Am I A God?

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: Rice Cake and Her Deep Sleep

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

However, Zhao Yao merely shrugged his ears when he heard earthquake cat’s complaint. He commented, “Why did you have to control? You could have settled your business right here.”

Dust Ball which was engrossed in the catmint glanced at Zhao Yao and stared daggers at him when she heard his response.

Earthquake cat’s screams just turned, even more, shrilling after she heard Zhao Yao’s words. She shouted, “I keep floating around in this dimension and cannot even stand on my four feet. How am I supposed to pee or shit here?”

“Alright, I understand.” Zhao Yao instantly released earthquake cat from his extradimensional belly and hurriedly brought her to the cat toilet.

When he turned his body around to take his leave, he noticed Dust Ball standing on his feet with her eyes glaring at him.

“What happened Dust Ball? Are you done with the catmint?”

Dust Ball’s glare remained fixed on Zhao Yao as she asked, “How long do you plan to keep the five supercats inside my belly?”

Zhao Yao just answered her without giving it much thought. He said, “Probably a few years?” With the size of the extradimensional belly, Zhao Yao thought that there was no difference between stashing them inside it or inside the apartment.

Dust Ball reacted by raising her paws in the sky and slamming it to the ground. She retorted, “Are you joking? Are you planning to let them eat, shit, pee and sleep inside my belly?”

Zhao Yao bent down and carried Dust Ball into his arms. Her relentless struggle was futile against Zhao Yao’s tight grip.

Zhao Yao gently rubbed against Dust Ball’s tiny head and explained, “Dust Ball, you have to see it from a different perspective. Food is constantly digested inside our stomach, so it’s natural for there to be excrements inside our belly. This means that there will be excrements in your belly regardless if the five cats are inside your belly or not.”

Dust Ball stared wide-eyed at Zhao Yao and nodded to his words.

“Furthermore, these excrements were produced inside our body, so what’s wrong if it returns to our body again? You must not be biased against excrements. Technically, they are part of our body just like our fur, skin, and muscle.” Zhao Yao explained.

“Is that so?”

“Of course it is!” Zhao Yao declared confidently. He continued, “By absorbing the cats into your belly, it is as good as absorbing their excrements in as well. Hence, what’s the difference if they actually defecate in your belly?”

Dust Ball blinked her eyes as she shifted her head from left to right. She found what Zhao Yao said somewhat logical.

After pacifying Dust Ball, Zhao Yao noticed the earthquake cat leaving the toilet. She squatted beside Zhao Yao’s feet, but her eyes continued to seethe with anger.

Zhao Yao asked out of concern, “What happened?”

Earthquake cat replied, “I’m so hungry.”

“Oh!” Zhao Yao patted her on her head and instructed, “Follow me! I’ll get you some food!”

Seeing how earthquake cat instantly devoured the food Zhao Yao prepared for her, he started laughing and said, “Oh yes, I’ve forgotten to ask you for your name.”

Earthquake cat raised her head and glanced at Zhao Yao. However, her lips remained sealed.

Zhao Yao did not seem bothered by her silence; he just continued talking, “I have to thank you for not activating your power since I’ve released you into this dimension. You might not understand how dangerous your power is. The results would be dire if you started activating your power anyhow.”

Earthquake cat remained focused on her food and did not pay any attention to Zhao Yao. However, she knew that the thought of activating her power did cross her mind when she was released.

However, she was enveloped by Celestial Beats the moment she stepped into the apartment. The soothing effects made it impossible for her to activate her power no matter how hard she tried.

Earthquake cat did not know that her power was dependent on the pain she experienced from osteodystrophy. The worse the pain, the more powerful the earthquake caused.

Her condition improved significantly after she was adopted which explained the temporary stop in earthquakes in Jiangmen city.

However, after her owners abandoned her, her condition worsened which increased the frequency of earthquakes.

The pain was the source of her power.

However, both Zhao Yao and earthquake cat did not know about the source of her power at the moment.

Zhao Yao continued, “If you’re not going to tell me your name, I’ll just have to give you one then. I can’t possibly call you Scottish Fold because it would be quite confusing.”

Zhao Yao tried to prove it by shouting, “Scottish Fold!”

“Who called me?” Matcha raised his head from the food bowl and used his paws to wipe the corner of his lips.

“I knew it. Hence, it’s important for me to give you a nickname.”

Earthquake cat remained indifferent to all of Zhao Yao’s words. Zhao Yao just continued, “Hmm, let me think!” He glanced at yesterday’s leftover rice cake and announced, “How about I call you Rice Cake? It’s a cute name.”

Earthquake cat’s ears twitched, but she did not protest against it. Zhao Yao continued, “Rice Cake, I’ll have to bring you to the cat café after breakfast.”

Zhao Yao went to wash up after addressing Rice Cake’s concerns. When he returned, Rice Cake was already sleeping beside her food bowl.

“I didn’t know you are so tired.” Zhao Yao chuckled and took this opportunity to pet her on her head. There were no signs of retaliation, and Zhao Yao inched closer to her. He could ever hear a faint snoring.

“I guess she didn’t have enough sleep last night because of all the pain she had endured from osteodystrophy. Under the influence of Celestial Beats, she had instantly fallen asleep,” Zhao Yao commented as he stroked his fingers down her spine.

Memories of when Dust Ball first joined him flashed past Zhao Yao’s mind when he saw Rice Cake sleeping soundly under the influence of Celestial Beats.

However, Rice Cake’s condition was worse. The pain brought about by osteodystrophy was far more tormenting than the pain caused by dwarfism.

Zhao Yao decided not to wake her up and quietly carried her in his arms as they made their way to the café.

The cat café was in a much better state than yesterday after Shi Yu, and Baiquan cleaned it up. However, there were still some shattered light bulbs, torn curtains that needed some time for them to be replaced. However, they had to replace the cups and drinks immediately to prevent it from affecting their business.

Zhao Yao carefully placed Rice Cake on the table. It did not seem like she was going to wake up anytime soon. She just lay on the table like how a human would lay on a chair.

Seeing her cute sleeping posture, Zhao Yao could not help but started poking her. However, she was entirely oblivious to Zhao Yao’s pokes.

“Is it unconscious?”

Zhao Yao decided to stick his fingers up her nostrils. He wanted to see how long she could sleep without breathing.

After more than 10 seconds, she was still oblivious to Zhao Yao’s actions. Zhao Yao was taken aback by it. He glanced at her chest and noticed that there were no movements in her chest.

“Hey! Don’t scare me!”

“You can’t die just like this!” A cold sweat broke out from Zhao Yao’s forehead as he tried to rescue Rice Cake. He pressed against her chest and pried open her mouth. He continually slapped against her face until he heard the faint breathing sounds of Rice Cake.

“Are you serious? She continues to sleep even though she almost suffocated to death? She is such a deep sleeper.”

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