After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 663.1

Chapter 663.1

[With his family’s help, Li Mi successfully got into City A’s Art University. During his college years, he worked hard and studied well, neither excelling nor failing in his studies. In order to reduce the pressure at home, he would go out to work in his spare time to earn living expenses and tuition fees. He worked hard for three years in college. In his fourth year, he met a handsome classmate when he went out to work as a tutor. ]

[From then on, his life underwent a drastic change.]

[Handsome Classmate was admitted to the same university as Li Mi, and along with two others, they started an emotional entanglement with Li Mi.]

[Li Mi wanted to escape from this situation as soon as possible and looked forward to graduation as soon as possible.]

[However, his graduation project materials were sabotaged repeatedly. Li Mi suspected it was Handsome Classmate and the others, but they never admitted to it, and Li Mi never witnessed them destroying the materials.]

[Congratulations, player! You have unlocked the side task—Li Mi’s Troubles 2.]

[Please help Li Mi find the culprit who is destroying the materials and stop them from continuing to sabotage.]

[This task plays a crucial role in completing the main task. Refusing will result in game failure. Please choose carefully.]


Did the system give him the [Accept/Refuse] option to pretend to be democratic?

Is this even a choice?

Refusing means immediate game failure—there was no real choice to begin with!

Xia Chi pressed [Accept].

Just after one system task was completed, another appeared.

The system timer at the top right showed 35 hours left—half the game time had already passed.

Xiao Le’s figure did not disappear. It licked its furry paw with a pink tongue. [Dear player, the Art Building storyline has been fully unlocked. Would you like to proceed to the next scene?]

Li Mi was still curled up in the corner, looking lonely and pitiful.

Xia Chi: [What about Li Mi?]

Xiao Le: [You’ve already driven away the strange person for him. He’ll stay here until sunrise before going to class.]

It was now 1 a.m., five or six hours away from dawn.

Xia Chi finally understood why this copy was called [Poor Li Mi]. Everyone in this copy was bullying this one person, and the malice was wrapped up and beautified as love. If Li Mi isn’t pitiful, then who is?

“Li Mi,” by now, Xia Chi couldn’t even feel afraid of Li Mi anymore. Despite his ugly and terrifying appearance, he was just a victim, “Where’s your dorm? Do you need me to take you back?”

Li Mi seemed shocked by the question, his mouth gaping as he stared blankly at Xia Chi. “Can you say that again?”

Xia Chi: “Do you need me to take you back to your dorm?”

Li Mi thought about it and asked cautiously, “Can I say no?”

Xia Chi frowned. “Why?”

Li Mi shrank back into the corner a little. “S-sorry.”

Xia Chi was stunned. “I wasn’t blaming you. I just want to know why you don’t want to go back.”

Li Mi: “I feel fine staying here by myself. I don’t mean any harm, I just don’t want to go back.”

Since it was Li Mi’s own choice not to return, Xia Chi didn’t insist. “Alright then, be careful. I’m leaving.”

Just as he was about to leave, Li Mi grabbed his pant leg.

The grotesque monster looked up at Xia Chi uncertainly. “You… agree?”

“Of course,” Xia Chi found Li Mi’s reaction strange, “If you want to stay, I’ll respect your choice.”

Li Mi’s hand loosened, and he sat back in the corner, his expression dazed.

Xia Chi observed him for a while and asked tentatively, “Has no one ever asked for your opinion before?”

Li Mi’s lips trembled, his chin shaking forcefully. “No.”

“No matter what I say, it never seems to matter.”

“When I say ‘no’, they say my mouth says ‘no’, but my body says otherwise.”

“When I say I want to go back, they always make me stay.”

“When I say I don’t like this, they say I just like being sarcastic.”

“When I say I’ve never been a stalker, my classmates only believe what they think and never listen to my explanations.”

“My voice is too small, my words too weak. I’m not mute, but I might as well be.”

“I’m in so much pain. This isn’t the life I want. I don’t want to live like this.”

“I want respect. I want to make my own choices. I want my voice to be heard.”

“You’re the first person to ask for my opinion and respect my wishes.”

“You gave me the respect and the opportunity to make my own decision.”

“You’re a good person.”

[Ding! Congratulations, player. You’ve triggered [Li Mi’s Inner Voice] and received the [Good Person Card] from Li Mi.]

[Prop Description: The [Good Person Card] is a C-level prop. Being defined as a good person by Li Mi, you can use this card to gain favor from any NPC in the copy, making them agree to something they wouldn’t normally agree to. This card can only be used once and will expire after use. Please use it wisely.]

A golden card spun a few times in Xia Chi’s vision before being stored in his backpack.

Xia Chi hadn’t expected a few words to earn him a prop card.

Maybe if he talked more with Li Mi, he’d get even more props?

Just as Xia Chi was about to have a deeper conversation with Li Mi about life and ideals, Li Mi suddenly curled his legs and rolled into a ball. “You guys should go now. I’m tired. I need to sleep.”

Xia Chi: “…”

‘This kid, why so stubborn? Can’t you sleep a little later?’

Leaving the classroom, Xia Chi had the system move the plot forward.

The surrounding scenery shifted like a fast-forwarded film, with night turning into day and the corridor replaced by the square in front of the academic building.

Ahead of him, a crowd had gathered.

In several layers, they surrounded the square so tightly that not a single gap was left.

In the midst of the bustling crowd, Xia Chi spotted a familiar figure. He hurried forward. “Brother?”

The person turned around. It was indeed Bai Lixin.

Standing next to him was Dijia, dressed in a white lab coat, exuding a powerful and imposing aura. The crowd kept their distance, unwilling to get too close to them.

Xia Chi noticed Bai Lixin’s neck looked a little red. “Brother, what happened to your neck? Did you get hurt?”

Bai Lixin calmly tugged at his collar. “I was bitten by a dog.”

Xia Chi: ?

‘A dog? What kind of dog could bite his brother? A dog spirit?’

His gaze shifted slightly and fell on Dijia’s neck. There were three sharp red marks there that looked like claw marks. The scratches stretched from his neck down and disappeared at the back.

“Did the big boss’s neck get hurt too?”

Dijia rarely smiled. “It was scratched by a cat.”

Xia Chi: Huh?

‘A cat? A dog and a cat—this copy had monsters like that?’

“How tragic.”

“Why would you even get into that?”

“My God, how could it be him? He’s the proud son of heaven!”

Amidst the bustling chatter, a few fragments of conversation reached Xia Chi’s ears.

He immediately focused his attention on the crowd ahead, standing on tiptoe to see what was happening inside.

At this time, the big boss’s influence is reflected.

As soon as Dijia walked forward, people instantly made room for him.

He, along with Tan Yue and Bai Lixin, easily made their way from the back to the center of the crowd.

A body lay on the ground.

It was face down, limbs broken and twisted, the face shattered due to the impact of the fall. One eyeball bulged out while the other had burst.

His wide eyes stared in Xia Chi’s direction, his expression one of shock.

It was Aloof Senior, the piano prince.

The boy who carried himself with idol-like grace probably never imagined that he would appear before the public in such a tragic state.

Around him, people took out their phones and started snapping pictures of Aloof Senior’s body.

Aloof Senior was still alive. His mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Only thick blood uncontrollably oozed from his mouth.

Looking at him, it seemed like he had fallen from a great height.

Xia Chi looked up at the tall red building. It was about twenty stories high, with large metal characters inscribed on the front.

Art Building 6.

It was the same art building they had been in the night before.

The windows higher up were all sealed shut. The only place one could jump from seemed to be the rooftop.

Why did Aloof Senior jump from the rooftop of Art Building 6?

Did he jump of his own accord, or did… someone push him?

If someone pushed him, who could it have been?

Was it that mysterious figure from last night?

Or Handsome Senior? Or Rich and Cool Senior?

Or… Li Mi?

The sound of an ambulance siren rang out. The doctors placed Aloof Senior on a stretcher and, after shooing the students away, drove off, leaving behind only a pool of blood and bits of flesh.

The students and teachers who had been watching the scene seemed to lose interest instantly and began to disperse, showing no signs of remorse.

Just a couple of days ago, a bunch of students had rushed to Aloof Senior’s class like fans, eager to hear him play the piano. Now, there wasn’t the slightest emotional response.

Was this what the author meant by “flat characters”?

In the chaotic crowd, Xia Chi spotted someone sneaking out of the Art Building and disappearing down a small alley.

It was Li Mi.

Li Mi looked panicked, as if he were terrified.

Seeing this, Xia Chi immediately called out to the others and hurriedly gave chase.

He ran after Li Mi, who was sprinting ahead.

“Li Mi, stop!”

Xia Chi shouted from behind, but Li Mi paid no attention and continued running for his life.

After a long chase, Xia Chi finally caught up to Li Mi.

He lunged forward and pinned Li Mi to the ground, panting heavily. “Li Mi, why are you running?”

Li Mi’s neck suddenly elongated, wrapping around Xia Chi’s wrists and binding them tightly. “I saw it! I saw it!”

He screamed hysterically, as if he had been stimulated.

Li Mi’s grip was so strong that when Xia Chi looked down at his wrists, he could see signs of deformation and the cracking of bones, but there was no pain.

Right, the system didn’t allow pain.

This wasn’t the real world, just a holographic game. The body he was using wasn’t his own, just a virtual one.

A piercing sound cut through the air. Before Xia Chi could react, a shadow flashed from behind him like a ghost.

A large hand grabbed Li Mi’s head and slammed it into the ground with force.

The frenzied Li Mi’s head hit the ground with a loud “bang”, and his head was buried in the dirt.

The grip on Xia Chi’s wrists vanished. He followed the strong hand up and saw Tan Yue coldly retracting his arm as he slowly stood up. “Are you okay?”

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