After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 6.1 - Bride of the River God

Chapter 6.1 - Bride of the River God

Chapter 6

Bai Lixin and Xia Chi walked into the cave, and those monsters didn’t follow them in.

Bai Lixin had already been there once. Despite it being pitch black around him, he could easily step over obstacles and puddles, according to memory.

A friend notification popped up in the bottom right corner of his vision.

Bai Lixin opened it and found that it was a message from Liang Xi.

Liang Xi: [Are you guys okay?! I just saw the sun go down, but it’s only been 22 hours and 30 minutes! The time here is different from our time.]

Bai Lixin: [We’re fine for now. We’ve found the cave. How’s Li Cancan?]

Liang Xi’s side paused for a few seconds before a reply came: [Their situation is fairly stable.]

Bai Lixin: [We’ll try to find a way to get back as soon as possible.]

Liang Xi: [Okay, be careful.]

Xia Chi stumbled behind, not daring to breathe, “Brother, I’ve seen the animal world.”

“Is your habit of speaking half the sentence also from the animal world?” Bai Lixin asked in the dim light.

Xia Chi stumbled again and hurriedly picked up the latter words, “I’ve seen the animal world, where the weak eat the strong. Animals don’t give up prey in their mouths for no reason, unless there is an existence next to the prey that is above the hunter in the food chain.”

Xia Chi’s gulp rang out in the darkness, “These monsters don’t dare come in, so are there more dangerous monsters inside?!”

He was already crying as he spoke.

He had just left the wolf’s den and entered the tiger’s mouth.

How tragic!

“I slept here last night.” Bai Lixin stopped walking, and his voice was a bit low in the darkness.

Xia Chi, “And then what happened? Did anything happen?”

Bai Lixin, “I took a nice hot spring bath. Then I slept for 20 hours and woke up refreshed.”

Xia Chi, “Brother, what are you trying to say?”

Bai Lixin, “What I want to say is that whether there is another powerful existence here or not, the other side has no intention of hurting us. We are afraid not of the other party’s power, but of whether the other party is malicious towards us.”

“Isn’t Sun Dasheng powerful? But are you afraid of him?”

**The Monkey King from Journey to the West(novel and movie)**

Xia Chi was stunned and said, “I’m not afraid of that. He specializes in fighting man-eating demons.”

“Then it’s a no,” Bai Lixin pointed towards the front, but then remembered that Xia Chi couldn’t see him. He put his hand back down and just described it in verbal terms, “There’s a hot spring inside.”

The two walked on for a few more minutes when a bright light appeared before them.

Xia Chi’s reaction was even more exaggerated than his yesterday. He rushed over as soon as he saw the hot spring, rolled up his sleeves and put his arms in.

Bai Lixin intended to pick the herbs, but before he could bend down, Xia Chi at his side cried out in pain and yanked his arm out of the water like he was running for his life.

“It’s freezing me to death!”

Xia Chi shivered with the cold, “This isn’t a hot spring at all, it’s a cold pool, brother.”

His teeth were chattering as he spoke, and his arms were already white with cold.

Bai Lixin doubtfully stretched out his hand to test the temperature of the water. It was warm and comfortable, with a pleasant tinge.

It was still the same hot spring as yesterday.

Did each person feel a different water temperature? Then this was not ordinary water. Perhaps it was prop water with some special ability.

Those red spiders were afraid of this cave. Was it because of this water?

Bai Lixin lifted a handful of water in his hand, a few drops going through his fingers.

The red spiders were afraid of sunlight, which was in line with the setting of vampires and zombies. Then again, could this water be the “holy water” setting that inhibits red spiders?

Bai Lixin couldn’t help but murmur, “Why don’t we splash this water on the red spiders and see the effect?”

The water in his hand shook twice and flowed down faster. In just a few moments, the water had slipped through his fingers and landed in the hot spring.

“Xia Chi, do you have a container for water?”

Xia Chi rummaged through his backpack while shivering and shook his head, “No, brother.”

Bai Lixin looked at the spring regretfully and began to search for the herbs.

Soon, he found the herbs Liang Xi had asked for.

The herbs were fresh, the branches full of leaves, and there were droplets of water dotting the leaves.

Bai Lixin moved gently as he carefully picked a few herbs and put them in the satchel Xia Chi was carrying.

Xia Chi had eased up and he pulled on his sweatshirt and headed outside while trembling, “Wait here, brother. I’ll go to the cave entrance and check the situation first.”

Although Xia Chi was timid, he still dared to take charge. Bai Lixin found that there were several times when Xia Chi himself was scared to death, but he still insisted on blocking danger for him. Yesterday, when drawing away the monster, going up the mountain, and even now to scout out the situation.

That blacksmith captain might have been right in his analysis, but all his reasoning was based on the fact that a day had 24 hours.

The time of day was at 22.5 hours, so the world deleted 1.5 hours of the evening when the sun sets and the scene quickly transitions directly from evening to night.

That also means that it will be dark at the 71st hour.

So one would have to deal with the threat from the monsters if they intended to go up the mountain to escape the flood.

Besides, he didn’t think that going up the mountain to escape the flood was the right solution. If this copy could make alterations in the hours of the sun and moon, why should the flood descend according to reality? Will only the village get flooded? Maybe the floods will just fall from the sky all at once? The game wouldn’t just let them exploit a loophole in the curse.

In fact, from the beginning, the game title gave them a hint: just complete the river god’s sacrifice.

That is, sacrifice a player, or even a teammate.

It was a title full of malice.

The 5,000 total points were distributed by work, and the fewer people who survive at the end, the better.

Although the rules forbid attacks on players, it does not prevent players from dying.

If you think of it in a more malicious way, the game will slowly eradicate humanity bit by bit.

In the end, even if one survives, they cannot be sure whether the victory belongs to them or to the game itself whenever they look back.

A cloud of water vapor silently rose from the surface as Bai Lixin pondered, and it slowly enveloped his surroundings.

The private chat box rang for a moment, and Bai Lixin opened it. It was Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Brother, those monsters are still outside. They look like they are waiting for a meal and buffet, what should we do?

Bai Lixin: [Wait for me at the entrance of the cave. I’ll be right there.]

Five minutes later, Bai Lixin arrived at the entrance of the cave with the fur he slept on draped on his back.

In the light of the scarlet moon, he could vaguely see four or five monsters entrenched behind the trees a few meters away, staring intently at the entrance of the cave, but not daring to take a step forward.

Once they leave the cave, these monsters will surely bite them mercilessly.

But Li Cancan at the bottom of the mountain couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Bai Lixin observed the situation and shoved the herbs into Xia Chi’s hand, “I’ll go and lure them away. Hurry down the mountain when these monsters are far away. Li Cancan is still waiting for these herbs.”

Xia Chi was a little hesitant, “Brother, will you be alright?”

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