After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 62.1 - Red Apple House

Chapter 62.1 - Red Apple House

Where the energy wall had been opened in the sky appeared different from the colour inside the barrier wall.

The sky beyond was an even darker black. The two layers of sky were stacked on top of each other, as if two unrelated times and space had been broken down and joined.

The mechanical men and monsters Dr. Huai created were powerful in their attacks, but the ghosts, who had been briefly resurrected through the corpses, were equally, if not more, terrifying than those mechanical men and monsters.

The ghosts knew no pain. If their arms were knocked away, they would still put them back into their bodies and continue to fight.

The only difference was that the mechanical men and monsters are just experimental puppets for Dr. Huai, they had no thoughts and only killed blindly.

But the corpses had a centuries-old grudge in addition to their powerful bodies.

On both sides, where the numbers were similar, the corpses soon gained the upper hand.

“Useless, truly useless.” The huge beast came from the edge of the forest and went to the air with a stomp of one foot.

Dr. Huai’s voice came from deep in the huge beats. His body was covered in thick metal and all sorts of wiring were connected to it.

Several sharp claws made of metal flew out from the monster like Dr. Huai and flung the corpses to the side.

“The warriors I made are the most powerful, these corpses are just the parts I abandoned. They’re defective, they can never defeat my army of warriors!

Dr. Huai angrily roared, “Why resist? What I did was for the sake of genetic evolution, they were the great stepping stones in the evolution of mankind. They should be proud of such a great cause.”

“It was me who purified and evolved the inferior genes of those headless and stupid humans, the evolutionary path of evolution of this world was shortened by hundreds of years due to my efforts!”

The corpses roared angrily from below.

The ground beneath their feet suddenly trembled.

A black mist shot out from the ground, and Dijia’s body fused with it. The black mist suddenly went beneath Bai Lixin’s feet and lifted him into the air.

It was a sight to behold;

Two intersecting skies, a moon and a rising sun appeared at the same time.

In the sky was the mechanically modified huge monster, and the black mist

Bai Lixin stood on the black mist and spoke. His voice was not loud, but it reached everyone’s ears.

“The question of whether the chicken or the egg came first has always been something that humans have always researched.”

“Likewise, whether humans are slaves to genes or whether genes are tools of the humans, it is also a matter of constant debate.”

“But one thing is clear to me, the humans the world has made are already the best humans. They don’t need you to transform them because they are perfect enough.”

“Emotions make them strong, and their short lives have made them more aware of what it means to be appreciative.”

“All your research is structured on the fact that humans are just objects, but you have precisely ignored the most precious thing about humans, and that is their soul.”

“How can a cold combat weapon defeat human belief?”

HH kept moving closer towards Dr. Huai as he spoke.

Mechanical arms like octopus legs kept attacking him, but Bai Lixin easily dodged them.

When the last sentence was finished, Bai Lixin had arrived in front of Dr. Huai with the support of the black mist.

Dr. Huai was a little hysterical and Bai Lixin continued in a low voice, “You are not the first scientific lunatic I have seen, and you will certainly not be the last. Stop talking about making contributions to humanity and admit that you never considered yourself human from the beginning.”

“The so-called contributions are all excuses you’ve come up with to satisfy your own insatiable curiosity. You are human by nature, but you put yourself in the perspective of the gods. You exalt yourself and treat humans as mice for your experiments.”

The scythe spun and danced rapidly through the dense rain of mechanical arms. The golden light was like a firefly, and after the firefly were fragments of machinery falling down from around Dr. Huai’s mechanical body.

His ambitions were being exposed bit by Bai Lixin, and Dr. Huai roared angrily.

But he was afraid.

He was afraid of the casual young man before him who looked so fragile and yet so powerful.

All his dirty innermost thoughts were being dug out by the young man in front of him and were being revealed in front of the ants he despised the most.

Shame, anger, fear, emotions that had never appeared before took over his entire sanity at this moment.

Kill him! I have to kill the man before me who has humiliated me so much!

The angrier he became, the more he hysterical he became.

As the next mechanical arm attacked him, Bai Lixin leapt into the air and landed firmly on the golden steel mechanical hand.

His body was like an invisible stream of water as he flexibly dodged all the attacks, and also used some snake like movements to make the mechanical arms tangled up.

Under Dr. Huai’s astonished eyes, Bai Lixin leapt up from the end of the arm and swung the scythe in his hand down hard, splitting the huge mechanical body right down the middle.

Without somewhere to step, Bai Lixin body plunged straight towards the ground and just as he was about to hit the ground, a black shadow caught him steadily from below.

Dr. Huai suddenly roared up to the sky.

“I will not die obediently. Hahaha, you have to be buried with me!”

The ground shook even more violently.

“Look overhead!”

Someone shouted and all the “people” looked up to the sky. Many cracks were beginning to appear in the unreachable sky.

It was the outer circle of the barrier.

The sky and the earth were being torn apart and a system alert rang out almost simultaneously in the minds of the players .

[Ding! Warning! Warning! Major energy fluctuations have occurred within the copy and the world is in danger of collapsing. In order to protect the safety of the players, the system will open the transmission channel in five minutes. All players are urged to avoid the danger urgently!]

[Ding! Warning, channel establishment has failed, the system will begin another attempt.]

[Ding! Another attempt failed, All players in the copy should avoid danger, the system will re-establish the channel when the energy is stable.]

Not only the players in the copy saw the system warning, but even the screen of the live broadcast room began to flash with an alarming red light.

The large screen of the live broadcast room pulsed with a red light around the edges of the video frame, and big blood red letters kept rolling by in the very middle of the screen.

[The copy is in extreme instability and is in danger of collapse at any moment!]

Whether it was the players who were in the copy or the players watching the live broadcast, they all stared at the words that suddenly appeared blankly.

The copy was going to collapse?

This was the first time they had seen such a situation.

On the 999th floor, the man’s gaze was heavy as he watched the huge white curtain screen hanging on the wall.

On the screen, the young man’s cool, beautiful face was infinitely magnified, and every strand of his hair could be seen clearly.

The system’s voice was filled with regret.

[It’s a pity, this player called Bai Lixin had great potential of entering the 900th level. The energy that supported that sub world has fluctuated and will lead to self destruction. The channel connecting the game lobby and that worlds is no longer available. ]

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