After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 69.2 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 69.2 - The Undead Magician

He was using perspective magic, so those veins were none other than Bai Lixin’s magic veins.

The veins all over his body were golden, and in the middle of his chest was a golden-red ball of fire with shimmering photon flares that looked hotter and brighter than the sun in the sky.

That was Bai Lixin’s magical energy.

Dijia’s face did not move, but he was not very calm inwardly.

He had never seen such strong energy before, and it was no exaggeration to say that it was like the obsidian sun in the sky; it really did burn like that.

Dijia withdrew his magic after watching it for a short while, and Bai Lixin finished displaying the seven elements.

The tall figure stood up and walked over to Bai Lixin.

A teleportation formation appeared in front of Bai Lixin and a book fell into his arms.

Bai Lixin took a close look and found that it was the Intermediate Magic Book.

What he didn’t notice as he flipped through the book was that a cloud of black qi floated out from Dijia’s fingers and disappeared into Bai Lixin’s skin.

That black qi quickly enveloped Bai Lixin’s magical energy, blocking the dazzling light within.

Just moments after the black qi had enveloped it, there was a heavy, sharp knocking sound outside the closed door.

Dijia merely glanced at it and said to Bai Lixin, “Come stand next to me.”

Dijia sat on the throne, and Bai Lixin stood next to it as Dijia said, “Come in.”

The dangerous and terrifying monster, like the evil gods described in the book, sat securely on the throne. But the amazing thing was that, besides the most terrifying evil god in the world, was someone so beautiful.

A bright, fiery red rose bloomed beside the ecil, as if beauty and the beast were dancing together.

It was an eerie image, like a beauty on the verge of death in every frame.

This was the picture that the Immortal King saw when he entered.

Behind him were four other undead guards.

Bai Lixin quietly stood beside Dijia, looking ahead without glancing at him.

The Immortal King was supposed to be the most supreme being of the undead race, but Bai Lixin noticed that the Immortal King seemed to be very afraid of Dijia.

Not only the Immortal King, but even the four guards behind him were standing at attention and looking very cautious.

It was not like they had come to see the high priest of their country and more like they had come to negotiate with the enemy.

The Immortal King stopped four or five meters from Dijia. He looked at the monster before him vigilantly, “Dear High Priest, I have come to take away my queen.”

The Immortal King’s gaze came to Bai Lixin, who was standing beside the throne.

The pulsing flames had already revealed his urgency.

The man of the prophecy, the one who brings the end, has truly appeared.

Dijia didn’t stand up, nor did he show the king any courtesy. He sat on his throne and looked down at the king at the bottom of the dais. “Your Majesty, the Great Immortal King, there is no queen for you here.”

The Immortal King raised his hand and pointed to Bai Lixin, “It’s him. He is the prophesied queen who comes with the rain of light. Speaking of which, I saw him in the corridor yesterday and in this very outfit. It seems we are truly destined to be together.”

Dijia’s voice was low, but his tone was colder, “I repeat, there is no queen here, only my disciple. He had already become my disciple before you met him yesterday, and it was me that gave him this outfit. If we are to say that there is a destiny, it is me and my disciple who have more destiny.”

The Immortal King was stunned.

He looked at Dijia in surprise, and his voice began to take on a snarl out of anger, “Don’t go too far, High Priest. Have you forgotten our agreement? You said you would no longer meddle in matters of prophecy, and now that the Destined One has appeared, how can you go back on your word?”

“First you have to prove that he is the Destined One,” Dijia spoke lazily, not caring about the Immortal King’s anger, “I have just confirmed to His Majesty that his earlier actions on the practice field were only that. He does not fit the description that follows in the prophecy, he has no eternal life and his magical energy is as small as a duckling.”

“Your Majesty, you can check it out if you don’t believe me.”

The fire in the Immortal King’s eyes turned golden, “I’ll look!”

Who’s afraid of who? I don’t believe he isn’t!

It must be this old thing lying to me again.

The flame in his eyes turned golden, and the jumbled veins within the young man’s body immediately appeared in front of him. The core that symbolized magical power was as small as a dried up walnut. He could crush them with a gentle squeeze of his fingers.

It was so weak.

Was he really not the one? Was what he had just done just a coincidence?

The Immortal King hesitantly glanced back and forth between Bai Lixin and Dijia and finally swallowed his anger, “Indeed, it was me who disturbed you just now. I ask the High Priest to forgive me for being unreasonable.”

Dijia replaced the hand supporting his head, “That’s fine. Is there anything else, Your Majesty the Immortal King?”

His words showed his dismissal, and the Immortal King was about to die of frustration. He gritted his teeth and said, “No, then I will leave first.”

After the Immortal King left, Bai Lixin, who was still standing beside Dijia, said, “The Immortal King and his escort seem to be very afraid of you.”

Dijia laughed lightly, his voice tinged with coldness, “If you had been killed dozens of times by someone, you would also be afraid when you see him.”

Bai Lixin lowered his eyes.

Dijia, “Why didn’t you ask me why I killed them?”

Bai Lixin, “To break the curse, to stop the prophecy, there must be a reason. It can’t be that you like to kill, right?”

Dijia’s body stiffened for a moment, then he waved his hand, “I have some business that requires me to leave for a while. You can stay here and practice your magic for the time being, and you are not allowed to leave until I return.”

Bai Lixin looked around with some hesitation.

The hall was empty, but with magic being cast, he was afraid of destroying it.

Dijia obviously knew what Bai Lixin was thinking, and with a flutter of his wide black sleeves, he said, “This palace is enchanted with restoration magic. Any damage will be quickly restored to its original state, so don’t worry. There is also a kitchen and study at the back. There are some fruits and food in the kitchen and books in the study, so eat when you are hungry.”

He thought for a moment, and groped his chin with his fingers, “As I recall, humans still need to rest. If you are sleepy, go to my bedroom and rest. You will have to figure out which room it is.”

Bai Lixin interrupted Dijia, “I have a very important question. Many humans have come to you before me, do you know where they ended up?”

Dijia thought hard, “I don’t know. I never pay much attention to such trivial matters, and I have been asleep for a long time and have just recently awakened. But there were humans who came to learn a long time ago. They should all have returned safely to the human race.”

Bai Lixin asked again, “And what would happen if humans eat too much of your food here?”

Dijia did not think long this time, “As far as I know, items that have been processed by the cursed ones will also be tainted with a hint of the curse.”

He was silent for two seconds, “If you eat too much of it, you will become cursed too.”

So he was right, they would really turn into undead.

Then Zhou Guang and the others, who suddenly died at the end, should be among the undead.

Bai Lixin, “Can the undead be resurrected?”

“Haha,” Dijia laughed as if he heard a joke, “There are healing spells, teleportation spells, and all kinds of magic in this world, but there is no resurrection magic. If there really was resurrection magic, there wouldn’t be so many undead. What is this little brain of yours thinking about every day? Wait for me to come back and talk about what’s going on in there.”

Before Bai Lixin could ask any follow-up questions, Dijia’s body was wrapped in a whirlwind before it instantly disappeared.

He looked at the place where Dijia had disappeared and asked: [What kind of magic was Dijia using? It didn’t look like a teleportation formation.]

Escape System: [According to the information given, he was using self-invented teleportation magic. While the teleportation array could only teleport something to a specific location, this magic can teleport it to anywhere. Moreover, when using the usual magic formation for teleportation, a vortex would have to appear first. If it were in battle, it would make the enemy prepare in advance once they saw the vortex. But this teleportation magic activates immediately and could be said to be a good defense.]

Bai Lixin: [Oh, so that’s it. Is that teleportation magic difficult?]

Escape System: [That teleportation magic is Dijia’s own creation, and he is the only one in the whole continent who knows how to do it. It is not a question of whether it is difficult or not, it is that others simply do not know the spell.]

Bai Lixin was just about to speak when the notification for a private chat rang out in his head.

He opened it and found a message from Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Brother! Are you okay? If you’re okay, just “squeak” and let us know that you’re not okay!]

Bai Lixin: [Squeak.]

Xia Chi: […..]

I was going to say something, but I suddenly can’t get myself to do it.

Xia Chi was silent for about ten seconds before he sent another message: [That High Priest didn’t do anything to you, right brother? You…everything will come to pass. As long as there is hope, there is still a future. Even if we encounter something bad, we still have to laugh at life.]

Bai Lixin frowned: [What are you trying to say?]

Xia Chi: [Uh, it’s just that… the high priest’s attitude was really like stealing the bride. I’m worried you’re held captive as his…]

Bai Lixin: […..]

Xia Chi: [Hehe, it’s me who’s overthinking it, isn’t it?]

Bai Lixin: […… ]

It seems like he was a bit right. Xia Chi’s sixth sense and perception of the unknown cause Bai Lixin to be surprised every time.

Bai Lixin didn’t dwell on the matter much, but simply told Xia Chi about the prophecy.

Xia Chi: [Half bloods? Brother, you still have nothing to say?! You are a human, and the Immortal King is of the Undead race. Isn’t a child born to a human and an undead a half blood? Brother, where are you? I’m coming to save you now!]

Bai Lixin: [Come on, don’t get yourself so worked up. Having a child is already overthinking.]

Xia Chi: [Huh, so what does half blood mean?]

Bai Lixin: [ I don’t know, but it’s certainly not what you are thinking. Don’t think too much outside of the box. I’m fine, and you three should be careful.]

Xia Chi: [Brother, there’s something I need to tell you. After you left, the skeleton mages healed Wen Ziqing and then told everyone about you being the “queen”. Wen Ziqing started a rumor about you. He said that you really came here prepared, and that you must have been able to find some kind of hidden task because of your status as ‘Queen’, so you deliberately used the Rain of Light to make the prophecy. Now the remaining five players are all on Wen Ziqing’s side, and they are very hostile towards us.]

Bai Lixin frowned slightly: [Xia Chi, if Wen Ziqing tries to make any moves, tell him that you not only have the second half of the prophecy but also clues to rare props. Before I return, the three of you had better move together and not be left alone.]

Xia Chi: [Okay brother, I understand. We shall be careful. Besides, we have a lot of props so we can protect ourselves no problem.]

Bai Lixin: [Okay.]

In the long corridor, the immortal king’s footsteps hurried. Each footstep made a clicking sound between his boots and the ground.

That young man was definitely the man of prophecy. Even if the high priest wanted to stop it, he must get that young man and bring about the birth of prophecy!

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