Am I A God?

Chapter 153

Chapter 153: What’s Worse Than Death?

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

If we backtracked a few hours, we would see Zhao Yao casting an illusion on the three apostles while spirit cat floated around in the garden, staring at Ho Hao Cang and the butler.

“Hao Cang and butler Xia, you guys can’t die just like that.”

No matter what, both of them had taken him in and took care of him all these while. Spirit cat could not just stand there and watched them die.

Spirit cat descended beside them and placed both its paws on butler Xia’s chest. Suddenly, his body started disappearing and turned into a faint shadow. Spirit cat had lent his power to butler Xia and turned butler Xia into his spirit form.

Just when he was about to complete his transformation, his body started shaking violently before it vaporized into the air. Butler Xia had left, with nothing left behind, not even his body.

“Even his spirit had been destroyed?”

Nekomata heaved a long sigh of despair before moving on to Hao Cang. Nekomata did the same by placing his paws on Hao Cang’s chest.

“Thank goodness! He is still not completely dead yet.”

The next moment, Nekomata had unreservedly transferred his power to Hao Cang.

With Nekomata’s power, Zhao Yao’s body had turned into a faint shadow. However, instead of vaporizing like butler Xia, Hao Cang had successfully transformed to his spirit form.

Hao Cang’s forehead furrowed as he looked towards Nekomata and asked, “Nekomata? Did you save me? I remember I was dead already.”

“You were indeed dead, and my power is to transform the living into their spirit form which explains why you are still alive.

However, your physical body had suffered too much damage, and it had already died. Your spirit lives on. This means that you can no longer revert to your physical body with blood and flesh. If you decide to try, you will die the moment you revert.”

Hao Cang could not comprehend cat’s meows but based on Nekomata’s actions and his current situation, he could guess what had happened.

“What should I do now?” Hao Cang asked Nekomata. Hao Cang raised his brow before he rephrased his question, “Can I continue to live in this form?”

Nekomata immediately shook his head.

Hao Cang continued with a follow-up question, “Are there any ways to salvage my physical body?” Nekomata replied with the same shook of his head. Hao Cang scratched his chin and was deep in thought.

Nekomata got flustered, and he said, “Your physical body is already dead. You will spend the rest of your life in your spirit form and have no chance of reverting to your physical body. However, you also cannot last long in this form as you will be depleted of energy soon. Hence, you can only continue surviving if you possess someone else’s physical body and nourish your soul using it.”

Despite how loud he meowed, Hao Cang could not understand a single word he tried to say.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed across Nekomata’s head as he started using a pebble to write on the sandy ground with his power of psychokinesis.

Ho Hao Cang finally understood what Nekomata was trying to say. He exclaimed, “So I just need to possess another human’s body? I understand!”

Hence, the cat and human pair floated out in search of their targets. After floating past a few streets, Hao Cang could already sense his soul getting weaker and weaker. His spirit had turned fainter in Nekomata’s eyes. It seemed like it was going to vanish anytime now.

“Nekomata, I remember that you had to find individuals with weaker willpower and spirit to improve your chances of successfully possessing their body.”

Nekomata immediately nodded to Hao Cang’s words. Hao Cang then gave up possessing the muscular bloke standing in front of him. They flew to a nearby district but still could not find any possible targets.

Just when Hao Cang was about to turn completely transparent, they noticed a little girl walking her dog.

“I guess this is my only option.” Hao Cang hesitated because he did not want to turn into a female, much less a young girl.

Nekomata started meowing incessantly to remind Hao Cang that there was no time to waste. Hao Cang looked at himself and knew that Nekomata was right. He gritted his teeth and made his decision.

“There is no time for me to hesitate.”

“It must be you!”

Hao Cang let out a loud road and bolted towards the little girl. It felt as if he had rammed his body against a mountain and his body had been shattered to pieces from the impact of the collision.

Hao Cang thought, “Am I too late? Has my spirit depleted to a state that I cannot even possess a young girl’s body?”

Just when Hao Cang was about to give up all hope, he suddenly felt a warm gush floating through his body. He felt as if he had entered a space which was extremely comfortable and cozy. The pain from the collision had slowly dissipated.

“Have I succeeded?”

Hao Cang tried to open his eyes and saw the little girl hugging himself. She seemed extremely worried and kept asking, “Noodle! Noodle! What happened to you? Don’t scare me!”

“Hmm, shouldn’t I be inside the girl’s body? Why is she hugging me?” Hao Cang was taken aback by what had happened. He tried to open his mouth, but instead of words, all he could say was woof.

His body froze. He raised his hands to his eyes. However, all he saw was a pair of dog’s paws.

“Woof! Woof!”

“I’ve turned into a dog?”

The little girl just saw her husky raising his paws in the sky. The husky then clutched his head between his paws and began howling.

“Nekomata! Nekomata! Get out now!”

“I promise you I will not kill you if you come out now.”

“No, I need to become a human! I need to take my revenge! I need, I need! D*mn it, why can’t I seem to recall anything?”

Hao Cang began sieving through the memories in his head, but all he saw were images of balls, bones, shitting and peeing. His spirit had already been combined with the husky’s by then.

Nekomata was hiding at a corner while he fixed his eyes on the husky. He started rolling around with laughter and thought, “He can’t even possess a little girl’s body! He can only possess a dog?

I didn’t even know that this was possible. This deserves my observation!”

The little girl tried to restrain her husky which broke out in hysterical cries. She shouted, “Alright, Noodle, stop barking! We are going home now!”

Woof! Woof!

The husky was furious and started rolling on the floor. Hao Cang thought that this was worse than death.

Hao Cang tried to escape from the husky’s body. However, it seemed like he had lost the power the moment he possessed the husky’s body. He also could not use the psychokinesis abilities and other skills which Nekomata possessed.

Nekomata stared at the husky in front of him and thought, “Did Hao Cang lose the ability because he was stuck inside a dog’s body and a dog does not have the physical attributes required of an apostle?

Does this mean that he is going to spend the rest of his life as a dog and he can never receive a supercat’s power? The only difference between him and an ordinary dog is his intelligence.

However, would his memory and intelligence deteriorate after entering the husky’s body? This deserves my observation.”

The little girl exhausted all her energy lugging the husky back home. She closed the gates and fed the dog some dog food before returning to her shower.

The husky was lying on the floor with its tongue sticking out. He seemed extraordinarily listless and was not interested in the food lying in front of him.

“How did I turn into a dog?”

“Of all dogs, why did I become a husky?”

“How can such a thing happen to me?”

Just when the husky was busy coming up with an idea to revert to a human, a chubby American Shorthair with silver fur and black stripes sauntered towards him.

The cat came over and started sieving through his dog food. The cat even commented with a disdainful look, “R*tard, were you out shitting again?”

“Tsk! I can’t imagine you still have to shit out in the grass patch. You are truly a r*tard. Don’t you know that higher beings like me use the toilet bowl instead?

I don’t think you can understand a single word I said.” The cat said smugly. It patted the husky on his cheeks and continued, “You look so stupid from head to toe. What’s the point of becoming so big? If not for me, you would already have been thrown away.”

The cat took a bite of the dog food before spitting it out immediately, “Why doesn’t it taste like salmon? It’s disgusting!”

Suddenly, the husky slapped the cat across its face and sent it flying towards the wall. It rolled down the floor like a ball before colliding against the wall.

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