After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 647

Chapter 647

The gray rabbit’s teeth were sharp and serrated, and when it spoke, the upper and lower teeth clashed together, producing a grinding sound like a saw.

The bunny girl outfit hung on its sharp claws, light and flimsy, with semi-transparent black stockings, and two large bunny ears twitched, exuding an alluring yet provocative vibe.

Bai Lixin swallowed slowly, “I really don’t feel like wearing it.”

The gray rabbit: “How can you not wear it? The clown despises anyone who isn’t cute. Only cute little bunnies can make the Mad Hatter a little happier.”

‘Are you sure this outfit is cute?’

Escape System: [Master Bai Lixin, maybe you should put it on.]

S419M: [Sister System, why does your voice sound so excited?]

Escape System: [Ahem, is it that obvious?]

Bai Lixin: ‘… Both of your voices sound pretty excited.’

“Dear Alice, why are you making this difficult?” The gray rabbit’s teeth ground together, “Oh, I understand. How rude of me to expect a lovely lady to change clothes out in the open.”

The gray rabbit tapped the ground twice with its gentleman’s cane, and a rose petal fell, transforming into an exquisite red rose door.

The thick rabbit paw shoved the bunny girl outfit into Bai Lixin’s hand, and the gray rabbit gave him a gentlemanly bow, “Miss Alice, please change quickly. Not everyone is like the Mad Hatter, who loves fluffy little bunnies. There are also bad guys who catch cute bunnies to eat.”

The rose door opened, and before Bai Lixin could say anything, he was forcefully sucked inside.

His surroundings abruptly changed from the lush rose garden to a dimly lit, luxurious bedroom.

There were no lights on in the room, and only moonlight filtered in through the windows.

The luxurious décor indicated that the owner of this bedroom was no ordinary person, though it was unclear where exactly the gray rabbit’s portal had sent him.

He looked at the bunny girl outfit in his hand and then at the dark room, and casually tossed the outfit onto the sofa.

Wear a bunny girl outfit?

He absolutely refused!

But where was he now?

Bai Lixin walked to the window and saw a vast garden outside. The garden was filled with roses, and he could even see the gray rabbit waving at him.

At the end of the rose garden, the elevator was hidden behind green vines.

His current thought was simple: get to that elevator as quickly as possible.

The gray rabbit was waving faster, even flailing its arms around in the air.

Its three-petal mouth opened and closed as it kept saying something.

What was it saying? He couldn’t read rabbit lip movements.

But from the rabbit’s body language, it seemed quite anxious.

As it spoke, the gray rabbit extended its paw, pointing in Bai Lixin’s direction. Bai Lixin subconsciously turned around and found that a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth had appeared behind him at some point. It was silent, and Bai Lixin hadn’t noticed its presence at all.

At the critical moment, Bai Lixin dodged to the side.

With a loud “crunch”, the bloody mouth bit down on nothing.

As the jaws closed, Bai Lixin finally saw what it was.

It was a giant, round cat head floating in the air, with dark blue fur and white stripes. The cat’s round eyes held golden vertical pupils, and Bai Lixin could hear a purring sound coming from its throat.

“It’s a cute little bunny,” the giant cat head said, and opened its bloody mouth again. “A delicious little bunny! Ah-woo!”

The system panel flashed with red warnings.

[Warning: [Queen] is as weak as a chicken and cannot attack NPCs. Please seek safety or soldier protection immediately!]

[Warning: [Queen] is as weak as a chicken and cannot attack NPCs. Please seek safety or soldier protection immediately!]

Bai Lixin started running, heading straight for the portal.

Just as he was about to reach the red rose door, ripples suddenly appeared on its surface, and in the next second, the rose door vanished like a bubble in water.

After briefly pausing in surprise, Bai Lixin quickly recovered and ran toward another large door in the bedroom.

As he passed by the window, he glanced outside, only to see the gray rabbit had thrown away its cane and was now scurrying off, running at full speed.

‘This cowardly rabbit!’

Bai Lixin forcefully pushed the bedroom door open, only to crash into something both hard and soft.

Before he could look up, he heard a familiar yet strange voice, “What a cute and reckless guest.”

Bai Lixin raised his head and saw the Little Overlord with a head of fiery red hair.

He subconsciously stepped back a couple of steps, realizing the cat head that had been chasing him was now gone.

“Is there something strange on my face? Why does the guest look so scared?” The Little Overlord spoke again, but the voice, though familiar, was tinged with a strange softness.

The once rough voice had become high-pitched, and the arrogant tone had softened considerably.

Bai Lixin couldn’t help but study the person more carefully.

It was the Little Overlord’s features, yet somehow different.

The person before him seemed to be a woman.

She was very tall, wearing a red dress that matched her hair. There was a red heart on her collar, a crown on her head, and a massive diamond necklace around her neck.

Bai Lixin looked at the top of her head but didn’t see the Azure Lion emblem.

A woman in a luxurious red dresss, wearing a crown on her head…

Could this be the Queen of Hearts?

Why did she look so much like the Little Overlord?

“You came at just the right time.” The female version of the Little Overlord held up the scepter in her hand. “Today is my favorite execution day. Come along and observe.”

She walked ahead, and Bai Lixin’s body involuntarily followed behind.

They walked and walked, exiting the castle and arriving at an open square, where a massive execution platform stood.

The executioner with bulging muscles stood before a line of people with sacks over their heads, who were lying prone before the guillotine.

At the end of this line of prisoners was the cat head that had just tried to eat him.

The female version of the Little Overlord sat in the highest and the best seat for viewing, and the attendants around her knelt respectfully, “Your Majesty, the Queen.”

It seemed she really was the Queen of Hearts.

The Queen of Hearts waved her scepter, her voice tinged with excitement, “Execute them!”

At her command, the executioner pulled the lever, and over twenty heads rolled to the ground, the blood soaking the sacks and the execution platform red.

The Queen of Hearts looked at Bai Lixin with excitement, “Beheading is truly an art, right?”

Bai Lixin: “…”

The Queen of Hearts had the same features as the Overlord.

The Queen of Hearts liked beheading, and the system’s punishment methods were simple and crude, often ending in beheading.

Was there a connection between them?

The Overlord had said this was his territory.

He was the son born from the main brain.

Could the Queen of Hearts, who loved beheading and appeared on the 900th floor, be a reflection of the main brain?

“… Don’t you think so?”

The Queen of Hearts’s voice pulled Bai Lixin out of his thoughts. He blinked in confusion, “What did you say?”

The scepter tapped the ground, “I said, the moment your lay on that platform and your head roll down must be an art form too. Don’t you think so?”

Bai Lixin quietly stood up: …

‘I don’t think so.’

“Seize him! Behead him tomorrow!” The Queen of Hearts ordered.

Bai Lixin took off running again.

Behind him were chasing soldiers, and in front were armor-clad figures blocking him.

Bai Lixin weaved through the thorn-filled square, and S419M’s voice raced through his mind: [Host, how many times have you run now?]

Escape System: [It should be the fourth time.]

S419M: [You are both Queens, but while others behead, you’re running away. There can’t be a more oppressed queen than you.]

Bai Lixin: ‘…”

‘You think I want this? I just don’t want to get beheaded.’

He ran and ran, from the square to the back garden, and saw that familiar rose garden again.

This time, Bai Lixin didn’t hesitate and rushed straight in.

The pursuing soldiers suddenly stopped, not daring to take another step. Finally, they scattered away in frustration.

Bai Lixin looked around at the familiar rose garden, his head throbbing.

After all that running, he was back where he started.

Now, he was alone.

Without much hesitation, Bai Lixin turned and ran towards the elevator.

The sea of grass brushed past him, and giant roses whisked by his side.

This time, everything went smoothly. The gray rabbit that had blocked his path earlier was gone, the monsters chasing him had disappeared, and neither the Queen of Hearts, who wanted to behead him, nor the soldiers had caught up.

He successfully made his way through the vast rose garden, around the thorns and vines, and arrived at the huge elevator.

The illuminated words “900th Floor” towered into the clouds, and the elevator’s start button was out of reach.

Bai Lixin tried jumping up to reach the elevator button. He jumped with all his strength but could only reach a third of the way up.

Too high, it was way too high.

How was he supposed to leave this place? And even if he did, what would happen to his body?

Would he remain in this thumb-sized form, or return to normal?

He had to restore his body.

How did that work again…

He recalled the fairy tale he had read before.

Although this story had become chaotic enough to make anyone’s sanity crumble, most of the main storyline seemed unchanged.

He remembered that in “Alice in Wonderland,” there was a potion that made her body shrink and a cookie that made her grow.

Alice fell into the rabbit hole and saw the potion on the table, and then found the cookies under the table.

Bai Lixin turned around and noticed that, at some point, a delicate white table had appeared in the rose garden.

Six chairs were neatly arranged around the table, with an exquisite afternoon tea set up. A figure sat on one of the chairs, their back facing him.

The person wore a black tailcoat and a round top hat, sitting motionless.

This table wasn’t there before, nor was this person.

But in a fairy tale world, anything was possible. It was just a table and a person suddenly appearing out of thin air. After all, he had already seen a cat without a head; what was this compared to that?

Bai Lixin quickly spotted a cookie tin under the table.

That must be the cookie that would make him grow.

Bai Lixin began running again, this time toward the white table.

He wasn’t sure of the identity of the person who had appeared out of nowhere, so he ran cautiously, trying not to make any noise.

The person sitting in the chair didn’t seem to notice him, leisurely pouring themselves a cup of red tea and enjoying the afternoon.

Bai Lixin weaved through the thick grass, and just as he was about to reach the cookie tin under the table, the person in the hat suddenly bent down, and a huge painted face loomed in front of him.

“Well, well, a naughty little one has disturbed my afternoon tea.” A low, hoarse voice sounded, and Bai Lixin’s body was lifted off the ground. The man grabbed him by the collar and tossed him into an empty porcelain cup.

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