After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 33.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 33.1 - Deep Sea Mermaid

After biting down on the last of the oyster meat, the tentacle slowly pulled away from Bai Lixin’s mouth.

Just when Bai Lixin thought that the bizarre feeding game was finally over, the tentacle reached into the dark, dense fog, curled around a long, thin object, and drew it out.

Eyes that were one with the fog stared at the palm-sized merman in front of him. He had removed one wall from the house model, and the small, graceful merman sat on the edge of the house, his hands propped back on the floor and his long tail dangling off the floor.

As he chewed and ate, the merman’s tail flicked in response.

Bai Lixin’s black hair had also turned a beautiful blue color due to the temporary transformation into a merfolk.

Under the buoyancy of the sea, the blue hair was fluffy and soft, and it glittered white light.

The eyes of the little merman had also turned a crystal clear blue, so perfect that no one could fault them.

The Creator seemed to have used so much energy and love to create the young man before him that he had become the most unique creature on earth.

Small swirls began to appear on the surface of the fog, with black and gray ripples swirling in the swirls.

The “god”, who was supposed to be empty of sight and love, was clearly not very calm at the moment.

He watched Bai Lixin chew the fatty oyster meat, the tiny Adam’s apple rolling as the food slowly slipped into his stomach.

Only when he had finished eating did the tentacle bring the object he had pulled out closer to him, and Bai Lixin finally saw what was in the tentacle’s hand.

It was a toothbrush.

It was a toothbrush made of fish bones and bristles of unknown construction.

Bai Lixin watched in awe as the toothbrush slowly approached, “……”

He’s not going to brush my teeth, is he?

As a result, another tentacle easily pried Bai Lixin’s mouth, which was numb from shock, open.

The brushing process was meticulous and long, and to get a clearer view, the fog bent down closer until the foggy head was almost in Bai Lixin’s face.

When he looked at this unfathomable, mysterious fog, he found that its surface was covered with many small ripples, and a few golden ripples would ripple out every now and then.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Is raising a pet that much fun?

Bai Lixin was 100% certain that the tentacles would come out again if he resisted.

Looking at the huge head that was close at hand, Bai Lixin even had a vague feeling that the other party was wishing he could resist.

That would give him the opportunity to unleash his tentacles and restrain him in any position he wished.

Bai Lixin cooperated by tilting his head back and opening his mouth wide to facilitate the action of the toothbrush.

Foggy Dijia’s movements were gentle, the fine soft fluffy bristles scrubbing the non-existent dirt from his teeth without leaving any corner untouched.

After brushing back and forth twice, the thick fog reluctantly withdrew the toothbrush after making sure there really wasn’t any residue, not forgetting to wipe the corners of Bai Lixin’s mouth with the towel afterwards.

Bai Lixin: “……”

I would like to ask, where in the world did you get these unconventional toothbrushes and towels from?

He had just finished roasting silently when he saw the tentacle take something else out of the thick fog.

It was a large brush.

S419M: [Lord host, I think he’s going to give you a bath.]

Bai Lixin: [Would you believe me when I say I expected it?]

S419M: […er, then I’ll film all the footage of the Lord God’s arrogance so that he doesn’t renege on it in the future.]

Bai Lixin’s face turned green: [No recording allowed! You take that escape system and immediately hibernate.]

S419M: [Wuuuu.]

The little merman took everything in silently.

The brush landed on the tail, still cleaning any possible stains at a very gentle speed.

After brushing, it did not forget to apply a protective layer of insulating and pressure-resistant mucus to the little merman.

The brush carefully cleaned the glowing blue scales, and when it came to the area that was a different color, the tentacle paused and finally carefully stepped around without touching it.

Bai Lixin’s tail was 2.5 meters long and the fog brushed it slowly, with the tentacles quickly applying the protective layer just after a part had been cleared.

It took half an hour for the brush to reach the tail fin.

Instead of the pale metallic blue of the scales, Bai Lixin’s tail fin was somewhat transparent, and can musically be seen as a multicolored shimmer when gently shaken.

The tentacles gently cradled the tail fin, and the foggy head bent down to touch it, like a knight on one knee, reverently lifting his lover’s feet and offering his kiss.

Bai Lixin was a little stunned by this sudden action, and by the time he came back to his senses, the big head of fog had already returned to its original position, making it seem like he was hallucinating.

After cleaning the little merman’s body, the thick fog stopped moving and rolled up the little mermaid with two tentacles, taking him up to the exquisite big bed on the second floor of the model.

A distant “Good night, little one” slipped into his ears as the huge wall that had been removed was put back in place.

In the room there was silence.

When Bai Lixin looked out through the window, he saw the humanoid fog lying flat on the big bed. He didn’t know whether he was just lying down or sleeping.

He crept up from the bed and easily swam to the ground floor.

The room was built exactly like the architecture of a real-life house, with doors that could be pulled and pushed, and even the ornamentals placed on display cabinets could be removed.

Bai Lixin peered out the window and noticed that the split turtle that had been following them earlier did not appear.

He didn’t know if it couldn’t get in, or if it had changed targets, or if it had hunkered down into the shadows.

Bai Lixin used the tail that had just been groomed to a shine, and sat back on the bed, flipping the task bar open.

[Task 1: Survive for 5 days and 5 nights. (0, days and 0 nights / 5 days and 5 nights)]

[Task 2: Hunting (501 points/40,000 points) (Lower limit 10,000 points, upper limit 40,000 points)]

He stopped at the lone 501 points. There were still plenty of monsters to get the 40,000 points he needed, and he had seen many strange and powerful ancient gods and monsters along the way.

This was the most mysterious place in this sea, and even if he was to escape, he would not be able to leave this part of the sea safely.

The monster that attacked him had scratched his arm without him even seeing how the other party had struck.

In contrast, the safest place was beside foggy Dijia. 

He had tested his power during the fight with the lantern beast. His power had not decayed, but because it was a deep sea area under strong pressure, coupled with the buoyancy of the surrounding resistance, his power had indirectly been dissolved to only a tenth of what was left.

A good fighter’s move is a one-two punch. All flashy attacks aside, it is often the faster or more powerful side that has the absolute advantage. To get the points he wanted, he needed to first adapt to the underwater pressure and get himself used to the rhythm of his attacks underwater.

He swam back to the second floor and sat on the edge of the bed. He accepted his current status as a “pet merman” and began to practice his attacks.

Bai Lixin balled his fingers into a fist and poured all his strength into his biceps.

Then he threw a solid punch with his arm.

The fist rushed into the ubiquitous water, quickly breaking through the current. The water immediately pushed back, quickly creating a reaction force against Bai Lixin’s arm.

A pensive expression crossed Bai Lixin’s face as he felt the sudden pressure on his arm.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

He was now in the water. The water allowed undersea creatures to travel freely without regard to space, giving them a suitable environment to live in, but it also gave them pressure.

There was no good or bad about these waters; only whether or not they were used properly.

Bai Lixin closed his eyes and opened his ventral fins, his body slowly feeling the direction of the current.

Then he changed direction and punched again.

This time, the water pressure didn’t recoil but instead followed the direction of Bai Lixin’s punch, turning it into a powerful shockwave that smashed into the wall with a bang.

A small dent appeared in the wall, which had been fine a moment before.

Bai Lixin’s face showed a look of enlightenment on seeing the mark on the wall.

Even the seemingly motionless seawater had a direction of flow.

All he needed to do was to feel the direction of the seawater’s flow and find its pattern, so that the seawater could become his wings and armor instead of forcing himself to go against the laws of nature.

Having comprehended this, Bai Lixin closed his eyes to once again feel the current in the ocean.

He relaxed his shoulders and opened his arms, completely opening his body to the sea. As if she had sensed his call, the mother of the sea, who had nurtured them all, gently stroked his hair, scales, and ventral fins, telling him her secrets.

Gradually, a three-dimensional graphic of a swimming figure converged in Bai Lixin’s brain.

The fluctuations of the current became clearer and more explicit than the naked eye could see, and Bai Lixin could sometimes even predict the current’s changes before it did.

Before the next change in the current, Bai Lixin lifted his arm.

In the next second, the current suddenly changed direction, and at the same time, Bai Lixin struck a quick blow.

“Boom,” there was a dull, loud sound.

The wall that Foggy Dijia had just put back was smashed through. The buckled wall fell away from the wall and reluctantly collapsed onto the bookcase, shattering it into tiny pieces centered on the spot where Bai Lixin’s fist had landed.

It was done.

Bai Lixin raised his arms, wanting to embrace the gentle mother of the sea with all his might.

The Foggy Dijia slowly turned his head and a light chuckle reached the still joyful Bai Lixin, “Heh, there’s really not a moment to relax.”

The tentacles suddenly reached out towards Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin did not sit and wait for death this time. He swam his tail nimbly, weaving in and out of the water like a bolt of lightning.

Dijia gave a “heh”, followed by some delighted laughter.

This little fellow was always surprising him. Since he first met him, how much color had he brought to his long and boring life?

In the River God copy, he had thought that the other party would be overwhelmed by victory and make a wrong judgment, but Bai Lixin had kept a cool head throughout and discovered the hidden secrets that no ordinary person could find.

In the Blood Clan copy, he expected Bai Lixin to be imprisoned in the inner world and wait for death. But not only did he break out on his own, he’d gotten others out as well.

It is the same now. A moment ago, he was helpless and let him do whatever he wanted. Yet he was struggling to even kill a Lantern Beast moments ago.

But a mere ten minutes later, he had come to his senses again.

“Taking advantage of the sea’s gifts” was a seemingly simple phrase but not even one of those lifeforms that live in the sea came close to understanding it.

This little guy had been here for just half a day and was already able to learn from the battle and rise quickly.

Dijia believed that as long as he was not killed, even if he was thrown into the abyssal hell that everyone dreaded, he would still manage to climb out.

He was so intelligent and strong that fear and regret could not appear in his vocabulary. He would rely on his patience and observation skills to find the optimal solution.

He was not invincible, but he was certainly the strongest!

The fog soon curled up into countless raging whirlpools, like a throb the man could not talk about!

Bai Lixin swam out of the wall he had punched through, his freed body leaving the model house. 

If other merfolk were present now, they would have been amazed at Bai Lixin’s speed.

To the eyes of those merfolks, Bai Lixin was almost completely merged into the sea. They would not even be able to see where Bai Lixin’s body was if not for the glorious blue ripples.

However, he was now facing Dijia, the god-like existence.

Bai Lixin turned into lightning, and the tentacles followed suit.

Foggy Dijia watched the smart little merman in front of him, and more tentacles stretched out from all sides of the thick fog to chase him.

In the huge bedroom, only shadows could be seen as dozens of lines danced and hovered in the air, and the goal of these lines was surprisingly consistent: the beautiful meteor that fluttered its blue wings of light.

Bai Lixin swam as he waited for an opportunity to find a loophole in the tentacles.

He shuttled through the water, his eyes sweeping sharply over all the tentacles.

His body perceived the direction of the current, and his mind quickly mapped out the relationship between all the positions of the tentacles and the direction of their flow.

He swam with great concentration, his mind racing.

This was a good opportunity to exercise; he had only tried to draw on the current in a relatively static environment earlier. But in a real battle, the opponent was not a target standing meekly in place, waiting for him to release his attacks.

His opponent would come at him with ferocity, churning up the water around him.

At that point, could he still rely on the current flow to win?

Suddenly, his body lurched, and he abruptly sank downwards.

Under his guidance, all the tentacles converged on a single point like a giant chrysanthemum.

Seeing Bai Lixin sink, the tentacles followed his trajectory and sank down one after another.

Bai Lixin’s beautiful blue eyes looked at the tentacles, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes!


The tail fin no longer swayed from side to side but rotated along the root of the tail.

The tentacles came closer and closer, and at the same time, Bai Lixin’s tail snapped up with great speed and ferocity.

A huge shockwave shot up from the spot where the tail fin had just been, and the tentacles came face to face with a massive swirling force!




Three loud bangs.

The shockwave exploded in the swarm of tentacles, and the tentacles were sent flying down the bedroom like ribbons in a fireworks display.

Bai Lixin stopped moving his tail fin and floated in the middle of the water, his chest heaving violently up and down and his mouth slightly open as he gasped for air.

Seeing the tentacles scattered in all directions, Bai Lixin only had one word in his heart at the moment.


The tentacles floated in the water for a while before slowly retracting back into the thick fog.

S419M pointed at the tentacles and said to the escape system beside him: [See, this is my master; even the Lord God must be afraid when he sees him. Ouch! Isn’t he fierce, fierce and pretty?]

The escape system did not speak this time; it shook its body and silently shrank itself into a ball.

Dijia’s echoing laughter wrapped all around him. It started as a muffled laugh, then grew louder and louder, and finally turned into a hearty laugh.

He was happy, so happy that he actually felt his heart pounding violently! He couldn’t even remember the last time he had felt this way.

Bai Lixin looked at the humanoid fog that was laughing like a fool.

Just as he was about to curse, the humanoid fog suddenly expanded outwards, filling the entire room in an instant.

Before he could even react, Bai Lixin was firmly swept up in the fog.

In the darkness, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind. Bai Lixin lowered his head, only to see several thick strands of black fog curling around him.

The fog gradually dissipated and turned into sticky tentacles.

In the bottomless darkness, the tentacles came from all directions and once again wrapped themselves around Bai Lixin’s body, opening his body in a “cross” shape and restraining him.

In the dark, a husky voice came from all directions. “You have given me such a big surprise. I haven’t been so happy in a long time.”

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