After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 71.1 - The Undead Magician

Chapter 71.1 - The Undead Magician

“You really don’t know Synesthesia?”

Dijia asked with some suspicion.

“I really don’t,” Bai Lixin sighed, “it’s really too difficult. The technique needs two people working together. I couldn’t grasp the essence by practicing by myself.”

Dijia observed the expression on Bai Lixin’s face, and sighed, “Indeed, it takes two people to practice telepathy.”

Synesthesia was also called telepathy. Through a magical connection, two parties can share what they see in front of them, and if they are magically compatible enough, they can also feel each other’s emotions and state of mind.

It was a form of light magic, but there was also a dark side to it.

Although both magicians had to accept each other before activating it, this technique was dangerous as one could directly invade and manipulate the other person’s body and because this form of intrusion was evil and it had been forbidden.

Before they started, Dijia warned Bai Lixin: “Because this technique needs the other party to enter your senses, it is likely to trigger an unstable magical state during the process. Therefore, focus and don’t think about nonsense during the process. Got it?”

Bai Lixin nodded very respectfully, “Master, I have full respect for you and I would never think nonsense.”

The magic unfolded, and Dijia spread his hands with palms facing up, signaling for Bai Lixin to follow him.

Bai Lixin imitated Dijia’s movements, stretching his hands with palms facing down and touching Dijia’s icy hands.

Dijia: “Let’s begin.”

They chanted the same words in unison, and a white light began to swirl around them.

It was as if Bai Lixin was in the middle of a vast ocean as they chanted. He was suddenly carried by a powerful force through the countless surging waves and into the vastness of the stars of the universe.

Countless stars and galaxies orbited according to their own laws, and it was silent all around them.

There was no clutter, no noise or bustle, it was so comfortable.

This was Bai Lixin’s inner world. Dijia did not stop as he wrapped Bai Lixin in his arms and they continued to move forward. The thousands of stars before them gradually changed, turning into a pitch-black darkness.

In the mysterious and lonely darkness, there was a faint bright spot that shone brightly.

Somehow, they had come from Bai Lixin’s inner world to Dijia’s.

Bai Lixin wanted to get closer to the bright spot to see what it was, but Dijia led him away from it.

As the incantation went on, the two men’s inner worlds gradually merged, and it was only when the incantation was completed that Bai Lixin opened his eyes.

In his eyes were two images.

One was from his perspective and the other was from Dijia’s.

Why was he so small in Dijia’s perspective?

Bai Lixin lowered his head and looked at their clasped hands. His not-so-small palms rested on the other man’s huge palms. The huge beast head was not scary, but rather endearing, and the whole image reminded him of a large dog.

He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if the other man had a tail behind him.

He would really want to pinch it.

Just when he was getting lost in thought, a white light suddenly enveloped Dijia, and his consciousness was pushed out of Dijia’s body.

There was a blinding light, and when the white light disappeared, Bai Lixin was stunned as he stared at the opposite side with wide eyes.

Fluffy grey fur, pointed ears, a small round body with short legs, and a thick tail…

Dijia disappeared, and before him was a small, palm-sized wolf cub.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Uh, what the hell?

The wolf cub opened its mouth and out came a very familiar low drawl, “I told you not to think nonsense. What were you thinking about?”

Bai Lixin’s calm expression cracked: “……”

His hands trembled as he held the wolf cub up. Shit, this was Dijia?

Bai Lixin’s whole body froze, and he tried hard to clear his name, “I didn’t have any thoughts. I just thought that Master was very handsome just now, like a lone wolf in the grassland. ”

It was better not to let him know that he had thought of bullying him.

Two sullen snorts of exasperation came out of Dijia’s nose.

Bai Lixin carefully held up the wolf cub and asked tentatively, “How did this happen?”

Dijia, “Synesthesia will affect the consciousness on both sides through magical fluctuations. You could see through my perspective because part of your soul had entered my body.”

Dija stomped his little short legs in Bai Lixin’s hand, “In a sense, my body may have mistaken your thoughts as my own. You thought of the “Lone Wolf” and made my body think it was me trying to become the Lone Wolf.”

Cute golden eyes looked up at Bai Lixin, “Was it really the lone wolf you were thinking of? Why did I turn into such a little thing?”

Bai Lixin held Dijia and said without batting an eyelid, “Of course it’s a lone wolf!”

Oh my, the old attacker turned into a cute little wolf cub. I want to pet!!

How can these legs be so short?

“So, you can turn into a wolf without a spell?” Seeing that Dijia was still skeptical, Bai Lixin simply changed the subject.

Dijia, “I am past the period of using incantations to initiate magic. I can do it just by thinking about it in my mind.”

To appease Dijia, Bai Lixin hurriedly blew rainbow farts, “Wow, Master is so powerful. Then you must be able to change back too, right?”

The small wolf stiffened,, “Put me on the sofa.”

The furry body felt good to the touch, and although Bai Lixin was a little reluctant, he put the small wolf on the sofa.

A white light flashed.

Bai Lixin watched quietly, and after the white light faded, the same little wolf cub was still sitting on the sofa.

Dijia: “……”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Undeterred, Dijia tried again.

The white light flashed, then faded again, and it was still the same little wolf cub.

After several attempts, Dijia said, “The logic of magic changed during transformation. I need to find the source magic to change back.”

Bai Lixin, “Then what is the source magic? I will find it for you.”

“Well,” Dijia stomped his hind legs awkwardly, “transformation magic spells were created by the beast race. I learned it for fun and incorporated it directly into my body, but I forgot the logic to it. To find the source magic, I can only go to the beast race.”

Bai Lixin tapped his chin twice and said, “You must go.”

The wolf cub leaned back on the sofa and looked up at the now immense Bai Lixin with some mixed feelings.

“You’re coming with me.”

The Immortal King would not let things go, so there was a good chance that Bai Lixin would be threatened if he left by himself.

“No problem. Whatever Master says. When do we leave?”

The little wolf cub stretched his hind legs hard, “The sooner the better.”

Bai Lixin, “Okay, how do we get there? By using teleportation magic?”

The wolf cub shook his head, “I can’t use teleportation magic because my magic is suppressed due to the transformation. And the undead are not welcome in the beast territory ……”

He paused, “It can be said that the beast race, the dark elf race, and the human race do not welcome the undead. To protect their race, each race has set up shields. But I know an ancient teleportation formation in the Undead race that can teleport us to the Beast race. ”

Bai Lixin immediately took the wolf cub in his arms and said, “Okay, shall we set off now? You tell me where it is and I’ll take you there, Master. ”

Dijia was blindsided by the sudden hug, and the next moment, he felt himself being lifted up high and placed in the hood on the back of Bai Lixin’s neck.

The hood of the priestly garment was so large that the wolf cub sank into it and was completely covered.

“Easy,” Dijia said as his front legs struggled to prop himself up by Bai Lixin’s collar. Because of this action, a piece of Bai Lixin’s collar was pulled away and a patch of white skin was immediately exposed.

Dijia silently used his paws to touch it a few more times: “Don’t rush, we’ll go at night. The teleportation array is in the Immortal King’s hall, so we’ll go when the Immortal King goes to rest in his chambers.”

Bai Lixin: “Okay.”


At night, in front of the door to the Immortal King’s main hall.

Two skeletal guards stood on either side of the door to the room.

The corridor was dim, with only a few lights on.

Suddenly, the two guards felt a tap on their shoulders.

They turned around at the same time, but there was nothing behind them.

By the time they turned back, the closed door had revealed a gap that was quickly closed before it could be noticed.

When the two skeleton guards turned back around, one of them said, “I think someone just tapped me.”

Guard B shook his shoulders, “Me too, but there was no one there. It can’t be a ghost, right?”

Guard A, “Fuck, don’t scare me, I’m too timid.”


In the live broadcast room.


[Aren’t they just a different kind of ghost?Ghosts are also afraid of ghosts?]

[Don’t you know the saying, “Ugly without knowing it?” .]

[I came to watch God Xin’s antics.]

[But what’s with that dog in God Xin’s arms?]

[Brother, that looks like a wolf.]


The dark hall was empty.

Only the moonlight spilled in through the windows, making the luxurious palace look less gloomy.

Suddenly, a figure gradually appeared under the moonlight.

The figure started out translucent, then it gradually deepened and finally became a solid person.

The person pulled off the black hood on his head, revealing a very handsome face.

A small, short-legged wolf cub poked its head out of the crook of his arm, its chubby front paws pointing to a corner.

“There, there’s a mechanism on the bookshelf that leads to the basement.”

Once upon a time.

After the initial embarrassment of being held in Bai Lixin’s arms from the initial shyness to openness, and then he completely let go.

Without wasting much time, Bai Lixin followed Dijia’s directions to the bookshelf.

Dijia, “Flip up the red book in the top right corner.”

The bookshelf was densely packed with books. Bai Lixin looked at them through the faint light and his eyes fell on the top right corner.

He stood on his tiptoes and placed his fingers under the spine of the red book and flipped it up. At the same time, the shelf suddenly flipped over at a 30 degree angle and revealed a gap.

Bai Lixin entered the gap with the wolf cub in his arms and he came to a grey bricked tunnel.

The tunnel went deep before it branches left and right. Dijia hesitated for a moment before pointing in the right direction, “This way.”

Bai Lixin took out the flashlight from his backpack, and the originally dark tunnel immediately brightened up.

Dijia’s voice rang out in the narrow tunnel, “Invisibility, illumination, those are not things that exist in this world.”

Bai Lixin: “Master has good eyes.”

Dijia: “……”

Saying “Master” at every turn, what a sweet little mouth.

The only sounds in the long, narrow tunnel were Bai Lixin’s methodical footsteps and the sound of his shallow breathing.

Dijia was held in Bai Lixin’s arms, and through the soft fabric, he could feel Bai Lixin’s strong heartbeat on his back.

Ba-dump, Ba-dump.

One after the other, it passed into his own body.

It was a long tunnel, and Bai Lixin hadn’t moved for long when he heard what sounded like beast roars from the far end of the tunnel in front of him.

The sounds were somewhat overlapping so there should be a horde of something.

Bai Lixin stopped and pressed his ear against the wall.

With one hand pressed against the wall, he could feel the subtle tremor from the distance.

As the roars intensified, the trembling on the wall increased.

Bai Lixin cradled the wolf cub, and held the hand with the torch slightly forward. At the end of the light were some creeping shadows.

The shadows were moving slowly, and they seemed numerous.

It didn’t take long for Bai Lixin to get a good look at them.

There were corpses whose bodies had not yet rotted completely. Their bodies were stiff, their skin was festering and rotting, and their clothes were torn and tattered.

They were moving slowly, taking stiff messy steps as they moved through the narrow tunnel.

Bai Lixin frowned slightly and was about to turn around when he heard the same roars behind him.

The flashlight was shone into the tunnel behind him, and sure enough, there was another horde of zombies approaching him.

It was a single passage with no other path, and he was blocked to the front and the back.

Bai Lixin was already ready to draw the weapon from his backpack when his eyes caught a figure in the horde.

His pupils contracted slightly and his body quickly rushed in that direction.

As he was about to reach the zombies, Bai Lixin easily jumped and stepped on the wall beside him before grabbing a zombie from the horde.

With the wolf cub in one hand and the zombie in the other, he jumped from side to side on the narrow walls of the tunnel and soon passed through the horde of zombies.

Only after leaving the zombies behind him did Bai Lixin release the zombie in his hand.

The skin on it’s body had decayed so thoroughly that the original appearance could not be recognized.

However, the tattered clothes on the zombie’s body were recognizable, and he could also vaguely recognize him through his skeleton.

The zombie in front of him was the long-lost Zhou Guang.

He stared at Bai Lixin blankly with his mouth open. His body was still moving forward with the thought of how to attack Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin tentatively called out to him, “Zhou Guang?”

There was a slight stiffening of the body that was attacking mechanically.

But soon, he resumed his roar.

Dijia’s voice came from Bai Lixin’s ears arms “They are all cursed. You know him?”

Bai Lixin nodded and said in a low voice “Yes, he’s a friend of mine, and I came here to find him.”

Dijia was silent for two seconds, and his voice softened considerably, “These cursed ones are not quite the same as the original ones. I feel the black magic in their bodies. The odds are that they will not regain their senses and are in a walking dead state right now.”

Bai Lixin, “So are they completely dead now or are they still alive?”

There was another short silence before Dijia spoke, “In theory, they should be dead.”

Bai Lixin tried to use the Mermaid Heart around his neck.

A faint white light lit up, and Zhou Guang’s body was wrapped in a white light.

[Ding! The healing target is dead and can’t be healed. Since there is no healing, there is no increase in proficiency.]

After the system prompt, the white light also slowly receded.

Will be changing “orcs” to “beast race or beast clan”, and “dark elves” to “Night Elves”. I apologize for any inconvenience while reading, and will slowly change the previous times the terms were mentioned.

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