After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 658

Chapter 658

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.”

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.”

Li Mi crawled on the ground using both his hands and feet like a paramecium.

Xia Chi couldn’t understand why he didn’t just walk on two feet and had to act like this. Was it just to scare people?

Sister Sun Ning, do you have some kind of peculiar hobby?

This was a university teaching building, designed with a lot of artistic flair. The corridors were winding and there was not a single straight road.

As Xia Chi walked, he soon lost his sense of direction. The lights above the corridor were dim.

During the escape earlier, he was too panicked to notice his surroundings.

Now that he had calmed down, he suddenly realized something.

When he saw Li Mi in the classroom earlier, it was clearly daytime, and the sun was shining brightly outside.

But as soon as Li Mi chased after him, it turned into night outside. It was pitch dark and there was not even a single star visible through the windows.

Now, as he and Bai Lixin followed behind Li Mi, it was still dark all around.

The long corridor was only lit by dim lamps spaced far apart.

Xia Chi couldn’t help but complain, “What kind of university is this? They can’t even afford to keep the corridor lights on. Are they so broke that they’re about to shut down?”

Li Mi, who was crawling on the ground, suddenly stopped. He twisted his neck awkwardly and aimed his hollow eyes at the two of them. “What did you say? The school’s going to shut down?”

Tears suddenly began to fall from his eye sockets and Poor Li Mi cried sadly, “If the school shuts down, does that mean I won’t be able to graduate? Wuuu, I want to graduate. I don’t want to be delayed, wuuu.”

Xia Chi quickly shut his mouth, wishing he could tear out his own tongue and stomp on it.

Li Mi lay on the ground and cried for a while. After he got tired of crying, he wiped his eyes and choked out, “Let’s focus on the task at hand. Let’s go.”

Then he began to move forward while sobbing.

Xia Chi: “…”

“This is a ten-player game, but so far, I’ve only run into you, Brother,” The process of following LibMi was long, boring, and even a little scary. Xia Chi tried to make conversation to divert attention. “Where do you think the other players are?”

Originally, Zhou Guang and the others had planned to team up for the copy. But when they tried to enter, they found that the game didn’t allow team play, so everyone had to go play their own game.

Xia Chi had searched for Tan Yue in the lobby but couldn’t find him, so he entered the copy by himself.

The graduation design copy was supposed to have ten players, so besides him and his brother, there should be eight others.

Bai Lixin shook his head, “I don’t know either. I’m just a newbie player.”

Xia Chi: Oh.

‘I’ve really seen everything now. I heard the mighty God Xin claim to be a newbie.’

Li Mi crawled for a while before finally stopping in front of a classroom. He hesitated outside, looking as if he didn’t dare to go in.

Whatever was inside the classroom was unclear, but the hesitant Li Mi suddenly stood up, waved his hand toward the room, and pulled his red lips into a smile. “Handsome classmate, rich and cool classmate, aloof classmate, you’re all here. I have someone with me who has something to say to you.”

Although the face was ugly and terrifying, the expression showed signs of flattery and fear.

Xia Chi’s heart tightened, and it felt like something was scratching violently at his scalp.

Poor Li Mi was already this scary. How terrifying must the three classmates who scared Li Mi be?

Did he really have to complete this task?

Should he just quit the game now?

[Ding! Friendly Reminder: Since “Yesterday Reappears” is an online game, forcibly exiting will result in a failed game ending, and re-entering will trigger system penalties.]

[The penalty will be completing three sets of knowledge tests according to the player’s academic ability in a dark room.]

Xia Chi couldn’t decide whether the punishment from “Yesterday Reappears” was scarier or the punishment from the horror game was more terrifying.

Swallowing hard, Xia Chi gathered his courage and walked over to Li Mi.

The terrifying scene he imagined didn’t appear. In front of him was a spacious classroom, and inside were just three tall male students.

One of the boys had a refined and gentle appearance. He sat sideways in front of a drawing board, holding a palette of oil paints in his hand, dressed in a white shirt.

Another boy looked handsome and sunny, wearing a basketball uniform with the number 8. His right index finger was spinning a basketball rapidly.

The third boy looked cool and elegant, wearing a well-tailored black tailcoat, sitting upright in front of a high-end black lacquered piano.

They seemed…normal. What was Li Mi so afraid of?

Li Mi leaned back, skillfully hiding his body behind Xia Chi.

The boy who was painting glanced at Li Mi and frowned slightly.

Xia Chi was afraid of ghosts, but not of people. He recalled the side task he received and boldly leaned against the doorframe, shouting at the three of them, “You three are Li Mi’s friends, right? You ruined Li Mi’s graduation design materials, so hurry up and compensate him.”

The basketball player’s lips curled up, and with a handsome one-handed throw, the ball landed perfectly in the basket at the far end of the classroom.

Don’t ask why there was a basketball hoop in the classroom; it just happened to be there. Xia Chi also wanted to know why.

The basketball player put his hands in his pockets and smirked, “Is that what he told you?”

The pianist stood up from the black leather stool and waved at Li Mi behind Xia Chi, “Li Mi, come here.”

Li Mi hesitated on the ground for a moment, then crawled around Xia Chi, making a “swoosh swoosh swoosh” sound as he moved over to the pianist.

After he reached the pianist, he flipped over twice, landing on his back with his hands and feet on the ground, as obedient as a tamed pet dog.

The pianist’s eyes had a hint of amusement, and then he did something that made Xia Chi freeze on the spot.

The pianist bent down and cradled Li Mi in his arms, stroking Li Mi’s soft hair while praising him, “Li Mi, you’re so obedient. Tell them, who broke your graduation design materials?”

Li Mi trembled in the pianist’s arms and stammered, “It-it-it was me. I broke them myself.”

At that moment, the painter walked over to Li Mi, lifted the hem of his shirt, and used his paintbrush that was stained with paint to lightly stroke Li Mi’s waistline. Li Mi’s body spasmed even more violently.

The painter seemed oblivious to Li Mi’s reaction. The soft, densely packed bristles of the brush swept back and forth, like he was coloring a delicate porcelain, “Now tell them, why did you ruin your graduation design materials?”

Tears began to pour from Li Mi’s eyes, “Because I didn’t want to graduate so soon.”

“We four are the best of friends. I don’t want to be separated from you. I want to stay in school forever, wuuuu.”

The painter withdrew his brush, and the pianist stroked Li Mi’s soft, thick hair in satisfaction, as if petting a house cat.

The basketball player raised an eyebrow, and his long fingers, calloused from years of playing basketball, slapped Li Mi’s back with a sharp, crisp sound. “Li Mi, you naughty boy, you’re acting up again. Do you want to be punished again?”

Li Mi’s sobbing intensified, and tears poured down even more.

He sobbed, “I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

Xia Chi looked at the bizarre scene before him, his brain barely keeping up.

Three good-looking boys were cradling the ugly “poor Li Mi” in their arms. Their posture was intimate, almost pampering, yet it also felt somewhat perverse.

It was like a twisted combination of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and a gypsy beauty, weird and absurd.

Xia Chi gave Bai Lixin a pleading look.

Bai Lixin stood at the door, watching thoughtfully at everything unfolding in the classroom. Then he made a gesture and mouthed the words: Run!

Xia Chi understood immediately and bolted. Hesitating for even a second would be disrespectful to his brother!

As he fled, he heard the conversation behind him:

“But since our dear Li Mi wants materials, we should fulfill his wish.”

“Human body parts as materials, isn’t there a perfect supply right here?”

“Grab them, slice them open. Two whole people will last our Li Mi for a long time.”

Xia Chi quickened his pace.

‘Play with your damn Li Mi! I’m not part of this!’

‘Sister Sun Ning, are you okay mentally? Look at this game design of yours—what kind of twisted nonsense is this?’

After running around the corridor for a while, Xia Chi finally realized that no one had followed him and he stopped.

Just as he was about to catch his breath, he suddenly felt like something was missing.

He puffed out his chest and scanned the area, and his eyes widened in panic.

‘Where’s my brother?

Where did my brother go?!’

The endless, dark corridor stretched out in front and behind him. Xia Chi stood in the middle, and suddenly, he heard the “tap tap tap” of footsteps.

It seemed like they were coming from the front of the hallway, but also like they were coming from behind.

His hands and feet felt a little weak, and he slowly hid into the nearest classroom, quietly closing the door and holding his breath, listening for any movement outside.

He knew that he was no longer in the horror game, that this was just a mild horror game called “Yesterday Reappears”.

All the game content was fake, none of it would cause him any real harm, but the fear still spread from his feet to every part of his body.

He probably had some sort of post-traumatic stress from those horror games, and this realistic recreation triggered his past nightmares.

He wasn’t afraid of real-life criminals. After all, he was going to be a police officer in the future. Whether in theory classes or practical ones, his grades had always been among the best. He had even interned at the police station, and whenever he encountered criminals, he always performed exceptionally.

But he still hadn’t desensitized to these supernatural ghostly things. Fear was fear! The senior sister in red was still the creature he feared the most!

The sound of footsteps approached from afar, stopping suddenly outside the classroom door.

Xia Chi’s throat tightened, and his breath was caught in his chest.

“Bang, bang, bang.”

A rhythmic knocking suddenly echoed from outside the door.

Xia Chi’s heart skipped a beat, and he didn’t dare to breathe.

He subconsciously reached for the weapon in his backpack, but his hand grasped nothing.

Looking at his dismal points and the empty backpack, Xia Chi suddenly gave up in frustration.

‘There’s nothing to fight with, what the hell!’

‘Early death, late death, it’s all the same. What’s there to be afraid of? Let’s fight!’

Xia Chi grabbed a chair from the floor, yanked the door open, and threw it outside with his eyes closed.

The chair hit something heavy with a loud “boom”.

“Tsk tsk, Xia Chi, are you trying to murder your husband?” A teasing male voice rang out, and Xia Chi snapped his eyes open. Standing at the doorway was a tall young man in a khaki trench coat.

The chair Xia Chi had thrown lay shattered at the young man’s feet.

“Tan Yue, it’s you!” Xia Chi let out a long breath. “What’s with the mystery? You knock on the door without saying anything, scaring people to death!”

The young man was about Xia Chi’s age, a few centimeters taller. The black undershirt under his khaki trench coat highlighted his firm, toned muscles.

The young man’s features were sharp and handsome, and his jawline was well-defined. He pointed at the pitch-black hallway. “It was dark, I didn’t know it was you.”

“Are you scared? How about you beg me, and I’ll protect you.”

“Pah!” Xia Chi didn’t appreciate it at all. “Are you itching for a beating? You want me to beg you? I’ll beat you until you lie on the ground and call me daddy.”

Tan Yue lifted his arm. “Want to give it a try?”

Xia Chi glanced at the faint bulge of Tan Yue’s biceps and swallowed his bravado back down.

This guy used to be all about academics. But ever since I got into the police academy, something snapped in him. He started working out and learning martial arts and boxing, and now he could actually pin me down and make me cry.’

“You just won’t go away, will you?” Xia Chi rolled his eyes, dragged Tan Yue into the classroom and shut the door. “Didn’t you say you never play games? How come you’re now sneaking around playing Yesterday Reappears behind my back. I caught you red-handed.”

The classroom was dim, and they could only vaguely see each other’s outlines.

There seemed to be some strange noise outside.

Xia Chi held his breath, and a broad figure suddenly pressed down on him.

In the darkness, Tan Yue’s voice sounded unbelievably low, “Don’t make a sound.”

Tan Yue pressed his ear to the doorframe, as if listening to the sounds outside.

Xia Chi could feel the other party’s arms spread out, trapping him between the door. Their chests were almost pressed together, and he could even hear the other party’s somewhat heavy breathing and heartbeat.




The strong, powerful heartbeat echoed in his ears, and then sank into his heart.

He suddenly felt his mouth go dry.

After the memories of the horror game were restored, he seemed to recall some strange things.

For example, he once created an AI butler in his dormitory that looked exactly like Tan Yue.

For example, in his loneliness, he ended up sleeping with AI Butler Tan Yue.

The firm muscles, the defined waist and abdomen, the surging emotions—all rushed back to his mind.

Xia Chi’s face suddenly felt hot and his entire body felt like it was on fire. His limbs became weak and powerless, and he felt as if he was floating.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

He could even hear his own terrifyingly fast heartbeat, as if his heart was about to leap out of his throat.

He felt uncomfortable and wanted to push Tan Yue away.

“Don’t move,” Tan Yue’s hand gripped the back of Xia Chi’s neck, “Be quiet.”

Xia Chi’s whole body went stiff. With Tan Yue’s hand on the back of his neck, he felt like a kitten being held by the scruff, unable to move at all.

Tan Yue’s body pressed even closer.

When one of a person’s senses becomes impaired, another heightens.

Since he couldn’t see clearly, Xia Chi’s hearing and sense of touch seemed to become extremely sensitive.

He could feel the warm, rhythmic breath of the other party against his neck, sliding down from his neck to his chest.

Wherever the breath touched, it felt both itchy and unbearable, and hot.

Xia Chi stared at the solid, broad outline in front of him, his mind wandering, and his thoughts unconsciously drifted back to that night of madness in the player dormitory.

‘I’m really going to die…’

Tan Yue treated him like a brother, yet behind his back, he had slept with “Tan Yue”.

If Tan Yue ever found out about those inappropriate things, he’d definitely kill him.

“Why is your heartbeat so fast?” In the darkness, Tan Yue’s voice was husky and it even carried a hint of gentleness that was not usually there. “Are you that scared?”

Xia Chi shook his head vigorously.

It must be his imagination. Tan Yue was the same as always. It was him who wasn’t normal.

The noise outside grew louder.

It didn’t sound like something a human would make; it was more like something being dragged across the ground.


“Wuuu, where are you, kind person?” It was Li Mi’s voice.

“Didn’t you say you were going to help me get my materials back? Why did you run away?”

“Liar, you liar, all of you are liars.”


Li Mi’s shrill and mournful voice kept echoing through the hallway.

That sound drilled into Xia Chi’s ears like a jackhammer, making him shiver.

The pressure on the back of his neck suddenly intensified, and before Xia Chi could react, he felt his body leaning forward. The next moment, he was leaning against a broad and firm chest.

Xia Chi was startled and was about to struggle when the pressure on the back of his head increased. “If you can stay still from now on, I’ll treat you tonight.”

That one sentence hit Xia Chi’s weak spot, and he immediately stopped moving.

The warm breath kept flowing down his neck into his chest, and the steady and powerful heartbeat came through their clothes.

Thump, thump, thump!”

Unconsciously, Xia Chi’s heart which had been shaken by Li Mi’s fright miraculously calmed down.

After what seemed like an eternity, Li Mi outside in the hallway finally gave up searching for Xia Chi and left sluggishly.

Xia Chi was still immersed in the warmth and strength of Tan Yue’s chest when, in the next second, the other person pushed him away, so quickly that Xia Chi was momentarily stunned.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Tan Yue’s voice in the darkness seemed a little rough: “Li Mi is gone. Let’s go.”

Xia Chi followed Tan Yue out of the classroom. The moment they stepped out, a flash of white appeared before Xia Chi’s eyes, and an entirely different scene appeared before him.

They stood in a corridor.

The corridor was still the same maze-like hallway, but it was now daytime.

Xia Chi glanced at the game time displayed in the top-right corner of the system. Of the 72 hours, 20 had already passed.

System Xiao Le explained in his mind: [In order to provide a better experience for players, unnecessary game time will be intelligently cut. The game is very thorough, and there won’t be any plot gaps, so players can rest assured.]

Based on that, it seemed the night had passed, and it was now daytime during class hours.

In the daytime, many students were hurrying back and forth in the corridor. They walked quickly with books in hand, seemingly rushing to class.

The noise of people talking filled the air, and he overheard the students chattering excitedly: “Hurry, Aesthetics Appreciation is starting soon. If we’re late, we won’t see the aloof senior!”

“I’d rather go to the stadium. There’s a basketball game with that rich and cool senior today, can’t miss it.”

“Art class is still the best. If you’re lucky, the handsome senior might even paint a personal portrait for you.”

The “aloof senior” was the piano player, the “rich and cool classmate” was the basketball player, and the “handsome senior” was the artist.

It seemed like the three of them were really popular at school.

Xia Chi couldn’t help but reach out to grab the nearest student. “What about classmate Li Mi?”

The student was blocked from his path, and he glared at Xia Chi irritably. “Li Mi? Who’s Li Mi? We don’t know him!”

A nearby student overheard and turned his head. “Li Mi? Are you talking about that fourth-year who’s repeating his classes and is always at the bottom?”

Xia Chi: “Yes, that’s him.”

The student chuckled. “Him? He’s already delayed graduation for two years. If he delays any longer, he’ll be expelled.”

“Oh, I remember now,” the first student’s eyes widened. “I know who Li Mi is. He’s a thief! He even stole from the cool senior. The art school doesn’t deserve a student like him, he should be expelled!”

“You’re wrong, you’re wrong,” another student joined the conversation. “He’s not just a thief, he’s a stalker. He secretly followed that rich and handsome classmate, and when he got caught, he was beaten up.”

“You’re all wrong,” another student chimed in. “Li Mi is not only a thief and a stalker, but also a pervert. Someone saw him strip naked in the handsome senior’s studio, hoping the senior would paint him.”

The students babbled on, their voices overlapping.

“Li Mi is a thief, a stalker, and a pervert!”

“He doesn’t know his place, someone like him dares to like those three.”

“And not just one, he went after all three of them.”

“He doesn’t deserve to graduate or get his diploma from the art school! He should be expelled!”

“Let’s go, we’re going to be late for class.”

“Yeah, let’s go, we don’t want to end up like Li Mi, delaying graduation.”

The students scattered, disappearing in front of Xia Chi and Tan Yue.

Xia Chi’s ears were ringing from all the noise, and he rubbed them. “The information seems a bit contradictory.”

“The Li Mi I saw at night was being fought over like a treasure by those three, but according to these students, Li Mi was the one chasing after them.”

Tan Yue: “The main task of the game is to help Li Mi complete his graduation project and graduate successfully. If we follow this main task, it should split into two directions: one is how to help Li Mi complete his project, and the other is why Li Mi can’t finish it.”

Xia Chi: “Li Mi said it himself, he prepared the materials for his project, but those three destroyed them.”

Tan Yue: “Why did those three destroy Li Mi’s project materials? If we don’t solve that, even if we help Li Mi find more materials, they’ll just get destroyed again.”

“Ah,” Xia Chi clenched his fist. “Yeah, why didn’t I think of that?”

“So the root of the problem is still with those three and Li Mi. Tan Yue, you’re really a genius.”

Tan Yue: “You’re treating me tonight.”

Xia Chi: “No way, you said in the classroom that if I stayed still, you’d treat me tonight. You can’t go back on your word.”

Tan Yue: “Then when is it your turn to treat?”

Xia Chi: “When your brother Chi clears this game at an S-level, I’ll treat you to a meal. Sounds fair?”

Tan Yue: “You said it.”

Xia Chi’s fingers cracked as he clenched his fists. “When has your brother Chi ever gone back on his word? Whatever you want to eat, I can afford it.”

Tan Yue’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Heh, I’ll be waiting for that feast.”

Xia Chi’s heart skipped a beat.

He had a sudden feeling like he was being watched by a tiger.

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