After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 60.2 - Red Apple House

Chapter 60.2 - Red Apple House

The little girl stood by herself. Her hands were still outstretched in the air, but the fear was still in her eyes.

She looked pitiful.

The ghost mother was about to move again and Xia Chi grabbed her arm, saying, “Calm down, what’s the matter?”

The ghost mother’s dry fingers stretched out from her cuffs and she pointed at the middle-aged man, “My child’s breath is more pronounced on him. Why is that?”

Bai Lixin looked at the ghost mother, then silently walked up and picked the little girl before coming to the middle-aged man.

The little girl suddenly entered a warm embrace, and her previous grievance became heavier and she cried louder.

Bai Lixin gently patted the little girl’s back a few times. As if his hands had magic, the little girl shrank into his arms and fell asleep with just a few pats.

The couple obviously had little affection for the child, so Bai Lixin turned and tucked the child into the arms of the flattered ghost mother, then looked at the middle-aged man up and down.

The man did not look well. His eyes had dark shadows while his face was pale, and his lips were an unhealthy shade of cyan.

Bai Lixin, “Is something wrong with your blood?”

The middle-aged man looked at Bai Lixin in surprise and said, “Are you a doctor?”

Bai Lixin, “No, I just read a few books on Chinese medicine and metaphysics. I don’t think you are the first one in your family to have this disease, right? Has someone else had this condition before?”

“God!” The middle-aged man was shocked, “You read those kinds of books and could even tell this?”

“You’re right, my great-grandfather had a blood disorder before and survived only after a bone marrow transplant. Tell me, what else do you see?”

Bai Lixin pretended to analyze his fingers, “I calculate that these two children will have great achievements in the future. If you raise them well, they will even surpass you.”

The woman and the middle-aged man looked at each other suspiciously, “Really?”

Bai Lixin shrugged and said indifferently, “It’s not like they’re my children. If you don’t believe me, you can call your superiors, and you’ll have your regrets later. When your new children come out, it will be too late to cry.”

Bai Lixin’s previous words had long since bluffed the middle-aged man. He heard Bai Lixin’s last words and immediately rushed forward to take the child from the ghost mother with a cautious look that was a far cry from what he had earlier.

The crowd was silent.

For they knew that the man’s affection was not because he really loved the child, but simply because he was protective of his genes.

A barrier separates them, and those inside the barrier were mice, while those outside the barrier thought they were the chosen ones, the superior ones to those at Red Apple House.

But it seems that they were just another group of mice, genetically evolved mice.

The mantis catches the cicada, but the oriole is in the back.

*a metaphor for short-sightedness. Someone who covets immediate interests forgets the hidden dangers behind them.

It seemed that all the problems originated from that Dr. Huai, who was rumored to be a god.

Bai Lixin instructed the couple, “One more thing, I have just done a reading for your children. Your children are late in their enlightenment because of the blockage of their eyes. Don’t encourage them to grow the way you want as this will only backfire. You have to ease them slowly, and one day, when they are enlightened, they will definitely bring you to your knees to thank yourself for the gift of genes.”

Only when the woman and the middle-aged man had walked away did the few Bai Lixin rejoin the group.

Xia Chi already wanted to kneel for Bai Lixin as he looked at him with eyes full of adoration, “Brother, I haven’t seen you for a while, but why do I think you’ve become even more magical. You said you had read Chinese medicine books, and it’s fine if you could tell from his face that his blood was not good, but how did you know that he had a family history of this disease? And the two people were already planning to abandon the children, but you made them keep the children with just a few words? Brother, can you tell my fortune too?”

Bai Lixin laughed, “It’s just the simplest of psychology and reasoning.”

“The man’s face is pale and his lips are blue, so there’s something wrong with his blood.”

“Didn’t the ghost mother say that the two children had her children’s breath on them, and the breath was heavier on the father than the two children?”

“I believe one of this man’s ancestors received a bone marrow transplant from one of the ghost mother’s children.”

“Bone marrow transplants can sometimes cause DNA mutations, which is why the ghost mother felt that the two small children and the middle-aged man had her child’s breath on them.”

“As for the attribution of the children, it’s even simpler. Those two worship Dr. Huai as a god and in the end, it is all about metaphysics. I just took advantage of their desire for good genetic inheritance and went with the flow.”

Xia Chi listened in awe, “Brother, you’re still the best.”

The ghost mother’s voice from under her cloak suddenly sounded harsh, “What are you saying? My children’s bone marrow was transplanted into someone’s body? And I actually tried to protect them just now?!”

Bai Lixin, “Take it easy and calm down. It was that Dr. Huai who did the damage, the middle-aged man and the two children didn’t know anything about anything.”

“You have to find the right person to take revenge. Don’t startle the snake.”

The ghost mother gradually calmed down and she sighed helplessly, “I understand. As long as I can get my children back, I can ignore what happened before.”

The queue soon reached Bai Lixin. They needed to fill out information to receive a registration form, and the group filled out the form casually before receiving a registration slip.

The nurse, who had disappeared earlier, suddenly appeared in front of them again.

She still had on the same dedicated smile, “You’re lucky, Dr. Huai is sitting in today, I’ll take you to his outpatient room.”

They followed the nurse, and as they walked down the long corridor, Bai Lixin looked out through the window. A pure white moon hung high above the sky with countless stars dotted around it.

It was a beautiful sight.

Just as the little nurse was leading the group around a corner, a figure suddenly came out of the corner, and before anyone could react, the man fell to the ground and twitched.

The little nurse quickly walked over and pointed to the stairway, “Dr. Huai is on the third floor. You can see him when you go up there. I have to take this patient to the medical room first.”

Without waiting for Bai Lixin and the others to respond, she pulled the twitching man by the collar and dragged him into the darkness of another place like a rag.

The crowd looked at each other and walked up the stairs.

The air around them grew colder the further up they went.

As they approached the second floor, Bai Lixin stopped in his tracks.

Several tiny whispers were ringing out in his ears. Not quite sure if it was his own hallucination, he tugged on Dijia’s sleeve and pointed at his ears, “Did you hear something?”

Dijia had a bland expression, “Yes, I heard it. Those were ghost whispers.”

Bai Lixin, “Ghost whispers?”

Dijia, “Some ghosts are too weak to form, so only their voices can be picked up by people.”

The ghost mother continued, “It should not be one or two ghosts, but many, many ghosts. The number in the Red Apple House is incomparable. ”

“But the power of these ghosts is much less than those of the Red Apple House, so that’s why they can’t show any form. Don’t worry, they’re not enough of a threat, they’re just a cool, cold breeze at most.”

Xia Chi took a deep breath.

Even if the ghost mother said “don’t worry,” the thought of being surrounded by countless ghosts, some of whom were talking in his ear and in a place he couldn’t see, made him feel terrified.

Bai Lixin thought for a moment, “How can we make them manifest? By breaking the barrier wall?”

Dijia, “That works. A lot of ghost qi has accumulated within the barrier, and the barrier separates the inside from the outside. Once it is completely broken, not only will the space be opened up, but the world of the undead will also affect this place.”

Having received an affirmative answer from Dijia, Bai Lixin lowered his eyes for another two seconds of contemplation before saying, “Alright, keep walking.”

Xia Chi was completely unable to follow Bai Lixin’s train of thought and asked, “Brother, what the hell did you come up with again?”

Bai Lixin patted Xia Chi’s shoulder, “Don’t think too much. Besides, you’ll know when the time comes.”

On the third floor was a sterilized corridor.

As soon as their feet stepped onto the corridor on the third floor, a powerful white disinfecting cold air sprayed out from the circular nozzles around them.

After passing through the disinfection tunnel, the crowd saw a young boy of 12 or 13 years old standing in front of them.

The little boy was wearing a white coat and his stethoscope was hanging around his neck. He looked at them with his hands in his pockets and said, somewhat timidly, “Dr. Huai is about to take a break and can only see one last patient.”

The boy’s eyes flashed with amazement as his eyes fell on Bai Lixin, and he said timidly, “Which one of you has the closest number?”

The ghost mother’s heart melted as she looked at the little adult-looking boy before them.

The crowd looked at each other, and they finally settled on Bai Lixin.

Xia Chi completely trusted Bai Lixin from the start, while Emil was unwilling to struggle after the many defeats under Bai Lixin.

Dijia was different. He was worried about Bai Lixin.

In contrast, Bai Lixin was the calmest.

He walked up to the little boy and handed him the number plate in his hand, “It’s me, can I go in?”

The little boy looked at the number plate. His cheeks flushed slightly, and he hurriedly nodded, “Yes, I’ll take you in.”

With that, the little boy led Bai Lixin a few steps forward and then pushed the door at the side of the corridor open.

The space in the consultation room was surprisingly enormous.

Beyond was a wooden table with a curtain before it. Behind the curtain was a reclining chair with two legs sticking out of it.

The timid little boy spoke, “The doctor is treating a patient, so please come with me first. I will give you a full body examination.”

With that, he walked over to the small door next to them. He gave a gentle push and revealed the instruments inside.

MRI, chest X-ray, and so on.

The little boy sheepishly pointed to the bed, “Ah…can you sit on the bed?”

Bai Lixin swept a faint glance at the little boy and silently lay down on the bed.

The little boy put the stethoscope on his ears. He looked very tangled and he spoke more carefully, “That…I’m going to give you a medical examination, can you lift your clothes yourself?”

He paused and added, “It’s best to take your trousers off too.”

Perhaps he felt that it was a bit outrageous, and his voice was much lower at the end of his sentence.

Afraid of Bai Lixin’s misunderstanding, the young boy hurriedly waved his hand, “I’m just being professional. Every patient who comes in has to do this.”

Bai Lixin turned his head to look at the little doctor who was on the verge of tears. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, “It’s inconvenient for me to do this. Why don’t you do it yourself?”

The little doctor’s face exploded with a red flush, and he stammered, “That’s…that’s also fine.”

As he said this, the little doctor nervously moved to Bai Lixin’s side.

Just as his hand was about to touch Bai Lixin’s clothes, a cold ray of light suddenly passed through the air and stabbed straight at the little doctor’s face.

The little doctor suddenly retreated and dodged it easily.

Bai Lixin looked at the expression on his face. The timid look was gone.

The little doctor let out a “huh” and rested one foot against the wall behind him, looking at Bai Lixin with a curious gaze.

“I told you I was checking you out as a matter of routine. Why are you attacking me?”

Bai Lixin, “It’s the first time I’ve heard of holding a stethoscope to check someone’s thigh. It seems that your medical skills are too exaggerated, Dr. Huai.”

“Haha,” the smile turned from amiable to neutral as the little doctor played with the stethoscope in his hand casually, “How did you find out?”

“I didn’t find out, actually.” Bai Lixin looked at the little doctor as if he was seeing an idiot, “I just swindled you. Even if you hadn’t dodged just now, I was confident that I could retract the dagger when it was closest to you and wouldn’t have hurt you.”

“I just didn’t expect that Dr. Huai, who prides himself on being a savior, was so simple. Not only did he dodge it, but he also exposed himself as soon as I swindled him.”

He looked at the boy in front of him with a cold expression.

The timid and innocent facade faded and was replaced by a grim, resentful expression. His eyes were deep and the light hanging down overhead shrouded his eyes in the shadows.

In the shadows cast by the light, the boy’s cheeks plunged into the darkness, turning into an inverted triangle shape. The corners of his mouth curled into a sullen smile that no one of his age should have.

Bai Lixin, “Look at yourself. You must be at least a hundred and fifty years old. Why are you still pretending to be young? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

The boy was already in a bad mood after being called stupid, and Bai Lixin was mocking him again.

Dr. Huai was simply furious.

He had always been the one to play with others, and no one had ever dared to play with him.

All the experimental subjects at the Red Apple House had been grateful to him. The humans who had undergone genetic evolution all believed in him as a god.

But it was the individual in front of him, the experimental subject that interested him, that dared to mock him?

The light overhead flickered, reflecting a terrifying black shadow behind him.

Bai Lixin sat on the edge of the bed, his expression unchanged.

Not only did his expression remain unchanged, but he was also not afraid to provoke Dr. Huai again, “Old man, you still have a lot of tricks up your sleeve. You’re over a hundred years old and you still look like a child. You don’t have some kind of dwarfism, do you?”

The lights overhead flickered even more.

S419M was terrified: [Are you insane, Lord host?What are you doing?]

Bai Lixin just quietly observed and provoked the boy across the room: [I call this a mouth canon skill, what don’t you understand?]

s419M: [……]

I second the motion.

You shouldn’t call this a mouth canon, you should call it a steel cannon!

Are you trying to kill 800 enemies and lose a thousand?

This cynic old man is a lunatic ah. You may not want to live but I still want you alive ah.

Just when s419M thought his host was going to fight with this big boss, the big boss took a deep breath and took the lead in withdrawing his killing intent.

He sneered, “I know what you’re up to. You’re deliberately provoking me so that I can kill you in a fit of rage and you’ll be freed.”

“Heh, you’re dreaming. You’re the most special test subject I’ve had so far, so I’m not going to kill you outright. I was planning to do a head replacement on your body tomorrow, but now I’ve changed my mind.”

Bai Lixin: [I singled out the aspect that stung him the most, but he’s still calm. It seems that he’s really interested in me.]

S419M: [And then what?]

Bai Lixin: [The more intelligent and calm a person claims to be, the easier it is to have a nervous breakdown when being played with.]

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