After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 36.2 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Chapter 36.2 - Deep Sea Mermaid

Bai Lixin went from initial surprise to helplessness, and then numbness.

In the end, he simply curled up his pitch-black tail and sat by the lava, looking at the churning lava with a puzzled expression.

He didn’t close his eyes until the moment the system prompts stopped.

How should he sum it up?

Although the split turtle split after death, it was still in the lava that killed it before splitting, causing all the splits to become invalid splits.

It was killed each time it split.

The most pitiful was the first split turtle. It rolled in the lava ten times before choosing to self-destruct and not to split again. So it boiled itself to death?

Bai Lixin pulled up the task bar.

Survival time was 5 days and 5 nights, and it was now the third day.

The second was the points. There were only 1000 points yesterday. Who would have thought that the points would skyrocket to the upper limit in just 10 minutes?

Let alone the system, even Bai Lixin hadn’t thought about it.

His original intention was to kill the monsters in the deep sea area to raise his points. However, the points from the lower level monsters were too low, so his goal was the West Sea area, where the monsters were of a higher level.

Well, there was no need to fight the monsters anymore.

Wasn’t this a windfall? Was there such a good thing?

Wouldn’t this kill the system?

Bai Lixin was staring at the mouth of the lava when his body moved uncontrollably.

When he came back to his senses, Dijia’s voice came into his ears, “Get out of here first.”

The feeling of loneliness hit Bai Lixin again, this time lasting an extraordinarily long time. It was only when Dijia took Bai Lixin away from the area that the feeling slowly dissipated.

Dijia’s voice rang in his ears, “Remember our bet?”

The bet? What bet?

A fragment of memory appeared in his mind, and Bai Lixin’s eyes widened.

At Dijia’s place the day before yesterday, he had taken the initiative to make a wager in order to leave the palace.

Bai Lixin, “You want to compete now?”

Dijia, “Not really, I’m just asking if you remember. I was reminding you.”

Bai Lixin, “You’ve been on my back since I left the palace, what’s with these butterfly wings? Is this you, or is it just a channel for you?”

Dijia, “My body has no entity and can change freely. I am Qiankun, and Qiankun is me.”

*Qiankun means heaven and earth.

“It was you who took the initiative to let me go that day? Why?” Bai Lixin was a little puzzled.

A deep voice came into his ears, “I like to wait.”

“I am waiting for the moment when the bud blooms into a rose, waiting for the moment when the apple is ripe. The you of that day was not the best you yet. I want to wait for you to completely accept this sensitive body of yours and wait until the moment you bloom. Then I will pluck the most delicate and luscious you off.”

Bai Lixin brainstormed the image, and his face instantly turned red.

Damn it, how is he still so good at flirting after losing his memory?

Had the skill of flirting been practiced to its full level?

Both sides had opened their mouths, and the subtle silence from before was naturally broken. The man’s seductive voice reached Bai Lixin’s ears, “Although I led the way yesterday after losing control of my emotions, you actually enjoyed it, right?”

The dark shadow had withdrawn from Bai Lixin’s face and retreated down to his shoulders, revealing Bai Lixin’s slender neck and sexy collarbone.

“What does it feel like to do it to yourself? Can you share it with me?”

Bai Lixin blushed: “……”

Share my ass!

“Do you know what the blue pearl represents in merfolk?”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips.

“It represents emotions.”

“When you become emotional, your tears will turn other colors, don’t you want to see that?”

Bai Lixin was about to say something when the dark shadow wrapped around his body.

If anything, it was more like it was licking, and Bai Lixin’s breathing hitched. His long eyelashes fluttered like a frightened butterfly trembling in the flowers.

Bai Lixin wanted to struggle, but his body was not under his control.

This time, Dijia wasn’t as hurried as the previous times. His touch was so gentle that it was like a feather falling one by one.

Only the feather was dry; the rest was wet.

A patient Dijia was even more lethal.

At first, Bai Lixin didn’t care too much; he deliberately ignored Dijia’s movements. But what should have been a subtle movement was, for some reason, magnified hundreds of times in his brain.

At first, it just felt like a slight tickle in his chest. Then the tingling gradually escalated and the sensation grew exponentially.

His whole body began to tremble uncontrollably with the feelings centered on this spot.

Deep inside, an indescribable feeling of longing gradually rose up.

Bai Lixin flicked his tail in discomfort, and the black shadow slowly faded away, leaving only a small black ball in front of Bai Lixin.

The black ball slowly opened up again and turned into a blurred human silhouette with an unreadable face.

The next moment, the humanoid silhouette stretched out his arms and took the dazed Bai Lixin by the armpits. 

At the same time, the longing found its strength, and Bai Lixin immediately wrapped his arms around the dark figure.

A soft yet hard contradictory touch pressed against Bai Lixin’s skin from where they touched, and Bai Lixin sighed tersely, a tear escaping from the corner of his eye.

Quick as a flash, the black shadow reached out a small tentacle and rolled the pearl up.

The color of the pearl had turned to a faint purple.

Seeing the color of the pearl, Dijia laughed in satisfaction.

The voice reached Bai Lixin’s ears, and his head immediately exploded.

This damned merman body.

“Are you angry at the merman’s body?” It was as if the man was a roundworm in Bai Lixin’s stomach, easily guessing what he was thinking.

“It’s a gift from the gods to the merfolk.” Without waiting for Bai Lixin’s answer, the man spoke up. The warmth of his breath swirled into Bai Lixin’s ear along with the current and tickled his ears.

“It is the nature of the race to reproduce, to keep the genes alive, and to keep the race alive. But creatures like merfolk are only healthy when the babies are conceived at their most joyous time.”

With these words, Dijia once again burrowed back onto Bai Lixin’s back.

A dark shadow reached out from Bai Lixin’s back and held the purple pearl up to him, “Look, your pearl has changed color again. But it’s not enough; it’s not ripe yet.”


He wasn’t an apple.

Dijia had just shrunk back when a mermen’s sound wave came from the distance.

Bai Lixin recognised the sound wave as a call to him.

The sound wave hadn’t even ended when two figures appeared from not far away. Bai Lixin took a closer look, it was Green hair and the fat merman.

The two mermen, whose nerves had been tense, were visibly relieved to see Bai Lixin.

Fat merman, “Where did you go just now? I searched for you for a long time and also shouted at you with sound waves, but you didn’t even respond.”

Sound waves?

He didn’t hear them.

But he soon remembered that Dijia had covered his whole body with his domain at that time, his ears inclusive.

He couldn’t feel the scalding water because being in Dijia’s domain was equivalent to being in another dimension. So some perceptions of this dimension were isolated.

Bai Lixin, “I was just looking for the angelfish and didn’t hear it, sorry.”

He didn’t want to tell them about Dijia, so he used the “angel fish” as an excuse.

The fat merman, “Stop looking for the angelfish. I just came to tell you that we have caught another one.”

Bai Lixin was a little surprised, “So fast? That’s impressive.”

“Not so fast,” the fat merman scratched his head in embarrassment, “not so slow either. We were about to catch the angel fish when we found a motionless electric eel monster in the grass. It had been bitten through the abdomen, and we didn’t know what had done it. We even looked around vigilantly but found no danger.”

“The electric eel monster had just died, and the hunter seemed to have killed it with a single blow, drilling right through its abdomen and pulling out the electric eel monster’s insides. Fortunately, the electric eel’s tendons were unharmed, so we quickly pulled them out. The mission was successfully completed, so we should head back.”

Bai Lixin, “What did that wound look like?”

Fat Merman, “The cut was neat, like something round had gone through in one fell swoop. It was crushed straight through in a very well-defined semicircle in its stomach.”

Green Hair looked around warily, “Hey, can we chat here? This is the South Sea area! Why can’t we talk when we get back?!”

The fat mermaid agreed, “Okay, okay, let’s go.”

The three soon joined up with the large group ahead of them. The electric eel’s tendons were long, and they added up to more than a hundred meters. Three mermen carried the nets and wounded man on the way back, two mermen each carried the fish tendons, and four people were left dragging the electric eel monster they had hunted.

They didn’t dare take the other one with them, not because they didn’t know what was left behind, but because they didn’t know what had left it behind. It would be courting death if the monster failed to find its food and caught up with them.

Although they had to store food, they were not going to pick up everything.

Bai Lixin carried a fish tendon. The white tendon was rolled into a coil, which was then slung over Bai Lixin’s shoulder.

The fat merman pulled at the electric eel’s whiskers and swam hard. Fortunately, they were in the water and the buoyancy of the water enabled them to haul up the eel monster, which was a hundred times larger than their bodies.

But it took all the strength they could muster.

The fat merman’s face was red as he swept the corners of his eyes over Bai Lixin, feeling that something was missing from him.

He thought for a long time before he shouted under his breath, “Little one, where’s the sharkskin ball you’ve been holding?”

Bai Lixin: “……”

What goddamn shark skin ball! That was 40,000 points!

Bai Lixin, “Played with it and threw it away.”

The fat merman laughed, “You’re a kid after all. When we get back to the lair, Brother will make you a new one that is bigger and rounder, okay?”

His tone of voice had completely changed to that of coaxing a child.

Bai Lixin smiled, “Fine, then I’ll make you a bunch of crossbows that are faster, more accurate, and more powerful than the ones you’re holding, how about that?”

The charred merman suddenly came to life when he heard them talk about crossbows, “Speaking of this crossbow, it’s simply divine!”

“I would have lost my life if it wasn’t for this crossbow.” He stretched out his burned hand and patted his chest, “We were catching that electric eel when it suddenly charged and came at me. I panicked and somehow managed to shoot it in the eye.”

“It flinched straight away and the body swung around and brushed past me, otherwise I would have had more than just this minor injury.”

“The crossbow is only for self-defense in times of danger, and as good as it is, it is only a secondary weapon. It is you who can really make it work.”

Bai Lixin did not want to take credit. He taught them about crossbows only to thank them for helping him and allow them to defend themselves, not to make these merfolk be grateful to him.

“The fact that it protected you means you’re using it well.”

The scorched merman chuckled and said no more.

The journey back was also uneventful. They encountered several deep-sea monsters, and they used the body of the electric eel monster as a cover. Like this, they left the South Sea area without any danger and returned to the Middle Sea area through the East Sea area.

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