Am I A God?

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: The Experiment

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

While Roly Poly was happily polishing off every ounce of meat from the bones, spirit cat’s nose twitched, and he floated behind Roly Poly.

“What is this? I searched the entire fridge last night, and I’m sure I didn’t see this.” Spirit cat could not stop his nose from twitching as he hovered around Roly Poly. He wanted so badly to have the chicken to himself. He thought, “Zhao Yao was not holding on to any fried chicken when he got back today. How is this happening?”

Suddenly, spirit cat realized that something was amiss, “How can this be happening? When I’m in spirit form, I should have lost my sense of smell. Why can I still smell the chicken though?”

His brows tightened together, and he concluded, “There must be something fishy in this food. I must find out what it is!”

However, the answer lay in how Elizabeth’s power worked. Elizabeth’s illusion utilized soundwaves of an inaudible frequency which interfered with our sense. These waves were propagated whenever Elizabeth screamed or when Zhao Yao spoke.

Even though spirit cat had lost his sense of smell and taste in his spirit form, he still retained his sense of hearing which made him susceptible to Elizabeth’s illusion. This was how Zhao Yao conjured the fried chicken fragrance in spirit cat’s mind.

Spirit cat was not the only one who had been tricked by the illusion. Elizabeth, Matcha, Dust Ball also followed the trace of the smell and walked right to Roly Poly. They were also under the influence of Zhao Yao’s illusion.

There seemed to be a red glimmer in Elizabeth’s eye as she wiped the drool off of her lips. She asked, “Roly Poly, what are you having?”

Matcha walked behind Roly Poly and placed his paw right on top of Roly Poly’s neck. He asked, “Roly Poly, do you have something nice to share with the rest of us?”

Dust Ball did not even bother seeking permission as she reached her paws into the bucket and went straight for the chicken. Stray cats had the habit of snatching whatever they liked without asking.

However, Roly Poly’s paws intercepted Dust Ball’s paws and prevented her from stealing his chicken. Roly Poly, who used to be the timidest cat among them puffed up his fur and arched his back to assert his dominance. He was willing to lay his life for the chicken.

He started hissing at the other cats and his pupils constricted into thin slits. He retorted, “Don’t think that you can bully just because I’m so nice to you. Whoever dares to take away the chicken would face my wreath!”


Matcha licked his paws as Roly Poly fell to the floor. Within the time freeze, Matcha had slapped Roly Poly a total of 28 times. Matcha instructed, “Elizabeth and Dust Ball, both of you will take one piece each.”

Matcha took one piece of chicken out from the bucket and started his feast. Roly Poly and Elizabeth followed Matcha’s instructions and took one each. They stared at it before taking a bite.

Roly Poly was struggling to get on his feet and was in despair when he witnessed the scene which unfolded.

Dust Ball took a bite and spat it out instantly. She had gotten used to raw meat when she was out surviving in the wilderness and loathed the taste of fried chicken.

Dust Ball licked her lips and left.

“No!” Roly Poly made a beeline for the chicken and caught it in his mouth just before it hit the ground.

Elizabeth took a few bites and began shaking her head, “This is not that good, it’s too salty!”

Cats were not supposed to have too much salt intake. The salt present in their natural food more than provided for what their body required. If they ingest excessive salt, it might result in having kidney stones or even incontinence. Elizabeth was already used to the taste of cat food and cat rice. Hence she found the fried chicken too salty.

On the other hand, Matcha had eaten lots of cat tidbits and was used to it. Cat tidbits had higher contents of salt than cat rice. Hence, Matcha fell in love with the chicken and finished it in an instant. He took a huge bite of the piece of chicken that Elizabeth had thrown away.

Roly Poly bit his lower lips but could not offer any resistance against Matcha’s atrocity. He only went forward after Matcha took his leave. Roly Poly reached out his tiny pink tongue and started licking the leftovers. He tried to salvage every last bit of chicken goodness left in it.

Zhao Yao could not help but to break into laughter as he witnessed this scene, “Roly Poly is such a fool! He is obviously twice the weight of Matcha, and he does not even dare to retaliate!”

However, Zhao Yao also understood that weight was not the determining factor in a fight between supercats.

“But this is good! You would not be able to understand your owner’s kindness without experiencing the harsh reality of life!” Zhao Yao then proceeded to the kitchen, “There are still some leftovers from this morning, I’m sure Roly Poly would be more than willing to help me finish it!”

A vein popped out in Zhao Yao’s neck when he recalled how much food his cats had wasted. Domestic cats had developed the habit of leaving leftover as food was always readily available. To them, a plate full of leftovers was as good as an empty plate.

Other than Dust Ball, all the other cats had the same habit. However, Zhao Yao was about to change this.

He served the leftovers from this morning on a silver platter and brought it to the demoralized Roly Poly.

Under the illusion, Roly Poly only saw the same fried chicken and tears shone in his eyes. He exclaimed, “Zhao Yao! You are so good to me!”

Zhao Yao patted Roly Poly on his head before Roly Poly started gobbling down the chicken. Zhao Yao chuckled and whispered, “No more leftover.”

After feeding Roly Poly, Zhao Yao decided to come up with new applications for his power.

He had effectively used the power of illusion in his café. However, he had only treated extradimensional belly as a storage space.

Zhao Yao switched to Dust Ball’s power and focused all his energy on his extradimensional belly.

After the month of training, Zhao Yao could accurately detect the position of the items in his belly.

However, with the additional power of Suck Me In, Zhao Yao could accurately picture the entire situation within his extradimensional belly when he concentrated.

He could focus his attention and transported his body to a specific location within his extradimensional belly.

By comparing the object’s size in his stomach and their actual size in his extradimensional belly, Zhao Yao finally understood how big this dimension was.

“It is 10 meters in length, 10 meters in width and 3 meters in height.” Zhao Yao shut his eyes and started his mental calculation, “This translates to a room of about one hundred square meters.”

“Hmm, I’ll dispose of all the rubbish in this space. Then I’ll get a giant container to store all the food and necessities inside them. This means I won’t have to worry about them floating away!

I can even put small boxes or shelves in the container and fix them in a specific place.

This creates a partition where I can put different kind of food and drinks. This is an ideal haven!”

Zhao Yao opened his mouth and swirls of vortex appeared out of it. Suddenly, a shadow made its way out of his mouth.

Zhao Yao looked at the shadow which crawled out of his mouth, and his eyes widened.

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