After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 58.2 - Red Apple House

Chapter 58.2 - Red Apple House

Bai Lixin turned his head to look at the priest and the “guests” in the distance. One by one, the guests entered the house, and the priest began to move toward the red apple orchard.

Bai Lixin jumped down from the tree, and the moment his foot hit the ground, his arm was pulled by a firm, strong force.

He looked up and found that Dijia, who was possessing Lin Jue, had arrived by his side at some point.

They leaned against the trunk of the tree, and Dijia asked, “Wanna compete at the modeling show later?”

Bai Lixin: “Heh, sure, why not?”

Dijia: “Then let’s see who gets more praise.”


“Behave yourselves, children!”

The priest looked at the players who had become distinctly well-behaved in just two days, and pushed the brown and red door with satisfaction.

Inside was the same red carpet, and the guests on either side sat peacefully and quietly, with perfect fake smiles on their faces once again.

Dijia and Bai Lixin were at the end of the line.

The catwalk started, and today’s walk was so much better than the first day, all the players plastered on their biggest smiles.

The guests nodded in satisfaction, their pens sprinting across the paper in their hands.

This was not watching a performance, it was clearly a selection of the finest experimental bodies.

Bai Lixin: [S419M, find a way to parse some of what they’ve written.]

S419M: [ Okay, Lord Host, this will take a few minutes.]

The players in front of him went by one after another, and when it was Bai Lixin’s turn soon, S419M’s voice rang out in his mind: [ Ding! Parsing is complete, Lord host. The analyzed content will be presented to you simultaneously.]

Just as S419M’s electronic voice fell, dozens of white sheets of paper appeared in Bai Lixin’s mind at the same time.

The translated text quickly appeared on them, and Bai Lixin could read what they had written.

[Subject’s Gender: male.

Age: 20 years old.

By visual inspection, the best part of the body is the legs. The leg muscles are strong, and the bone size fits perfectly with the experimental body, d3452. This makes him a good donor.]

[Subject’s Gender: female.

Age: 22 years.

Through observation, the best part of the body is the arms, there is no fit for the time being, and she is abandoned for the time being.]




On each page was a record of the player’s body, and each player became an object to be judged at this moment.

They were placed on the shelves, and the guests were like customers who came to buy food, picking out the most desirable parts one at a time.

Next was Bai Lixin’s turn.

He was expressionless as he slowly stepped onto the carpet.

There was no point in walking well or badly in this show.

The criteria for the guests to pick their targets was not in the walk, but in the immediate need for a certain body part.

Like the player with the suitable legs just now, he received unanimous praise from the entire crowd of guests as he would be a perfect donor.

As Bai Lixin walked back to his original position, the words in his mind began to jump around rapidly as the guests took notes.

[Subject’s Gender: male.

Age: 20 years old.

By observation, the subject’s whole body is a perfect match for the Master of the Music Hall, and can provide the Music Master with all body parts!

How can there be a body that fits so well? Upon further observation, every detail of this body is identical to the body of the Music Master!

After a day of preparation, Master’s brain can be infused with nutrients, and the head replacement surgery can be performed tomorrow.]

Bai Lixin’s back was taut as a steel plate.

Head replacement surgery?

Sure enough, as he had guessed before, that music session yesterday had been specially prepared for him.

It was probably because that person had discovered that his body resembled that pianist from the hall of fame. So the music session was specially prepared for him in order to ascertain that after the muscle memory of this body could retain a little knowledge of the piano and not be a fool who couldn’t do anything after the head swap.

Bai Lixin lowered his eyes and took a peek at the guests out of the corner of his eye.

His results had surpassed those of the previous player and he had become donor number 1.

Dijia’s performance was also perfect, but unfortunately, there was no match for that body.

It seems that he had one this round.

So someone will come tonight and take him away?

That was something to look forward to.

Bai Lixin quickly lowered his head and hid the murderous intent under his eyes.


Once evening arrived, all the players obediently went to bed. They were now like well-behaved puppies.

As darkness approached, the corridor once again resonated with that familiar scraping sound and banging of a ball.

The ghosts with missing arms and legs also revealed themselves.

The skeleton under the bed was once again intent on tugging at his blanket.

Instead of laying with his eyes closed this time, Bai Lixin opened them quietly.

He sat up from the bed, opened the door and beckoned to the ghostly mother who was milling about.

The ghost mother was stunned for a moment.

There is another person who’s not afraid of me?

Then she took a closer look.

Oh, it’s an old acquaintance.

The ghost mother was draped in a thick coat. Her feet couldn’t move up and down and she could only shuffle against the floor. In her arms was a human head; a round bald head which appeared to be her karmic fruit.

When the ghost mother entered the room, Bai Lixin said, “There is one thing I need to trouble you with.”

The ghost mother froze for two seconds, “What is it?”

Bai Lixin: “It’s not hard for you, it’s the illusion technique you are best at.”

He thought of a way to get the players to wake up from their fantasy; by using a little brutality.

The ghost mother cocked her head, “Huh? And then what?”

Bai Lixin: “Use your technique to scare everyone in all the other rooms except mine.”

The Ghost mother frowned, “But they’re sleeping heavily and won’t open their eyes.”

Bai Lixin blinked, a sly smile in his starry eyes, “Speaking of which, you’re a spirit body, aren’t you? If I’m right, you can imitate a person’s voice because you’re able to read their memories?”

The ghost Mother: “Yes, I’ve purposely studied books on this subject before. The more familiar the voice, the more horrifying the atmosphere created.”

Bai Lixin: “Come on then, let’s go next door and first do an experiment.”

The ghost mother was unsure, but she followed Bai Lixin into the next room.

Next door, Xia Chi and Emil were sleeping on all fours like two dogs.

Bai Lixin walked straight up to Xia Chi and pinched his nose and mouth without mercy.

The sudden lack of oxygen and suffocation made him forget what the priest had told him, and he opened his eyes abruptly, stretching his arms in panic.

The moment he opened his eyes, his eyes met the female ghost in red. The fear buried deep inside him caused him to scream out.


Xia Chi’s pupils shrank in terror, “S-Senior Sister in red!!! Fuck, Fuck, fuck!!! Help!!!”

Just when Xia Chi was about to pass out with a roll of his eyes, a force held the back of his neck and pinched him.

Help came in the form of two fingers that immediately brought him to his senses.

Before he could utter a word of thanks, his eyes saw the red-clad woman bleeding from seven orifices in front of him.

Xia Chi: “……”

Fuck, please, don’t pinch, let me pass out alright, give me a break!

A familiar voice came from behind Xia Chi, “Xia Chi, who am I?”

Xia Chi wanted to cry, “Brother, you’re my brother, what kind of game are you playing?!”

Bai Lixin looked at the ghost mother and said, “That’s enough. Let’s move on to the next one.”

Xia Chi stared at Bai Lixin blankly. His head that was packed with the ghost image was suddenly filled with many things, including what he had forgotten, and what he had experienced in the past two days.

He was so scared that he cowered behind Bai Lixin, just about kneeling to hug Bai Lixin’s thighs: “Brother, I seem to have had a dream these past two days, but I seemed to have been awake.”

“I think I picked a lot of heads.”

Before Bai Lixin could say anything, the ghost mother patiently explained, “That was true.”

This kid is so cute.

Xia Chi wanted to cry even more when he saw the ghost mother’s real spliced face, “I also dreamed of skinning heads and gouging out eyes in the back kitchen of a hotel full of ghosts ……”

The ghost mother was always gentle when it came to children. She smiled soothingly at Xia Chi, the pieces of flesh squeezing out of the patchwork, “That’s true too.”

Xia Chi’s eyes rolled, and he just wanted to pass out in place.

Bai Lixin handed Xia Chi two balls of cotton, “Here, plug your ears and come over to help.”

The karma trees would compel the players to go to the apple orchard. Dijia had used his ghost Qi to block out the Karma tree’s compulsion for him.

He prepared this ball of cotton in advance. He had absorbed a lot of ghost qi from Dijia, but since Dijia had not yet appeared, he used the ghost qi Dijia had given him and poured it into the cotton.

By blocking his ears with this cotton, he would not be influenced by the karma tree’s cries.

Counting the time, the karmic fruit shouts in an hour. Tonight, he would fight poison with poison; by using extreme fear, he would save all the players from the illusion.

The next person to be awakened was Emil.

Bai Lixin froze after getting a good look at what the ghost mother had transformed into based on Emil’s greatest fear.

The dark cloak, the sharp jaw, the contemptuous smile.

Surprisingly, it was the president who had taken Emil away when they were on the 50th floor gaming lobby.

Bai Lixin remembered Emil telling him that it was their vice president.

The one he feared most, surprisingly, was this vice president?

He was suddenly curious as to what this Vice President really looked like.

Bai Lixin lifted the huge hood, but it was just dark inside.

The Ghost mother spoke, “This is all I can see. I can’t see the face inside the hood, so I can’t imitate it.”

“That’s okay,” the vice president must have used some kind of prop to conceal his appearance, “go on.”

Xia Chi watched from the sidelines. He was wide-eyed and dumbfounded as his brother gagged Emil’s mouth and nose nonchalantly.

Emil also opened his eyes, and the moment he saw the hood in front of him, his face went white and he almost passed out.

Of course, Xia Chi wasn’t going to let him faint.

With a few indefinable emotions, Xia Chi pinched Emil with a bit of vengeance.


Don’t blame me for being cruel.

I’ve just gone through the same treatment; just hang in there and get through it!

A minute later, Emil returned to his senses, but before he could finish digesting all the information, two balls of cotton were shoved into his ears.

He was a veteran player and he quickly went through his revived memories of the events of the past few days.

Emil looked at Bai Lixin with a complicated expression, and was at a loss as to what to say.

The words that had ridiculed Bai Lixin at the beginning echoed in his ears, and his face burned with shame.

The entire group of players in this copy were all at level 200+ but they hadn’t been able to save themselves, and Lin Jue hadn’t been able to save them either. Instead, it was the low-floor Bai Lixin, whom everyone looked down on the most, who had rescued them.

He blushed with shame and wanted to apologize and thank Bai Lixin.

But the words stuck in his throat and it was hard for him to say them.

Just as he was in a deep self-imposed tangle, Bai Lixin gave them a faint glance and said, “Are you coming with me, or are you staying here?”

The cotton that Xia Chi had stuffed into his ears could only partially block out sound. He didn’t know why Xia Chi stuffed him with cotton, but when he saw that both Xia Chi and Bai Lixin had cotton stuffed in their ears, he acquiesced to the move.

Ghosts were peering in from above them and Xia Chi came behind Bai Lixin without hesitation: “Brother, I’d better follow you.”

Emil’s tolerance for these ghosts was much stronger than Xia Chi’s, but he also stood up, “Let’s go, together.”

Just when the three men and the ghost walked out of the room, they heard a voice as thin as a mosquito.

“Thank you.”

Bai Lixin paused and looked at the once mighty fraudster.

Having already opened his mouth, Emil didn’t feel pressured anymore, and he finally raised his voice. “Thank you, I’m sorry for what I did before. Bai Lixin, you are the second most impressive person I have ever met.”

Xia Chi raised an eyebrow curiously, “And who was first?”

Emil: “It’s the vice president who makes my heart grow faint with awe.”

Xia Chi: “Uh, are you sure it’s awe, not fear?”

Emil shrugged, “Respect, fear, and awe. I hate how much higher he is from me.”

Xia Chi’s face was squeezed into a single expression. “….”

Is that the right description of someone you admire?

The ghosts in the corridor really scared Xia Chi, but luckily, he was following Bai Lixin.

For some reason, all those fears were instantly dispelled as long as his brother was around.

Next, the boring operation was repeated over and over again.

Cover the mouth and nose, wake up in shock, become dumbfounded, and come back to their senses completely ……

After repeating this a dozen times, Bai Lixin finished waking up the last player at the moment the karmic fruit began to scream, and he gagged him with the last piece of cotton.

All the players got subtle expressions in the face of the changes that had taken place over the past two days.

Fear, shame, mortification.

It was almost as if they wanted to find a hole in the ground to burrow into.

When they thought of their memory loss and dumb behavior over the past two days, all the players could not help but have a layer of cold sweat break out on their foreheads.

If Bai Lixin hadn’t woken them up, they probably wouldn’t have even known how they died. After just two days, the NPC had managed to lead them by the nose and turned them into amnesiac puppets.


In the live broadcast room

[ How about that? I just want to ask you high-end copy players if you are convinced. So what if you guys are above the 200th level? You still had to wait for God Xin to come to the rescue. I can’t wait to see you all eating your keyboards and running around naked.]

[ It’s just waking someone up. Wouldn’t he have been hit too if he didn’t have the help of that ghost? Isn’t that *open hanging?]

*Having a cheat that helps one get good results.

[ Open hanging is also a skill. How come you don’t see others hanging? You only see God Xin hanging, but you forget his f- luck value.]

[God Xin is amazing, chongya!]

*Chong ya is a cute expression for cheering up and fighting spirit.

All the players were only torn for a moment before they accepted the fact that Bai Lixin had saved them.

Just when they were all thanking Bai Lixin and were ready to clap their hands to celebrate their complete liberation from the illusion.

A door creaked open.

Amidst the anxious and suspicious gazes of the crowd, a dazed-looking Lin Jue wandered out into the corridor, his body moving stiffly towards the outside.

The crowd: “……”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Ugh, crap, I was thinking about saving the other players and forgot about Lin Jue.

I’ll light a candle for him.

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