After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 59.2 - Red Apple House

Chapter 59.2 - Red Apple House

The last time they came to the basement, they noticed that there were many tunnels ahead, so they acted separately in order to save time.

Bai Lixin was responsible for waking everyone up while Dijia went to the basement to find the correct passage.

Harsh sounds would emanate from the confinement cells on either side as they moved forward.

It wasn’t a single sound, but a myriad of voices mixed together.

The already eerie and painful sounds were made even more real by the processing of the metal and corridors. It was as if they were coming from beside them.

After walking for some time, Xia Chi found that the confinement cell beside him was unlocked, and the rusty iron door was open by a tiny gap.

Xia Chi gulped and boldly approached the door. He had just narrowed his eyes and was about to approach the gap when force was placed on his shoulder.

Xia chi shook his shoulder, “It’s okay, Emil. I’ll just take a look.”

He turned his head as he said this and he saw a spliced face close at hand.

Xia Chi, whose breathing stopped abruptly, “……”

I’m a little dizzy.

Even though he knew that the ghost mother didn’t mean any harm,

The thrill of falling into an ice cellar was not too exciting every time he saw her face.

The ghost mother patted his shoulder and warned him, “A word of advice, don’t look inside or you will have a psychological shadow.”

Her face moved a few points closer as she spoke, and the rotting flesh was pushed before Xia Chi’s eyes.

Xia Chi: “……”

Honestly, I think you’re giving me a bigger psychological shadow!

Xia Chi gave a dry laugh and retreated to Bai Lixin’s side. His voice trembled as he spoke, “I won’t look then. You came back so quickly. Have they all settled in?”

The ghost mother, “I did my job well, don’t you worry. Not only did I get them through, I put your friend called Lin Jue into a sack as well.”

“I brought them to the 19th floor and I used the same method you guys used before and had the others pinch his nose to scare him awake.”

The three who had been moving forward simultaneously looked at the ghostly mother.

Emil asked anxiously, “What is Lin Jue’s greatest fear?!”

Damn, this was a great secret. If he got to know Lin Jue’s greatest fear was, he would scare him to death with that thing in the future if he dared to act terrifyingly!

Not only was Emil curious, Bai Lixin and Xia Chi were also a little curious.

The mother ghost smiled, “Heh, he’s afraid of dogs.”

Her body changed and turned into a big black dog, “It’s pretty much like that. He was bitten by a dog when he was very young. Although he overcame it by sheer willpower, the psychological shadow has always been buried deep inside him.”

Emil’s expression changed.

He and Xia Chi looked at each other.

They wanted to curse, but suddenly didn’t know where to start.

Emil’s mind couldn’t help but conjure up the image of Lin Jue, who had taken out countless monsters with the dagger in a blazing manner, being chased by a large black dog.

The feeling was inexplicable.

The mother ghost continued, “That friend of yours has some skills, he would almost have destroyed my house if it wasn’t for your other friends stopping him and explaining things clearly. I’d have regretted taking him there.”

As she said this, she suddenly started to get angry, “He’s too uncultured!”

Emil agreed with the ghost mother, “You’re absolutely right, he’s really uncultured! He has the appearance of a new age human but the brain is still in the era of caveman!”

Xia Chi: “……”

How big a grudge was this?

The underground passage was very deep, and they found a fork in the road at the end of the very first passage.

Dijia stood at the three-way fork for two seconds, then his hand naturally took Bai Lixin’s hand, “The road ahead will get complicated, stay close to me.”

Seeing the two clasping hands, the image of when the True Ancestor sucked Bai Lixin’s blood suddenly and inappropriately came to Xia Chi’s mind.

The more we look at them, the more out of place we are.

Aren’t we a bit too inessential?

How about we leave?

The ghost mother looked at Xia Chi’s expression and followed his line of sight. She looked at Bai Lixin and Dijia’s clasped hands and her face was suddenly filled with clarity.

Just as Xia Chi and Emil were about to follow behind Bai Lixin and Dijia when a cold hand suddenly grabbed their hands to the left and right.

The mother ghost, “I know you are afraid of getting lost. Don’t be afraid, I’ll hold you too, so you won’t get lost. Bai Lixin has that ghost to hold, and you have me to hold. What he has, you will also have.”

Looking at the pieced-up body close at hand, Xia Chi and Emil wanted to cry.

No, they were more afraid of her than they were of getting lost.


We don’t need to be essential anymore.

Just let Bai Lixin have whatever he wants! They weren’t jealous at all.


It was only when they actually walked into the tunnel that they understood why Dijia had emphasized that Bai Lixin stayed close to him.

From the outside, they thought there was just a three-way intersection, but when they walked over, it was like walking into a maze or a beehive-shaped cave.

They were surrounded by many openings and the slightest mistake would cause them to lose their way.

Bai Lixin had been wise in letting Dijia scout ahead. If they had come here on their own, there was no telling how long they would have searched.

Just when they were about to follow the two figures in front of them, Bai Lixin threw a length of hemp rope at their backs, “Wrap this around your waist to avoid getting lost.”

Not daring to be careless, Xia Chi and Emil wrapped the rope around their waists and also around the ghost mother’s waist.

Although they were scared of the ghost mother, holding hands would undoubtedly help them as they might never be able to get out once they got lost in this place.

There was no telling if they would be able to leave this copy when the time was up and they were trapped in the tunnel.

The group moved through many turns until Dijia suddenly slowed down, “Here we are.”

The paths in front of them gradually merged into one and they could see a faint white light from the opposite end.

Three people and two ghosts quickly left the tunnel system and came to a huge green iron door.

Dijia was still holding onto Bai Lixin’s hand. He looked at the young man beside him and asked, “Do you remember the way just now?”

Bai Lixin, “Don’t worry, I have a good memory, I remember it.”

Xia Chi looked at the handsome and attractive ghost, and then at the “unique” looking ghost mother beside him.

Suddenly, he had a sense that “the world is so uneven”.

But he was relieved when he thought of how the ghost mother had been watching over them from the beginning.

He looked at the unusually serious ghost mother beside him and subconsciously patted the back of her hand as he said comfortingly, “Don’t worry, you will definitely be able to find your two children and reunite with them.”

The ghost mother gave Xia Chi a grateful look and quickly withdrew her gaze, tugging the hood on her cloak to cover her face.

She looked at Xia Chi nervously, “Is it better like this?”

Xia Chi, “Huh?”

“I know that my current appearance is ugly,” the ghost mother’s voice came out of the cloak, “I’m afraid of scaring the two children, so I practiced a little first. Would it be better if I covered my face?”

A dry hand reached into the hood and seemed to be stroking her cheek.

There was a self-deprecating tone in the ghost mother’s voice, “I was actually pretty before I was dismembered. For awhile after I was split, I would look at myself in the mirror and scare myself. The more I looked at my old pictures, the harder it got, so I simply blacked them all out.”

“I know that I am scary, I can tell by the looks on your faces. But I don’t want to scare my children.”

Xia Chi tightened the grip on the ghost mother’s hand, “What are you talking about? Children don’t mind their mothers’ appearance. You’re just reappearing in a different way. Trust your children, okay? We’ll also help you.”

They were afraid of her, but she had not hurt them a bit.

An ugly appearance cannot hide a beautiful heart.

Emil was silent, but the light pat on the ghost’s mother’s back also showed his attitude.

Bai Lixin glanced at their side and silently removed the scythe from his backpack.

The ghost mother spoke, “I found this place before, but I was bounced back by a force when I tried to move through.”

“I’ve tried many times, but all have ended in failure.”

Bai Lixin tried to probe his scythe forward, and just as he was about to touch the large green iron door, it was blocked by a force.

The place where the scythe was blocked showed a mesh-like translucent thing came into view.

Bai Lixin tried to force it, and found that as he did so, the mesh grid in front of him became clearer and clearer, and the grid appeared over a larger area.

Of these, the line where the scythe touched was the clearest.

Bai Lixin took the dagger out of his backpack and handed it to Dijia at his side, “I’ll hold it up while you poke and prod to see if you can go through.”

The crowd: “……”

Although Bai Lixin was very calm and serious when he said this, they it was a little dirty. Was it intentional.

Dijia took the dagger and walked up to the grid-like barrier.

Bai Lixin pushed the sycthe with all his might while Dijia’s hand thrust the sharp tip of the dagger straight into the deepest part of the wall.

A “click” like glass breaking rang out in the empty tunnel.

With this sound, the barrier shattered in all directions with the tip of the dagger as its center.

Many more tiny translucent fragments fell down from above. The fragments were wrapped in a faint white light and they disappeared into the air before they could hit the ground.

Dijia was still holding the dagger and although the barrier had shattered, it hadn’t broken completely.

Bai Lixin decisively put the scythe away, rushed to Dijia’s side and took hold of the back of Dijia’s hand where he was holding the dagger.

The two men looked at each other and simultaneously exerted their strength.

The barrier, which had slowly begun to return to its original state, directly broke at that moment.

Countless energy fragments scattered and fell to the ground.

Using the gap as a breakthrough point, the two of them dragged the dagger straight downwards, and the energy wall, which had been rock solid just a moment ago, was split open.

Bai Lixin once again took the scythe and trident out of his backpack, and Dijia knew what Bai Lixin was up to just by looking at them.

He took the trident, and the two propped the two long weapons inside the shattered barrier wall at the same time. The weapons held up the barrier that was trying to gather and recover, so that the opening just big enough for a man to fit through remained open.

Bai Lixin run a hand through his hair, “Alright, let’s go.”

A God level weapon was a God level weapon. It was not the same as a normal weapon.

Only when the group had crossed through the hole one after the other, did Bai Lixin put both weapons away.

Immediately after, the barrier wall began to re-fuse at a speed visible to the naked eye and the place that had just been shattered was no longer visible.

Xia Chi was a little worried, “Brother, what if we can’t go back later?”

Bai Lixin didn’t explain but just pulled out his dagger from his backpack and gently tapped it on the energy wall.

With the light tap, the energy wall shattered into a large gaping hole.

Xia Chi let out a “Huh,” and quickly understood, “This thing is used to keep us in, but it’s easier to break it from the outside.”

He rubbed his hands together a little nervously, “The mice are now climbing out of their cage. What the hell is out there? It’s so nerve-wracking.”

The ghost mother also hastily pulled at the hood over her head to make sure her face didn’t show at all.

Bai Lixin looked at the time in the task bar; it was already 10pm.

The large metal door that was visible when they stood outside the barrier turned out to be some distance away when they entered the barrier.

The three men and two ghosts walked up to the iron door, and Bai Lixin pushed it open with little effort.

Behind the iron door was another dark tunnel.

Bai Lixin took out the flashlight from his backpack. It was a long and narrow corridor that was white and green and it looked like a hospital corridor at first glance.

On either side of the corridor were small doors, and at the end of the corridor were a few metal benches.

Xia Chi squinted and it looked as if there was someone sitting on one of the benches.

He gulped and moved his feet, sneaking up to Bai Lixin .

Dijia did not care about the others and his eyes were only on Bai Lixin. He turned his head and asked, “Are you going in?”

Bai Lixin, “We’re already here, let’s go and take a look.”

Dijia held his hand out to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin hesitated for two seconds and placed his hand in Dijia’s.

Dijia was stunned and he chuckled, “I didn’t expect you to take the initiative.”

“As much as I’d like to hold your hand, I’m not asking for your hand this time. Give me your torch. You have hidden the dagger in your sleeve so the torch will hinder your movement.”

Bai Lixin handed the flashlight to Dijia with an embarrassed look and pursed his lips as he gave him a glance, “You can forget about me ever taking the initiative again.”

The ghost mother watched the man and the ghost flirting as if no one was watching, and she naturally took Xia Chi and Emil’s hands after untying the ropes around their waists.

This time, Xia Chi and Emil did not feel any more discomfort.

The moment they stepped into the long corridor, a bright light suddenly lit up overhead. The corridor, which had been dark, was immediately filled with light.

The iron door closed behind them and the empty hospital corridor was suddenly filled with people.

Two children were chasing each other down the corridor, and not seeing where they were running, ran headlong into the ghost mother.

Because of the inertia, the two children immediately fell back on the ground and before the ghost mother could say anything, a woman came running over.

The woman looked down and picked up the two children in a panic. She glared up at the ghost mother while comforting the children, “Can’t you see the path? You’re blocking your eyes with that big hood. The children are ignorant but are you going to be ignorant like us? Who are you trying to scare by dressing like that?”

The woman’s words were harsh and she kept scolding the ghost mother.

Xia Chi looked at the ghost mother nervously. He could clearly feel the trembling of the ghost mother’s body through their clasped hands.

Xia Chi glared at the woman.

Can you shut up? If the ghost mother gets angry, do you believe she will not kill you?

The woman scolded the ghost mother and then left in a hurry, leading the two children away.

The ghost mother was still trembling even after the woman had taken the children away, so Xia Chi tried to comfort her, “Don’t be angry, that woman is just a shrew, don’t take it to heart.”

The ghost mother’s voice that came out of the hood had a tremble, “Those two children look a lot like my children!”

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