After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 54.1 - Red Apple House

I am so sorry for the missed update yesterday!!

Bai Lixin opened the door to the room and saw a ghost in a waiter’s uniform behind a food cart.

The ghost had two necks and two heads on top of the necks. One looked like a flattened insole, and the other looked like a balloon. The skin was stretched out, and the round, smooth skin glowed.

The body was like a trapezoid, and it was so heavy in tonnage that it couldn’t fit inside the clothes.

Seeing Bai Lixin open the door, the ghost bent down and pushed the food cart in, saying, “Guest, this is the Pearl Jade White Jade Soup. Eat while it’s hot.”

The fingers like dry withered twigs lifted the round lid and revealed the steaming “meal” inside.

The eight round eyeballs squatted on the plate, each black pupil directly aligned in Bai Lixin’s direction.

Around the pupils were cobweb-like blood filaments densely scattered all over.

Bai Lixin, “……”

Even though he knew that the eyeballs were not from real people, seeing such a realistic thing lying on a plate would not make him feel any better.

“No, thank you.” Bai Lixin immediately declined, “Leave them for the ghosts who need them.”

The waiter looked up just in time to see Dijia bend down to pick up the suit jacket that had fallen to the floor.

Dijia’s waist was drawn into a sensual curve the moment he bent down.

The waiter immediately lowered his eyes and cocked his head close to Bai Lixin, whispering in a lustful tone, “So the guest already has more tonic nourishment. How enviable for the ghost.”

As the ghost spoke, some drool fell, nearly falling on Bai Lixin’s sweater.

Looking at the sticky saliva close at hand, Bai Lixin’s scalp tingled a little. The ghost spoke again, “Guest, you must try the couple’s set; it’s specially prepared for guests like you. And there is a little surprise in it.”

The set.

What set?

Tell me clearly!

Is this hotel of yours a proper hotel or not?

I now have good reason to suspect that you are selling dog meat on a sheep’s head.

*a metaphor for doing bad things under the pretense of being good.

At Bai Lixin’s stunned expression, the particularly understanding waiter withdrew his head and bowed respectfully towards him, “Congratulations to the two of you then.”

The ghost had just taken a step out when he remembered something. He stepped back and lowered his voice to remind him, “By the way, be careful, guest. There is another guest below you, an evil spirit who has been here for a long time and is not to be messed with at all.”

“Wait a minute,” Bai Lixin called out to the ghost that was about to leave, “there are others down there? But doesn’t the lift only go to the 18th floor?”

“It seems that you are a new guest,” the ghost that had already taken two steps, fell back again, “The elevator indeed stops at the 18th floor, but there is a 19th floor below the 18th.”

“The 19th floor is a resident guest, and she is the only guest on that floor.”

Bai Lixin’s heart stirred slightly, and he was about to ask further when he saw a creeping figure flash by in the distance, tapping something in its hand.

The sounds were the same as those he heard at the Red Apple House.

The ghost waiter who had been speaking paused for a few seconds and waited for the creeping figure to disappear before he continued to speak.

“The ghost on the 19th floor is too evil for even us hotel staff to bear, and odd noises often emanate from there. The hotel staff won’t set foot on the 19th floor if they don’t have anything important to do there. ”

He pointed to the corner where the ghost had just disappeared, “That is the guest who lives on the 19th floor. She has been here for a long time and is on the verge of turning into an evil spirit.”

The two heads of the ghost looked at each other and gulped at the same time, “I heard an old-timer say that this ghost not only eats people but also ghosts, so you’d better be careful on the 18th floor. In fact, we rarely give the 18th floor to guests, but the hotel is full of ghosts. The rooms on the 1st–17th floors were all full, so we had to condemn late guests to stay on the 18th floor.”

Can ghosts even eat each other?

It seemed that this female ghost was a bit tricky.

The waiter ghost looked at his wrist watch. “I can’t chat any longer. The other guests are still waiting for their meals. Anyway, you two be careful and don’t leave here if there’s nothing wrong.”

As the waiter was about to leave, Bai Lixin asked one last question: “When will the elevator start again? Is there any other way for me to reach the lobby besides taking the elevator?”

The ghost hastily pointed to the dark corner where the female ghost had just disappeared. “There is a staircase that goes all the way up to the lobby. However, the staircase is in a blind spot, so many evil spirits will hide there. The elevator will start again tomorrow night, so if you have nothing urgent to do, you can wait until then. It’s safer that way.”

The round head of the ghost looked at his watch and said, “I really can’t talk anymore. Goodbye guest.”

Bai Lixin watched the ghost waiter disappear at the end of the corridor before gazing towards the dark corner.

Dijia approached him, stretched his arm from behind Bai Lixin and held the door handle, “What are you thinking about? Want to go down and have a look?”

Bai Lixin nodded. “She took two of my teammates.”

Dijia, “From what I saw in the memories, you just happened to be here and you didn’t know those two before.”

Bai Lixin, “Indeed I did not.”

Dijia, “Then why do you want to go and save them?”

Bai Lixin, “I’m already here. The female ghost that appears so often must be an important character, and might have some kind of task or clue on her. If there is a chance, I can also save my teammates in the process. So why not do such a thing that kills two birds with one stone?”

For a long time, no sound came from behind him, and in the brief silence, Bai Lixin turned back in confusion, only to see Dijia gazing at him with a subtle look.

The look lasted only a moment before it disappeared. It disappeared so quickly that Bai Lixin thought it was just an illusion.

Bai Lixin closed the door, and the apricot-white door immediately isolated the bedroom from the corridor.

The time in the taskbar read that it was past one in the morning.

They woke up at 8 am during the day when the sun had risen above sea level, so that would mean the sun appears at around 6 am in the world of the living.

To be on the safe side, he needed to return before 5 am.

As soon as daylight arrived, the world of the undead would disappear and he would be temporarily trapped in it.

He had four hours at most to investigate the 19th floor.

Bai Lixin looked through the peephole on the door, and a few minutes later, he saw the two-headed waiter pushing the food cart and leaving in the direction he had come.

If the elevator had stopped working, how had this ghost waiter gotten down?

The guest elevator had stopped, so the hotel must have another operating elevator.

Bai Lixin cradled the doll’s head in his arms, fearing that there would be no time to come back into this room later.

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