After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 47.3 - Red Apple House

Chapter 47.3 - Red Apple House

Xia Chi shuddered again and looked at Bai Lixin with resignation: “Brother, I was wrong. What should I do, it’s all my fault, is there no hope for Brother Zhou Guang?”

The walls around the room were pure white, and the overhead lighting was somewhat dim, adding to the eeriness of the room.

The bedrooms were all en-suite, so you they didn’t need to go out to use the toilet or wash up.

Bai Lixin: “Let’s find a way out of this copy and take one step at a time. Zhou Guang is not necessarily still alive. I just wanted to go in and have a look, do you should not be so burdened. It’s not the time to think about that.”

Even though Bai Lixin said so, Xia Chi still couldn’t let go of that stone.

Brother had a hard time getting the prop card, and if I hadn’t misremembered the name, we would be in Zhou Guang’s copy right now.

“And you can’t be the only one to blame for this, I am to blame too.” Bai Lixin spoke, ” If I waited until Liang Xi came out so he could confirm, this situation wouldn’t have occurred.”

“I had the prop card, and the decision on which copy to go to was also mine. Now that it’s happened, let’s face it and take this as a lesson so that we don’t do it again next time. We’ll find a way to get another prop card after leaving here, but it’s useless to think about it for now. You need to stay alive, I’m waiting for you to help me draw another prop card.”

“Brother is so good,” Xia Chi rubbed his nose, “I will get out alive and draw another [designate a copy] prop card to atone for my sins.”

Bai Lixin: “It’s getting dark, quickly wash up, and then go to sleep.”

Xia Chi: “Okay!”

Ten minutes later, Bai Lixin and Xia Chi entered the covers.

They didn’t dare to change into pajamas or anything. The two of them slept in their clothes, and Xia Chi couldn’t sleep.

Although he had participated in several copies, the ghosts and monsters in each copy were all physical.

But the deep rooted fear of such psychic kind of ghosts came from the oriental thrillers he had watched since he was a child.

The more scared he was, the more he wanted to sleep, but the more energetic he became.

He lay honestly in bed, but his thoughts began to drift, and various characters he had seen crowded in uncontrollably.

Senior Sister in Red, Sadako, Mr. Zombie ……

Fuck, I can’t sleep any more.

His heart beat like a drum.

Bai Lixin looked at Xia Chi who was on the verge of crying: “Xia Chi, why don’t you take the medicine?”

Xia Chi’s face was pale and he was shivering: “What if there are problems with the medicine?”

Bai Lixin: “There shouldn’t, NPCs won’t screw you over with such details.”

Xia Chi: “Okay, then I’ll take it.”

Xia Chi picked up the pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

After taking it, he looked at the pill on Bai Lixin’s table, “Brother, how come it isn’t working. Otherwise, can you give me your pills for……”

Before he could finish his words, Xia Chi’s eyes rolled over and he fell asleep.

Bai Lixin: “……”

This pill is so effective that it can apply for some kind of contribution award in Blue Star, right?

Darkness soon enveloped the land.

Bai Lixin pulled the covers up to his shoulders and slowly closed his eyes.

He did not sleep, but stretched his ears to listen to the movements outside.

There seemed to be the sound of dragging and scraping in the corridor, and rhythmic “bang bang bang” sounds.

Beyond that, the only sound Bai Lixin could hear was breathing.

The rhythmic sound of breathing came from behind him and to be precise, it was the sound of Xia Chi sleeping.

The silence of the darkness seemed like anything could easily invade.

Suddenly, Xia Chi shouted, “Tan Yue, I’ve finally found you!”

The voice was broken and muffled, so he must be dream talking.

In his ears, the sound of the scraping outside the corridor grew louder and louder, and so did the banging.

The sound was hollow, much like the thumping of a ball on the ground.

Suddenly, the scraping stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a “creak” sounded in the corridor and something pushed the door of a room open.

Bai Lixin was laying on his side, his body motionless. He now didn’t know what was happening outside.

A few minutes later, the “creak” sounded again, followed by the sound of a door closing.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Was that a polite ghost? It knew to close the door afterwards?

For the next hour, there was a steady stream of doors opening and closing.

There was no movement in all the rooms, and he didn’t hear the death alert from the system.

As expected of the players above the 200th floor, having fumbled around for so long, they were able to cope well with this situation even if they couldn’t figure it out. They had much more determination than the lower level players.

The sound of pushing on the door was getting closer and closer, and soon it came to his room.

The door to the room was gently pushed open, followed by the sound of rustling approaching.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lixin felt a fiery gaze on him.

A cold breath came at the back of his neck, and the next second an icy, sharp touch landed on the back of his neck.

Bai Lixin didn’t move, and he felt his bed sink.

He then felt a cold chill on his face, but Bai Lixin remained impassive.

The thing circled Bai Lixin for a few more minutes and finally gave up when it saw that Bai Lixin wasn’t moving.

In the darkness, the scraping sound and the bouncing of the ball rang out again.

Then came the click of the room door.

The room was quiet once again.

In the claustrophobic silence, Xia Chi suddenly let out a low gasp, “Brother, I was scared to death just now, what kind of monster was that?”

Xia Chi’s voice was tinged with a trill, like he was about to cry out in the next moment.

But Bai Lixin paid no attention to him.

Xia Chi called out again, “Brother, are you asleep? Brother.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

A few minutes later, an eerie braying laugh sound rang out.

The sound was like plastic foam wrap, making it very unpleasant to listen to.

“I know you’re not sleeping, your breathing is warm.” The thing actually spoke human words. Its dry, hoarse voice was laced with laughter, “I’m Mother, Mother will take you out to play, okay? Mother also made you a lot of delicious food right here. Come over and eat.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

What a joke, how could he say “okay” at a time like this?

Seeing that Bai Lixin didn’t reply, the thing came to Xia Chi’s side and repeated the same trick.

But Xia Chi was deep asleep and he didn’t even know that there was something trying to bother him.

After a few minutes, the thing finally gave up and opened the door, bouncing its ball and leaving.

But Bai Lixin didn’t relax.

In the darkness, his keen senses made him aware of what seemed to be another line of sight around.

In his ears was the sound of scraping and the bouncing ball faded away in the corridor.

Were there two ghosts?

Well, the system didn’t say there was only one either. The full name of this copy was [The Third Symphony of the Undead -Night Walk of A Hundred Ghosts].

Behind him were Xia Chi’s unrestrained snores.

Bai Lixin rolled over to his other side and that gaze moved with him.

It was extremely quiet all around, and Bai Lixin could even hear the sound of his own heart beating, so quiet that he could have heard a pin drop on the ground.

Suddenly, he felt a force lift his covers, followed by a cold object burrowing in.

A flicker of surprise passed through Bai Lixin’s heart.

A ghost in bed?

A pair of cold hands without any warmth encircled Bai Lixin’s waist from behind.

Bai Lixin’s body stiffened and his shoulders tensed up.

Scaring people is scary, but taking advantage of them is too much!

Not even if it was a ghost!

The ghost seemed to have sensed Bai Lixin’s thoughts, and just when is fist clenched, a large, cold hand directly wrapped around it.

A coldness as if he fell into an ice cellar instantly flowed from the fist down the veins and through the limbs.

A hoarse voice wrapped in frost came close to his ear, “I also know that you are awake.”

At the sound of the voice, Bai Lixin’s already clenched fist relaxed for a moment.

“Is it that you couldn’t sleep? Or are you frightened by the ghost mother?”

“Don’t be afraid, Brother Jia will protect you. Since you don’t want to open your eyes, then don’t open them.”

“Brother Jia loves you the most, you are so warm, let me hug you.”

The cold fingers landed on Bai Lixin’s eyelids for a few seconds before they were taken away.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Brother Jia? Ghost mother?

Good lord, a ghost family?

What kind of ghost was Brother Jia and why did the name feel so subtle?

The waist was circled and something cold and hard pressed against his shoulders.

Bai Lixin tried to open his eyes, but he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t open them.

He opened his mouth to speak, but when the words reached his throat, they wouldn’t come out.

This “Brother Jia” said that “if you don’t want to open your eyes, then don’t open them”, so it was “Brother Jia” who did it?

The man pulled him back into the cold embrace. His body felt like it was under an immobilization spell, and he was unable to move.

“Go to sleep, I’ll stay with you.”

The man’s voice wrapped in frost came again. It was like it carried some kind of compelling command skill, as Bai Lixin suddenly felt his consciousness start to lapse and his mind became muddled.

The next second, he just lost consciousness.


When Bai Lixin woke up again, it was under the blinding sunlight.

The sunlight came through the window and slanted in, landing right on Bai Lixin’s face.

On the other bed, Xia Chi was still asleep. He had kicked the covers away from him, and there was a suspicious wet patch on the pillow.

The curtains were drawn, but Xia Chi had closed them before going to bed last night.

There was no one else in the room but him and Xia Chi.

That Dijia, who had called himself “Brother Jia”, had just left?

Daytime was a paradise for the living.

Darkness was a paradise for the dead.

Bai Lixin stood up and went into the washroom.

He turned on the tap and looked up at the mirror.

His pupils suddenly contracted, and Bai Lixin looked at himself in the mirror in surprise.

A dark mark could be faintly seen beneath the white sweater.

He pulled at the wide neckline of the sweater, revealing his collarbone and the full face of the dark mark.

It was a handprint.

It was pitch black and had landed on his collarbone.

It rested just above his chest, as if an invisible hand had once clung up here.

Bai Lixin froze for a couple of seconds as he thought of something and lifted it from the hem of his sweater, revealing his waistline.

Sure enough, there was also a handprint on his stomach.

Bai Lixin clasped his own hand over that one, and his was more than one size too small.

That damn ghost, what kind of mark had it left on him?

This ghost couldn’t be another form of Dijia that acts like the one in the mermaid copy, could it?

A blush flashed across Bai Lixin’s face as he tentatively whispered in the washroom, “Dijia?”

Bai Lixin’s voice was amplified to an extraordinarily loud level in the empty washroom.

The word “Dijia” rang out and disappeared in the room as if they had never appeared.

Bai Lixin put down his sweater and carefully tugged at the collar to make sure the handprint would not show

He had just finished washing up when Xia Chi woke up, “Good morning, brother, did you sleep well last night? I haven’t slept this well in a long time.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Should I tell him that an unknown ghost came to his bed last night and watched him for a long time?

Xia Chi jumped up from the bed, “I’ll go wash up first!”

Bai Lixin opened the task bar.

One night had passed, and the time displayed in the top right corner of the task bar said it was eight in the morning.

There was movement in the corridor outside, and Bai Lixin heard someone shout, “Lin Jue, you’re finally back, are you okay?”

It seemed that Lie Jun had been in confinement all night last night.

Bai Lixin walked out of his room and saw the tall young man standing in front of the door of the room opposite his, his arms were lazily crossed over his chest, and his face still had that impatient look.

Lin Jue: “I’m fine, I’m just a bit annoyed.”

The one speaking to him was Emil, the fraudulent magician, “What’s the matter, did you deliberately provoke anger to be punished? What’s in the solitary confinement? There were ghosts here last night, how was your side?”

Lin Jue: “There were quite a few. Its like they were practically dancing on my head.”

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