, Bai Lixin had immediately told the players the truth, and had Xia Chi lead them away from the castle.

The next step was to find a way to get closer to Mr. Mo.

That night, Bai Lixin approached the butler and said, “Mr. Butler, there is something I want to tell you.”

The butler was wiping the lenses of his single-rimmed spectacles under the moonlight. He put on the spectacles and squinted hard before he could see the person, “Oh, it’s Miss Xin! What is it?”

Bai Lixin took out his square handkerchief gracefully and wiped the non-existent tears from his eyes, “I had a fight with my husband. I just wanted a decent dress, and he said I was a loser. We had a fight, and he left in a fit of rage.”

Dijia, who had shrunk at Bai Lixin’s neck, stiffened, his eyes full of disbelief, “….”

Why do I have to take the blame?!

Bai Lixin, “The food and the squire were my husband’s property, and just a few hours ago, my squire took the food and went after his master. Now I am left alone in the castle and I really don’t know what I am going to do in the future.”

He couldn’t see Mr. Mo anymore, and the only person who could signal to him was the butler in front of him.

Sure enough, Bai Lixin had just received a personal invitation from Mr. Mo the next evening.

It was the butler who invited him, on the grounds that he was invited to an evening cup of tea.

At the first sip, Dijia and Bai Lixin noticed that something was wrong in the tea. Bai Lixin simply took the bait and pretended to fall unconscious. Then he was pushed to the operating room.

While pretending to be unconscious, Bai Lixin heard what Mr. Mo said to the butler, “Where are the humans they brought? Have they all left?”

Butler, “Yes, Master.”

Mr. Mo, “Heh, good thing they ran fast, or I would have killed them to silence them.”

While pretending to be unconscious, Bai Lixin opened the private chat.

Bai Lixin: [Xia Chi.]

Xia Chi seemed to be awake every moment, and he answered as fast as usual: [I’m here, brother.]

Bai Lixin: [Where are you now?]

Xia Chi: [Brother, don’t worry, we’ve returned to the human town. It’s dawn, and the gates are already open].

Bai Lixin: [Tell Song Lei or Du Yang to do one more thing for me.]

Xia Chi: [What is it?]

Bai Lixin: [Tell them to find a safe house and clean up the inside. It doesn’t have to be big; the point is comfort and warmth.]

Xia Chi paused for two seconds, then asked: [What is the purpose of preparing this house? Brother, did you lie to me before? We can’t get out of here, so you have to prepare a house in advance to live out your old age here?

Bai Lixin: […It’s for Sophia.]

What goddamn spending the rest of his life in peace?!

Xia Chi: [What? Brother, do you mean you won’t let Miss Sophia go back to her home after you bring her back?]

Bai Lixin: [I don’t know, let’s prepare the house just in case, and talk about it when the time comes.]

Xia Chi didn’t say anything more and answered without hesitation: [Okay, I know! I’ll do my job, don’t worry!]

While Bai Lixin and Xia Chi were chatting privately, Bai Lixin was also pushed into the underground operating room.

Just as Bai Lixin had guessed, this was Mr. Mo’s most secret place, and even the butler did not enter. In other words, there was only him in the operating room, the bat-turned Dijia, and that Mr. Mo, who had been beaten into a pig’s head.

Soft green silk hung down the side of the stunning beauty’s face, and just as Mr. Mo was sticking the anesthesia needle into Bai Lixin’s body, the beauty backhandedly gave it to Mr. Mo.

Before Mr. Mo could react, their situations were suddenly reversed. Mr. Mo was the one on the operating table while Bai Lixin was standing beside it.

The moment Mr. Mo sat on the operating table, a terrifying sense of oppression steeply appeared in this operating room.

His face became disfigured by the lack of oxygen, and it rose to the colour of a pig’s liver. Mr. Mo clutched his neck, looking pleadingly at the red-clad beauty with his mouth wide open.

The bat on Bai Lixin’s shoulder flapped its wings and flew into the air, its limbs stretching out to become a tall, slender, languid man.

The stench of blood around him made the handsome man frown slightly. There was a chair next to the operating table, but the man obsessed with cleanliness just looked at it, shook his head in disgust, and didn’t sit down.

Mr. Mo looked at the man in horror. He opened his mouth to say something, but the lack of oxygen was weighing him down, and he was now like a fish thrown into the desert. He could only roll around helplessly in a desperate attempt to relieve the pressure weighing down on him.

His red eyes, already covered by the swollen eyelids, began to roll upwards. Tears flowed indefensibly from the corners of his eyes, and saliva and snot also followed.

Dijia’s frowned even more.

Just when Mr. Mo was about to faint, Dijia finally withdrew the bloodline suppression and he stepped back sensibly, handing over the main field to Bai Lixin.

Mr. Mo sprawled woefully on the operating table, staring at the man and woman in front of him in shock.

He pointed at Dijia tremblingly, ‘’You..You didn’t leave? And you didn’t fight?! You were lying to me?!”

At that moment, he sensed a familiar aura from Bai Lixin.

Mr. Mo shouted, “It’s you, you’re the one who attacked me! You stole the treasures I’ve spent decades collecting! Who the hell are you people?! Give them back to me!”

Bai Lixin lowered his eyes and looked down at the embarrassed man in front of him.

Perhaps because of time, the oppressive feeling of the man in front of him was not as strong as that of Mr. Mo in the surface world.

He had already beaten him to death, almost to the point of death, and all that was left was to test the name.

Bai Lixin, “Is your name Archimoke Van?”

Mr. Mo’s red pupils shrank and he looked at Bai Lixin in shock. But he quickly recovered and threw back his head and laughed, “No!”

Bai Lixin and Dijia looked at each other in surprise.

It wasn’t that?

Could it be that Mr. Mo was mad at that moment, just thinking that Sophia was insinuating that he was ugly?

Mr. Mo continued laughing, “Fools! No one can guess my name, and you are no exceptions. I don’t know exactly who you are, but I advise you to let me go now and I’ll let you off the hook. Otherwise, I’ll make sure to kill you when I get out! I will make specimens and dried corpses out of you!”

Dijia frowned and was about to start the bloodline suppression again, but Bai Lixin quickly stopped him.

Bai Lixin stroked his chin and looked down at Mr. Mo, as if he could see into the other man’s soul through those blood-red pupils. “You are inferior, because of your ugliness.”

Mr. Mo was annoyed, “How can that be?! I’m not ugly! I’m not ugly at all!”

Bai Lixin, “Your human form is quite human, but your beast form is very ugly. The Bloods value looks above all else, so you were discriminated against and slandered for your ugly appearance. That’s why you won’t take on your beastly form in front of the public.”

Mr. Mo pursed his lips and glared angrily at Bai Lixin. He wanted to say something, but only one word came out through clenched teeth, “Bullshit!”

Bai Lixin, however, was not angry and continued to speculate, “Could it be that you were disliked not only by your companions but also by your master, the Third Blood?”

Mr. Mo’s face changed, the anger and shame on his face intensifying.

The anesthesia had already started taking effect. He tried to get up and pounce at the hateful woman who had uncovered his hidden scars layer by layer before him, but it was all in vain.

Bai Lixin watched the other man’s expression calmly and said, “Your master’s surname is Van, and those who are first embraced by him usually carry on his surname.”

“But if it is a dependent whose looks he dislikes, is he really worthy of that surname? Giving a surname is the master’s way of affirming his subordinate, isn’t it? Would he tolerate an ugly bastard carrying his surname out there?”

Mr. Mo’s eyes had turned red and his body had gradually begun to bestialize. The sharp claws tore through his luxury gown and his entire body stretched.

A hideous, roaring bat appeared in front of him.

The bat stumbled a few times before propping up the table.

Bai Lixin, “We guessed your name correctly, but it was the addition of an extra word that invalidated it. You don’t have a surname because you don’t deserve the name ‘Van’ at all.”

The bat opened its bloody mouth, allowing the viscous liquid to fall to the operating table, which was immediately burned through a large hole.

It shook its back fur and flapped its fleshy wings, roaring at Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin, “So your real name is ‘Archimoke’.”

The huge bat came to an abrupt halt just a few centimeters from Bai Lixin.

Its body fell straight to the ground and a red circle of light flew out of the bat’s body, trying to fly into Bai Lixin.

Dijia was quick, and he raised a long, slender arm above Bai Lixin’s head, and he grabbed the halo with his bare hands.

As if it had life, the halo struggled in Dijia’s hand.

Under Bai Lixin’s curious eyes, Dijia’s fist tightened and the red halo shattered into countless shimmering lights, scattered all around and disappearing immediately.

Dijia pursed his lips, shifted into a bat, and settled on Bai Lixin’s shoulder.

You dare to bind with my person!

Bai Lixin wasn’t quite sure what had happened, but since there was a light similar to the one that when he had bound Dijia at that time, the name should be the right one.

So there was no surname at all in Mr. Mo’s origin name, only a first name.

Archimoke, the world’s ugliest Blood.

It was a name so full of malice that he killed the Third generations of Bloods to cover up his dark history, and his name had been sealed in the mud ever since.

Not only that, but Bai Lixin discovered that the current Mr. Mo lacked the ability to control people through his eyes and voice, as he did in the surface world.

Mr. Mo did not demonstrate this ability no matter how many times he was tested.

In other words, the Mr. Mo in the inner world had been downgraded, possibly because Sophia’s perception of him was not clear enough, or because Mr. Mo had evolved over time.

But whichever is the case, one thing is clear. The Mr. Mo of the surface world was much stronger than the Mr. Mo in front of him, and after the pounding of the years, that man had become more cautious and powerful, with his emotions in tight check.

At the sound of his original name, the bat that had just lost control had regained its senses and turned human.

“Even you dare to insult me!” The bat snarled and tried to go for Bai Lixin again. But just as it tried to attack, a myriad of shrill, hoarse female voices rang out in the air.

“His name is Archimoke, hahaha.”

“I can’t believe his name is Archimoke.”

“So there really is someone called Archimoke.”

“But he’s really ugly.”

“Archimoke, Archimoke, Archimoke.”

In the air, the ghosts of the sixteen young girls who should have disappeared slowly appeared.

They were no longer the beautiful faces that Bai Lixin had seen before, and one by one, they turned into the mummified versions they had when they were lying on the bed.

Sixteen mummified figures slowly approached the man, and as Mr. Mo looked on in horror, the girls clawed themselves over his body, biting into it with their dry teeth.

Flesh was bitten off in bite after bite, and the dried figures grinned hideously, chewing the chunks hard and swallowing them heavily, pulling him down and skinning him.

“Archimoke, give us atonement.”

“Archimoke, I’m going to kill you.”


The ubiquitous voices were wrapped in cold ice. Mr. Mo tried to escape, but his body was caught by sixteen ghosts and he could not move.

The name was being called while being gnawed on, and the gnawed parts could not be recovered at all.

“AHHH!!! It hurts!!!” Mr. Mo suddenly cried out miserably.

Bai Lixin looked over, and it turned out that the ghosts had broken Mr. Mo’s arms and then folded his body in an extremely twisted position.

These were the grievances of the tortured girls. They had died in terror, but could not be freed afterwards, and were imprisoned here for a long time.

The resentment that had built up over time would not be relieved by the recovery of their body parts.

Getting back a piece of their bodies was simply a means of breaking free from the bonds Mr. Mo had placed on them.

Now was the time for them to take their revenge.

Sixteen mummified corpses wrapped around Mr. Mo like a huge ball of cotton wool. Mr. Mo struggled as he wailed, and all that was visible in the mass of dark grey cotton wool was a single staring eye and a hand begging for help.

Suddenly, a shriveled, thin finger poked into Mr. Mo’s eye, and the revenge continued.

Without further hesitation, Bai Lixin left the place.

This basement had been a nightmare for many girls. These girls would not let Mr. Mo go easily, and as long as the resentment did not dissipate, Mr. Mo would be tortured every day, and he would spend the rest of his life here to atone for his sins.

As Mr. Mo roared, he was slowly dragged into another space by the mummified ghosts.


Two days later, with the wedding on the horizon, the castle was in for a big joke.

The groom, Mr. Mo, had disappeared.

And that wasn’t all; the human lady had also completely disappeared.

The butler searched every corner of the castle but could not find either of them. He went to the underground operating room to look for Mr. Mo, but it was empty except for a lot of scattered flesh and tattered clothes on the floor.

After the butler had left, the secluded, dark basement was filled with the sly laughter of the girls and the painful wails of the man.

“Help me, come and help me.”

If the butler had heard the voice, he would have recognized the owner of the wail.

But the *back of the ear butler had already hobbled away on his crane.

*Someone with poor hearing. 


On the mountain path, Bai Lixin led Sophia through the forest, “So what are your next plans?”

Sophia, who had started off as a pretty and innocent girl, could now bravely travel through the mountains and forests.

She dodged one branch after another with alacrity and ran through the forest with abandon.

She had never been more comfortable, and her large and heavy dress had been thrown away in favour of a lighter outfit.

Her long blonde hair was tied back and twisted up on her head.

Her father might not recognize her as his good daughter, Sophia, even if she stood right in front of him.

Sophia stopped and said to Bai Lixin behind her, “I intend to first go back home.”

Bai Lixin’s ten-day Blood experience had expired, and he reverted to his male attire, changing into his previous white shirt and slacks.

Without the restraint of the big dress, Bai Lixin’s movements are as agile as a gazelle.

“I’ve thought about it,” Sophia followed Bai Lixin’s movements, “Although I don’t know how to face my family, I still have to go back and let them know that I’m safe.”

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