After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 52.2 - Red Apple House

Chapter 52.2 - Red Apple House

Bai Lixin subconsciously patted the peach-shaped hair on the small doll head.

The doll head yawned again and closed his eyes to sleep off.

The two walked out of the back kitchen and came to a corner of the stairway where no person or ghost was present.

In this secluded and dark place, Bai Lixin finally spoke, “Is this where the ghosts rest?”

Dijia, “More or less, this is the Eighteen Hell Hotel, a place where the ghosts rest and sleep on everyday.”

It’s a hotel?

“So these fruits are passes? Only the ghosts with fruit can enter this hotel to rest?”

Dijia, “You have a quick mind. You guessed right, the fruits are the accommodation fee.”

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, “So there are more ghosts in this building than I thought?”

Dijia, “Yes.”

Bai Lixin leaned against the wall, running his hand through the hair of the little head in his arms, “There are many undead in the Red Apple House, and there are many here. But in reality, this is where the undead really belong? Are the undead in the Red Apple House trapped inside? Shouldn’t this be their final home?”

He frowned as he spoke, quietly telling what clues he had gotten to Dijia, “That kitchen ghost said it would be easier in a few more days. Is he meaning the fourth day? Or the Night Walk of a Hundred Ghosts?”

He glanced at Dijia, and when he saw that Dijia was only looking at him and not speaking, he continued, “It seems that this question is beyond the scope of what you can answer.”

Dijia nodded this time.

He had gotten a little understanding of the world of the living, and the world of the undead had gradually begun to reveal its nature.

This was a hotel, and hotels were, as the name implied, places of rest.

Bai Lixin thought back to the ghosts walking through the gate, all of whom had weariness and fatigue written all over their bodies.

He glanced down at the little head in his arms that was sleeping soundly.

The only way to know the truth about this hotel was to explore it.

Bai Lixin stood up from the wall and said, “Let’s go.”

Dijia, “Where to?”

Bai Lixin had already returned the way he came and descended the stairs. Hearing Dijia’s question, he stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards him with a smile, “To get a room!”

Dijia, “……”


The two returned the way they had come. They made it to the ground floor just in time to bump into the last ghost entering the building.

Unlike the players who went in all directions, these ghosts had one destination. Bai Lixin consciously followed the last ghost, following the large group to the left and then right before crossing a long corridor and arriving in front of a long, four-sided dais.

It was a reception hall.

The ghosts went through the housing procedures in an orderly manner, carrying their heads with one hand and receiving their room cards with the other.

Bai Lixin observed from the back, the head in the ghost’s hand was only held out for the receptionist to see, and the receptionist would not take it away.

The receptionist was as efficient as a dog, and an hour later, it was Bai Lixin’s turn.

Bai Lixin followed suit and held the head towards the female ghost behind the reception desk.

The ghost had obviously loved beauty before her death. Her mouth was covered in bright lipstick, which made her already pale face even paler, and a red blush had been painted on her face.

The female ghost swept a glance at the head and handed Bai Lixin a room card, “Room 201 on the 18th floor.”

Bai Lixin held out an index finger and waved it between Dijia and himself. “There are two of us er…. ghosts, and I saw you give one ghost in front of me two room cards.”

The female ghost gave him a blank look and said, “I only recognize heads, not ghosts. If you have many heads, you get more rooms. Poor ghost, you have no head and still pretend to be a big spender?”

Bai Lixin, “……”

Droughts die from droughts, and floods die from floods.

*Metaphor that there are two extremes, and both are bad.

Bai Lixin struggled a bit, “So is this key for a double room or a standard room?”

The female ghost was already a little impatient, “I don’t know, go see for yourself. Hurry up, there are ghosts waiting at the back.”

Bai Lixin, “…We are the last wave of guests.”

The female ghost’s head suddenly stretched out from her body behind the front desk like a rubber band and poked out.

Two seconds later, the head retracted, “There’s really only you guys left.”

She tapped the front desk awkwardly, looked at Bai Lixin and then at Dijia behind him, then held out a dry palm to Bai Lixin.

The tips of the slender fingers were painted with red nail polish, “Give me the card, I understand.”

Bai Lixin smiled.

Although the quality of service was poor, it was fortunate that this ghost sister was smart. She knew what he meant as soon as he hinted at it.

The ghost replaced the card and handed it back to Bai Lixin, “Room 321 on the 18th floor. It is guaranteed to be to your satisfaction. Alright, go on up. There’s only one elevator left tonight. I’m getting off work.”

People work for 24 hours and you ghosts have to go off duty after working a few hours at night?

Dijia took the card from Bai Lixin’s hand and waved it at him, “Let’s go.”

He walked forward as he said that.

Bai Lixin also did not delay any longer and took two quick steps to catch up with Dijia.

Dijia had obviously been here before, and he quickly found the lift. He quickly pressed the button the moment before it closed.

The elevator, which was almost closed, slowly opened.

Inside stood more than a dozen ghosts.

There were those lying on top of the elevator, and those who were crushed into flattened flesh.

When they saw someone coming in, the ghosts consciously moved their positions to make a little space for them.

But it was just a little bit of space.

Dijia frowned and said, “Go in; this is the last elevator.”

Bai Lixin quickly stepped inside. “Okay.”

In the elevator, ghosts were next to ghosts.

Bai Lixin was squeezed to the edge, and behind him was Dijia.

Although it was crowded, he didn’t feel crowded as it was full of ghosts. It instead felt rather cold.

In order not to crush the little head in his arms, Bai Lixin could only put one hand against the wall to open a small space for the little head.

The little head in his arms was still sleeping soundly.

The elevator moved slowly. Bai Lixin looked at the numbers and found that the elevator was moving downwards.

–-1st floor, -2nd floor…

The numbers jumped, slowly but surely.

Underworld Hotel, 18th floor, could it be the 18th level of hell?

Just when Bai Lixin was pondering this, a pair of cold hands seemed to caress his waist.

The palms of those hands were so wide and hard, and Bai Lixin could feel the coldness through his sweater.

Bai Lixin looked back, and he saw Dijia looking forward very solemnly.

Dijia didn’t look at him, but his large body wrapped him in the corner of the elevator, isolating him from the ghosts.

Just when Bai Lixin was about to withdraw his gaze, his eyes crossed and locked with the three eyes suspended in mid-air.

The ghost only had the eye feature on its head. The huge ostrich-like eyes were embedded in its face, and a vertical eye on the forehead.

The eyes looked at him, and the otherwise black eye in the middle suddenly turned red for a moment.

A strange feeling flashed through Bai Lixin, and an instinctive alarm immediately rose in his heart.

He withdrew his gaze and dropped his head slightly, but the corner of his eye remained on the metallic interior of the lift, watching the movement of the ghosts behind him through the reflective interior walls.

He soon learned that his alarm was not without cause.

The three-eyed ghost raised its nose. It sniffed hard in the air and a sinister voice came out of its mouth, “Human, the elevator smells like a human.”

The elevator, which had been silent and peaceful, was suddenly agitated by the three-eyed ghost’s words.

“Humans? Why would humans be here?”

“Are they real humans and not those fruits that are substitute meals? Is it possible to eat fresh human flesh then?”

“Why don’t I smell it?”

“I think I heard a heartbeat.”

“Do you guys smell it or not? I don’t have a nose, don’t bully me.”

The ghosts’ movements and voices grew louder and louder in the cramped elevator.

Bai Lixin held his breath, his expression solemn.

If it were outside, he would have enough confidence to subdue these ghosts.

But this was an elevator, and it was easy to have a stampede and get trampled on. Who could guarantee that the elevator was absolutely safe in a world of ghosts?

The tail of Bai Lixin’s eyes swept to the number in the top right corner of the elevator, which was just about to land on the –-7th floor.

The ghosts were getting restless when those cold hands quietly lifted Bai Lixin’s loose sweater and reached inside.

Warm skin was suddenly covered with cold, and Bai Lixin shivered involuntarily.

The hands invaded easily and traced over what had to be a tight waist and stomach and landed on the chest. The wide palms opened wide and the cold touch covered the entire chest.

Bai Lixin held his breath as his body shivered more uncontrollably.

Bai Lixin lowered his head and bit his lip secretly. He pushed his palm against the elevator wall with all his might, and his fingers turned white due to the excessive force.

A cold body moved closer, enveloping Bai Lixin’s entire body in it.

Dijia’s low voice came into his ears, “Don’t worry, I’ll cover your heart. And don’t move. Your breath will be completely hidden when you’re in my arms.”

Dijia’s fingertips, whether intentionally or unintentionally, moved gently and traced the sensual honey color.

Bai Lixin frowned, and he bit his lip even harder.

The large, cold hand that held his waist and stomach slowly withdrew and traveled along the sweater to Bai Lixin’s mouth.

A bony index finger removed Bai Lixin’s teeth that were biting at his lip, and in their place, a wide palm covered his nose and mouth.

Although the nose was covered, Dijia left a gap for Bai Lixin to breathe normally.

He also thoughtfully brought his ring finger inwards so that Bai Lixin could bite on it to relieve the pressure.

The restless voices of the group of ghosts gradually quieted down.

“There’s no such thing as a heartbeat.”

“Huh, there doesn’t seem to be one. I heard it wrong earlier.”

“I don’t smell any living person either.”

“Neither did I. I must have been too greedy for meat and was hallucinating.”

“Will there be eyeballs in today’s food? Although they are not as good as a living person’s, the taste is almost the same. I like eating eyeballs the most, they are crunchy and crispy and each bite is so tasty.”

The conversation gradually shifted to other topics. Bai Lixin’s eyelashes fluttered, and Dijia remained in that position.

Bai Lixin looked up at the elevator’s display. It had reached the –-10th floor and there were 8 more to go. He just had to hold on a little longer.

Just as he was holding his breath, the lights overhead suddenly flickered a few times, and before the ghosts could react, the overhead lights suddenly went out.

But they were ghosts who had seen the world and weren’t afraid of the dark. They had no reaction and continued to discuss the evening’s main meal in the darkness.

“If you want to talk about crunchy, you have to mention Shengfu er. Each piece has little crunchy bones and no fatty meat. That’s really crunchy to eat.”

In the middle of the discussion, the light overhead flickered again, and the elevator slowly returned to brightness.

Bai Lixin was keeping his head down, and when the light came back on, he also regained his sight.

Three blood-red eyes suddenly appeared in his vision the moment he could see.

The ghost with only three eyes had taken advantage of the extinguished lights to sneak before his eyes.

Bai Lixin’s pupils shrank for a moment.

But it was only a shrinkage.

The three-eyed ghost stared at Bai Lixin for a few more seconds before tilting its head in confusion, its red eyes turning black.

The elevator slowly stopped.

Bai Lixin looked at the display on the elevator; it was –-14th floor.

Several ghosts swarmed up and left the elevator in unison.

The elevator closed again and the space had been loosened a lot.

Only them and the three-eyed ghost were left in the elevator.

Dijia did not have the slightest intention of letting Bai Lixin go. From where Bai Lixin couldn’t see, Dijia looked back at the three-eyed ghost coldly. The normal pupils of its eyes had turned pure black without the whites of its eyes, and the black aura on its body had begun to gather in a ferocious manner.

All the arrogance that the three-eyed ghost had for a moment suddenly disappeared. It shivered and cowered in the corner of the elevator, burying its head into the inside of the elevator and curling up into a ball as it trembled uncontrollably.


This is a demon.

This demon is too scary.

Dijia sneered silently and turned back, looking down at the slender young man in front of him.

Bai Lixin’s body was slightly arched up as he tried to protect the small head on his chest.

His head was lowered, and in the reflection of the metal walls, he could easily see the young man’s fluttering eyelashes and misty eyes. His ring finger was still in the young man’s mouth, and he could feel the soft lips.

Dijia’s eyes darkened, and there was no trace of white in them. He just gazed at the young man in silence, as if he was the world.

Seeing that the young man was about to raise his head, Dijia leaned down and pressed his lips against his earlobe, and whispered, “Hush, don’t move. The three-eyed ghost is still there. Its eyes can see through any disguise, and once you leave my protective circle, it will find you.”

Bai Lixin, “……”

After an unknown amount of time, the elevator stopped again.

But no one went out.

Dijia’s voice came to his ears again. “It’s only –16th floor, not our floor. I’ll let you go when we get there.”

The palm of his hand clutched Bai Lixin’s chest.

The violent sound of his heartbeat was like a heavy hammer, hitting and nailing into the depths of Dijia’s spirit quickly and accurately.

Dijia’s soul screamed out as he felt the warm and increasingly fast heartbeat of the young man.

The dark shadows reflected on the elevator danced wildly to the powerful heartbeat.

The elevator once again stopped and opened.

Dijia withdrew his hands reluctantly and pulled Bai Lixin, whose legs were shaking a little, out.

Bai Lixin intended to glance back into the elevator, but before he could, he was pulled by Dijia and they walked away.

The elevator doors slowly closed, and the trembling three-eyed ghost was at a loss.

The last elevator was a one-way trip!

It was supposed to go off on the 16th floor, but the elevator was now out of service and closed!

It’ll have to spend the night in the elevator!

Wuuu, help!

Bai Lixin and Dijia soon found the door number.

On the 18th floor was a very long corridor, and to the left and right of the corridor were densely packed rooms.

Room 321 was at the end of the corridor.

Bai Lixin casually opened the room and froze the moment he got a good look at the bedroom.

In the middle of the bedroom was a huge red love bed.

Rose petals were spread out on the big red bed, and at the head of the bed was a square box, and you could vaguely see the words, “For the lovers” written on it.

Bai Lixin,”……”

Get over here, you female ghost! You say you understood, but you understood shit!

I told you I wanted a standard room, not a wedding room!

Dijia stood next to Bai Lixin without a facial expression and commented. “Well, it’s not bad.”

Well done, little girl!

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