After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 660

Chapter 660

Xia Chi was a bit unsure, “Tan Yue, it seems like he’s glaring at me.”

Tan Yue: “Then I’ll help you gouge his eyes out.”

His expression was serious, as if he wasn’t joking.

Xia Chi imagined the scene of Tan Yue digging someone’s eyes out and shivered, “Tan Yue, you really have the temperament of a boss. How did you suddenly become so ruthless?”

Tan Yue: “…”

The ball went out of bounds and the sound of a whistle echoed across the court.

A boy wearing the same colored jersey as the Basketball Prince ran over to apologize. The Basketball Prince said something to the referee, who then blew the whistle again and announced, “The Saiye team requested a timeout, five-minute break.”

There were two teams on the court. The Basketball Prince’s team wore red jerseys, while the other team wore blue.

With the game paused, the players began leaving the court. Several assistants rushed forward to bring towels and water to the Basketball Prince, but he didn’t even glance at them, rudely shoving them aside as he headed straight for Li Mi in the corner.

Li Mi’s body was twisted in a strange posture.

His arms and legs were curled tightly toward his chest, his head buried in his lap, and his whole body was almost balled up, making it hard to even recognize him as a person.

Although Xia Chi was quite curious about what Li Mi looked like under the “mild horror” mode, the thought of those terrifying tears made him swallow his curiosity back.

Curiosity killed the cat, after all.

The Basketball Prince stood in front of Li Mi, his tall, muscular figure completely casting the balled-up Li Mi in shadow.

The wet hair due to sweat covered his face. He lowered his head, as if speaking to Li Mi.

Li Mi was trembling in his curled-up form, and something transparent dripped from him onto the bleachers.

Xia Chi: “…” I’m really dying to know what they were talking about.

Curiosity kills cats, but so what? Xia Chi crouched low and crept closer to them.

In the noisy gymnasium, he gradually began to make out their conversation.

“Who’s that guy? Why does he keep looking at you?” The Basketball Prince gritted out each word, his tone icy. “Li Mi, why are you so loose? The three of us aren’t enough for you? You still want to seduce someone else? Looks like you need to be taught a lesson.”

Li Mi curled up even tighter, desperately shaking his head. “No, no, I didn’t! Wuuu, I don’t know him, I didn’t seduce him, I don’t know why he’s looking at me. Please, Rich And Handsome Classmate, believe me. I beg you, spare me.”

‘Ah, poor Li Mi.’

“I asked you to come watch my game, but instead, you’re hiding in this corner,” the Basketball Prince’s mood didn’t improve at all despite Li Mi’s pleading. His tone only grew nastier. “Are you that afraid of people knowing about our relationship? What, scared it’ll mess up your chances to hook up with others?”

The Basketball Prince noticed Xia Chi, glared at him gloomily, then turned back to Li Mi. “You still say you didn’t seduce him? Now he’s even come over. I took my eyes off you for one minute, and you couldn’t hold back?”

“Come with me!”

The Basketball Prince suddenly reached out to grab Li Mi. The curled-up Li Mi wobbled as he was yanked, and he fell to the ground with his hands and limbs spread out.

The Basketball Prince grabbed Li Mi’s fluffy hair, dragging him like a lamb to the slaughter.

Li Mi was forced to slide along the floor, tugging at his own hair while pleading, his eyes welling up with huge tears.

Whispers began to rise from the crowd.

“Look, that shameless Li Mi is here to provoke the Basketball Prince again.”

“Hah, did he really think hiding in the corner would keep him from being found out? Keep him from being kicked out of the gym?”

“The Basketball Prince must really hate that Li Mi. He’d rather waste precious timeout minutes just to throw Li Mi out.”

“That Li Mi is so persistent, and it was because the Basketball Prince saw him that he made a mistake and threw the ball out of bounds.”

Xia Chi: “…” ‘Are these spectators blind and deaf? This is completely upside down!’

The Basketball Prince dragged Li Mi out of the gym. Xia Chi wanted to follow them, but the suddenly agitated crowd formed a thick wall, blocking his way.

By the time Xia Chi pushed through the crowd and reached the gym entrance, the Basketball Prince and Li Mi were already gone.

It wasn’t until the five-minute break was almost over that the Basketball Prince finally returned.

This time, he came back alone, without poor Li Mi following behind.

Whatever the Basketball Prince did to Li Mi, his mood had clearly improved a lot. His cheeks were flushed, and he looked full of energy.

Recalling the earlier conversation between the Basketball Prince and Li Mi, combined with his current expression, Xia Chi couldn’t help but think of some 18+ scenes. His gaze toward the Basketball Prince suddenly became a bit more… subtle.

‘It’s over in four minutes?’

‘Isn’t that too fast? Buddy, you really can’t compare, Tan Yue lasts all night.’

Xia Chi quickly slapped himself to snap out of his inappropriate thoughts. Tan Yue was his best brother, what was he even thinking about today?

His eyes followed the Basketball Prince back onto the court. As his gaze shifted to the opposing team, Xia Chi’s face showed a hint of surprise.

‘Tan Yue?’

‘Why did he step onto the court?’

At this moment, Tan Yue had switched to the blue team. His wispy bangs were pushed back, revealing a smooth forehead and sharp, blade-like eyebrows.

His eyes, like an eagle’s, stared expressionlessly at the basketball prince across from him, making a provocative gesture that seemed to say, “You’re not good enough”.

The basketball prince, who had been in a good mood, instantly became furious and his expression became fierce.

The game started, and a fierce chase began.

Xia Chi stood on the sidelines, staring at the people on the basketball court unblinkingly.

There were many people on the court, but his attention was always drawn to one person.

That person had long legs and arms, and when his arm lifted to shoot, his taut muscles outlined a beautiful curve, and his vigorous power was ready to burst out.

At this moment, Tan Yue was like a cheetah returning to his territory. He ran, roared, and hunted on the grassland, reckless and wild. Nothing could stop him because he was the true master of this field.

Tan Yue leaped up in front of the basketball prince and, almost mockingly, slammed the basketball hard into the opponent’s hoop right in front of him.

The court erupted in gasps and screams, and the basketball prince’s face was extremely gloomy.

But Tan Yue just glanced at him coldly, his mouth opening and closing. No one knew what he said, but from the basketball prince’s dark expression, it must not have been anything nice.

Xia Chi stood outside the court, frowning as he looked at Tan Yue.

He suddenly felt that the current Tan Yue was a bit unfamiliar, completely different from the well-mannered Tan Yue he remembered.

When did Tan Yue become like this?

Was it when he suddenly started working out? Or when he began learning Sanda?

[Ding! Friendly reminder to the player,] Xia Chi’s vision was suddenly filled by the fluffy Xiao Le. [There is an important plot happening in the bathroom right now. Please head there quickly, or you will miss a crucial part of the story. If you miss it, you might not be able to piece together the full logical sequence. Please proceed at once.]

On the court, Tan Yue raised his arm and lightly jumped back, making a three-pointer toward the opposite basket.

The basketball traced a beautiful arc through the air and landed securely in the hoop with a “bang”.

The score between the red and blue teams widened, but this time, it wasn’t the red team which was led by the basketball prince, that was ahead. Instead, the blue team, with Tan Yue, was in the lead.

Xiao Le’s urging voice came again: [Player, the plot is in progress. Please head there immediately.]

At the same time, a red countdown appeared in the lower right corner of the game interface.

Xia Chi remained motionless, as if he hadn’t heard Xiao Le’s voice. His eyes were glued to Tan Yue.

Even as the countdown ended, Xia Chi still didn’t head to the bathroom.

Xiao Le popped up again, with a hint of regret in its voice: [How unfortunate, player. Because you failed to reach the bathroom within the allotted time, you have missed a crucial clue. Please approach the next stage of the game with caution. You may still have a chance to complete the task perfectly.]


A loud crash came from the basketball court, followed by a sharp, agonizing scream.

The audience in the stands erupted in shock, and Xia Chi narrowed his eyes.

He saw a basketball slam hard into the Basketball Prince’s face. The Basketball Prince collapsed to the ground in pain, covering his eyes and wailing. There was blood pouring from his nose and mouth.

Tan Yue lowered his hand. His expression didn’t even change, his eyes were indifferent, as if he were looking at a lifeless object. “Sorry, my hand slipped.”

The referee’s whistle blew, and Tan Yue was sent off the court.

As Tan Yue walked over, Xia Chi hurried up to him, glancing anxiously at the basketball prince being carried onto a stretcher. “Is he okay?”

Tan Yue: “He won’t die.”

Xia Chi: “Will this affect the next part of the plot?”

Tan Yue looked innocent. “I don’t know.”

“Ah!” Xia Chi suddenly remembered. “My task!”

“I was so focused on watching you play basketball. Xiao Le told me to go to the basketball court bathroom, saying there was an important plot there, and I missed it!”

Tan Yue’s expression suddenly brightened. He glanced at Xia Chi. “Do you want to check it out now?”

Xia Chi: “Hmm, I guess that’s all I can do, let’s try our luck.”

Even though the task wasn’t completed, the system guide was still active. With its help, Xia Chi quickly found the bathroom without much effort.

This bathroom seemed abandoned. The voice-activated lights leading to it were broken, and the lights inside the bathroom weren’t working either.

It was pitch black inside, nothing could be seen clearly, and only faint sobbing and whispering sounds could be heard from deep within.

The two sounds overlapped, as if they were coming from two people.

Xia Chi gathered his courage and lifted his foot, ready to walk into the bathroom.

“Such a poor child.”

Hearing this voice, Xia Chi’s foot, which was halfway in the air, froze and slowly retracted as he strained to listen carefully.

Tan Yue nudged Xia Chi’s shoulder, only to have his mouth immediately covered.

Xia Chi glared at Tan Yue.

‘Shh, listen!’

“Wuuu.” This was Li Mi’s voice.

“I didn’t want this, but for some reason, they really enjoy treating me like this, wuuuu.”

“I begged them, but they were indifferent.”

“Why me?”

“Wuuu, why am I so unlucky?”

“Poor Li Mi,” that gentle voice sounded again, followed by the rustling of clothes, “Come into my arms.”

Li Mi’s sobbing echoed in the darkness, and the sound of footsteps approached. Someone gradually emerged from the depths of the dark bathroom.

Xia Chi blinked and awkwardly waved at the person inside, “Brother.”

His eyes unconsciously fell onto Bai Lixin’s arms.

Bai Lixin was holding the pitiful Li Mi in a princess carry, one hand supporting Li Mi’s legs, the other gently patting his back.

Li Mi’s eyes were like two black faucets that couldn’t be shut off, shedding tears one after the other.

As they moved to a slightly brighter area, Xia Chi noticed several crisscrossing red marks on Li Mi’s scrawny arms and ankles. The bright red stood out starkly against the pale skin.

Li Mi’s clothes were torn in places, and faint red marks could also be seen on his exposed abdomen.

It was the first time Xia Chi had observed the ugly Li Mi’s body this closely.

He didn’t know why, but when he first met Li Mi, he found him terrifying. However, after seeing what happened to Li Mi several times, he wasn’t scared of him anymore. In fact, he even felt a little sorry for him.

Wait, sorry?

“Damn it,” Xia Chi’s tears streamed down uncontrollably, “Wuuu, I’m crying again.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Tan Yue: “…’

Perhaps Bai Lixin’s gentle patting had soothed Li Mi. After crying for a while, Li Mi curled up in Bai Lixin’s arms and fell asleep.

Xia Chi, having cried himself to exhaustion, also stopped sobbing and looked helplessly at Bai Lixin, “Brother, I’m about to cry the Great Wall down.”

Bai Lixin: “Uh, my condolences.”

Xia Chi: “You didn’t cry either. You also think Li Mi is just a bunch of data like Tan Yur, so you don’t feel sorry for him?”

“No, I do feel sorry for him.” The three of them left the dark corridor and walked into the sunlight. “I feel a bit uncomfortable in my chest.”

“I think I understand what’s going on with this copy. The perspective Sun Ning designed for this copy is quite unique.”

Xia Chi: “So, what’s going on?”

Bai Lixin didn’t answer Xia Chi. Instead, his gaze fell on the tall young man behind him, “Tan Yue?”

Tan Yue nodded slightly at Bai Lixin, “Long time no see.”

“You two know each other?” Xia Chi asked, looking back and forth between the two in confusion. “When did you meet?”

Tan Yue brushed it off casually, “We met once, can’t remember exactly where.”

“Right,” Xia Chi finally remembered what he wanted to ask regarding the horror game. “Tan Yue, let me ask you, did you also regain memories of the horror game?”

Tan Yue: “I remember some.”

“Then, what kind of obsession got you sucked into the horror game?” Ever since Xia Chi regained his memories, he had been wanting to ask Tan Yue for an answer. “You come from a wealthy family, your parents are harmonious, you have excellent grades, you look like the campus male god, you’re tall, healthy, and even got into the major you wanted with ease. I really can’t figure out what someone like you could be so obsessed with.”

“Even a ‘winner in life’ has things they can’t obtain,” Tan Yue pursed his lips, his gaze dark. “What about you? Why did you get dragged into the horror game?”

Xia Chi glanced at Tan Yue. “Because of you. Everyone forgot you. Even your parents didn’t remember they had a son, but I still remembered! I desperately searched for traces of you, afraid that I, too, would forget you. While searching, I ended up in the horror game.”

Tan Yue’s cold and sharp features softened, and he muttered, “Everyone forgot about me, but you didn’t.”

Xia Chi: “Of course not, how could I forget you? We grew up together. I’ve spent more time with you than with my own parents. How could I forget you? Would I still be human if I did?”

Bai Lixin glanced at Tan Yue, his eyes asking: It’s been four years, and you still haven’t caught him?

Tan Yue: Sigh…

Li Mi shifted in Bai Lixin’s arms, attracting Xia Chi’s attention. Sunlight fell on Li Mi, and beneath the mottled red marks on his arms, faint scars were faintly visible.

The scars were neatly lined up on his wrists, varying in depth, as if they had been made at different times.

Xia Chi frowned slightly.

They looked a lot like self-harm scars.

He thought for a moment and adjusted the horror level to its lowest setting. The terrifying Li Mi in Bai Lixin’s arms transformed into the beautiful Li Mi.

The delicate porcelain doll radiated a glowing white light. His thick bangs covered part of his pale forehead, and the lashes under the shadow of his hair fluttered like two small brushes, gently trembling in the air. He was so soft and beautiful, like a little elf from the forest, not like a person at all.

Xia Chi raised his gaze and glanced at Bai Lixin. The impact of Beautiful Li Mi on him quickly faded.

He silently sighed in relief and returned his gaze to Beautiful Li Mi’s wrists.

‘Fortunately, there is a stunning beauty like Brother. After looking at Brother for so long, other beauties seemed dull by comparison.’

Even such a beautiful Li Mi paled in ‘comparison to Brother when they were together.’


Xia Chi let out a soft sigh. Sure enough, above and below heaven, his brother was the most beautiful one, without a doubt!

His gaze swept over Beautiful Li Mi’s wrists, and they were flawless, with no scars in sight.

Xia Chi adjusted the horror level back to the maximum, and the scars on Ugly Li Mi’s wrists reappeared, glaring and abrupt.

He hesitated for a moment, then finally overcame his fear and reached out to touch the scars on Li Mi wrist. When he accidentally brushed against one of the red marks, Li Mi, who was sound asleep, immediately frowned and let out a pained groan.

Xia Chi was startled and quickly pulled his hand back like he had been shocked.

How strange.

Ugly Li Mi was covered in scars, while Beautiful Li Mi was as clean and flawless as a freshly peeled egg.

It felt like he was missing something important.

Thinking about the clue he had missed, Xia Chi couldn’t help but wonder if this was the important information he had overlooked.

“Brother, why are you in the bathroom?” Xia Chi asked, looking at Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin gently stroked Li Mi forehead, smoothing out his furrowed brows. “I was looking for someone. As I was wandering around, I heard crying and found him hiding in the deepest part.”

Xia Chi: “Looking for someone? Who? Not Li Mi?”

“No,” Bai Lixin thought for a moment. “I came in with Dijia. After entering, I didn’t see him, so I’ve been searching for him.”

“Dijia?” Xia Chi chewed on the familiar yet unfamiliar name. “Could he be the big boss? The boss’s name is Dijia? He’s also in the game?!”

Tan Yue’s expression changed slightly, his voice a little excited. “Dijia is still alive? That’s great!”

Xia Chi glanced at Tan Yue, then at Bai Lixin.

He recalled their behavior from the beginning of the game until now and suddenly had a strange thought.

“Could it be that I’m the only one seriously playing this game?” Xia Chi pointed at himself with a stiff smile. “Neither of you accepted the task?”

That’s why these two hadn’t shown up at key locations, and why they hadn’t received any follow-up tasks.

One was fighting NPCs on the basketball court, and the other had been running around looking for someone.

So, while everyone else was slacking off, he was the only one working hard?!

“No,” Xia Chi felt like he was about to lose his voice. “What are you guys even here for?”

Bai Lixin replied seriously, “Looking for someone.”

Tan Yue responded earnestly, “Looking for fun.”

Xia Chi: “…”

‘Looking for fun, my foot! You’re not treating me like the fun, are you?!’

“Xia Chi, when I heard the crying and found Li Mi, I noticed something,” Bai Lixin adjusted Li Mi to a more comfortable position. “I saw that Beautiful Li Mi’s clothes were torn, and he was disheveled. His back, arms, thighs, and even his buttocks had many red marks. They looked like the marks from being slapped. Slapping can cause blood circulation under the skin to increase, leading to red marks. These marks aren’t permanent and fade over time. But the marks on Li Mi’s body disappeared quickly. It took only two minutes from the time I found him covered in marks until they were completely gone.”

Xia Chi was slightly stunned. “That crazy Basketball Prince dragged Li Mi into the bathroom just to beat him up? Tan Yue, that basketball hit was too light—you should’ve hit him harder, like, hit him to death.”

Tan Yue: “Hmph.”

“But what does it mean that his red marks faded so quickly?” Xia Chi quickly brought the conversation back on track. “Does it mean he’s super healthy? His recovery ability is super fast?”

Bai Lixin gently ran his white fingertips over the scar on Li Mi’s wrist. “With such a powerful, perfect recovery ability, does that mean that even if scars appear on Li Mi body, they’ll heal completely? No matter how many injuries he suffers, he won’t retain any marks.”

“Like a clay doll, any damage is patched up, showing only the beautiful exterior.”

“Yet beneath that perfect exterior lies a body full of scars.”

“Who are you?” A cold, arrogant voice suddenly interrupted the conversation among the three. “Put down the person in your arms!”

Xia Chi looked up and saw the Piano Prince and Art Prince walking over together.

Their steps were quick, and they looked anxious.

Gone was their usual carefree demeanor. The two hurried forward, stubbornly and arrogantly extending a hand towards Bai Lixin. “Give him to us. He belongs to us.”

Xia Chi shielded Li Mi. “No, Li Mi is a person, not an object.”

Art Prince elegantly adjusted the cuff of his white shirt. “In that case, why not wake Li Mi and ask for his own opinion?”

His posture was graceful, as if he already knew the outcome.

Xia Chi was speechless and subconsciously looked towards Bai Lixin. He saw Bai Lixin waking the still-sleeping Li Mi.

Li Mi, rubbing his eyes in confusion. When he saw Piano Prince and Art Prince, he started trembling. He lowered his head and said timidly, “Handsome Senior, Aloof Senior.”

Aloof Senior looked down at him, superior and dismissive. “Come with us. Rich and Cool is injured and is in the infirmary. He’s demanding to see you, and he’s going crazy. You know what will happen if you don’t go.”

Li Mi shoulders shook several times before he nodded obediently. “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

Xia Chi: “…”

‘This Li Mi, so pitiful, yet so infuriating!’


Suddenly, he heard that strange sound again.

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