After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 43.2 - Punk Paradise

Chapter 43.2 - Punk Paradise

He shook the small blue plastic cup he was holding at the two of them, “But be careful when you play. Don’t let other players swindle you of your point coins. Although the game states that you can’t attack or rob players, it doesn’t say you can’t cheat. You won’t be able to spot it and the points will be pitted away by others.”

Bai Lixin didn’t specify the reason for his visit. It wasn’t that he was on guard against Song Lei, it was just that there were many people here, and once he revealed his purpose, it was likely that he would become a weight for others to backstab: “Song Lei, thank you for telling us so much.”

Song Lei laughed, “It’s not like that. If it wasn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to come here.”

A shout came from afar, and Song Lei tiptoed to wave at the voice, “Well, I won’t hold you guys up any longer. I’m going to see if there are any props I can pick up or something, so you guys have fun.”

Song Lei obviously came with someone else, and after chatting with Bai Lixin and Xia Chi for a while, he ran back.

In the restless game hall, Xia Chi whispered to Bai Lixin, “Brother, are you…”

He didn’t finish the words, and Xia Chi’s eyes glanced towards the corridor.

Bai Lixin gently nodded, “Let’s go exchange for some coins first.”

He now had more than 60,000 points. 50 points was 1 coin. Bai Lixin directly exchanged 20,000 points.

Bai Lixin divided the 400 point coins equally and gave one box to Xia Chi, “You take this. Play outside for a while, I’ll go in and take a look.”

Xia Chi was a little worried, “Brother, why don’t I go in with you?”

Bai Lixin pondered for two seconds, “Fine, let’s go.”

Xia Chi consciously took the box from Bai Lixin’s hand and carried them both in his arms, following him through the long corridor to the end.

At the end was an antique door, and when they pushed it open and walked in, it was a whole new world.

The door closed automatically as soon as the two entered, shutting out the noises as well.

There were many entertainment items here as well, only compared to the closed games outside, most of the ones here were open-air games.

Rings, shooting, fishing for goldfish, bumper cars, etc.

The atmosphere here was also very different from outside.

The people outside had serious expressions on their faces, but only because they were taking the games more seriously. But inside this gate, the players’ expressions were as if they were at war.

The two walked in silence, their eyes secretly observing the situation around them.

The outermost was a ring game, and when they saw what the ring was, Bai Lixin and Xia Chi looked at each other, both seeing surprise in the other’s eyes.

It wasn’t simply a ring, but cards were suspended above the ground, each with a different text written on it.

[Performance Points +5000]

[Exchange points +4000]

[Complete a clearance Task]

[Immediate props]


The cards were not just hovering on the ground; they were jumping around as if they had a life of their own.

A man in a black tuxedo stood in the corner of the circle, wearing a fox mask on his face.

He was motionless, and there were some circular hoops resting beside him.

This was clearly a game NPC.

There was a player in the middle of the ring, and he was staring intently at one of the cards, his body nudging against the sides. A thin layer of sweat had covered his forehead, and his hands were trembling with tension as he held a hoop.

His hand shook as he threw it. The cards above the ground immediately sprang to life and suddenly ran away.

As expected, nothing was caught, and the hoop spun several times on the ground before it lay flat.

The NPC spoke coldly, “Game over. The player is welcome to visit again.”

After sending the disoriented player away, the fox mask aimed at the two large boxes of point coins Xia Chi was holding, “Player, would you like to play?”

Xia Chi looked hesitantly at Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin, “How do you charge?”

Fox Mask aimed at Bai Lixin, “10 coins for 1 hoop.”

Bai Lixin looked at the prop item [Complete a clearance task], “Give me 2.”

The fox mask, “Minimum is 10.”

Bai Lixin smiled and spoke somewhat helplessly, “Then let’s have 10.”

100 coins were taken away, and Bai Lixin gained 10 hoops.

Xia Chi was simply in pain on seeing that the coins in one of the boxes had been reduced by half.

He felt like a rich and powerful person when he was holding 400 coins, but the coins hadn’t even warmed up, and a quarter of them had already flown away.

The things that’d make Xia Chi horrified were yet to come.

Bai Lixin got the hoops and shoved half of them into Xia Chi’s hand.

Xia Chi’s hand that was holding the hoops trembled slightly: “……”

He finally understood why that player was shaking just now.

10 coins were 500 points. You could survive 10 days in the game lobby!

He couldn’t help trembling.

Bai Lixin patted Xia Chi’s shoulder and pointed at the prop, “See that [Complete a clearance task]? Get that.”

Xia Chi, “Brother, I don’t dare.”

Bai Lixin, “It’s okay, just do it.”

Fox mask spoke coldly, “The player has a good eye. This prop is the treasure of my game. It can help the player easily complete the tasks that they can’t complete. Are you impressed? It’s quite simple, try it.”

Xia Chi took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes at the cards.

Bai Lixin stood aside, his eyes like a torch and his attention fully focused on the cards.

Bai Lixin, “Throw.”

With Bai Lixin’s words, the hoop in Xia Chi’s hand came out of his hand.

The moment the hoop flew out, all the cards on the ground instantly bounced up.

The prop card easily escaped Xia Chi’s attack circle, but before it could hit the ground, it was suddenly knocked over by another card, falling lightly to the ground and landing steadily into the hoop.

Bai Lixin slowly withdrew his eyes and looked at Fox mask, “It was indeed quite easy. Can you set this card once more?”

Although the cards could fly, he saw from the player’s previous trial that the card could only make a single bounce and could not change its trajectory once it was in the air.

As long as it bounced up, it became a target for others.

Fox mask was no longer calm, “[Complete a clearance task] prop is limited to one per day.”

Bai Lixin spoke regretfully, “Oh, so that’s how it is.”

Fox mask: “……”

Yes, that’s it. Get the prop card and get out of here quickly. Don’t come back if possible.

Bai Lixin, “I’ll come back tomorrow then.”

Fox mask almost stumbled.

Xia Chi, “Brother, we still have nine more tries to go.”

Bai Lixin, “Do you want to play?”

Xia Chi hurriedly waved his hand, “No, no, no, I don’t want to play.”

Bai Lixin, “Then give me three and you can have another throw.”

Xia Chi gave Bai Lixin two hoops and remained with seven in his hand.

On Bai Lixin’s command, Xia Chi made another throw, but this time, he threw without any pressure.

As the cards flew up, the seven hoops fell like a goddess scattering of flowers.

It looked haphazard, but each one hit the cards just right.

By the time the cards had all landed, the seven hoops had snared nine cards.

Two of the hoops trapped two cards.

Fox mask: “……”

Shit, I’m numb.

This business can’t be done.

Xia Chi: “……”


People are here for a life and death challenge. You’re here to hoard the fucking goods, right?

Worthy of my brother!

Stupid little fox. You refused to charge just two hoops when we told you to. You deserve it.

He watched Fox mask reluctantly hand over the cards to Bai Lixin, and Xia Chi suddenly spoke up maliciously, “How about another ten hoops?”

The voice under the fox mask came through gritted teeth, “The maximum number of hoops per player is ten.”

Xia Chi, “Why didn’t you say that just before?”

Fox mask, “I just added it.”

Xia Chi, “Heh, can’t afford to play.”

Fox mask: “……”

This was the most stifled he’d ever been since he became an NPC.

Bai Lixin looked at the cards he had gotten. Four of them were for adding performance points and three were for adding exchange points. If you add them up, you can get 10,000 points for performance and 15,000 exchange points.

The remaining 3 were all prop cards.

One was for making monsters stand still for 30 seconds, one was for completing a clearance task, and the other was a recovery card, which could restore an injured body to its best condition in a copy.

All three of these were single-use prop cards that disappeared after one use.

Putting the cards away for the time being, the two continued on their way.

Not long after they walked, they heard a quarrel coming from ahead.

Xia Chi, “Brother, the person arguing seems to be Song Lei, why does the other person’s voice sound a bit familiar too?”

Bai Lixin had already walked over in the direction of the quarrel.

Not only did it sound familiar, the other person had also entered a copy with them. It was the same Wen Ziqing who had previously sold his good man persona.

The sound of the quarrel came from a place full of people, and just as the two walked up, they heard Wen Ziqing say, “You should admit defeat, hurry up and hand in your prop card.”

Song Lei, “You guys cheated! This game doesn’t count!”

Xia Chi and Bai Lixin looked at each other, and with quicker steps, they arrived inside the crowd.

It was a long table, and a red-faced Song Lei was sitting on one side of the table, while his little friend was standing next to him.

On the other side of the table sat a man whom Bai Lixin had never seen before.

The man had a Western face, with very deep, handsome features and long, straight blond hair that fell to his waist.

He was about twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, his face expressionless as he casually played with a card in one hand, his emerald green pupils coldly watching Song Lei.

The man didn’t say anything, and Wen Ziqing, who was standing beside him, spoke once again, “You can’t take it out, can you?”

Song Lei was a little embarrassed and he pulled out a prop from the prop bar and threw it onto the table, “Count me unlucky!”

Xia Chi had already walked over, “What’s going on?”

Both waves had been looking intently at each other, and hadn’t paid attention to the two people who had quietly appeared.

Now that Xia Chi’s voice could be heard, it not only brought back Song Lei’s thoughts, but it also drew the attention of those on the other side.

The blond man who had been playing poker with his fingers looked over, and the moment he saw Bai Lixin, a hint of amazement flashed across his eyes.

His expression didn’t change much, but the spin of the card in his hand sped up a few points.

Song Lei’s companion was also a survivor from the Blood Clan copy, and the moment he saw Bai Lixin, he seemed to see a savior and immediately rushed to Bai Lixin for help.

“The opposite side is cheating!”

Wen Ziqing, “Bullshit, you’re wronging people because you can’t beat them? Which one of your eyes saw us cheat?”

He finished speaking and looked at Bai Lixin. His warm features were twisted and distorted a little out of cynicism.

Bai Lixin looked at the blond man’s hands. The diagonal line of the joker card was between the man’s middle finger and thumb, his index finger casually flicking the card, and the joker card turned naturally.

The man’s hands were nimble.

Bai Lixin looked at the blond man, “You’re a magician?”

Surprise flashed in the emerald green eyes, but it lasted only a second and soon disappeared, to be replaced by interest.

His eyes scrutinized Bai Lixin, his gaze as if he was weighing up Bai Lixin’s value.

Wen Ziqing bent down to the blond man’s ear and secretly said something.

The originally languid eyes slowly became sharper and finally took on a strong, aggressive look.

“You are Bai Lixin?”

The blond man spoke slowly, spitting out words in standard Chinese.

Bai Lixin, “I seem to be quite famous?”

Blond man, “Our leader is interested in you, would you be interested in playing with me? If you win, I’ll return all props to that loser across the table. But if you lose, you have to join our guild unconditionally. How about that?”

Bai Lixin looked at Wen Ziqing and then at the blond man, “Uh, what guild are you from?”

Wen Ziqing’s already ugly face got even uglier, “Bai Lixin, stop pretending!”

“Sand Sea Guild!”

It finally dawned on Bai Lixin, “So you two are in the same guild.”

Wen Ziqing looked back and forth between Bai Lixin and Xia Chi before suddenly realizing something, “Wait, how did you get to the 50th floor game hall?! Didn’t you only reach the tenth floor after your last copy? Did someone invite you up?”

A scrutinizing gaze fell on Song Lei, “It was you?”

Song Lei had just realised this too.

Right, no wonder he felt something wasn’t right when he saw Bai Lixin and Xia Chi just now.

But Xia Chi said that he was accompanying Bai Lixin. Could it be that Bai Lixin had climbed to the 50th floor?!

He knew that Bai Lixin had just left the Blood Clan copy and immediately entered a new one, but he couldn’t find his livestream no matter how long he scrolled through.

Bai Lixin, “I’m currently on the 72nd floor.”

Song Lei, “Damn, haven’t you only passed 3 copies in total? The 72nd floor?! You can fly without a rocket. How on earth did you do that?”

Loud gasps rang out in the air.

Wen Ziqing’s eyes widened, “You’re on the 72nd floor? How is that possible?!”

This time, not only Wen Ziqing’s face changed, but also the blond man beside him. The blond man’s expression gradually calmed down, the contempt under his eyes disappeared, and his sitting posture also straightened up considerably.

Bai Lixin shrugged, “All things are possible. I can accept your invitation to play, but don’t you think the stakes are not equal on both sides?”

Blond man, “How so?”

Bai Lixin: “I lose and join the club. I’m putting my personal rights out, but if you lose, you’ll only return the prop cards. Human rights reign supreme, how can these few prop cards match my worth? Who are you looking down on?”

Wen Ziqing’s brows furrowed, “Don’t be righteous here, if it’s out of choice, it’s a duel in accordance with the rules.”

Bai Lixin laughed, “But I don’t volunteer. I don’t really want to participate in this match.”

He turned his head to look at Song Lei, “What prop card did you lose?”

Song Lei, “A [Pass a clearance task] prop card, I spent a lot of effort to get it.”

This prop card again? It is appearing so much. Is it giving the escape game some kind of sponsorship? What’s with this constant brushing up of presence?

Xia Chi said urgently, “Nine out of ten bets are fraudulent, since you knew it was so hard to get, why did you still put it up?”

Song Lei pointed to his companion, “I didn’t want to either. I was fishing for him and didn’t think I’d get myself hooked too. I’ve always played poker well, but I never thought I’d run into a ……”

He paused and suddenly shouted, “You’re right! He must be a magician, otherwise how could his hands be so fast, so fast that I didn’t even notice the card change!”

The blond man sneered.

Whispers were already emanating from around the room.

“It’s that prop card. Although it’s only a B-level item, you can directly clear a copy even if it’s S-level. This card is very easy to use.”

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to get it, but I haven’t been able to get it. It’s too difficult.

Xia Chi was a little panicked: “…”

To tell you the truth, my brother has one, and he plans to stock up more tomorrow.

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