After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 32.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 32.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

The Northern Sea Area was darker than the Eastern Sea Area.

If one was to use color to differentiate them, the East Sea area was a transparent indigo blue, while the North Sea area was a dark blue mixed with impurities, and the dark black was shrouded in fog.

In the midst of the rich, dark ocean, there was a darker hue.

It was a dark fog with no visible boundaries. The fog resembled a human form, and the outline of a head, upper body, and arms could vaguely be seen, and below the waist was a thick fog that was curled into a ball, like a ghost.

The tentacles that wrapped around him came from within the fog.

As he was forced closer, the fog grew more and more massive.

The fuzzy black fog pulsed around the edge of the behemoth, and with a flick of its “arms”, Bai Lixin was scooped into the “hands” of the humanoid black fog.

At 3.5 meters, he was just a mere object in his opponent’s palm.

His keen perception of power instantly made Bai Lixin vigilant to the fact that he was standing in front of this huge humanoid fog, aware of his insignificance.

A power beyond description squeezed around him from all sides, but this power was blocked by the black fog that covered him and was easily dissolved.

It could form a power that could destroy the heavens and the earth, but it could also easily dissolve the power.

The other party was like the god of this deep sea world, * his hand in the clouds and his hand in rain!

*Someone powerful 

The slimy tentacles slowly contracted and moved around Bai Lixin’s waist. Two tentacles stretched out from the fog that held him up, then wrapped themselves around his two slender arms and, with a gentle pull, brought the taut arms up to his head, firmly binding them there.

The suction cups moved slowly over the merman’s body, carrying the slime with them.

The hard, beautiful scales that covered the body should have insulated it from all touch, but the suction cups’ powerful suction and slime easily penetrated the scales, stimulating the delicate skin protected by the hard scales.

The tentacles curled deeper and deeper down the waist and slowly moved downwards.

There was no killing intent from the black fog; it was less like it was attacking Bai Lixin and more like it was toying with the small merman.

Everywhere the suction cup went, Bai Lixin felt his body tingling.

Suddenly, Bai Lixin’s waist jumped up, and his whole body tensed up so tightly that even the color of his tail glowed with a soft blue luminescence.

A stoic expression appeared on Bai Lixin’s face in the dim seawater.

He had not expected a merman’s body would be so sensitive.

A low chuckle composed of seawater echoes converged in his ears, “So sensitive?”

The voice carried the characteristic thickness and depth of sea water, as well as corrugated echoes.

Bai Lixin looked into the unfathomable fog with difficulty, and he heard a familiar voice after casting aside the veils that covered it.

The tentacle slowly slid down, stopping after landing at a spot on the tail.

There was an extraordinarily hard scale there, even darker in color than the others, and it wavered slightly from side to side as it twisted gently, unlike the scales that were fixed to the tail.

The tentacles looked as if they had discovered a new world as they began to wander from side to side around the scale.

“What is this?”

A distant and vast voice burrowed into Bai Lixin’s ears with a bit of teasing, “It can’t be that most mysterious place of merfolk, can it?”

Bai Lixin’s body twisted uncontrollably once again. His whole body tensed, and he immediately pulled into a beautiful arc with an extreme yet near-death beauty.

He pursed his lips, his teeth biting down hard on the corners of his lips. The dazed beautiful blue eyes looked into the fog, like a played out doll.

A pearl slowly rolled down from the corner of his eye.

At the sight of the pearl, the tentacles abruptly stopped moving.

In the darkness, a distant voice let out a soft sigh, “How beautiful.”

Then a tentacle reached into the fog and pulled out an exquisite, golden birdcage.

One tentacle opened the cage nimbly while the other tentacles rolled up the dazed Bai Lixin and gently lowered him into the cage like a beloved lover, slowly closing the door again.

Bai Lixin shrank in one corner of the cage, his entire body trembling uncontrollably as he gripped the cage’s door with his hands.

Resting his cheek against the cold golden iron cage, Bai Lixin opened his mouth and silently gasped for air.

It was clear that he was breathing through the gills under his ventral fin, but he now wanted to physically open his mouth.

With his tail curled up, he raised his head, his slender neck curving to the hilt as he waited for the blazing fire that had ignited throughout his body to die out.

After an unknown amount of time, the afterglow faded from his body, and Bai Lixin let out a long breath, his whole body devoid of any strength.

Damn, how can a merman’s body structure be so sensitive?

It was almost as if he had found a cure for everything.

The fog stood there while he was digesting his instincts.

Bai Lixin could not see the eyes of the fog, but he knew that the fog had been silently watching him.

It was only when he had completely regained his senses that Bai Lixin swam in his body and turned to face the fog.

Great, another “Dijia fragment”.

As usual, he will definitely not recognize him.

S419M: [Tsk, tsk, tsk, the Lord God is incredible after splitting and losing his memories. He dared to do some canary uncage play with you. How bold!]

Bai Lixin: [Say that again?]

S419M shuddered: [I mean, don’t worry, I’ll record all the footage, and when Lord God regains his memory, you can just throw it in his face and make him crawl on the ground for you!]

The escape system was shocked: [Born as a part of a unified system, why are you so uncouth? We are supposed to be the most rational and calm beings in the world. These humans who are swayed by emotions are the failures of the creator.]

[How can humans drive noble beings like ourselves?You’re a disgrace to the unified family!]

S419M rolled his eyes: [What kind of bullshit are you talking about? Remember what you said today: sooner or later you will have to kneel down in front of my master and call him “Lord”.]

Escape System: [I won’t!]

Seeing that Bai Lixin had recovered, the fog moved again.

Several tentacles stretched out from the fog that had been holding the birdcage.

The moment he saw the tentacles, Bai Lixin’s body subconsciously trembled.

A chuckle came as the tentacles hooked the handle of the birdcage, and the birdcage containing Bai Lixin was sent into the body of the fog.

Bai Lixin watched as the darkness before him drew closer and closer, and he did not put up much resistance. Both his subconscious and his reason told him that even if Dijia had lost his memory, he would never hurt him.

This was not because he was so confident in himself, but because of his trust in Dijia.

The darkness grew closer and closer until he was completely submerged in it.

In the midst of the darkness, he was surprised to find that the North Sea area, which had been pitch-black just a moment ago, was instantly bright and clear, and his vision before him had opened up considerably.

Bai Lixin suddenly understood that this fog was Dijia’s body, and also Dijia’s domain.

He was now in Dijia’s domain, as if he had merged into the other’s body, and was seeing the scene in front of him with the help of Dijia’s power.

He looked around the sea, which was full of scattered sand and stones, and there was not even a single living creature.

All around him was the same scenery, and there was no other life except for Dijia in this area.

Bai Lixin looked back, and the lantern beast that he couldn’t see earlier because of visibility was honestly lying on the ground.

From here, he could even see the harpoon that was plunged into the innermost part of the lantern beast’s eye.

So this was the sight of the Foggy Dijia. No wonder the other party could easily catch him.

They were not in the same dimension at all. While he was struggling to see the scene in front of him, it was like the other party had opened his eyes to the heavens and could see the distant depths with perfect clarity.

This was the feeling of superiority at the top of the food chain.

An inexplicable loneliness and emptiness suddenly invaded his brain.

Before Bai Lixin could react to the source of these feelings, they disappeared abruptly, as if they were mere illusions.

Just when he was hesitating, the unchanging scene in front of him moved.

It soon dawned on Bai Lixin that it was not the landscape that was moving, but Dijia that had started moving.

The fog slowly weaved through the sea, and he was moving towards the deeper parts of the Northern Sea Area, further and further away from the Eastern Sea Area, which was the safest for Bai Lixin.

Based on the range he had swum earlier, the Eastern Sea Zone should not be very large, and he had only been tangled up with the lantern beast for a while before he was forced to the point where he was on the border of the Northern Sea Zone.

But the range of the seabed would not be as small as just five East Sea areas.

The huge size of the monsters showed that only a large enough space could hold their immensity.

But the more massive the body, the stronger the water pressure and current impact it will withstand.

So the gigantic creatures that had survived until now would have tempered themselves against steel walls.

Like the lantern beast he had just encountered. He had initially pierced the harpoon into its body, but not only was the surrounding area covered in dense spikes, but the skin was also as hard as steel, which was why he had targeted the eyes because they were the most vulnerable part.

But in the deep sea zone, where there was no light, many creatures would gradually degrade their useless eyes completely, using the perception of the current to identify food and danger.

Without eyes, they also lose a weakness that could be used against them.

As the fog moved on, the huge lantern beast grew smaller and smaller.

Just when the lantern beast was about to become a small black dot in his eyes, he saw a few small green beans, ah no, small green-skinned merfolk swimming up to the lantern beast.

It was green hair and a few mermen.

After circling around the lantern beast, Green Hair looked like he was looking for him, and then he saw the harpoon, he left.

Bai Lixin watched from afar as they exchanged words for a moment before they began to drag the lantern beast’s heavy corpse with them.

Soon, both the lantern beast and the mermen disappeared completely from his eyes.

As he moved, Foggy Dijia’s body suddenly shook.

The birdcage hidden in the fog also trembled with it. Bai Lixin grabbed the golden bars to steady himself, only to find himself in front of an additional creature.

The creature was, how should he put it?

Its appearance was completely inconsistent with the word “sea creature”. It was creamy yellow in color, with no hair on its huge head, and its entire body was bare. It didn’t have any fish scales or a “tail” as marine creatures are known to have.

The giant head had a protruding eye on the forehead, long arms and legs, and was slowly moving across the bottom of the sea in the sand.

It was like a creature out of place, having strayed into this part of the sea.

Was this the “ancient god” of the North Sea?

Every time the mysterious creature stepped on the ground, the ground shook in a small way.

The vibration that Bai Lixin felt just now came from this creature.

Bai Lixin: [S419M, what is the name of this creature?]

S419M: [Analysis in progress. The creature before you is called the “God of Loneliness” and is one of the ancient gods. Sorry, that’s all I can analyze. I can’t analyze anything else.]

Bai Lixin: [What is the setting of these ancient gods? They don’t look like creatures of the sea, so how did they get here? Are they called ancient gods because there are new gods?]

S419M: [I checked the background information of this copy, and the setting of the ancient gods in the North Sea area is like this. The place we are currently in is the Deep Sea Zone, and above the Deep Sea Zone is the Land Zone and the Sky Zone. A long, long time ago, the Ancient Gods were the higher dimensional beings of this world and above all life.]

[But as times changed, a new group of gods was born in this world. The new gods and the ancient gods fought five battles before and after. In the end, the world structure was reshuffled so much that the ancient gods were driven into the deep sea by the new gods, and the new gods became the new world masters.]

[For tens of thousands of years afterwards, the ancient gods who were abandoned by the world lived here.]

[They are ancient and defeated gods, and the deep sea is the cage that imprisons them.]

[Is it really a god setting? I thought “ancient gods” were just a proxy for a marine species.] Bai Lixin frowned slightly, [One more thing. Can I be intercepted by the main system if I talk to you like this?]

S419M: [Absolutely not, don’t worry, Lord Host. I have structured a virtual shield field so that only the two of us can hear the conversation between us.]

It paused. [Oh, and that stupid secondary system can also hear us, but it can’t contact the main system. Even if the main system actively contacts it, it can’t tell my existence.]

Bai Lixin didn’t want to alert the snake. He had sneaked into this world, and he was now like any other ordinary player, clearing copies.

Foggy Dijia was not disrupted in his movement by the appearance of the Lonely God. He continued to move forward and soon overtook the Lonely God.

Bai Lixin, who was hidden in the thick fog, turned and looked back at the lonely god.

In front of him, the “God of Loneliness” also ignored the fog that passed by, moving aimlessly and silently across the sea. The glasses on top of his forehead unfocused as he walked mechanically, like a walking corpse.

Suddenly, the “God of Loneliness” stumbled over something, and staggered violently.

He faltered and supported himself for a couple of seconds, but finally lurched and tumbled to his side.

“Bang!” a heavy, muffled thud rang out.

Sand and rocks were swept up, and they covered his body in fury.

S419M said alertly: [Something’s coming, Lord host!]

Bai Lixin was already frowning. He saw what was coming just when S419M alerted him.

Not just one object, but several objects rushed from all directions and swarmed toward the God of Loneliness!

In the obstructive sand, Bai Lixin heard a wail of pain.

Once again, that heavy feeling of loneliness flooded through Bai Lixin’s heart.

The wail grew louder and louder, and as the sand and gravel gradually sank, Bai Lixin could finally make out some objects covering the body of the “God of Loneliness”.

As the sand settled, the scene in front of him became clearer and clearer, and Bai Lixin finally saw what was in front of him.

It was also a group of strange creatures.

They were divided into two parts: a body and a tail. The body resembled two human palms with a hard spine in the middle. In addition, long fleshy claws protruded to the left and right of the palm like bodies.

From the spine came a long, thin tail. The bodies of these creatures were greenish-brown, and they appeared to be only 50 centimeters long, with a tail only 1 meter long.

But these creatures, only a meter long, were now crawling all over the behemoth God of Loneliness like maggots, frantically gnawing away at him.

The God of Loneliness could only wail in pain, unable to even struggle.

An “ancient god” that had survived for tens of thousands of years was being tortured so badly by these tiny things.

This was the biological chain. There was no absolute invincibility, only relative strength.

The mouse is afraid of the cat. The cat will run away when it sees the strong elephant, but the elephant will run away from the mouse in fear that it could enter its nostril.

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