After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 56.2 - Red Apple House

Chapter 56.2 - Red Apple House

“With your ability, won’t you stay up all night?”

Another sentence came down, this time with the force of a deep-water torpedo blasting through the sea.

A loud bang exploded into a mushroom cloud in Dijia’s head.

His cheeks were burning and his ears felt a little hot.

He’d be up all night.

Young people know themselves too well.

Dijia was tangled.

This young man dared to say that, ah… the cool beauty had struck, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He had to admit that he had a special urge for him from the moment they met.

But it was just a thought. For one thing, he knew that this place was dangerous, and for another, he didn’t know what Bai Lixin thought.

So he had only dared to steal a kiss and a hug when he was passing ghost Qi or pretending to be affected by the medicine in the petals. However, he did not dare to do anything beyond that.

Dijia looked up at the young man again.

How bold.

He loved it.

Bai Lixin finished speaking and coughed lightly in embarrassment. Then he snatched the diary out of Dijia’s hand and turned his head to the side as he flipped through it.

The diary started off normally, just the trivial matters of the three of them.

But another person gradually appeared in the content.


—[That bad uncle came again. I’m not happy even though he gives us money to go out whenever he comes. He is always bullying Mom. Mom would cry in secret every time the bad uncle came.]

–[The bad uncle came again. This time I secretly hid and heard the bad uncle beating my mum. I was so angry that I rushed to protect my Mom, and the bad uncle said he would beat me to death.]

–[That bad uncle had changed. He always said that he would beat me to death, but he has suddenly become nice. He buys me and Sister new toys every time he comes, and he doesn’t scold Mom anymore. But why is she still unhappy and crying even more?]

–[Today, that bad uncle wanted to give Sister a bath, but Mom got angry. She broke a cup and stabbed Bad Uncle with the pieces like she was crazy. Mum bled.]

–[Today, Mummy took Sister to buy books, and that Bad Uncle came. He brought me a big toy and said he wanted to take me inside the bedroom to play a game. He was laughing, but I was still scared of him and cried out for Mom. Luckily, Mom came back …… Mom was bleeding again. But, what game was the bad uncle going to take me to play?]

–[Today, Mom let me and Sister stay at Auntie’s house for the day. Mom said she had something to do and she had to go out for the day. Auntie was so pretty and she gave us toys to play with, but I still missed Mom.]

–[Mom has changed. Sister was so scared that she cried, but I told her that Mom was still Mom and we loved her the most.]

The child’s ignorant words jumped out at Bai Lixin, and as the content increased, his breathing gradually grew heavier and it felt like a lump was in his throat.

Sharp thorns were lodged in his throat, and he felt pain with every breath.

That man was as vicious as a jackal.

So the woman was prepared to buy sleeping pills to kill the man once and for all in order to protect her children?

But in the end, it was the woman who died. Was the woman discovered by that man and he killed her in return?

The day she sent the kids away was the day she planned to kill him.

Later, the boy wrote that his mother had changed and his sister had been so scared that she cried. It was likely that the woman had already become a ghost, but she refused to leave and stayed in the house to look after her two children.

Although the ghost was a bit frightening, there was a strong sense of warmth in this spooky story.

While Bai Lixin was still pondering, he suddenly felt a chilly aura coming from the doorway.

He slowly turned his head and saw the eerie patched-up face close at hand.

The woman was expressionless as she looked at the two men, her pale face swollen with blisters, looking horrible and frightening.

She had appeared without warning, and she was holding onto the door frame with only her head showing.

“What are you doing here?” The woman spoke coldly.

Bai Lixin put the diary back on the shelf naturally, “Classes start tomorrow and I was studying with brother. Mom, we don’t like watching TV.”

“It’s good that you’ve grown up. Mom is happy. Food is ready. Come and eat or it will get cold,” the woman said, her dark pupils sweeping back and forth over Bai Lixin and Dijia.

Bai Lixin and Dijia looked at each other and moved with difficulty.

Can a meal in a horror be normal?

When they sat down at the table, Bai Lixin was surprised to find that the meal was actually normal.

It was twice-cooked pork.

The woman was not very nimble because of the spliced fingers.

With great difficulty, she put a piece of the pork in front of them and said, “Eat up, it’s your favorite. You are growing, and you need to eat more to grow taller.”

Bai Lixin placed his chopsticks on the meat, but he did not pick it up for a long time.

Under the woman’s increasingly earnest gaze, Bai Lixin stood up, “Mother, I remember that me and Brother haven’t washed our hands.”

Without waiting for the woman to say anything, he immediately pulled Dijia and rushed into the bathroom.

In a two bedroom house, the bathroom was, of course, extraordinarily narrow.

The lighting in the bathroom was also very dim, much like the incandescent lights whose tungsten filaments had gradually deteriorated after being used for a long time.

This bathroom was the same as the one next door, only cleaner.

Bai Lixin turned on the tap and clear water instantly flowed out. “This is the last place that we hadn’t checked out and the two players aren’t here.”

Dijia lowered his head and cleaned his hands. “What are you going to do next? Get out and make a run for it?”

Bai Lixin, “No, I’m going to show my hand. I suspect that the Red Apple House has been in operation for a long time. The twins were sent to the orphanage after the woman was found dead; we found this pocket watch in the basement of the Red Apple House; and the woman’s ghost went to the Red Apple every night to look for the children.”

“My guess is that the orphanage those two children were sent to that year was the Red Apple House.”

Dijia, “A very reasonable deduction, and then how do you plan to show your hand?”

Bai Lixin, “The ghost goes to the Red Apple House every day to find the children. We can help her, and I think it should be a task.”

As the two men spoke, the incandescent light overhead flickered a few times.

The light, which was only dimly lit, suddenly turned an eerie dark red.

Bai Lixin, “……”

Again? Scaring once or twice is enough. Scaring too much will really make people numb ah.

He looked down indifferently and saw that the water in the tap had just turned bright red.

The otherwise normal wash basin was blocked and blood soon filled the sink and began to overflow. The blood soon spilled over and spread all over the floor, staining the soles of their shoes.

A red, blue, and white woven bag suddenly appeared in the cramped bathroom that had been empty a moment before.

Bai Lixin looked at Dijia, and Dijia looked at him, both seeing the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

After so many weird and scary scenes, the two of them were sure that the woman was trying to scare them.

True evil doesn’t give you so much prelude, it just comes up and does it.

For example, the Red Spiders or the Blood clan that ate humans……

The red lights overhead began to flicker, and the air echoed with the sound of sharp laughter.

The bulging woven bag suddenly made the sound of a chain opening, and in the next moment, a dry palm came out of it.

Countless long black hairs began to emerge from the sewer underneath.

The hair mixed with the blood and water and it approached Bai Lixin and Dijia.

Bai Lixin looked in the mirror, and in it was the reflection of the ghost.

Her head was bowed, her hair hanging down to block her face, revealing half of her oddly shaped eyes.

Bai Lixin, “……”

It was probably from experience of scaring people a lot. The atmosphere this ghost created was almost pulled to full horror value.

No wonder the hotel’s service ghosts were reluctant to come down.

Let alone people, even ghosts would be scared when they see this kind of encouragement.

It was a pity that he and Dijia were not the typical everyday people or ghosts.

Bai Lixin kicked the ghost that was approaching him and took out the pocket watch from his pocket, “Do you want this thing?”

The ghost, who was about to get up and continue scaring people, suddenly stiffened, and the red light above her head stopped flickering.

Bai Lixin continued, “If you want it, put the scary stuff away and let’s talk.”

The ghost was silent for a few seconds.

Two seconds later, the blood flowed back and the hair retracted. Even the body that was halfway out of the woven bag froze, retracted back awkwardly, and zipped it closed.

The light overhead also changed back to its original dim yellow color, and it was even a little brighter.

The ghost who had been kicked into the corner stumbled to her feet. She held onto the white porcelain wall and looked at the pocket watch in Bai Lixin’s hand anxiously.

“Give me that thing; it belonged to my child, how did it get into your hands?”

Bai Lixin did not immediately give the pocket watch to the ghost, nor did he answer the ghost’s question, but only asked rhetorically, “If you answer a few questions, I will give it to you. Where did you put the two humans you brought out of the Red Apple House?”

The ghost looked at Bai Lixin blankly and said, “What humans? I never caught any humans. ”

Bai Lixin was stunned, “It wasn’t you? Don’t you go to the Red Apple House looking for your children every night, banging your ball as you move?”

When asked this question, the ghost mother nodded, “That’s not a ball, it’s my karmic fruit. I’m afraid of losing it, so I take it with me every time I go there.”

Bai Lixin, “……”

Is this when the phrase “taking the head as a ball” comes true?

Bai Lixin, “In that case, my companion said she heard you imitate their voices to trick and entice them, and whoever responded, you took away. You took two people last night, a man and a woman.”

The ghost mother hurriedly shook her head, “I am only there to scare you, and I didn’t really take anyone away. Those two responded, but I just knocked them out, I didn’t do anything.”

Bai Lixin frowned, “Since you don’t do anything, why do you scare people? Aren’t you fed up?”

A touch of embarrassment appeared on the ghost’s horrifying face. “Uh, I’m used to scaring people, professional instincts ……”

Bai Lixin, “……”

He threw the pocket watch to the ghost, who immediately reached out in panic, and it landed securely in her hand.

Looking at the ghost mother’s cherished look, Bai Lixin asked another question, “Did your children live in this Red Apple House?”

Looking at the blurred pictures of the two children, the tears in the ghost’s eyes fell like broken beads. “Yes. After I died, I left my children for a while because my body moved. Only after my power increased later did I have the strength to get rid of the corpse and go in search of my children.”

“But my children were already gone. I’ve been looking for them every day and every year, but I haven’t seen them alive or dead. There isn’t even a ghost. My child, I want to find my child. How can my child be so miserable, just out of the tiger’s mouth and unaccounted for? I just want my child back.”

Bai Lixin, “That’s why you’ve been dragging your feet and not leaving?”

He paused, “Was it the man next door who killed you?”

Dijia glanced at Bai Lixin.

The ghost mother’s eyes widened in surprise, “How did you know that?”

Bai Lixin organised his words, “It’s a reasonable guess. First, if there was a genuine desire to move, they could really have moved. Although the woman said they had no money, the cigarettes she smoked and the clothes she wore were all top quality, so they had the money. Secondly, the man had corpse spots on his body. Although the vest covered it, the black one must have been a remnant from your curse over time.”

“Also, there’s another more important point. I think you’re a ghost that looks scary, but you’re just a paper tiger that scares people. If you don’t take away unrelated humans when looking for your children, then you wouldn’t imprison unrelated ghosts either. Since you imprisoned them, it must be that you have some deep hatred for them.”

“You can remember the man’s face but not the woman’s. It means you had a deep impression of the man, so there’s a good chance that he is the killer.”

“What about the woman? Why was she imprisoned? Was she an accomplice?”

The ghost mother took a deep breath and said, “Yes, she helped dispose of my body.”

Dijia, “What about the little girl?”

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