Am I A God?

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: A Natural Disaster

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Elizabeth released Matcha from her grips after saying her piece. Matcha slowly got to his feet as Elizabeth walked away. Matcha lifted an eyebrow and was confused by Elizabeth’s response. He looked at Roly Poly and said, “Don’t you guys every play with yourself?”

However, Roly Poly was not paying attention to Matcha. Roly Poly seemed preoccupied with his thoughts. He thought, “Was there a difference after awakening his power?”

At the same time, Zhao Yao had walked towards Mango which was surrounded by the four supercats. Zhao Yao smiled and asked, “Still bidding farewell to your friends? Don’t worry; I’ve told the doctor to use the best-imported drugs for your surgery. If everything goes according to plan, you will be back in the café in 2 or 3 days’ time.

Matcha licked the top of Mango’s head and said, “Good luck, you will be Eunuch Mango from now onwards.”

Mango remained as clueless as ever. He had no idea what was going to happen next.

He only got a little worried when Zhao Yao picked him up and brought him outside the café.

Zhao Yao placed Mango in his cat bag and drove towards Starry Starry Pet Hospital in his Panamera. Today, the supercats would be under Baiquan’s charge.

After Zhao Yao started driving for a few minutes, a vein popped out in his neck, and his face was scrunched up. There were even some weird noises coming from his stomach.

He touched his stomach and mumbled, “This is not good at all.”

Zhao Yao suddenly felt an intense urge to shit. Before he managed to brace himself for it, the pain which came along during a stomachache overwhelmed him in an instant.


Zhao Yao’s faced turned pale like paper. He immediately stopped his car at the side of the road. He clutched onto his stomach; his entire forehead was already drenched in sweat.

“What the f*ck, this is too strong.”

His right arm was trembling as he tried to turn down the air conditioning. This made him felt a little better.

“Control, I have to control.”

Anyone who ever had to control their urge to shit would understand that the pressure was not constant. But instead, it was like a wave with ebbs and flows. Based on his twenty odd years of life experience, Zhao Yao wanted to hold it in until this peak had passed before he went straight to the hospital. He would release it when he passed Mango over to the hospital.

Just when he thought the pain had subsided to a level which was bearable, an even more frightening burst of pain exploded within his intestines.

Zhao Yao rammed his head into the steering wheel repeatedly, believing that it could somehow alleviate the pain. However, he felt like there was a volcano eruption in his stomach and he could not control any longer.

“I cannot do this. If I control any longer, I might lose control and make a mess.”

Zhao Yao raised his head and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He mumbled, “I have to find a toilet quickly.”

He turned on his GPS and located the nearest toilet to his current position.


“What? 10 kilometers? Are you kidding me?”

The waves in his stomach continually smashed against the side of his stomach. His face was twisted, and he was paler than ever.

“Don’t tell me I’ll have to do it in the bushes. No.” Zhao Yao started searching for the nearest KFC restaurant in his GPS.

Based on his twenty odd years of life experience, there would always be a toilet in the KFC restaurant.

“2 kilometers?”

Zhao Yao rammed his foot against the accelerator, and his Panamera went flying towards the KFC.

Five minutes later, the Panamera was stopped along the road outside KFC. Zhao Yao had already dashed out and sprinted towards the toilet.

However, he remembered Mango was left behind in the car and came back to fetch him in the cat bag. He immediately went back to KFC.

When he took a step into the toilet, an unbearable stench flooded his nostrils.

Looking at the unknown liquid on the floor coupled with the stench permeating in the air, Zhao Yao knew that this toilet was not in the best condition.

However, Zhao Yao had to shit, and there was no way out of it.

If he did not complete it now, he would never make it to Starry Starry Pet Hospital.

The weird sound erupted from his stomach again as his face turned a few shades paler.

“No, I can’t take it anymore.”

Zhao Yao could not control his body as it started bending forward on its own accord. He tried to enter the cubicle with the squatting toilet.

The toilet in KFC had two squatting toilets, but both were occupied. They were locked from the inside.

“I’m going to explode!”

Zhao Yao started punching against the wall. His eyes were popping out of their sockets. Veins started to pop up all over his body.

“I cannot control for much longer. I’m dying.”

Mango was sitting comfortably inside the cat bag and was looking around, surveying the surrounding in the toilet.

Suddenly, another strange sound erupted from his stomach. Zhao Yao stretched open his mouth, as his tensed up fingers ran along the wall. His body was scrunched up in a deep squat position.

“I almost died, it almost came out.”

“This has to stop.” Zhao Yao looked at the two doors which separated him from the toilet bowl. He apologized before he landed his kick on one of the doors. He immediately activated his power to stop time.

Lin Chen, Inspector Ho’s subordinate, was smoking while settling his business inside one of the cubicles.

He looked at the information on his phone with his brows snapped together, “Isn’t the cat supposed to be hiding in this KFC outlet? I’ve been coming here for the past few days but have yet to spot it. Don’t tell me it has gotten away.”

At this moment, Lin Chen heard the banging from outside and chucked. He said, “Bro, chill. I’ll be out soon.”

He felt that he had almost completed his business and stretched forward to reach for toilet paper. Before he even touched the toilet paper, a loud bang erupted from the door in front of him.

Next, there was a loud howling sound, and he felt a cold wind in his lower body. When he had reacted to it, he found himself squatting outside the cubicle.

Lin Chen was shocked beyond words.

When he realized that he was squatting outside the cubicle, his first reaction was to stand and put on his pants. However, he noticed the problem if he did that.

“No, I have yet to clean my butt. If I wear my pants now …” Lin Chen turned around and looked at the cubicle which he formerly occupied. The door was locked. It sounded like someone had set off firecrackers inside the cubicle.

“This guy,” Lin Chen’s eyes seethed with anger, “He definitely has superpower.” He wanted to dash in so badly and teach that guy a lesson. However, he looked at the state which he was in and knew that there was something more urgent to attend to.

“Bro,” He knocked on the door while he tried his best to suppress his anger, “Can you pass me some toilet paper?”

The person inside handed him one square of toilet paper.

Lin Chen was annoyed and asked, “Why just one square of toilet paper?”

Zhao Yao retorted, “There are only five squares left, I’m afraid I don’t have enough myself, that’s why I gave you only 1.”

A vein popped out in Lin Chen’s forehead, and he said, “But one is not enough for me.”

“I watched an interview with Jackie Chan, and he said that he only used two squares of toilet paper every single time. You should learn from him.”

Lin Chen was furious and retorted, “He said that he tore off two squares each time, not two squares in total. How am I supposed to clean my butt with 1 square?”

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