After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 51.2 - Red Apple House

Chapter 51.2 - Red Apple House

Bai Lixin opened his mouth slightly and was just about to speak when the black shadow pressed his mouth shut.

“Don’t speak, your living qi will be leaked. Lin Jue almost leaked his qi in the confinement cell yesterday, and it was me who saved him.”

The black shadow slowly began to coalesce and appear solid.

Sword-like eyebrows, dark eyes, handsome features, and a broad body.

Bai Lixin suddenly felt the bed was a little small.

Dijia was still surrounded by a dark death qi. He leaned down to gaze at the young man beneath him, his brow slightly furrowed.

The young man’s bright eyes were clear of any fear and held a determination that amazed him.

“Must you go?”

Bai Lixin nodded.

“Is it worth it? It has nothing to do with you.”

Bai Lixin nodded again.

This time, the silence inside the quilt lasted a long time.

Dijia did not understand.

The young man before him looked so so fragile, like a daffodil in a river that could break at the touch.

Yet unusually stubborn.

“Only by becoming a ghost can you blend in with the ghosts.” A moment later, Dijia spoke compromisingly.

Seeing the young man’s puzzled expression, Dijia explained, “It’s not for you to really become a ghost, just act like one.”

As he said that, he suddenly smiled, “I can help you turn into a ghost.”

This smile made the dark aura around Dijia fade away.

Bai Lixin could not speak, and he could only use his eyes frantically: Help me, good brother.

Dijia was stunned. “Do you want me to help you?”

Bai Lixin nodded.

Dijia let a soft laugh escape from his lips and then whispered, “Open your mouth.”

Bai Lixin?

Dijia coughed softly, “I’ll give you some ghost qi to breathe in.”

Bai Lixin?

Brother, I think you’re faking it.

Seeing that Bai Lixin didn’t move, Dijia urged more urgently, “Hurry up and do as you’re told, good sister.”

Bai Lixin, “……”

What a mess.

S419M couldn’t stand it anymore: [Lord Host, you should just obey him, he finally found a reason to be close to you, you can’t keep him widowed.]

Escape system: [Theoretically speaking, player Bai Lixin is already a widower.]

Bai Lixin????

Who the hell is a widower? This escape system should get penalized.

S419M called out: [Are you cursing Lord Host’s husband to die?]

The escape system argued: [Of course not, I have a theoretical basis for this.]

A report appeared out of thin air in Bai Lixin’s mind.

Bai Lixin sank his consciousness into it and found that it was the personal data form he had filled out at the beginning.

On the profile form, one line was bolded and marked in red.

Escape system: [This is the information form that the player, Bai Lixin, filled out at the beginning, and in the [marital status] column, the information filled in was “widowed”. Player Bai Lixin is a standard widower.]

S419M’s voice trembled slightly: [Lord host, you, you…]

Bai Lixin was shocked: [I’m not, I didn’t, I filled in “married” at the time.]

Once again, the escape system stood on the side of the truth. [That is true, I remember that the player Bai Lixin also filled in “married”. According to the information I share with the master brain, your information was uploaded to the master brain, and was then streamed to level 999.]

Bai Lixin, “ ……”

S419M’s voice trembled even more: [Uh, so Lord God…changed it himself?]

Was this a case of “I eat my vinegar, so I kill myself?”

Ah, the Lord God with amnesia is really brave. I would like to call him a brave man!

You are really not afraid of Lord Host after losing your memory!

Bai Lixin suddenly laughed.

Dijia, who was wrapped up in the quilt with Bai Lixin, did not know what was happening.

But he clearly felt the sudden burst of anger from Bai Lixin’s body.

The next second, the young man beneath him glared at him with a pair of fierce eyes.

Dijia: “……”

Why are you looking at me with that look? I’m supposed to be the scary ghost, okay?

Dijia opened his mouth and was about to say something when he saw Bai Lixin break free from his restraint with a nimble twist of his wrist.

Then, Dijia felt a force holding his wrists and waist in place before his vision turned a hundred and eighty degrees.

Bai Lixin wrapped around Dijia’s waist and, with one force, one person and one ghost switched positions.

The quilt slipped off Bai Lixin’s body because of this force and fell to the floor.

Under the bed, a skeletal hand reached out tentatively, grabbed a corner of the quilt and quickly yanked it in.

The quilt was wrapped around the three skeleton ghosts, and the three skeletons shivered inside.

Why is the atmosphere so cold? They wrapped the quilt over themselves tightly.

The quilt disappeared abruptly, completely exposing the person and ghost that were hidden inside from the hundreds of ghosts.

Under Dijia’s astonished gaze, Bai Lixin leaned down and directly slammed his lips onto Dijia’s.

A hundred ghosts gasped in unison.

Careful murmurs rustled.

“I told you that the two of them were hiding under the covers and doing unseemly deeds!”

“Are they hooking up? Is this a man-ghost relationship?”

“Oh my God, are you guys stupid? Look at their positions! The blind guy is on top! I can’t, I’m going blind.”

“Uh, that monster is a receiver? Is this true love?”

“Ah, why are you covering my eyes?”

“You’re a little bastard, it should be a restricted scene soon! How can you look? Close your eyes and plug your ears!”

“Hey, I told you to close your eyes. I didn’t tell you to peek through your fingers!”

Dijia, “……”

Who is the receiver?

What the hell will be a restricted scene?

Don’t talk nonsense, you ghosts that haven’t seen the world.

The blazing heat rushed into his mouth like lava sweeping the earth.

Dijia opened his eyes carefully, and before him was the young man’s face close at hand.

Dijia’s eyes greedily stared at the cheeks of the young man in front of him. The other party’s body was so warm that his cold one was warmed a few degrees because of the other’s embrace.

The normally cool and aloof face was now tinged with a suspicious blush.

The young man moved roughly, his eyes closed slightly, and his lashes, thicker than raven feathers, fluttered uncontrollably in the air.

Dijia didn’t know if it was from nervousness or from sudden anger.

As he looked at those fluttering eyelashes, Dijia felt his heart tremble along with them.

But he didn’t have a heart anymore!

The heat that shouldn’t exist invaded his body from the place they touched, and rushed towards the chest.

Warm currents flowed through his limbs, miraculously dispelling the icy cold that had been bothering him.

He could feel the rapid and powerful heartbeat of the young man through his clothes and even had an illusion that this heartbeat belonged to him.

If he still had a heartbeat, it would be faster than the young man’s.

Dijia couldn’t take it any longer. He turned them over and pressed Bai Lixin under him.

He used his legs to control the young man’s legs that were trying to move, and reluctantly left the corner of Bai Lixin’s warm, soft lips, his chest rising and falling violently.

It was so hot. How long had it been since he had felt this burning sensation?

Dijia gazed at Bai Lixin and pulled out a wild smile, “Heh, you can’t get ghost Qi like that, it’s better if I do it instead.”

The lips descended onto Bai Lixin’s.

The gasps of the ghosts rang out once again.

“Wow, so it’s a mutual attack.”

“An eye-opener!”

“Sister, what does mutual attack mean?”

“Cover your eyes, kids shouldn’t blindly ask questions!”

“I was 19 when I died, not a child.”

“You’re 19 and still don’t know this, you’re not good at physiology lessons, are you?”

Bai Lixin and Dijia: “……”

Dijia finally found a trace of sanity and passed some ghost Qi to Bai Lixin at the last moment.

Black mist that was visible to the naked eye slipped from Dijia’s mouth, and into Bai Lixin’s.

Bai Lixin did not feel anything special except a coolness sliding down his throat.

Dijia reluctantly let Bai Lixin go, and he shot the noisy group of ghosts a glare.

The group of ghosts shivered and hugged each other, but did not leave.

One male ghost, whose head was about to fall off his neck, spoke up in grievance, “We are not like you, we are not strong enough to leave here, what’s the use of glaring at us?”

Bai Lixin’s somewhat erratic consciousness had gradually returned to him, and when he heard the male ghost’s words, he looked at Dijia curiously.

Dijia, “You can speak now, but don’t say too much, you will lose your ghost qi quickly if you do.”

Bai Lixin rubbed his throat, “How long will this ghost qi last?”

Dijia, “Of course…”

‘It can last a few days.’

The voice suddenly came to a screeching halt, and the words were changed to, “once a day as a minimum, and twice a day if it is more stable.”

Bai Lixin stared at Dijia, “Really?”

Dijia coughed softly, “Of course it’s true, would I lie to you about such things?”

Yes, yes, you would.

Bai Lixin looked at Dijia with suspicion before finally withdrawing his gaze and settling on the ghosts in the corner of the ceiling above his head.

Bai Lixin pointed at the ghosts, “They’re trapped in the room and can’t get out?”

A hundred ghosts were shocked. “He can see, he can actually see!”

“Was he pretending to be blind? Humans are really cunning.”

“Come on, you talk as if you weren’t human before.”

“Wait, why does he have a ghostly aura on him? Did this monster turn him into a ghost?”

“Tsk tsk, humans and ghosts are different. It was probably a desire for exclusivity. If he can’t have you, he destroys you, beautiful.”

Bai Lixin rubbed his brow, his brain hurting a little, “How come they weren’t as noisy last night?”

Dijia raised an eyebrow, looking proud, “Wasn’t I there yesterday? I was always by your side to protect you.”

Bai Lixin, “……”

Was calling out “brother” in a tender voice protection?

Luckily, he was bold. A lesser man would have been scared out of his wits by that soul-stirring cry.

He swept his eyes across the room and landed on Lin Jue who was frozen next to him.

Lin Jue was now like a clay statue, sitting stiffly on the edge of the bed, his eyes open but without any brilliance in them.

“What about him?” Bai Lixin felt pity for Lin Jue, he just hoped that he wouldn’t have any psychological shadows after leaving this copy.

Dijia, “Don’t worry about him for now, I hypnotized him so he would sleep until morning.”

Bai Lixin opened the task bar and looked at the time in the top right corner.

It was only eight o’clock in the evening and the nightlife was just beginning.

He got up from bed and put on his shoes, “I’m going out for a walk.”

Dijia, “I’ll go with you.”

Bai Lixin, “Okay.”

The “widowing” matter was done by the Dijia on the 999th floor, not the Dijia in front of him and it would be wrong to get angry at him.

Bai Lixin put Lin Jue back into bed, and one person and one ghost slowly pushed the door of the room open.

Bai Lixin took a deep breath the moment he saw the scene outside the room door.

The corridor was full of ghosts wandering back and forth.

They were so dense that they were repeatedly provoking trypophobia.

These ghosts just wandered down the corridor aimlessly, and did not leave or enter the rooms.

They heard a movement and their originally aimless eyes looked at the man and ghost in unison.

Being gazed at by hundreds of gazes at the same time, Bai Lixin secretly gulped.

But these ghosts only glanced at them, and when they felt the ghostly qi on their bodies, they withdrew their gazes and aimlessly spun around in the same place.

Bai Lixin quietly observed these ghosts.

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