After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 664.1

Chapter 664.1

Xia Chi: “If they are players, what they did to Li Mi is too much, right? Even if it’s just a bunch of data, there should still be a bottom line. Don’t they feel ashamed?”

Bai Lixin seemed to have thought of something, glanced at Dijia in the corner, then changed the topic, “I was just guessing. After all, I didn’t take any tasks.”

Xia Chi: “So… are they players, or not?”

Suddenly, there were excited cheers in the corridor.

“Wow, it’s the Basketball Prince, he’s looking at me!”

“Nonsense, he’s clearly looking at me!”

“You’re all wrong, he’s looking at the Art Prince beside him.”

“The CP of a sports student and an art student, hehe, I ship it.”

“Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here” Bai Lixin pointed outside the classroom, “If we’re unsure, why not just ask them directly?”

Xia Chi volunteered, “Alright, I’ll go ask!”

He rushed out of the classroom, pushing through the crowd in a few strides.

In the center of the crowd stood Handsome Senior and Rich and Cool Senior, surrounded like stars around the moon. Rich and Cool Senior had his hands in his pockets, and Handsome Senior was holding a paintbrush.

When Xia Chi rushed over, both of them were stunned for a moment and stopped in their tracks.

The students around them started whispering.

“Who is this guy?”

“I’ve ever seen him before. What’s he up to?”

“By the look in his eyes, is he going to confess to Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior?”

“Just him? Seriously?”

As they whispered, Xia Chi suddenly frowned and scanned the group with fierce eyes. “Why are you all babbling here instead of going to class? Be careful or you’ll fail and won’t graduate.”

The students paused for two seconds, then scattered like a flock of pigeons, disappearing in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, only the Basketball Prince and the Art Prince remained.

How strange, they actually left so easily.

Rich and Cool Senior: “What do you want from us?”

“Yes, I have something to ask,” Xia Chi got straight to the point. “Are you players?”

Handsome Senior frowned, seemingly puzzled by Xia Chi’s question. “Players? Basketball players?”

Xia Chi: “No, players of the ‘Yesterday Reappears’ game. We’re currently in a campus copy. Can you access the game system?”

Rich and Cool Senior: “Are you sick? What players, what campus copy? What system? What department are you in? If you’re sick, take some time off and go home to get treated.”

Xia Chi stared intently at Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior’s faces. Their expressions of confusion and impatience didn’t seem fake.

“Brother, it looks like you guessed wrong this time,” Xia Chi turned back to Bai Lixin, “They’re not players.”

Bai Lixin stepped forward. “You two are Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior, right?”

Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior looked him up and down cautiously, with Handsome Senior asking, “We are. What’s the matter?”

Bai Lixin: “Aloof Senior is your friend, right? He is dead, did you know that?”

Finally, there was a reaction on their faces.

But instead of sadness, it was fear.

They looked like they had just heard something terrifying, and there was obvious panic in their eyes.

Bai Lixin: “You two seem quite scared.”

Handsome Senior tried to stay calm. “What’s there to be afraid of?”

Bai Lixin: “You’re afraid of ending up like Aloof Senior, jumping from the 26th floor.”

As soon as he said that, the panic on their faces deepened.

Xia Chi: ?

‘Did I miss something?’

Bai Lixin: “Before you, there were four others who also jumped. Were they the same as you?”

Handsome Senior and Rich and Cool Senior’s faces turned even paler this time.

Xia Chi still didn’t get it. “The same in what way?”

Tan Yue: “They did the same things to Li Mi, for example.”

Bai Lixin: “After those four died, the three of you replaced them and became the new tool men.”

“But now it seems that you three tool men are about to be discarded as well.”

“Tool men?” Rich and Cool Senior’s face flushed with anger. “Do you even know what you’re talking about? I’m the captain of the basketball team at the Academy of Arts, and everyone knows me. Do you think I’d be anyone’s tool? You’ve clearly read too many novels. Your brain is filled with garbage, and you should take a dip in the river to wash it out.”

“Handsome Senior, let’s go!”

Seeing that Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior were about to leave, Bai Lixin winked at Dijia.

Dijia’s tall figure walked to the middle of the corridor, blocking in their way.

Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior’s faces darkened, and Handsome Senior gripped his paintbrush tightly. “Teacher, what do you want? We’re trying to go to class, and you’re blocking our way.”

Dijia said coldly, “Class? Which one? I’ll help you take a leave of absence.”

Handsome Senior: “Whether or not we take leave doesn’t matter. The point is, we like attending class.”

Xia Chi: “…”

Dijia: “Since you love class so much, come with me to the infirmary. I’ll give you a proper lesson.”

Handsome Senior: “Uh, no need, no need. Teacher, what do you want to ask us?”

Xia Chi: “…”

‘The big boss’s role just keeps expanding.’

‘I rely on good people cards to get close to NPCs, while you guys rely on intimidation, right?’

Rich and Cool Senior: “What exactly do you want? We’re just two regular students. Yes, we had some emotional entanglements with Li Mi, but that was mutual. We didn’t do anything else, so why are you coming after us?”

“Are you really just two regular students?” Bai Lixin stepped forward again. “Then tell me, what are your parents’ names, where is your home, who are your grandparents, who are your maternal grandparents, and where did you go to kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school?”

He extended his index finger, pointing at Handsome Senior’s face. “You go first.”

“My name is Handsome Senior, my father’s name is, um, um…” The boy’s handsome face turned bright red. His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn’t say his father’s name.

Bai Lixin’s eyes flashed with understanding, and he lightly rotated his finger toward Rich and Cool Senior. “Your turn to answer those questions.”

Rich and Cool Senior’s face turned as red as a pig’s liver.

Bai Lixin withdrew his hand. “Now you see where the problem lies?”

Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior looked at each other. Handsome Senior said, “How could this happen?”

Bai Lixin: “You’ll need to tell us the specifics. Other than not remembering your background, do you find anything else strange?”

Handsome Senior thought carefully. “It seems I don’t remember how I came to this school. In my memory, I’m a student here. I’ve always been at this school. I like Li Mi, I really want to be with him, but I know it’s not just me who likes him—Aloof Senior and Rich and Cool Senior like him too. So we decided to all like him together.”

Bai Lixin: “And you didn’t think to ask Li Mi about his feelings?”

“Ask Li Mi?” Handsome Senior tilted his head, confused. “Why would we ask him? He’s always happy and always enjoying it.”

Xia Chi: “…But wasn’t he always crying and saying no?”

Handsome Senior: “No means yes, we get it.”

Xia Chi: “You understand nothing.”

Handsome Senior: “…”

Bai Lixin: “Before entering this campus, do you know where you came from?”

Handsome Senior: “From… um… I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin looked at Rich and Cool Senior again. “Do you know?”

Rich and Cool Senior shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“Alright, you can go now.” Bai Lixin shot a glance at Dijia, who stepped aside, allowing the two to leave.

Watching Rich and Cool Senior and Handsome Senior walk away, Xia Chi was puzzled. “Brother, what does this mean?”

Bai Lixin: “When you were playing the game, did you use time jumps?”

Xia Chi: “Yeah.”

Bai Lixin: “I didn’t use time jumps. The game still has 26 hours left, I passed the full 46 hours from the beginning.”

Xia Chi was confused. “It can also work like this? Then can our times sync up? Didn’t the system say that one hour in the game equals one minute in the real world? How does that add up?”

Bai Lixin: “You can think of the virtual game world as a dream world in your mind. A dream lasts one hour, but that one-hour dream can feel either very long or very short. You can jump through different scenes without logic, or enjoy a long, peaceful vacation. When you wake up, it’s still just a one-hour dream.”

Tan Yue: “Once human consciousness leaves the three-dimensional space, time can either extend or shorten at will. Your one-hour of game time involved time jumps, but Bai Lixin’s didn’t. However, for both of you, it’s still that one hour. You’ll meet at the same time points, and once you exit the game, you’ll return to the same real-time progress.”

Xia Chi rubbed his head. “I think I get it. So, why didn’t you use time jumps, Brother? Were you too busy romancing the big boss?”

The usually cold and aloof Dijia suddenly let out a chuckle.

“Ahem, that’s just part of it,” Bai Lixin coughed lightly. “But there’s also another reason. While I was flirting, I also did a little investigating.”

“I found that the NPCs in this world have very flat, one-dimensional personalities. And since you mentioned hearing a sound similar to flipping of pages, I doubted the authenticity of this world. To test the logic of this story, I would stop NPCs and ask them the same questions.”

“And what do you think happened?”

Xia Chi perked up. “What happened?”

Bai Lixin: “They all answered fluently.”

Xia Chi: “Fluently? Everyone?”

Bai Lixin: “Whether teachers or students, they all answered.”

Xia Chi: “But just now, Handsome Senior and Rich and Cool Senior couldn’t answer. Why?”

Tan Yue: “It could be that they were forcibly inserted into the story. They weren’t part of it originally.”

Xia Chi: “But they said they weren’t players. Could the boss of this copy have turned players into NPCs?”

[That’s impossible,] Xiao Le’s figure suddenly appeared in Xia Chi’s mind. [We aren’t some evil horror game that would make such inhumane, terrifying settings. If a player gets lost in the game, our system will remind them immediately, keeping them clear-headed and aware of their identity.]

[Also, a friendly reminder: those two students from earlier really aren’t players. But they do have some connection to the players.]

Xia Chi: [What kind of connection?]

The fluffy cat flicked its long tail. [Hee hee, that’s for you to figure out.]

“But there’s one person I haven’t asked yet,” Bai Lixin’s voice pulled Xia Chi back to reality. “That’s Li Mi.”

“Xia Chi, I think you’re the most suitable person to ask.”

Xia Chi glanced at Li Mi, who was creeping in the dark corner of the classroom: “…”

‘What part of me looks like the right person?!’

Three minutes later, Xia Chi walked out of the classroom, his expression a little strange.

Bai Lixin: “What did he say?”

Xia Chi: “Li Mi said he didn’t know either. At first, he had no problem answering where his home was and who his parents were. But the further we went, the more stuck he got. In the end, he just said he didn’t know.”

“Strange, what’s going on?” Xia Chi was completely confused. “Isn’t Li Mi the protagonist of this story? Even the insignificant NPCs have clear logic, so why is the protagonist’s logic so messed up?”

Just then, a student passed by.

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