Am I A God?

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: The Disguise and the Chase

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

In reality, Zhao Yao had been following behind Isabelle since she took her first step out of the old town. He wanted to disguise her cat as earthquake cat to trick the other parties into tracking her instead.

The 5 Senses allowed him to conceal his presence to prevent Isabelle from noticing him completely. He also prevented Isabella from knowing that her black cat had turned into a grey Scottish Fold in others’ eyes.

“Two is better than one” allowed Zhao Yao to run beside her comfortably. Even though Isabella was remarkably fit from her training with CIA, Zhao Yao had no problem catching up to her.

Matcha was panting as he ran alongside them. He stuck out his tongue like a dog. He shouted, “No, I cannot keep up, I’m about to die!”

Even though Elizabeth remained silent throughout the run, she was also struggling to catch up. Both her eyes had almost rolled over.

Zhao Yao found the cat bag a little cumbersome during the battle. It also prevented the cats from fighting effectively. Hence he had absorbed the cat bag into his belly and allowed both cats to roam on their own.

However, this period of extended running had taken a toll on both cats.

A cat’s strength was never in their endurance. Furthermore, both domestic cats were used to their sedentary lives and lacked proper training.

After running alongside Elizabeth the entire duration, they thought they were going to die.

Matcha pounced onto Zhao Yao’s calf and said, “I really cannot take it. I will die if I continue running.”

Zhao Yao was annoyed by his cats’ poor physical conditioning. However, he knew that many people had seen Isabella escaping along with earthquake cat because of his illusion. Hence, he thought it would be safe to keep them in the bag.

He immediately released the cat bag from his belly and instructed, “Get in, now!”

Elizabeth immediately jumped on the opportunity to rest. She had not run such a long distance in a long time. It was especially tiring for her with her massive fur.

Matcha stared at Zhao Yao with his Puss in Boots eyes and clasped his hands together as if he were praying. He stared at Zhao Yao and begged, “Zhao Yao, please carry me in.”

Zhao Yao rolled his eyes but still carried Matcha into the cat bag.

“I guess it’s time to return home.”

Zhao Yao returned to the secluded corner where he parked his Panamera previously. He released the car from his belly before making his way home.

A thought lingered at the back of his head as he drove, “This should be enough, right? Would they continue pursuing the woman? I did a pretty good job with the disguise, and there were no cameras in the old town.”

Back home, Zhao Yao looked at the Scottish Fold in his arms and carefully placed it on the sofa.

Meanwhile, he had completed his mission to find the Scottish Fold and received the reward. With his “X2 Exp Card”, he earned 600 experience points. Now, his book reached lv3(1132/2000).

Matcha jumped onto the sofa and took a look at the Scottish Fold that was fast asleep on their couch. He asked, “Is this the guy responsible for the earthquakes?” Matcha then craned his neck forward as he took a sniff at the Scottish Fold’s butt. He said, “Let me check whether it’s a guy or a girl.”

“Get lost, pervert!” Elizabeth stopped Matcha with her paws and said, “Zhao Yao, what are your plans for this cat? It would be disastrous if this cat went crazy.”

Zhao Yao scratched his chin and replied, “We’ll talk about it when it wakes up. If I really cannot control it, I will let you control it using your power.”

Both Roly Poly and Dust Ball climbed onto the sofa and observed the Scottish Fold in front of them.

Roly Poly stared at it in awe and said, “It has the power to create earthquakes? That’s so cool! If only I had such a powerful ability.”

Zhao Yao folded his arms and replied, “Maybe you would have been captured by some bad people by now, and you will never see KFC for the rest of your life. With such a destructive power, no one would allow it to roam around freely.”

Dust Ball carefully observed the Scottish Fold in front of her and noticed its slightly rapid breathing. She commented, “If I remember correctly, Scottish Fold’s body is rather frail and weak too.”

Zhao Yao reacted to her response immediately and said, “Yes. They are extremely prone to degenerative joint diseases.”

On the surface, Scottish Fold looked like an adorable companion. However, they had a very significant defect. Almost all Scottish Folds suffered from a genetic degenerative joint disease that had passed down for a long time. However, after generations of natural selection, the probability of a Scottish Fold suffering from it in their lifetime had been significantly reduced. Some even lived their entire lives without suffering from the pain.

However, once it started, their bones and joints would be affected, and their range of motion would be significantly reduced. They would also suffer from extreme pain, and it would stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Furthermore, this disease could not be treated. This meant that their suffering would only get worse until the day they died.

Zhao Yao immediately instructed Elizabeth, “Elizabeth, could you activate Celestial Beats?” Because of the battle and the infiltration previously, Zhao Yao could not allow Elizabeth to activate her power at all.

Zhao Yao did not know if Celestial Beats would be beneficial for Scottish Fold’s degenerative joint disease, but it could at least alleviate some pain.

After Elizabeth activated Celestial Beats, the Scottish Fold’s breathing started to slow down.

Zhao Yao nodded his head and said, “Hopefully it will be able to lessen its pain. I’ll take care of it tonight.”

Meanwhile, spirit cat had seen everything that was going on in the apartment.

He floated to the Scottish Fold’s side, and tears welled in his eyes. He asked, “Are you suffering from osteodystrophy? Is it the same one which Aya Kitō suffered from?”

Aya Kitō was a character in “1 Liter of Tears”. After suffering from Spinocerebellar Atrophy, she eventually lost control over her limbs and was paralyzed. She ultimately died of it.

This was the drama series that made spirit cat cried so badly. Memories of the drama series flashed across his head when he looked at the cat on the sofa.

“Maybe Ho Hao Cang can help this cat. With the rapid advancement in medical technology, I’m sure there’s some medicine out there that can help this cat. Furthermore, Hao Cang had been searching for earthquake cat all this while. Zhao Yao and his cats cannot protect earthquake cat alone.”

Just when spirit cat was about to inform Ho Hao Cang regarding the location of earthquake cat, he turned around and saw Zhao Yao sitting on the sofa watching over the Scottish Fold. At the corner of the living room, Matcha was on his massage throne playing Mobile Legends. Elizabeth was engrossed in her drama series as usual. Roly Poly was happily asleep. Mango and Dust Ball were chasing each other delightedly. Spirit cat was in a dilemma.

“Even though this place is filled with the devil’s temptations, but I cannot deny the fact that the cats are enjoying themselves here. If Hao Cang came, he might take all of them away from Zhao Yao. Their drama series and Mobile Legends would be taken from them.

If beautiful Elizabeth does not get to watch her drama, she would be devastated. I do not want to see her sad.”

Spirit cat had made his decision.

“Let me think of a solution.”

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